

第14章自由形式(後半)Copland「What to Listen for In Music」を読む




One of the reasons for our present freedom of form may very well be the creation of the symphonic poem. The symphonic, or tone, poem brings up the question of program music which must be elucidated first. 



The reader should clearly distinguish in his own mind the difference between program music, which is music connected in some way with a story or poetic idea, and so-called “absolute” music, which has no extramusical connotations. To use music as a means of describing something outside itself is a perfectly natural, almost childlike idea. It is a rather old idea, as a matter of fact, for even composers of the seventeenth century had a penchant for describing things musically. Battles were favorite themes; also the imitation of animals was in high favor even before the flowering of instrumental music. Kuhnau, a predecessor of Bach and Handel, has made himself justly famous with his Bible Sonatas, in which biblical stories, such as the slaying of Goliath by David, are “realistically” portrayed in the music. Jannequin's remarkable Chant des oiseaux will give an excellent illustration of what a composer of the sixteenth century could do in the way of imitating the sounds of birds by means of a chorus of human beings. Women's Cackle was another subject he essayed. So you see the idea is not a new one. 




But it wasn't until the nineteenth century that composers were really able to describe things well. Music became less and less naive. Nowadays if you wish to reenact a battle musically, given a modern orchestra, the chances are that you can probably create a pretty unpleasantly realistic picture. The nineteenth century, in other words, developed the means for a more exact depiction in musical terms of extramusical events. Perhaps the development of opera also was responsible for interesting composers in the descriptive powers of music. Nor must we forget the influence of the romantic movement. It wasn't enough for a romantic composer to write a sad piece; he wanted you to know who it was that felt sad and the particular circumstances of his sadness. That is why Tschaikovsky was not satisfied to write an untitled overture with a beautiful second theme but called it Romeo and Juliet, thereby labeling the theme as the “Romeo's-love-for-Juliet” motif.  




Beethoven himself, as witness the Pastoral Symphony, was attracted by the idea of describing outward events in musical terms. His was one of the first examples of descriptive orchestral music. What Beethoven began in his Sixth Symphony, as an exceptional work, Berlioz made the basis for an entire career. The Fantastic Symphony is an amazing example of the progress composers had made in the nineteenth century in the ability to describe graphically not only pastoral or warlike scenes but any event or idea that they chose to depict. 




Speaking generally, there are two kinds of descriptive music. The first comes under the heading of literal description. A composer wishes to recreate the sound of bells in the night. He therefore writes certain chords, for orchestra or piano or whatever medium he is using, which actually sound like bells in the night. Something real is being imitated realistically. A famous example of that kind of description in music is the passage in one of Strauss's tone poems where he imitates the bleating of sheep. The music has no other raison d'etre than mere imitation at the point. 




The other type of descriptive music is less literal and more poetic. No attempt is made to describe a particular scene or event; nevertheless some outward circumstance arouses certain emotions in the composer which he wishes to communicate to the listener. It may be clouds or the sea or a country fair or an airplane. But the point is that instead of literal imitation, one gets a musico-poetic transcription of the phenomenon as reflected in the composer's mind. That constitutes a higher form of program music. The bleating of sheep will always sound like the bleating of sheep, but a cloud portrayed in music allows the imagination more freedom. 




One principle must be kept firmly in mind: No matter how programmatic or descriptive music may be, it must always exist in terms of music alone. Never allow a composer to justify his piece to you because of the story content. It is not sufficient to close a piece slowly because the heroine meets an untimely end. That slow end must also be justified by the musical content. In short, story interest can never take the place of musical interest; nor can it be made an excuse for musical procedure. The music must be able to stand on its own feet, so that a person hearing it with no knowledge of the story would not have his enjoyment curtailed in any way. In other words, the story must never be more than an added attraction. Romeo and Juliet is one of Tschaikovsky's best pieces even if you don't know the title. The first theme is dramatic and exciting and well knit. If you happen to be aware that it symbolizes the fight between the rival houses of Montague and Capulet, the theme may seem more pertinent to you; but at the same time it undoubtedly limits its imaginative appeal. That is the danger that all programmatic music runs. Possibly because of it, composers nowadays do not write nearly so much program music as was customary at the end of the past century. 




Surprisingly enough, a considerable amount of program music is written in one or another of the fundamental forms. One would have expected that since the composer was describing something, the form would necessarily be free. That is often not the case. In the beginning, especially, the hold of absolute music and its formal molds was too strong to be ignored. Thus Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony is a symphony first and a pastoral symphony only in a secondary sense. Likewise, the passionate drama of Romeo fits with surprising ease into the regular sonata-allegro form with an introduction, first and second theme, development, and recapitulation. It wasn't until Strauss and Debussy that composers had the courage to abandon stricter forms for the sake of greater fidelity to their programatic intentions. The beginning of that greater freedom was, of course, the creation of the symphonic poem, one of the few new forms in the nineteenth century.  




Liszt is generally credited with having originated the symphonic poem. He wrote thirteen of them himself, some of which are still performed. Liszt realized that a poetic idea, if it was to be properly expressed, could not be confined to the limits of the stricker forms, even as applied by Berlioz in his programmatic symphonies. The one-movement symphonic poem, with an introductory explanation printed in the published score, was his solution. Liszt's example was followed by other composers, notably Saint-Saens, Cesar Frank, Paul Dukas, Tschaikovsky, Smetana, Balakireff, and a host of lesser men. Not all their tone poems are in “free” forms. But the principle had been established. 




Richard Strauss, between 1890 and 1900, wrote a series of symphonic poems which astonished the musical world by their freedom and daring. They were the logical heirs of Liszt's idea but on a much grander and more pretentious plane. The earlier symphonic poem was analogous with a single movement of a symphony, but the Straussian tone poem is more the equivalent of the full-sized symphony. Despite obvious weaknesses, which may eventually affect their present seemingly solid position in the symphonic repertoire, they are remarkable achievements. As pictorial representation they have few rivals, and as treatment of forms that were free they were the first of their kind. Even when they lean on one of the stricter forms such as the rondo (Till Eulenspiegel) or the variation (Don Quixote), the handling of the material is so unconventional as to constitute what is practically a “free” form. In Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) or Also sprach Zarathustra, where the form may be said to be sectionally built, the mere size is so big as to make the composition dangerously top-heavy. It is a question whether the human mind can really relate the separate moments of a free form that lasts more than forty minutes without pause. That, at any rate, is what Strauss asks us to do so. To grasp adequately the formal contours of a Strauss tone poem would take more explaining than is possible within the limits of this book. 




To bring the programmatic idea up to date is a very simple matter. All that is necessary is to describe in musical terms some typically modern phenomenon such as an industrial plant or a streamlined speedboat. By so doing it is easy enough to give the old idea a specious air of modernity. As I have already said, recent composers have not written much program music. Nevertheless, there have been exceptions. Arthur Honegger came in for a considerable amount of notoriety because of his short orchestral piece called Pacific 2-3-1. The title refers to a specific type of locomotive which is known by that name in Europe. Honegger took advantage of the fact that there is a certain analogy between the slow starting of a train, its gradual pickup of speed, its rush through space, and the slowing down to a full stop ― and music. He manages very well to give the listener an impression of the hissing of steam and the chug-chug of the mechanism and, at the same time, to write a piece solidly constructed of melodies and harmonies like any other piece. Pacific 2-3-1 is an excellent example of modern program music; if it is not a great piece of music, it is because of the poor quality of some of the melodic material rather than the treatment of the programmatic idea itself. 




Program music, in this literal sense, is apparently on the wane. Honneger wrote a second programmatic piece called Rugby; Mossolov wrote his Iron Foundry; other composers have used prize fights, skating rinks, radio stations, Ford factories, five and ten cent stores as material for musical description. But trend away from impressionist music on the one hand and the urge toward neoclassicism on the other has left program music with comparatively few adherents. Composers nowadays, or most of them, prefer not to mix their categories; either they write straight theatrical works or they write absolute music. But no one can prophesy when program music may develop a recrudescence of interest. New electrical instruments, when they are sufficiently perfected, will undoubtedly open up brand-new possibilities for the imitative power of music. 




