

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第7回 第7章 音楽の4要素 7.音色

7. The Four Elements of Music 





IV. 音色 


After rhythm, melody, and harmony, comes timbre, or tone color. Just as it is impossible to hear speech without hearing some specific timbre, so music can exist only in terms of some specific color in tone. Timbre in music is analogous to color in painting. It is a fascinating element, not only because of vast resources already explored but also because of illimitable future possibilities. 



Tone color in music is that quality of sound produced by a particular medium of musical tone production. That is a formal definition of something which is perfectly familiar to everyone. Just as most mortals know the difference between white and green, so the recognition of differences in tone color is an innate sense with which most of us are born. It is difficult to imagine a person so “tone-blind” that he cannot tell a bass voice from a soprano or, to put it instrumentally, a tuba from a cello. It is not a question of knowing the names of the voices or instruments but simply of recognizing the difference in their tone quality, if both were heard from behind a screen. 



Instinctively, therefore, everyone has a good start toward getting a fuller understanding of the various aspect of tone color. Don't allow this natural appreciation to limit your taste for certain favorite tone colors to the exclusion of all others. I am thinking of the man who adores the sound of a violin but feels an extreme distaste for any other instrument. The experienced listener should wish rather to broaden his appreciation toinclude every known species of tone color. Moreover, although I have said that every person can make broad distinctions in tone colors, there are also subtle differences that only experience in listening can clear up. Even a music student, in the beginning, has difficulty in distinguishing the tone of a clarinet from that of its blood brother the bass clarinet. 



The intelligent listener should have two main objectives in relation to tone color: (a) to sharpen his awareness of different instruments and their separate tonal characteristics and (b) to gain a better appreciation of the composer's expressive purpose in using any instrument or combination of instruments. 

懐深い熟練音楽ファンを目指す上で、音色に関して2つの大きな目標を設定しよう。(a) 認識する力を磨き上げ、色々な楽器とその個々の音のキャラを、頭に入れる (b) 好みのストライクゾーンを広げ、作曲家が自己表現に使う楽器や楽器同士の組み合わせを、受け入れる 


Before exploring the separate instruments for their individual tone qualities, the attitude of the composer toward his instrumental possibilities should be more fully explained. After all, not every musical theme is born fully swaddled in a tonal dress. Very often the composer finds himself with a theme that can be equally well played on the violin, flute, clarinet, trumpet, or half a dozen other instruments. What, then, makes him decide to choose one rather than another? Only one thing: he chooses the instrument with the tone color that best expresses the meaning behind his idea. In other words, his choice is determined by the expressive value of any specific instrument. That is true in the case not only of single instruments but also of combinations of instruments. The composer who chooses a bassoon rather than an oboe in certain instances may also have to decide whether his musical idea best belongs in a string ensemble or a full orchestra. And the thing that makes him decide in every case will be the expressive meaning that he wishes to convey. 



At times, of course, a composer conceives a theme and its tonal investiture instantaneously. There are outsanding examples of that in music. One that is often quoted is the flute solo at the beginning of L'apres midi d'un faune (Afternoon of a Faun). That same theme, played by any other instrument than the flute, would induce a very different emotional feeling. It is impossible to imagine Debussy's conceiving the theme first and then later deciding to orchestrate it for a flute. The two must have been conceived simultaneously. But that does not settle the matter. 



For even in the case of themes that comes to the composer in their full orchestral panoply, later musical developments in the course of a particular piece may bring on the need for varied orchestral treatments of the same theme. In such a case, the composer is like a playwright deciding on a dress for an actress in a particular scene. The stage shows us an actress seated on a bench in a park. The playwright may wish to have her clothed in such a way that the spectator knows as soon as the curtain rises what mood she is in. It is not just a pretty dress; it's an especially designed dress to give you a particular feeling about this particular character in this particular scene. The same holds true for the composer who “dresses” a musical theme. The entire gamut of tonal color at his disposal is so rich that nothing but a clear conception of the emotional feeling that he wishes to convey can make him decide as between one instrument and another or one group of instruments and another. 



The idea of the inevitable connection of a specific color for a specific music is a comparatively modern one. It seems likely that composers before Handel's time did not have a strong feeling for instrumental color. At any rate, most of them did not even trouble to write down explicitly what instrument was desired for a particular part. Apparently it was a matter of indifference to them whether a four-part score was executed by four woodwind instruments or four strings. Nowadays composers insist on certain instruments for certain ideas, and they have come to write for them in a way so characteristic that a violin part may be unplayable on an oboe even when they are confined to the same register. 



Each of the separate tone colors that the composer is enabled to use only gradually found its way into music. These steps were generally involved. First, the instrument had to be invented. Since instruments, like any other invention, usually begin in some primitive form, the second step was the perfecting of the instrument. Thirdly, players had gradually to achieve technical mastery of the new instrument. That is the story of the piano, the violin, and most other instruments. 



