

「Copland on Musicを読む」第4回の4.ポール・ローゼンフェルドpp97-100


The Critic:Paul Rosenfeld 



IT ISN'T OFTEN that a composer wants to talk to people about a man who wrote music criticism. Critics and composers are usually considered, by definition, to be incompatible. But Paul Rosenfeld was someone special.  Except for the start of his career he never had a job on a daily newspaper. Most of his writing about music appeared in books and magazines and was read during his lifetime by a restricted audience. He never wrote in a journalistic style. His prose was richly expressive, sometimes perhaps too richly expressive, with an occasional paragraph in a jargon all his own. But the thing that made him special was not so much what he said or how he said it, but the very attitude he took toward the whole art of music. 



To me the exciting thing about Rosenfeld's criticism is the fact that for once a critic completely involved himself in the very music he was criticising. I'd like to explain that conception of “the involvement of the critic,”  as I call it. People often talk as if they imagine it is the duty of the critic to remain severely aloof in order to guarantee a balanced judgement. But that is not my idea. A critic, it must be said, is not just a detached bystander whose job may be considered finished when he has given the composer a casual hearing. No, a critic is just as much a member of our musical civilization as any composer is. He ought to be just as deeply involved, just as completely responsible, just as serious when he writes his criticism as a composer is when he writes his music. 



Paul Rosenfeld understood all that. Whether he judged a work good or bad, he judged it as a part of himself, not something outside himself ー not something he could take or leave ー but something of immense significance to him, and therefore of significance to America, and through America to the world. It is always surprising to find how little our critics seem to want to involve themselves in that sense. They exist on the outer fringe of music ー looking on from the outside at what is being done, but seldom taking a really active part in it. If all this is true, then they are a shortsighted lot, for whether they like it or not, we are all in the same musical boat. 



Rosenfeld demonstrated his own involvement most clearly in his approach to contemporary music. I very well remember the excitement of reading his first article about the young Stravinsky and the young Ernest Bloch. That must have been around 1919 or 1920. Later I first saw mention of the name of Roger Sessions in a Rosenfeld article in the Dial magazine. It is easy enought to appreciate who these men are now. But in those days their music was being vilified in the daily press by writers whose names today are best forgotten. 



The American scene in particular was a consuming interest of Rosenfeld. He believed passionately in the emergence of an important school of contemporary American composers. He was one of the very first to affirm the talents of men like Roy Harris and the Mexican Carlos Chaez. As for myself, I owe him a special debt. He not only went far out on a limb in relation to my music in its earliest stages but also saw to it that I had a patron to help me through those first difficult years. He didn't think the critic's role was done when he had written a good notice on a new composition. He was concerned about what the next work of the composer would be, and the one after that, and how the composer was going to live while writing these next works. 



The unknown and unheralded composer remained an absorbing concern of Rosenfeld through all his writing years. Not everyone he championed has received public recognition. But that was part of the game as he saw it. He wasn't interested in always playing safe with his music judgements. He took chances when some years back he wrote enthusiastically about the neglected Charles Ives or the fifteen-year-old Lukas Foss. He took chances when he gave a preeminent place to the music of Leo Ornstein or Edgar Varese. He took chances when he endorsed the music of the little-known American composer Charles Mills. 



It is not the exactitude of his judgements that is impressive so much as the sharpness of his sensitivity to music. He felt himself at home in an amazing number of different styles and personalities. It was music as a whole that fascinated him rather than any one phase of it. His reactions to the music of masters like Bach or Palestrina were no less keen and perceptive than his reactions to modern music. 



In a sense Paul Rosenfeld was, I suppose, first a music-lover, and second a music critic. If so, I wish there were more such music-lovers among our music critics. 