Bach ― Well-Tempered Clavier (see listing under Chapter Two) 


Debussy ― Preludes for Piano 

Walter Gieseking (Angel-EMI) 


R. Strauss ― Don Quixote 

Steven Isserlis (cello), Edo de Waart (conductor) (Virgin Classics) 


Tschaikovsky ― Romeo and Juliet, Fantasy Overture 

Charles Dutoit, London Symphony (London) 










エド・デ・ワールト指揮 (ヴァージン・クラシックス 



シャルル・デュトワ指揮 ロンドン交響楽団(ロンドン) 

第14章自由形式(前半)Copland 「What to Listen for In Music」を読む

14. Fundamental Forms 




V. 自由形 


The Prelude; The Symphonic Poem 



In order to have some conception of what a “free” form consists of, we have to know what a strict form is. In the previous four chapters, fundamental forms of the strict variety were summarized. We discovered that the mere description of the outer structural frame of a piece does not encompass the true inner form of that piece; that all formal molds are freely used by the composer, so that he may be said to be both dependent and independent of them at the same time. 



All forms that do not have as point of reference one of the usual formal molds are technically “free” forms. We also put the word “free” in quotation marks because, properly speaking, there is no such thing as an absolutely free musical form. No matter how free a piece may be, it must always make sense as form. That much is obvious; it is true of any art, and especially true of music where it is so easy to lose the feeling of coherence. Therefore, even in so-called free forms, some basic formal plan will certainly be present, though it may be unrelated to any of the normal formal molds that we have considered up to now. 

そういった通常使われる様々な形式の型を、曲作りの「しばり」として持たない作り方になっている曲は、全て作曲技法上「自由な」形式となる。それから、「自由」、という具合に、「 」(カッコ)をつけることとする。というのも、正確に言えば、完全に何一つ「しばり」のない音楽形式など、存在しないのだ。どんなに自由奔放な楽曲でも、必ず形式が認知されなければならない。そこまではハッキリしていることだ。どんな芸術分野でもそうで、音楽のように、ハッキリ筋が通っている感じがしなくなりがちなものは、殊更そう言える。なので、いわゆる自由形式を見ていれば、何かしら基本となる形式面での曲の作り方が、確かに存在する。もっとも、時としてそれは、ここまで本書で見てきた形式の型とは、何も関係ない場合もある。 


Certain types of composition seem to fall more naturally than others into forms that are “free.” Vocal works, for example, because of the necessity for following the words, often fall into that category. The church Mass, for instance, despite the fact that the general outlines of its separate parts are predetermined, has almost limitless possibilities for variety. One composer may write a very short opening Kyrie, whereas another will stretch it out to last for fifteen minutes. In general, vocal compositions are “freer” in form than instrumental works. 



Among instrumental pieces, piano and orchestral works are more likely to be “free” forms than chamber music. This may have come about because “free” forms are so often used in music in connection with extra-musical ideas, and chamber music almost always fits into the category of so-called “absolute music.” It is only natural that if a composer starts with an extramusical idea, he will probably find the stereotyped patters of the usual forms too constricting for his purposes. Many recent examples of “free” form may be credited to that source. 



It is obviously impossible to make generalizations about “free” forms. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that we are likely to meet them in one of two types of composition: the prelude and the symphonic, or tone poem. 



The prelude is a very loose term for a large variety of pieces, generally written for piano. As a title, it may mean almost anything from a quiet, melancholy piece to a long and showy, virtuoso piece. But as form it will generally be found to belong in the “free” category. Prelude is a generic name for any piece of not too specific formal structure. Many other pieces with different names belong in the same category - pieces that are called fantasy, elegy, impromptu, capriccio, aria, etude, and so forth. Pieces such as these may be in strict A-B-A form, or they may be “freely” treated. The listener, therefore, must be on the alert if he expects to follow the composer's structural idea. 



Bach wrote a good many preludes (very often followed by a balancing fugue) many of which are in “free” form. It was these that Busoni pointed to as an example of the path that he thought music should take. Bach achieved a unity of design in these “free” preludes either by adopting a pattern of well-defined character or by a clear progression of chordal harmonies which lead one from the beginning of a piece to the end without any repetition of thematic materials. Often, both methods are combined. By these means Bach engenders a feeling of free fantasy and a bold freedom of design that would be impossible to achieve within a strict form. When one hears them, the conviction grows that Busoni was quite right in saying that the future problems of handling form in music are bound up with this Bach-like freedom in form. 



An excellent illustration is the B flat major Prelude from Bach's Well Tempered Clavichord, Book I. Here there can be no question of themes and their being built up by sections. The music begins with this pattern (see opposite page). 



By the time the halfway mark has been reached, Bach abandons his pattern for a series of full-sounding chords, interspersed with roulades and scale passages. Only in the penultimate measure is there a reference to the pattern of the beginning, and even then there is no actual repetition of notes but merely on of pattern. The only outward sign of a unifying principle in a piece of this kind is the skeletal chordal frame. Other illustrations of a much grander kind are to be found in Bach's Fantasies, for instance in the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue or the famous G minor organ Fantasy and Fugue. Particularly in his big organ works, Bach creates an extraordinary sense of magnificence through utilization of this freer type of structure.  



For the larger part of the nineteenth century, composers wrote in forms that are easily identified. This was due, no doubt, to the considerable degree of variety that could be achieved within the limits of three-part, or sonata-allegro, form. But even later in the century, with the advent of Richard Strauss, who certainly was preoccupied with the problems of “free” forms in his large orchestral works, the emphasis is still on the statement of themes and their full development. 



Much of the revival of interest in true “free” forms during the present century is attributable, I believe, to Debussy's influence. He had very little precedent in the music of his time for the highly individual fashion in which he worked in short forms. Without depending upon any known models, he composed twenty-four Preludes for piano, each one of which has its own formal character. Each new Prelude meant inventing a new form, for the writing of one did not help in the creation of the next. No wonder his output was comparatively small. 



Just as in the case of the pattern design of Bach, Debussy sometimes makes use of a tiny figure, or motif, as an aid in binding a piece together. Take, for example, the piano prelude called Footsteps in the Snow (Des pas sur la neige). Here the tiny motif is consistently retained as background throughout the piece. It is a combination of a single rhythm which melodically moves a step upward each time, thus:(Permission of reprint granted by Durand & Cie, Paris, and Elkan-Vogel Company, Inc., Philadelphia, copyright owners) 

バッハが曲作りに際して、どんなパターンを作ろうかと考えた時と同じように、、ドビュッシーは時折、部品のつなぎとして小さな音形というかモチーフを使用している。前奏曲集第1番第6曲、通称「雪の上の足跡」を例に見てみよう。この曲では、全体を通して、小さなモチーフが伴奏でずっと聞こえている。形は2つの別々のリズムを組み合わせたもの。表現するものは雪の上で歩こうと足を上げる動作。こんな具合(再掲許諾元著作権所有者:パリ・デュラン社、および フィラデルフィア・エルカンフォーゲル社)。 


Above that mysteriously evocative figure, a typically Debussian melody, wraithlike and fragmentary, is heard. Note that the melody is never repeated; instead it seems gradually to come to life of its own accord, through a series of hesitations and secret impulsions until, delicately but surely, a sense of completion is obtained. The piece certainly is unified, but the means for unification are quite different from those used by Debussy's forerunners. 



Since Debussy's time, form has tended toward greater and greater freedom, until it now presents serious obstacles for the lay listener. Two things make music easy to listen to: a melody that is straightforward and plenty of repetition. New music often contains rather recondite melodies and avoids repetition. An opposite tendency has asserted itself ― the urge toward condensation. One can see that tendency most clearly in the Piano Pieces, Op. 19, of Arnold Schoenberg, a work of his middle period (no recording available). In each of these little piano pieces, the intensity of emotion is so great that repetition would be unthinkable. Sometimes there is no theme to speak of ― in one piece a tiny rhythm, in another a single chord is enough to hold the listener. When a melody is present, neither is it easy to grasp, nor does it ever stop to go over ground already covered. It isn't surprising therefore, that audiences find Schoenberg hard to take. In general, I should say that half the difficulty music lovers find in understanding so-called modern music comes from a lack of comprehension of the way in which the music is put together. 


第13章ソナタ形式(後半)「What to Listen for In Music」を読む




The present-day status of the symphony is such that it is impossible to pass it by without further discussion, even though it does not constitute an independent form, different from the sonata. It is practically impossible to hear an orchestral program in the concert hall or on the air without being confronted with one or another of the symphonies of the regular repertoire. It should be remembered, however, that these present no specific problems other than those outlined above. 



