


第6章(4/4)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along!」

When I reached Washington after our stay in Fayetteville, David Blakely wrote me, asking if I could get permission to make a tour to the Pacific Coast. I obtained permission of General Haywood, the Commandant, that of the Secretary, and fi…

<再掲・総集編>A. コープランド「What to Listen for in Music」


第6章(3)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め!Marcing Along!」

Meanwhile, my marches were gaining every day in popularity. The Yorktown Centennial did well, and The Gladiator became familiar in the musical arena. At a parade in Philadelphia, a friend of mine counted no fewer than seventeen bands playi…

第6章(2)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め!Marching Along!」

The collection of the national airs of all lands, which the French Minister of Beaux Arts had praise, came about in an interesting way. Secretary of the Navy Tracy was largely responsible for it. Tracy was an unusually efficient cabinet of…