

「Copland on Musicを読む」第8回の3 10年後の「1926年の若手達」



A larger number of names will be familiar than would have been true ten years ago. Marc Blitzstein's is probably best known. Blitzstein shows a definite “flair” for composition, although his early works were largely derivative (Stravinsky was the all-absorbing influence). Later, when he managed to throw off these influences, his music took on an exaggeratedly laconic and abstract quality, which militated against its even achieving performance. Recently, however, he has returned to a simpler style more nearly approaching the best parts of his early ballet Cain, or some of his film music for Surf and Seaweed. This new simplicity may be attributed to Blitzstein's sympathy for leftist ideology, with its emphasis on music for the masses. 

名前がメジャーになる作曲家の数は、10年前よりは多くなることだろう。彼らの中ではマーク・ブリッツスタインが出世頭だ。ブリッツスタインの作品にはハッキリと彼の「天賦の才」が見て取れる。といっても、彼の初期作品は、その大半が二番煎じなのだ(ストラヴィンスキーの影響はそれほどまでに全てを飲み込んだのだ)。後に彼はこういった影響を払拭していると誇示しすぎるあまり、結果、彼の音楽はシンプルすぎてわけが分からなくなり、なおかつ音楽の質もぼやけてしまった。そのため、彼の作品を実演しようにも、どんなに演奏が注目すべき出来であっても、曲の性格がそれを台無しにしてしまう羽目になった。しかし最近は、彼は彼なりの直球勝負のスタイルに戻り、初期のバレエ音楽「カイン」や映画音楽「白波と海藻(Surf and Seaweed)」に散見する彼の珠玉のアプローチの仕方へとシフトしている。「無駄の無さ」という点でのこの新たな取り組みは、政治的左派の思想による「音楽は大衆のためのもの」という考え方への共感から生まれたものと考えられる。 


The identification of one's musical aims with the needs of the working class is a brand-new phenomenon in American music. Young men like Siegmeister, Heilner, Moross, and Cazden have felt irresistibly drawn toward the movement to the left, which has influenced all other arts before reaching music. Unfortunately it cannot be said that their works show the salutary influence of a collectivist ideal. (This is not so strange when we consider that to compose a music of “socialist realism” has stumped even so naturally gifted a man as Shostakovitch). 



Siegmeister has had difficulty in adopting a real simplicity in his more serious works. Too often, as in his Strange Funeral at Baddock, we get a kind of crude effectiveness, quite undistinguished in style. What is needed here is more honest self-criticism. Heilner is a naturally gifted composer, though he is given to extremes. He recently abandoned a highly complex tonal fabric, inspired no doubt by the examples of Ives, in order consciously to embrace banality. That idea for reaching the masses is literary and certainly will not salsify a musician like Heilner for long. 




Moross is probably the most talented of these men. He writes music that has a quality of sheer physicalness, music “without a mind,” as it were. It is regrettable that we cannot yet point to any finished, extended work. What he seems to lack is a sense of artistic discipline and integrity, which his talent needs for development. 



Norman Cazden, an excellent pianist, has recently been brought to our attention as the composer of a Piano Sonatina and a String Quartet that augur well for his future as a creative artist. 



Of a completely different inspiration is the music of Citkowitz and Bowles. Both these men are lyricists and write an unmistakably personal music. Citkowitz, who is certainly one of the most sensitive and cultured musicians we have, has produced but little in the past few years. It is to be fervently hoped that the composer of such delicate and admirable pieces as the Joyce Songs and the Movements for String Quartet will soon get his second wind, and present us with works we have a right to expect from him. 



Paul Bowles is the exceptional case among our young composers. There are those who refuse to see in Bowles anything more than a dilettante. Bowles himself persists in adopting a militantly non-professional air in relation to all music, including his own. If you take this attitude at its face value, you will lose sight of the considerable merit of a large amount of music Bowles has already written. It is music that comes from a fresh personality, music full of charm and melodic invention, at times surprisingly well made in an instinctive and non-academic fashion. Personally I much prefer an “amateur” like Bowles to your “well-trained” conservatory product. 



If it is careful workmanship that is desired, turn to the music of Ross Lee Finney and Samuel Barber. Finney's music becomes more interesting with each new work. He composes largely in the neoclassic model, which produces a certain sameness that should be avoided in the future. Barber writes in a somewhat outmoded fashion, making up in technical finish what he lacks in musical substance. So excellent a craftsman should not content himself forever with the emotionally conventional context of his present manner (1960: Written when Mr. Barber was twenty-six. He must have arrived at a similar conclusion, if one can judge by the sophisticated style of his more mature music). 



Three composers - Engel, Brant, and Diamond - are extremely prolific and facile. Facility brings its own pitfalls, of course. To compose easily is admirable, but the music must always spring from a deep need. Neither Engel nor Brant, despite self-evident musicality, has yet completely convinced us that each is “hopelessly” a composer. David Diamond is a new name on the roster of young composers. It is a name to remember. Not yet twenty-one, Diamond has a musical speech that is, of course, only in the process of formation. But already one can recognize an individual note in his last-movement rondos with their perky, nervous themes and quick, impulsive motion. 



Robert McBride has also but recently made his metropolitan bow. Those who heard his Prelude to a Tragedy, performed by Hans Lange and Philharmonic, were greatly impressed. McBride's orchestral sense is both keen and original. Being himself a performer on several orchestral instruments, he approaches the whole problem of composing from a more practical standpoint than is general among our young men, who too often find themselves divorced from direct contact with the materia musica. McBride has yet to learn how to purify his style of extraneous elements, and how to create a feeling of inevitability in the musical thought. Still, no composer during the past few years has made to fresh an impression on first acquaintance. 



Finally there are the young men whose names are little known: Strang of California, Johnson of the Middle West, Gershefski of Conneticut, and Creston, a native New Yorker. It is a characteristic sign that they are all composers of excellent training. In general, however, their work has a disturbing tendency toward overcomplexity of texture and a somewhat abstract musical thought. There is a certain unreality about their music, which probably comes from their lack of contact with a real audience. Perhaps it is wrong to generalize about four such different personalities. Strang' s music has been little played outside his native state. All the others have recently had evenings of their work at the WPA Forum Laboratory Concerts and will undoubtedly profit by their experiences there. 



In 1946 we shall know more about all these men. 