The symphony had its origin not in instrumental forms like the concerto grosso, as one might have expected, but in the overture of early Italian opera. The overture, or sinfonia, as it was called, as perfected by Alessandro Scarlatti consisted of three parts: fast-slow-fast, thus presaging the three movements of the classical symphony. The sinfonia, around 1750, became detached from the opera which gave it birth and led an independent life in the concert hall. Karl Nef, in his Outline of the History of Music, describes what happened. “After the theater symphony had been transferred to the concert hall, the musical world was seized by a veritable mania to play symphonies. The composers never published less than half a dozen at a time. Many of them wrote a hundred and more; the sum total mounted to many thousands. Under these circumstances it would be idle to attempt to discover the man who founded the new style. Numerous composers collaborated in the new movement, in the earliest period Italians, Frenchmen, and Germans.” (reprinted by permisson from Karl Nef, An Outline of the History of Music, translated by Carl F. Pfatteicher, Columbia University Press, 1935.) 

交響曲は元々どこから派生したものか。コンチェルト・グロッソのような器楽曲?と予想した方もいると思うが、実は初期のイタリア・オペラで開幕に先立って演奏された楽曲に起源があるのだ。これは「序曲」とか「シンフォニア」と呼ばれたもので、アレッサンドロ・スカルラッティが完成させた。「速い―遅い-速い」の3つの部分から構成され、3つの楽章から構成される古典的な交響曲の原型である。1750年頃のこと、シンフォニアは、生みの親たるオペラから切り離され、コンサートホールでは独立した立場を得る。「音楽史概要」の著者カール・ネフは、当時のことを次のように記している「それまで歌劇場のものだった交響曲がコンサートホールに居場所を移してからというもの、音楽の世界を牛耳ったのは、交響曲ばかり演奏する筋金入りのマニアな連中だった。作曲家達が一度の出版で売りに出すのは、5・6曲を下ることはない。彼らの多くが100、あるいはそれ以上と、合計が数千曲にも及んだ。こんな状況では、この新しい音楽のスタイルを作ったのは誰かを探しだそうとすることは、意味のないことだ。イタリア、フランス、ドイツで膨大な数の作曲家達が、この新しい動きに加わっていった。」(転載許可:カール・ネフ「音楽史概要」 カール・F・ペッファテイヒャー訳 コロンビア大学出版局) 


The best orchestra of the day was maintained from 1743 to 1777 in Mannheim. Here the precursors of Haydn and Mozart originated many of the features of the later symphony, such as the orchestral crescendo and diminuendo and a greater flexibility in the orchestral fabric. The general texture was more homophonic, borrowing from the lighter, singing quality of operatic style, rather than the heavier contrapuntal manner of the concerto grosso.  



It was on this foundation that Haydn gradually perfected symphonic style. We must not forget that some of his greatest achievements in this medium were created after the death of Mozart and after a long period of gestation and maturity. He left the symphony a rounded art form, capable of further development but not of greater perfection within the limits of his own style. 



The way was paved for Beethoven's famous Nine. The symphony lost all connection with its operatic origins. The form was enlarged, the emotional scope broadened, the orchestra stamped and thundered in a completely new and unheard-of fashion. Beethoven singlehandedly created a colossus which he alone seemed able to control. 



For the nineteenth-century composers who followed him - Schumann and Mendelssohn - wrote a less titanic symphony. By the middle of the century, the symphony was in danger of losing its hegemony in the orchestral field. The “modernists” Liszt, Berlioz, and Wagner apparently considered the symphony “old hat” unless it was combined with some programmatic idea or incorporated in essence into the body of a music drama. It was “conservatives” like Brahms, Bruckner, and Tschaikovsky who defended what began to look very much like a lost cause. 



One important innovation was introduced during this period as regards symphonic form, namely, the so-called symphony. Cesar Franck was especially fond of this device. It was an attempt to bind the different parts of the entire work by unifying the thematic materials. Sometimes a “motto” theme is heard at unexpected moments in different movements of the symphony, giving an impression of a single unifying thought. At other times - and this is more truly cyclic form - all thematic material in an entire symphony may be derived from only a few primal themes, which are completely metamorphosed as the work progresses, so that what was first given out as a sober introductory theme is transformed into the principal melody of the scherzo, and similarly in slow movement and finale. 



If the cyclic form has not been adopted more widely, it is probably because it does not solve the need for musical logic within each separate movement. That is, the unification of all the thematic material is no more than a device, more or less interesting depending upon the ingenuity with which it is carried out by the composer, but the symphony itself must still be written! The same problems of form and substance must be grappled with, compared to which the derivation of all the material from a single source is only a detail. After Franck, his pupil and disciple Vincent d'Indy made use of cyclic form, and more recently Ernest Bloch has utilized it in more than one work. 



Not so very long ago, the impression was current that modern composers had abandoned the form of the symphony. No doubt there was a lull in interest on the part of leading men of the first twenty years of the present century. Debussy, Ravel, Schoenberg, and Bela Bartok in their mature years did not write symphonies. Symphonies have been written again, if we can judge by the works of Frenchmen like Milhaud and Honegger; Russians like Miaskovsky (with twenty-seven to his credit), Prokofieff and Shostakovitch; Englishmen like Bax, Vaughan Williams, and Walton; Americans like Harris, Sessions, and Piston. We should not forget the further fact that even during the period of its supposed decline, the symphonic form was being practiced by stalwarts such as Mahler and Sibelius. Perhaps it is indicative of a renewed interest in the form that only in the present day have their works begun to find a place in the regular repertoire of symphonic organizations. 



Mahler and Sibelius have been more adventurous in their treatment of the form than some of the later men. Mahler wanted desperately to make the symphony bigger that it was. He enlarged the size of the orchestra to gargantuan proportions, increased the number of movements, introduced the choral body in the Second and Eighth, and in general took it upon himself to carry on the traditions of the Beethoven symphony. Mahler has been bitterly attacked as a poseur, as having been hopelessly misled in his pretensions. But if one can pick and choose among the separate movements of his nine symphonies, I for one am certain that his eventual position will be equivalent to that of Berlioz. At any rate, we can find the derivation of new contrapuntal textures and new orchestral colors in his work, without which the modern symphony would be inconceivable. 



Sibelius has handled the form freely, especially in his Fourth and Seventh symphonies. The latter belongs with the rather rare species of one-movement symphonies. Much has been written of Sibelius' masterly development of symphonic form. But it is a question whether his departure from the usual norm have not been so great as to be almost disconnected from the nineteenth-century model. My own guess is that the Seventh is closer in form, despite its name, to the symphonic poem than it is to the symphony. At any rate, from the lay listener's point of view, it must be remembered that Sibelius' movements are not conventionally constructed and depend more on the gradual organic growth of one theme with another. At its best, the music seems to flower, often from unpromising beginnings. 



If any generalizations may be made as to the handling of the form by more recent composers, one can safely say that the symphony as a collection of three or more separate movements is still as firmly established as ever. There is still nothing puny or casual about the form. It is still the form in which the composer tries to come to grips with big emotions. If any fundamental changes may be discerned, they are likely to be changes of the inner structural setup of an individual movement. In that restricted sense, the form is freer - the materials are introduced in a more relaxed way - the divisions into first, second, and closing groups are much less clear if they are present at all; no one can predict the nature of the development section or the extent of the recapitulation, if any. That's why the modern symphony is more difficult to listen to than the older, to us more fully digested, examples of the form. 



Clearly, the symphony, and with it the sonata-allegro form, is not finished yet. Unless all signs are misleading, the both will have a healthy progeny. 



Beethoven - “Waldstein” Sonata (see listing under Chapter Three) 


Mahler - Symphony No. 2 in C minor 

Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic (Sony) 


Brahms - Symphony No. 4 in E minor 

Carlos Kleiber, Vienna Philharmonic (Deutche Grammophon) 


Schumann - Symphony No. 4 in D minor 

John Eliot Gardiner (Deutche Grammophon) 


Sibelius - Symphony No. 4 in A minor 

James Levine, Berlin Philharmonic (Deutche Grammophon) 






レナード・バーンスタイン指揮 ニューヨーク・フィルハーモニックソニー 



カルロス・クライバー指揮 ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団ドイツ・グラモフォン 






ジェームス・レヴァイン指揮 ベルリン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団ドイツ・グラモフォン 

巻末付録III「ワルトシュタイン・ソナタ」分析Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む




Analysis of Beethoven's “Waldstein” Sonata, Op. 53 

ベートーヴェン作曲ワルトシュタインソナタ作品53 分析 


An analysis such as I shall attempt here must always be unsatisfactory, since we lack the sound of the notes themselves. I shall proceed on the assumption, possibly unwarranted, that the reader can secure either the printed score or the recording. 



