Paris: 1928
(ストラヴィンスキー作曲 オペラオラトリオ「エディプス王」について)
Oedipus Rex is Igor Stravinsky's most recent composition. Jean Cocteau made a new version of the Sophocles drama, which Stravinsky set as an opera-oratorio in two acts for a speaker, solo voices, male chorus, and orchestra. It was first performed last spring in Paris without stage action (as an oratorio) by the Russian Ballet. An audience that had come to be diverted by a spectacle and dancing was confronted with rows of singers in evening clothes who sang ― none too well ― an austere choral composition that proved far from amusing. Little wonder, then, that Oedipus Rex was coldly received. People on all sides could be heard regretting the old, familiar Stravinsky of Le Sacre and deploring what seemed to be an illogical volte-face on the part of the composer.
It is undoubtedly true that Stravinsky is no longer the composer a la mode of a few years back. This is due largely to the disfavor with which his latest manner, inaptly termed a “return to Bach,” has been received. The conservatives call it a perverse mockery of classical models, while the modernists are reluctant to exchange the pleasurable jolts of a primitive period for the sober intellectualism of the Concerto for Piano.
ストラヴィンスキーは、もはや数年前のような「時代の最先端」ではないことは間違いない。原因の大半は、人々の不評の矛先が向けられた、彼の最近の作曲方針である。「バッハへの回帰」などと中傷されている。保守派は、古典的なモデルをひねくったお笑い草と評し、 革新派は、仕方がないからといって、「ピアノ協奏曲」に見られるような、かつて自分たちが心を踊らせた厳然たる知性主義の時代を懐かしみ語り合うようになった。
Superficially, it does seem as if Stravinsky, possessed by the restless spirit of the age, felt impelled to invent a new style for each new work. Closer examination, however, reveals the complete unity of aesthetic purpose in all his production, from Petrouchka to Oedipus Rex. Already, in Le Sacre du Printemps, the primitive rites of an entire people are celebrated rather than the single tragedy of the puppet Petrouchka. The subjective realism of that earlier ballet was, in Le Sacre, tempered by a more impersonal spirit. Again, with Le Noces, there is the expression of a more objective realism, while in the last pages of the Symphonies of Wind Instruments the first signs of a complete break with realism become evident.
Thus, as Stravinsky progressed, he became more and more enamored of the objective element in his creative work, until, about 1923, with the Octet he completely abandoned realism and espoused the cause of objectivism in music. This was no easy task he set himself. Music, more than any other art, has been profoundly influenced by the ideals of nineteenth-century romanticism. Even today the average musician confuses the term music with romantic music. It is easy for him to love and reverence the music of so-called classical composers like Bach and Palestrina. But it is another matter to admit that the impersonal attitude these men took toward their art might be applied as a living principle to present-day music.
It is just such an attitude that Stravinsky wishes to revive. It is more than likely that he was partly influenced by the example of a neoclassic Picasso. The reader of Clive Bell or T. S. Eliot will here recognize a tendency that has already manifested itself in modern painting and contemporaneous literature. But in music such aesthetic principles have not been alive for several centuries. With this in mind perhaps we can better appreciate the revolutionary gesture of Stravinsky in returning to the impersonal ideals of the eighteenth century.
With Oedipus Rex, Stravinsky applied the objective theory to the dramatic from. His wholehearted acceptance of tradition in this work is amazing; from every aspect ― subject, form, action, rhythm, melody, etc. ― he fearlessly started from the most banal premises. As subject matter he chose the universally known tragedy of King Oedipus. This was cast into the outmoded and restricted form of the opera-oratorio as practiced by Handel. The action of the opera remains static; in this manner the listener gets no dramatic surprises: the singers comment on a fait accompli. The text of the opera was translated from the French of Cocteau into Latin, so that a dead language might keep the listener's attention directed solely toward tonal values.
From a purely musical standpoint Oedipus Rex is externally made up of elements no less banal. Stravinsky, the master of rhythmical complexities, has been content to express dynamic intensity by the simplest means ― ordinary three-four, four-four rhythms. Harmonically, also, there is marked restraint. After a welter of atonalism and polytonalisms, Stravinsky proposes a kind of unitonal music in which there is almost no modulation, and where for entire pages the harmony rests on a single major or minor triad. The melodic line likewise remains close to classical models. Creon sings “Respondit deus” to the barest of progressions: a descending do-sol-mi-do-do. Old formulas are brought to life in the general construction; thus, Jocasta's solo is preceded by the usual recitative and is followed by the conventional air ― lento, allegro, lent. Contrapuntally, as Arthur Lourie has pointed out, Stravinsky has emulated Handel in that the counterpoint is a resultant of the underlying harmonic structure rather than a determinant of the harmony, as in the case of Bach. Stravinsky's orchestration, likewise, shows admirable restraint. Although only the customary instruments are employed, the prevailing timbre is hardly less newsounding than that derived from the special orchestration ― four pianos and percussion ― of Les Nocces.
To cope successfully with so many self-imposed limitations, one must have the personality of a Stravinsky. Yet it is not alone as a tour de force that Oedipus Rex is remarkable. Its purely musical qualities far outshadow its triumph over traditional means. The opening and closing pages of choral writing are magnificent. They have an elemental force ― a solidity and sobriety that Stravinsky himself has seldom achieved. There is nothing clever or ironic in this music. The broad majestic lines upon which the score has been conceived bring a new note into modern music. Such arias as that of Tiresias in the first act, or the long solo of Jocasta with which the second act begins, are profoundly human. Very characteristic of the new Stravinsky are crystalline trumpet calls that ring out at the appearance of the messenger and the exciting chorus that immediately follows. All the music, in its stark simplicity, its hard, clear contours, its unsentimentality, its non-pathetic sense of tragedy, is essentially Greek in feeling.
Oedipus Rex is not without its disturbing factors. The traditional elements seem to have been culled from unnecessarily eclectic sources. One can discover the most diverse backgrounds: Russian, Italian, German. There are also occasional lapses into an earlier manner, as in the shepherd's song, or moments such as the Oedipus solo that follows, when the composer's consciousness of his theory seems stronger than his musical invention.
The faults, however, cannot detract from the beauty of the music as a whole, nor from its value as an example of the new, impersonal approach to music. As such it is certain to exert a considerable influence on the younger generation. Other composers must interpret the new ideals according to their own lights. Later the neoclassic movement in music may be tempered by some compromise with romanticism.