


巻末付録III「ワルトシュタイン・ソナタ」分析Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む

APPENDIX III 巻末付録III Analysis of Beethoven's “Waldstein” Sonata, Op. 53 ベートーヴェン作曲「ワルトシュタイン」ソナタ作品53 分析 An analysis such as I shall attempt here must always be unsatisfactory, since we lack the sound of the note…

第13章ソナタ形式(中盤)Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む

The recapitulation is, as its name indicates, a repetition of the exposition. In the classical sonata allegro, the repetition is generally exact; though even here the inclination is to omit nonessentials, leaving out material already suffi…