One of the advantages of using this particular sonata as illustration of the form is the utter contrast between the first and second thematic groups. If you think only in terms of melody, the first theme is hardly a theme at all. It is made up of three separate tiny parts, producing an atmosphere of suspense and mysteriousness. It is the underlying rhythm in repeated eighth notes which is responsible for this and may be accounted the first element. The second element is harmless enough: 【one dotted quarter note - ♬ - ♪】. No one could possibly suspect the role it is to play later in the development section. The same is true of the third tiny fragment, which is as follows: 【one quarter note - ♬♬ - one quarter note】 

ソナタ形式を理解する上で、特にこの曲を引き合いに出すにはわけがある。第1主題と第2主題が、くっきり対照的だからだ。第1主題は、もし「メロディ」として考えた場合、「主題」とは言い難い。小さな部品が3つ合わさって出来ていて、不安で不思議な雰囲気を醸し出す。それに一役買うのが、8分音符で繰り返されるリズムだ。「小さな部品」その1である。「その2」は当たり障りない【付点四分音符 ― ♬ ― ♪】。後で展開部に出てきたとしても、その役割を疑問視する方はいないだろう。「その3」も同じ【四分音符 ― ♬♬ ― 四分音符】 


The first four measures are immediately repeated a tone below and without stopping rush forward to a complete pause on the note G (measure 13). Now, once again, everything is repeated from the start, with the important difference that the repeated eighth notes of the beginning are broken up into sixteenth (figurated) and slightly changed in tonality. These repetitions serve the important purpose of placing essential thematic material firmly in the listener's consciousness. This time there is no pause; the music, through a series of elongations, imperceptibly moves into the bridge section (measure 23, see page 151 for the explanation of this term). What one finds here is not melody but runs and argeggios ― so-called passage work. Even if you never heard this sonata before, it would be clear from the nature of the material that the piece was moving on from a first to a second grouping of elements. 



The transition in this case is really brilliantly accomplished! The music seems to slow itself up, in order to begin a second theme (measure 35) of a completely opposed nature. The slowly moving, sustained chords produce a chorale-like, almost religious feeling of calm and ease. These sustained chords are repeated immediately (measure 43), with the addition of a single florid melodic line above. (It is characteristic that despite the amount of repetition, so usual in all music, there is seldom literal repetition but repeated sections varied.) 



That extra florid melody, woven above the sustained chords, acts as an “excuse” for returning to the more figurated character of the first transition section (measure 50). Here we have one of those tantalizing moments when the analyst is torn between different interpretations of the form. Obviously, this new passage work is one of two things: either it is a second part of b, which one is reluctant to admit, because it is so very different in nature from the first part of b; or it is a second bridge leading to c, which is rather unlikely because of its overelaborate nature. That is where the composer is fortunate ― he never need give conscious reasons to himself for the form that he creates, if he wishes to explain the form, cannot very well do so without making up his mind. Therefore, I elect the first of these alternatives, preferring to consider this long passage-work section as a kind of b-2 which leads to the closing theme. 



The c, or closing, section (measure 74) , shorter than the others, has more affinity with the songlike second theme than with the agitated first theme. It serves to bring the mood back to a feeling of quietude, thereby emphasizing the sense of conclusion and at the same time preparing the way for the renewed entrance of the first material at the head of the development section. 



That is exactly what happens. The first thing that the composer does is to remind you of where he began ― to give you a point of reference, as it were. This is hardly done, before Beethoven is off! As a matter of fact, this particular development section is neither very long nor very elaborate. For development, it chooses only the two fragments quoted on the previous page and the section I elected to call b-2. No reference is made to the chorale-like theme or the closing theme or the opening repeated eighth notes. But there is a general feeling of movement and inner excitement, which pervades most of the whole first movement. 



The development section is divided into two parts. First the composer juxtaposes the two fragments of the first theme quoted above (measure 92). Then he concentrates on the first of the two fragments, developing what was originally only a tiny phrase into a swiftly lyrical little part. This leads directly to the development of the next material ― the opening measures of the b-2 passage work. On that basis, the music works itself out sequentially in such a way that a great many foreign tonalities are passed through before the dominant note G is reached. On this dominant (measure 142), Beethoven returns to the mysterious feeling of the very beginning in order to prepare psychologically for the return of the first theme. This retransition is quite remarkable, if only because it would be impossible to find anything comparable to it in the music of Haydn or Mozart. The misterioso rumblings in the bass and the gradual piling up of climax is typical Beethoven's touch. 



With a sudden return to pianissimo, the recapitulation starts (measure 156). The repetition in this case is almost literal, except for a few very minor changes, mostly of tonalities. A two-and-a-half-page coda follows (measure 249). After beginning almost like the first development section, it goes on to a further development of the same two fragments used there but now juxtaposed in somewhat different fashion. This leads back, after two held chords, to the chorale-like theme, made newly expressive by the addition of a new bass (measure 284). The seeming reluctance to leave this new-found quietude is broken off by an impetuous rush to the end. The sonata-allegro is completed. 


第13章ソナタ形式(中盤)Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む

The recapitulation is, as its name indicates, a repetition of the exposition. In the classical sonata allegro, the repetition is generally exact; though even here the inclination is to omit nonessentials, leaving out material already sufficiently heard. In later times, the repetition became more and more free until it sometimes is a mere wraith of its former self. It is not very difficult to understand why this is so. The sonata allegro had its origin in a period when composers were “classically” minded; that is, they began with a structure whose outlines were perfectly clear, and into it they put a music well controlled and of an objective emotional quality. There was no contradiction between the formal A-B-A outline and the nature of the musical content. But with the advent of the romantic era, music became much more dramatic and psychological. It was inevitable that the new romantic content should be difficult to contain within the framework of a essentially classical formal scheme. For it is only logical to say that if the composer states his material in the exposition, and if he then develops it in a highly dramatic and psychological fashion, he really should come to a different conclusion about it in the end. What sense does it make to go through all the turmoil and struggle of the development section if it is only to lead back to the same conclusions from which we started? That is why the tendency on the part of modern composers to shorten the recapitulation or to substitute a new conclusion seems justified. 



One of the most extraordinary mistakes in music is the example supplied us by Scriabin, the Russian composer of amazing gifts, who died in 1915. The quality of his thematic material was truly individual, truly inspired. But Scriabin, who wrote ten piano sonatas, had the fantastic idea of attempting to put this really new body of feeling into the straitjacket of the old classical sonata form, recapitulation and all. Few modern composers make that error any longer. In fact, they sometimes go to the other extreme, giving so liberal an interpretation to the word sonata as to make it practically meaningless. So that nowadays, the listener must be prepared for almost any application of the term. 



Two important extensions were added to the form while it was still in the early stages of development. An introductory section preceded the “allegro,” and a coda was tacked on at the end. The introduction is almost always slow in tempo, a sure indication that the A section has not yet begun. It may consist of musical materials which are entirely independent of the allegro to follow; or it may be that a slow version of the main theme in A is given out to further the feeling of unity. The coda cannot be so definitely described. From Beethoven on, it has played a preponderant role in stretching the boundaries of the form. Its purpose is to create a sense of apotheosis ― the material is seen for the last time and in a new light. Here, again, no rules govern the procedure. At times, the treatment is so extended as to make the coda a kind of second development section though always leading toward a sense of epilogue and conclusion. 



This summary of sonata-allegro form can be of value to the reader only if it is applied in listening to definite works. I have chosen as one example, out of many, Beethoven's Waldstein Sonata for piano, Op. 53, an analysis of which will be found in Appendix III. To profit from an analysis of this kind, it is necessary to hear a work over and over again. My own experience has taught me that I know a work thoroughly only when I am able mentatlly to sing it over to myself, to recreate it in my own mind, as it were. There is no better way of truly appreciating the differences between a mere diagrammatic outline of a form and a contact with kaleidoscopic changes of a living organism. It is like the difference between reading a description of the physiognomy of a human being and knowing a living man or woman. 


第13章ソナタ形式(前半)Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む

13. Fundamental Forms 




IV. ソナタ形式 


Sonata as a whole; Sonata Form Proper; 

The Symphony 




The sonata form, for the present-day listener, has something of the same significance that the fugal form had for listeners of the first part of the eighteenth century. For it is not too much to say that, since that time, the basic form of almost every extended piece of music has been related in some way to the sonata. The vitality of the form is astonishing. It is just as much alive today as it was during the period of its first development. The logic of the form as it was practiced in the early days, plus its malleability in the hands of later composers, accounts, no doubt, for its continuous hold on the imagination of musical creators for the past 150 years or more.  



Of course, it must not be forgotten that when we speak of sonata form we are not discussing only the form to be found in pieces that are called sonatas, for the meaning of the term is much more widespread than that. Every symphony, for example, is a sonata for orchestra; every string quartet is a sonata for four strings; every concerto a sonata for a solo instrument and orchestra. Most overtures, also, are in the form of the first movement of a sonata. The usage of the term “sonata” itself is generally confined to compositions for a solo instrument, with or without piano accompaniment; but, as may easily be seen, that is not nearly broad enough to include the varied applications of what is, in fact, sonata form to different mediums. 



Fortunately for the lay listener, the sonata form, in any of its many manifestations, is, on the whole, more immediately accessible than some of the other forms we have been studying. That is because the problem it presents is not one of listening for detail in separate measures, as in the fugue, but of following the broad outlines of large sections.  



Before venturing farther, the reader should be warned against one other possible confusion regarding the use of the term “sonata form.” It is applied, as a matter of fact, to two different things. In the first place, we speak of sonata form when we mean an entire work consisting of three or four movements. On the other hand, we also speak of sonata form when we refer to a specific type of structure in music generally found in the first, and often also the last, movement of an entire sonata. Therefore, you must keep in mind two things: (1) the sonata as a whole and (2) the sonata form proper, sometimes referred to as sonata allegro, or first-movement form, the sonata allegro referring to the fact that almost all first movements of sonatas are in allegro (or fast) tempo. 



There is still another distinction that must be kept in mind. When you go to a concert and find listed on the program a sonata for violin and piano by Handel or Bach, do not listen for the form under discussion here. The word sonata was used at that time in contradiction to the word cantata ― sonata being something to be played, and cantata something to be sung. Otherwise it bears little or no relation to the later soata of Mozart and Haydn's time. 



The sonata as we think of it is said to be largely the creation of one of Bach's sons, Karl Philipp Emanuel Bach. He is credited with having been one of the first composers to experience with the new form of sonata, the classic outlines of which were later definitely set by Haydn and Mozart. Beethoven put all his genius into broadening the sonata-form conceptions of his time; and he was followed by Schumann and Brahms, who also extened, in a lesser way, the significance of the formal mold. By now the treatment of the form is so free as to be almost unrecognizable in certain cases. Nevertheless, much of the outer sell and a good deal of the psychological implications of the form are intact, even today. 






Three or four separate movements comprise the sonata as a whole. There are examples of two-movement and, more recently, one-movement sonatas, but these are exceptional. The most obvious distinction between the movements is one of tempo: in the three-movement sonata, it is usually fast ― slow ― fast; and in the four-movement sonata, it is usually moderately fast ― slow ― moderately fast ― very fast. 



People generally want to know what it is that makes these three or four movements belong together. No one has come forward with a completely satisfactory answer to that question. Custom and familiarity make them seem to belong together, but I have always suspected that one could substitute the Minuet of Haydn's 98th symphony for the Minuet in Haydn's 99th symphony without sensing a serious lack of coherence in either work. Particularly in these early examples of the sonata, the movements are linked together more from the need of balance and contrast and certain tonality relationships than from any intrinsic connection with each other. Later on, as we shall see in the so-called cyclic form of the sonata, composers did try to link their movements through thematic unity while retaining the general characteristics of the separate movements. 



Now let us consider, for a moment, the form of each of the separate movements of the sonata as a whole. Our descriptions are to be taken as generally true, for there is almost no statement that can be made about sonata form that some specific exceptional instance does not contradict. As has already been said, the first movement of any sonata ― and I use that word generically to denote symphonies and string quartets and the like ― is always in sonata-allegro form. We shall be investigating that form thoroughly a few pages farther on. 



The second movement is usually the slow movement, but there is no such thing as a slow-movement form. It may be written in one of several different molds. For example, it may be a theme and variation such as we have already studied. Or it may be a slow version of a rondo form ― either a short or an extended rondo. It might be even more simple than that, relating itself to the ordinary three-part sectional form. More rarely, it bears close resemblance to the first-movement sonata form. The listener must be prepared for any one of these various forms when hearing the slow movement. 



The third movement is usually a minuet or scherzo. In the earlier works of Haydn and Mozart, it is the minuet; in later times, the scherzo. In either case, it is the A-B-A, three-part form which was discussed under Sectional Forms. Sometimes the second and third movements are interchangeable ― instead of finding the slow movement second and the scherzo third, the scherzo may be second and the slow movement third.  



The fourth movement, or finale, as it is often called, is almost always either in extended rondo form or in sonata-allegro from. Thus it is only the first movement of the sonata that presents an entirely new physiognomy for us.  



One-movement sonatas are generally of two types: either they confine themselves to an extended treatment of first-movement form; or they attempt to include all four movements within the limits of a single movement. Two-movement sonatas are too unpredictable to be catalogued. 






It is one of the more remarkable features of the sonata-allegro form that it may so easily be reduced to the ordinary tripartite formula: A-B-A. As far as its broadest outlines are concerned, it does not differ from the tiny section analyzed in the chapter on Musical Structure or from the various kinds of three-part form considered under Sectional Forms. But it must be remembered in this case that each of the sections of the A-B-A represent large division of music, each of them lasting as much as five or ten minutes in length. 



The conventional explanation of sonata-allegro form is easily demonstrated. A simple diagram will show the general outline of the form: 



A: Exposition 【a: tonic / b: dominant / c: dominant】 

B: Development 【a/b/c: foreign keys】 

C: Recapitulation 【a: tonic / b: tonic / c: tonic】 

<訳注:下記、トニック(主音) ドミナント(5度/属音) 

A: 主題提示部 【a:トニック b:ドミナント c:ドミナント 

B: 展開部 【a/b/c/: 様々な調】   

C: 主題再現部 【a:トニック b:トニック c:トニック】 


As may be seen, the A-B-A of the formula is, in this instance, named exposition-development-recapitulation. In the exposition section, the thematic material is exposed; in the development section, it is handled in new and unsuspected ways; in the recapitulation, it is heard again in its original setting. 



The exposition section contains a first theme, a second theme, and a closing theme (this schematic description is meant to indicate nothing more than the conventional framework as usually outlined, textbook fashion). The character of the first theme is dramatic, or “masculine,” and it is always in the tonic key; the character of the second theme is lyrical, or “feminine,” and it is always in the dominant key; the closing theme is less important than either of these and is also in the dominant key. The development section is “free”; that is, it freely combines the material introduced in the exposition and sometimes adds new material of its own. In this section, the music moves into new and foreign keys. The recapitulation restates more or less literally what was found in the exposition, except that all the themes are now in the tonic key. 



So much for the bare outline of the form. Now let us examine it more closely and see if we cannot generalize regarding the form in such a way as to make it more applicable to actual examples of all periods. 



All sonata allegros, of whatever period, retain the tripartie form of exposition-development-recapitulation. The exposition contains a variety of musical elements. That is its essential nature, for there would be little or nothing to develop if that were not so. These varied elements are usually divided into a small a, a small b, and a small c, representing what used to be called the first, second, and closing themes. I say “used be called” because recent analysts have become dissatisfied with the obvious disparity between this nomenclature and the evidence presented by the actual works themselves. It is difficult to generalize with any degree of finality as to exactly what goes into an exposition section. Still, one can safely say that themes are exposed, that these themes are contrasted in character and that they bring some sense of close at the end of the section. For the sake of convenience, there would be no objection to calling the small a the first theme, provided it were clearly understood that actually it may consist of a conglomeration of several themes or fragments of themes, usually of a strongly dramatic and affirmative quality. The same is true of the b, so-called second, theme, which again may actually be a series of one or more themes, but of a more lyrical and expressive nature. This juxtaposition of one group of themes denoting power and aggressiveness with another group which is relaxed and more songlike in quality is the essence of the exposition section and determines the character of the entire sonata-allegro form. In many of the early examples of the form, the ordering of the material into first and second themes is more strictly adhered to, whereas later on we can be sure only that two opposing elements will be present in the exposition, without being able to say in exactly what sequence they will appear. 

どんな時代のソナタアレグロも、主題提示部展開部主題再現部という3つの部分から構成されている主題提示部には様々な曲の要素となるものが含まれているのだが、そのことが、この部分の最も大事な性質だ。そうでなかったら、その後曲が進行しても、何も出てきやしないからだ。その「様々な曲の要素」は、よく小文字でabcなどと分けて呼ばれる。かつては「第1主題部、第2主題部、シメの主題部」と呼ばれたものだ。「かつては…と呼ばれた」と書いたのは、最近の学者達は、この呼び方と、実際の作品自体との食い違いが生じることに、不満を抱くようになってきているからだ。主題提示部に何が含まれるかを、ハッキリこれだと決めるのは、程度の差をつけても難しい。とは言え、ここまでなら大丈夫だろうというのが、「複数の」主題が出てくる部分があって、それらは性格が異なり、そして主題提示部の終りの部分で、何らか「シメ」と思わせるような雰囲気をもたらす、ということ。これでは面倒なので、妥協点として、a の部分に、豊かな表情と明確さを強く感じる主題やその断片が集まっていたら、それを第1主題部とよぶ条件としよう。同じようにb の部分に、抒情的で訴えかけてくるような主題や断片が集まっていたら、それを所謂第2主題部と呼ぶ条件としよう。このように、ある部分は力と積極性を表す主題、別の部分は安心感と歌心を表す主題と、並びそろっている時、これが主題提示部の最も大事な性質であり、ソナタアレグロの1曲全体の性格を決定づけるものなのだ。古い時代の作品でこの形式を持つものは、「第1」「第2」と出てくる順番がしっかり守られている。だが時代が進むと、そうでなくなる。確かに2つ性格の相反するものが出てはくるが、その順番がハッキリとはわからなくなる。 


The last theme, or themes, under the heading of small c, constitutes a closing sentence or sentences. Therefore it may be of any nature that leads to a sense of conclusion. This is important, because an audience should have a clear idea of where the end of the exposition occurs, if it is expected to follow the development intelligently. If you read notes, you can always mechanically find the end of the exposition in any of the classic sonatas or symphonies by looking for the double bar with repeat sign, indicating the formal repetition of the entire section. Interpreters nowadays use their discretion in the matter of repeating the exposition. So that part of the problem of listening to the first-movement form is to watch out for this possibility of repetition. More modern sonatas and symphonies do to indicate any repetition, so that even if you read notes the end of the section is not so easily found. 

最後に出てくる主題(群)は、c と呼ばれ、「ハイ、おしまい」の一言(二言三言…)を含む。だから「シメ」の性格を持つ、ということになる。曲がどう展開し進んでいるかを、ちゃんと理解してついていく上で、主題提示部の終わりがどこかをハッキリわかっていることは、聴く側にとっては重要なのだ。楽譜が読める方は、伝統的なスタイルのソナタ交響曲の譜面を御覧いただきたい。繰り返し記号付きの複縦線を探してみよう。それは「曲中の一区切り全体を繰り返す」という意味で、これがあれば、自動的にそこが主題提示部の終りの部分だとわかる。今時の演奏家達は、自分の裁量で主題提示部を繰り返すかどうか決めることがある。なので、演奏者が繰り返すかどうか注意して聴くことも、第1楽章形式の曲を聞く面倒臭さの一つだ。新しい時代になるほど、ソナタ交響曲は繰り返しの指示がない。となると、楽譜が読めても、どこが主題提示部の終わりかがわかりにくくなる。 


One other element is important in the exposition. You cannot very well go from one mood that is powerfuly dramatic to another that is lyrically expressive without some sort of transition. This transition, or bridge section, as it is often called, may be short or fairly elabrate. But it must never be of equal significance thematically with elements a or b, for that could lead only to confusion. Composers, at such moments, fall back upon a kind of musical figuration, or passage work, which is important because of its functional significance rather than for its intrinsic musical interest. Watch out, then, for the bridge between a and b and the possibility of a second bridge between b and c. 

大事な話をもう一つ主題提示部のことで力強く表情豊かな雰囲気から、抒情的で訴えかけてくる雰囲気へと、うまい具合に変えてゆくには、何かしらの「つなぎ」が必要だ。経過部、あるいは「ブリッジ」ともよく言われるこの部分は、短いか、もしくはかなり手の込んだ作りになっているかのどちらかだ。でもその主題はab ほど存在感があってはならない。混乱を招くだけだからだ。こんな時作曲家はどうするか。音楽的な中身の面白さよりも、機能的な良さを重要視して、形を作り、あるいはパッセージを構築するのが常套手段だ。ということで、ab、そして場合によっては bc のブリッジにはご注意を。 


It is the development section that gives the sonata allegro its special character. In no other form is there a special division reserved for the extention and development of musical material already introduced in a previous section. It is that feature of the sonata-allegro form that has so fascinated all composers ― that opportunity for working freely with materials already announced. So you see that the sonata form, properly understood, is essentially a psychological and dramatic form. You cannot very well mix the two or more elements of the exposition without creating a sense of struggle or drama. It is the development section that challenges the imagination of every composer. One might go so far as to say that it is one the main things that separates the composer from the layman. For anyone can whistle tunes. But you really have to be a composer, with a composer's craft and technique, in order to be able to write a really fine development of those tunes.  



No rules govern the development section. The composer is entirely free as to types of development; as to the thematic material chosen for development; as to the introduction of new materials, if any; and as to the length of the section as a whole. One can only generalize about two factors: (1) that the development usually begins with a partial restatement of the first theme in order to remind the listener of the starting point; and (2) that during the course of the development the music modulates through a series of far-off keys which serve to prepare a sense of homecoming when the original tonality is finally reached at the beginning of the recapitulation. These things vary considerably, of course, in accordance with whether you examine an early or late example of sonata-allegro form. For instance, the development section became much more elaborate, even as early as Beethoven's day, than it had been before his time. The modulatory scheme has been adhered to, even in recent times, when the classic tonic-dominant-dominant relationship of the first, second, and closing themes, respectively, has completely broken down. More and more the trend has been to attach added importance to the development section, as I have already pointed out, so that it has become the pivotal section of the sonata-allegro form, into which the composer pours every ounce of imagination and invention that he possesses. 

展開部にはルールや縛りはない方針主題の選択新たな主題の投入、演奏時間、どれも作曲家の自由だ。場合によっては2つの要素があるとする人もいる。(1) 展開部の始まりを聴き手にわからせるために、部分的に第1主題を再提示する。 (2) 展開部が進行する過程で、激しく転調を繰り返すが、やがて主題再現部の出だしで、曲の最初の調へとたどり着いた時に、「もとに戻った」という感じを出す役割を果たさせる。勿論、これらは、同じソナタアレグロ形式の曲でも、昔の曲と最近の曲では、その程度の違いは様々異なる。例えば、ベートーヴェンのいた時代の前と後では、後のほうが展開部の作り方は、はるかに手の込んだものになっている。今も昔も変わらないのは、転調はしっかりおこなわれることだ。昔ながらの、第1主題部-第2主題部―シメの主題部が、それぞれ主音―属音―属音となるのが、完全に壊れてしまた今の時代においてさえも、展開部の転調は堅持されている。既に申し上げたように、展開部の重要性が増すような風潮が益々ふえてきている。それによって、作曲家が持てる想像性と創造性を出し尽くす「展開部」が、ソナタアレグロ形式を持つ曲の成否を左右する要素になってきているのだ。 

第12章 フーガによる形式 A. Copland「What to Listen for in Music」を読む


III. フーガによる形式 


FugueConcerto Grosso; Chorale Prelude; 

Motets and Madrigals 



Chapter 1 began with the premise that it was essential, in learning to listen more intelligently, to hear a great deal of music over and over again; and that no amount of reading could possibly replace that listening. What was written there is especially true in regard to fugal forms. If you really wish to hear what goes on in these forms, you must be willing to go after them again and again. More than any other formal mold, fugal forms demand repeated hearings if they are to be fully heard by the layman. 



Whatever comes under the heading of fugal form partakes in some way of the nature of a fugue. You already know, I feel sure, that in texture all fugues are polyphonic or contrapuntal (the terms are identical in meaning.) Therefore, it follows that all fugal forms are polyphonic or contrapuntal in texture. 



At this point , the reader might do well to review what was said in Chapter 8 about listening polyphonically. It was stated there that hearing music polyphonically implies a listener who can hear separate strands of melody simultaneously. The parts need not be of equal importance, but they must be heard independently. This is no great feat, any person of average intelligence can, with a little practice, hear more than one melody at a time. At any rate, it is the sine qua non of intelligent listening to fugal forms. 



The four principal fugal forms are: first, the fugue proper; second, the concerto grosso; third, the chorale-prelude; fourth, motets and madrigals. It goes without saying that contrapuntal writing is not confined to these forms alone. Just as the principle of variation was seen to be applicable to any form, so in the same way a contrapuntal texture may occur without preparation in almost any form. Be ready, in other words, to listen polyphonically at any moment. 








A certain number of well-known contrapuntal devices are used whenever the texture is polyphonic. They are not invariably present, but they may put in an appearance, and so the listener must be on the lookout for them. The simplest of these devices are: imitation, canon, inversion, augmentation, diminution. More recondite are cancrizans (crab motion) and the inverted cancrizans. Some of these devices, enmeshed within the web of contrapuntal texture, are quite difficult to follow. I point them out now more for the sake of completeness than because you will learn from one single illustration to recognize them each time that they occur (see Appendix II). 



Imitation is the simplest device of all. Anyone who has ever sung a round in school will know the meaning of imitation. Playing a kind of “follow-the-leader” musical game, one voice imitates what another voice does. When used incidentally during the course of a piece, this device is referred to as “imitation.” This perfectly natural idea may be found in very early music as well as in contemporary music. The simplest imitation sets up an illusion of many-voiced music, although only one melody is actually sounded. The imitation need not start on the same note with which the original voice begins. In such a case, we speak of imitation “at the fourth” above or “at the second” below, indicating the pitch at which the entrance of the imitating voice was made. Paradoxically, you have to listen cotrapuntally, although only one melody is in question. 



Canon is merely a more elaborate species of imitation, in which the imitation is carried out logically from the beginning of a piece to the end. In other words, canon may be spoken of as a form, whereas imitation is always a device. Eighteenth-century music supplies numerous examples; the most quoted illustration of the past century is that of the last movement of Cesar Frank's Violin Sonata. Recently, Hindemith has written canons in the form of sonatas for two flutes. 




Inversion is not so easily recognized. It consists of turning a melody upside down, as it were, The melody inverted always moves in the opposite direction from the melody of its original version. That is, when the original leaps an octave upward, the inversion leaps an octave downward, and so forth. Of course, not all melodies make sense when inverted. It is up to the composer to decide whether or not the inversion of a melody is justified on musical grounds. 



Augmentation is easily explained. When you augment a theme, you double the time value of the notes, thereby making the theme twice as slow as it originally was. (A quarter note becomes a half, a half note a whole, etc.) Diminution is the opposite of augmentation. It consists of halving the note values, so that the theme moves twice as fast as originally. (A whole note becomes a half, a half note a quarter, etc.) 



Cancrizans, or crab motion, as the name implies, means the melody read backward. In other words, A-B-C-D becomes, in cancrizans, D-C-B-A. Here, again, the mere mechanical application of the device does not always produce musical results. Cancrizans is much more rarely found than the other contrapuntal devices, although the modern Viennese school, led by Arnold Schoenberg, has made liberal use of it. Still more involved is inverted cancrizans, in which the theme is first read backward and then inverted.  



The ability to listen contraputally, plus a comprehension of these various devices, is all that is necessaary in order to prepare oneself to hear fugues intelligently. Most fugues are written in three or four voices. Five-voiced fugues are rarer, and two-voiced rarer still. Once a certain number of voices are adopted, they are held to throughout. They are not, however, contiuously present in the fugue, for a well-written fugue implies breathing spaces in each melodic line. So that in a four-voiced fugue, the listener seldom hears more than three voices at a time. 



But no matter how many voices may be going on at the same time, there is always one voice that predominates. Just as a juggler, handling three objects, draws our attention to the object that goes highest, so, in the same way, the composer draws our attention to one of the equally independent voices. It is the theme, or subject, of the fugue that takes precedence whenever present. Therefore, the reader can appreciate how important it is to bear in mind the subject of the fugue. Composers aid by invariably stating the subject at the beginning of the fugue without accompaniment. Fugue subjects are generally rather short - two or three measures long - and of a well-defined character. (Examine, if you can, the famous forty-eight fugue themes used by Bach in his Well Tempered Clavichord). 



Before demonstrating as much as can be blueprinted of the fugue as a whole, it should be made clear that the general outlines of the form are not nearly so definite as that of other formal molds. Every fugue differs as to presentation of voices, as to length, and as to inner detail. Its separate parts are not nearly so distinguishable as, let us say, separate parts in sectional forms. In a non-technical book of this sort, it is not possible to make the measure-by-measure explanation that each fugue demands for complete analysis. 



All fugues, however, begin with what is called an “exposition.” Let us see what the exposition of a fugue consists of before going on to examine the remainder of the form. Every fugue, as I have said, begins with an announcement of the unadorned fugue subject. If we take as model a four-voiced fugue, them the subject will appear for the first time in one of four voices: soprano, alto, tenor, or bass (For convenience sake, let's call them V-1,V-2, V-3, and V-4.) Any one of the four voices may have the first statement of the fugue subject. Whatever the order may be, the subject is heard in each one of the four voice, one after another, like this 

V-1  S......... 

V-2         S.......... 

V-3                S.......... 

V-4                       S.......... 


V-1  S......... 

V-2         S.......... 

V-3                S.......... 

V-4                       S.......... 


Or the order of entrance may be thus: 

V-1                       S......... 

V-2         S.......... 

V-3  S.......... 

V-4                 S.......... 

(V-2 and V-4 are more exactly known as “answers” to the subject. I have retained “subject” in all four voices for the sake of simplicity.) 


V-1                       S......... 

V-2         S.......... 

V-3  S.......... 

V-4                 S.......... 



It goes without saying that when the second voice enters with the subject, the first voice does not stop. On the contrary, it continues to add a countermelody, or countersubject as it is generally called (CS), to the principal subject. Thus, the ground plan really reads: 

V-1  S.........CS.......... 

V-2          S............CS.......... 

V-3                    S...........CS.......... 

V-4                             S..........CS.......... 


V-1  S.........CS.......... 

V-2          S............CS.......... 

V-3                    S...........CS.......... 

V-4                             S..........CS.......... 


When once the subject and countersubject are exposed in any one voice, it is free to continue without restrictions as a so-called “free voice.” With that filled in, our ground plan of the exposition is completed: 

V-1  S......CS.......xxFV.........xx.................................. 

V-2        S.......xxCS.........xxFV............................. 

V-3                  S.......xxCS........FV................. 

V-4                            S.......CS................ 


V-1  S......CS.......xxFV.........xx.................................. 

V-2        S.......xxCS.........xxFV............................. 

V-3                  S.......xxCS........FV................. 

V-4                            S.......CS................ 


In some fugues, it is not feasible to go directly from one entrance of a voice to the next without a measure or two of transition, because of tonal relationships too technical to be gone into here. That is what the crosses indicate. The exposition is considered to be at an end when each of the voices of a fugue has sung the theme once. (Certain fugues have a reexposition section in which the exposition is repeated but with the voices entering in different order.) 



The exposition is the only part of the fugue form that is definitely set. From there on, the form can be summarized only loosely. The general plan might be reduced to a formula something like this: exposition-(reexposition) -episode   1-subject-episode   2-subject-episode   3- subject-(etc.)-stretto (see page 138 for explanation of this term)-cadence. Speaking 

generally, a series of episodes alternate with statements of the fugue subject, seen each time in new aspects. No rules govern the number of episodes or returns of the theme. A episode is often related to some fragment of the fugue subject or countersubject. It seldom is made up entirely of independent materials. Its principal function is to divert attention from the theme of the fugue, so as better to prepare the stage for its reentrance. Its general character is usually that of a bridge section - more relaxed in quality, less dialectic than the fugue subject developments. 

フーガの形式にきちんと設定してあるのは、この主題提示の部分だけである。さてここでは、この形式を大雑把にまとめるとしよう。主題提示-(再提示)-間奏 / 1-主題提示-間奏 / 2-主題提示-間奏 / 3-主題提示-(同)-ストレッタ(主題と対主題が重なり緊迫する所:138頁参照)―終止部。一般的には、幾度となく出てくる間奏は、フーガの主題を提示することで交替する。この時、それまでにない要素が加わってくる。間奏部の回数や主題に戻る回数は、決まりはない。間奏部というのは、フーガの主題・対主題の中にある一部分と、何かしら繋がる部分があることが多い。間奏部が曲中他の部分とは全く関係のない作り方をしてあることは、滅多にない。間奏部の一番大事な役割は、フーガの主題から聞く人の注意を外すことにある。そうすることで、もう一度主題が入ってくるお膳立てをするのに良いからだ。間奏部の特徴は、一般的には橋渡しとしての性格である。フーガの主題を発展展開してゆくやり方よりも、作り込みはゆるく、訴えかける力もゆるくしてある。 


Despite the appearance of the preceding formula, there is no actual repetition in a fugue except for the kernel of the fugue subject itself, and the countersubject which often accompanies its every appearance. Half the point of fugue form would be missed if it were not clearly understood that with each entrance of the fugue subject a different light is thrown upon theme itself. It may be augmented or inverted, combined with itself or with other new themes, shortened or lengthened, sung quietly or boldly. Each new appearance tests the ingenuity of the composer. During the main body of the fugue ― that is, after the exposition and before the stretto ― a severe modulatory scheme is generally adopted, which is too technical for full discussion here. 



A stretto in a fugue is optional, but when present it is usually found just before the final cadence. Stretto is the name given a species of imitation in which the separate parts enter so immediately one after another that an impression of toppling voices is obtained. Not all fugue subjects lend themselves equally well to this kind of treatment, which explains why strettos are not found in every fugue. Whatever the nature of the fugue, the end is never casual. It brings with it, as a rule, one final, clear statement of the fugue subject and an insistence on the establishment withour question of the tonic key. 



The fugue asks for concentrated listening and is therefore not very long, a few pages at most. The character of the fugue is limited only by the imagination of its creator. It may be somber or witty, but it never tries to be both in one fugue. As far as its general character goes, a fugue says one thing, and it derives its keynote from the nature of the fugue subject itself. The emotional scope, in other words, is limited to the kind of theme with which one begins. 



The disciplinary aspect of the fugue has challenged the ingenuity of composers for centuries and continues to do so. But the consensus of opinion is that the fugue, in essence, is an eighteenth-century form. That may be partly accounted for by the fact that the composers of the following century tended to neglect a form that was undoubtedly associated in their minds with the formalism of a past era, plus the emphasis placed upon freedom of expression during the romantic period. There were other reasons also, but these will suffice.    



Recent composers, however, have shown a renewal of interest in the fugue. Whether or not their accomplishments in this field will justify their redoing a form that the past has done so consummately well, the future alone can tell. In any case, there is nothing essentially different about a modern fugue. As far as the form goes, or the general emotional character, it is still the fugue of a disciplined age. The listener's problem is exactly similar in both cases.  






The second principal fugal form is that of the concerto grosso. It, too, is an essentially pre-nineteenth-century form, as are all these fugal forms. It should not be confused in your mind with the later concerto, which is written for a virtuoso soloist accompanied by orchesra. The origin of the concerto grosso is attributable to the fact that composers in the second half of the seventeenth century became intrigued by the effect to be obtained from contrasting a small body of instruments with a large body of instruments. The smaller group, called the concertino, might be formed of any combination of instruments pleasing to the composer. Whatever the smaller group of instruments may be, the form is built around the dialectical interchange between the concertino and the larger body of instruments, or tutti, as it is often called. 



The concerto grosso, then, is a kind of instrumental fugal form. It is generally made up of three or more movements. The classical examples of the form are those of Handel and Bach. The latter's essays in the form, known as the Brandenburg Concerti, of which there are six, make use of a different concertino in each one. Very often, in listening to the contrapuntal texture of one of these works, one has an impression of wonderful health and vitality. The inner movement of the separate parts gives off an athletic quality, as if all were in excellent working order. 



During the nineteenth century, the form was abandoned in favor of the concerto for soloist and orchestra, which may rightfully be considered an offshoot of the earlier concerto grosso. Like other eighteenth-century forms, the concerto grosso has enjoyed renewed interest on the part of recent composers. A well-known modern example is the Concerto Grosso by Ernest Bloch. 






The chorale prelude, which is the third of the fugal forms, is less definite in outline than the concerto grosso and therefore more difficult to define with any degree of exactitude. It had its origin in the chorale tunes that were sung in Protestant churches after the time of Luther. Composers attached to the church exercised their ingenuity in making elaborate settings of these simple melodies. They are, in a sense, variations on a hymn tune, and I shall mention three of the best-known types of treatment of these choral tunes. 




The simplest method consists of keeping the given melody intact, while making the accompanying harmonies more interesting, either by increasing the harmonic complexity or by making the accompanying voices more intricately polyphonic. A second type embroiders upon the theme itself, lending the barest melodic outline an unsuspected grace and floridity. The third, and most involved type, is a kind of fugue woven around the tune of the chorale. For example, some fragment of the chorale tune may serve as fugue subject. An exposition of a fugue is written just as if there were to be no chorale; and then without warning, while the fugue continues along placidly, above or beneath it may be heard the long-drawn-out notes of the chorale. 



Some of Bach's finest creations were written in one or another of these forms of chorale prelude. His Orgelb uchlein is a collection of short chorale preludes containing an inexhaustible wealth of musical riches, which no music lover can afford to ignore. Deeply moving from an expressive standpoint, they are nevertheless marvels of technical ingenuity ― a magistral illustration of the welding of thought and emotion. 






The fourth and last of the fugal forms is that of motets and madrigals. I hasten to add that a motet or madrigal is not a form, properly speaking; but since they will be listened to with increasing frequency and definitely belong with the contrapuntal forms, their proper place is here. One cannot generalize as to their form, because they are choral compositions, sung without accompaniment and dependent on their words in each individual instance for their formal outline. 



Motets and madrigals were written in profusion during the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. The difference between the two is that the motet is a short vocal composition of sacred words, whereas the madrigal is a similar composition on secular words. The madrigal is generally less severe in character. Both are typical vocal fugal forms of the era before the advent of Bach and his contemporaries. 

モテットとマドリガルが盛んに作られたのは、15, 16, 17世紀の間である。この二つの違いだが、モテットは短めで歌詞は宗教的なもの、一方マドリガルは同じようなものだが、歌詞は宗教的でないものだ。曲の性格もマドリガルのほうが、やや厳粛さから肩の力を抜いたものである。両方とも当時のフーガの手法を用いた声楽曲で、バッハやその次代の作曲家が登場する以前のものである。 


From the listener's standpoint, it is important to distinguish the texture of motet or madrigal. Here, again, no rule prevails; motets and madrigals may be either fugal or chordal in style or a combination of both. I fail to see how these vocal forms may be heard intelligently without an elementary idea as to their different textures. In the motet or madrigal of fugal or contrapuntal texture, the fact that the separate melodic voices are attached to words will be found especially helpful in aiding the listener to hear the counterpoint more easily than in the purely instrumental forms. 



The Renaissance period is crowded with masters who used these vocal forms. Palestrina in Italy, Orlando di Lasso in the Netherlands, Victoria in Spain; Byrd, Wilbye, Morley, and Gibbons in England are some of the outstanding names in one of the most remarkable eras in music. The unfamiliarity of most of our concertgoers with this extraordinary epoch is indicative of the comparatively narrow musical interests of our time. 




Bach ― Brandenburg Concertos 

Trevor Pinnock, Baroqe Ensemble (Archiv) 


Bach ― Well Tempered Clavier (see listing under Chapter Two) 


Franck ― Sonata in A for Violin and Piano 

Gidon Kremer, O. Maisenberg (Philips) 


Beethoven ― Piano Sonata in A flat, Opus 110 

Alfred Brendel (Philips) 


Schoenberg ― String Quartet No. 3 

Arditti Quartet (Disques Montaigne) 




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