Of course, every instrument, no matter how perfected, has its limitations. There are limitations of range, of dynamics, of execution. Each instrument can play so low and no lower, so high and no higher. A composer may wish at times that the oboe could play just half a  tone lower than it does. But there is no help for it; these limits are prescribed. So are dynamic limitations. A trumpet, though it plays loudly by comparison with a violin, cannot play more loudly than it can. Composers are sometimes painfully aware of that fact, but there is no getting around it. 



Difficulties of execution must also be continually borne in mind by the composer. A melodic idea that seems predestined to be sung by a clarinet will be found to make use of a particular group of notes that present insuperable difficulties to the clarinetist because of certain constructional peculiarities of his instrument. These same notes may be quite easy to perform on oboe or bassoon, but it so happens that on a clarinet they are very difficult. So composers are not completely free agents in making their choice of tone colors. 



Nevertheless they are in a much better position than were their predecessors. Just because instruments are machines, subject to improvement like any other machine, any contemporary composer enjoys advantages that Beethoven did not have as far as mere tone color is concerned. The present-day composer has new and improved materials to work with, besides which he benefits from the experience of his forebears. This is especially true of his use of the orchestra. No wonder that critics who pride themselves on their severity toward contemporary music willingly allow the brilliance and cleverness of the modern composer's handling of theorchestra. 



It is important nowadays for a composer to have a 

feeling for the essential nature of each instrument ― 

how it may best be used to exploit its most personal 

characteristics. I should like to take, for example, a 

perfectly familiar instrument ― the piano ― and show 

what I mean by using an instrument characteristically. 

A treaties on orchestration would do the same for each 

of the instrument.  



The piano is a handy instrument to have around ―  “maid of all work,” someone once called it. It can substitute for a large variety of different instruments including the orchesra itself. But it is also a being in its own right ― it is also a piano ― and as such it has properties and characteristics that belong to itself alone. The composer who exploits the piano for its essential nature will be using it to best advantage. Let us see what that essential nature is. 



A piano may be used in one of two ways: either as a vibrating or as a nonvibrating instrument. That is true because of its construction, which consists of series of strings stretched across a steel frame, with a damper on each string. This damper is vital to the nature of the instrument. It is controlled by the piano pedal. When the pedal is untouched, piano tone lasts only as long as the note is pressed by the pianist's finger. But if the damper is removed (by pushing the pedal down), the tone is sustained. In either case, piano tone declines in intensity from the instant it is struck. The pedal minimizes this weakness somewhat and therefore holds the key to good piano writing. 



Although the piano was invented around 1711 by one Cristofori, it was not until the middle nineteenth century that composers understood how to take advantage of the pedal in a truly characteristic way. Chopin, Schumann, and Liszt were masters of piano writing because they took fully into account its peculiarities as a vibrating instrument. Debussy and Ravel in France, Scriabin in Russia carried on the tradition of Chopin and Liszt, as far as their piano writing is concerned. All of them took full cognizance of the fact that the piano is, on one side of its nature, a collection of sympathetically vibrating strings, producing a sensuous and velvety or brilliant and brittle conglomeration of tones, which are capable of immediate extinction through release of the damper pedal.  



More recent composers have exploited the other side of the piano's essential nature ― the nonvibrating tone. 



The nonvibrating piano is the piano in which little or no use is made of the pedal. Played thus, a hard, dry piano tone is produced which has its own particular virtue. The feeling of the modern composer for harsh, percussive tonal effects found valuable outlet in this new use of the piano, turning it into a kind of large xylophone. Excellent examples of this may be found in the piano works of such moderns as Bela Bartok, Carlos Chavez or Arthur Honegger. This last composer has an attractive last movement in his Concertino for piano and orchestra which fairly crackles with a dry, brittle piano sonority. 



The point I have been making in relation to the piano 

is valid for every other instrument also. There is defi- 

nitely a characteristic way of writing for each one of  

them. The tonal colors that an instrument can produce 

that are uniquely its own are the ones sought after by 

the composer. 






Now we are in a better position to examine single tone colors, such as are found in the usual symphony orchestra. Orchestral instruments are generally taken as a norm, for it is those that we are most apt to find in a composer's score. Later we shall want to know how these single tone colors are mixed to form timbres of various instrumental combination. 



Orchestral instruments are divided into four principal types, or sections. The first section, of course, is that of the strings; the second, of the woodwind; the third is the brass; and the fourth is the percussion. Each of these sections is made up of a related group of instruments of similar type. Every composer, when working, keeps these four divisions very much to the front of his mind. 



The string section, which is the most used of all, is itself made up of four different types of stringed instruments. These are the violin, the viola, the violin-cello (or cell, for short), and the double bass. 



The instrument with which you are most familiar is, of course, the violin. In orchestral writing, violins are divided into two sections ― so-called first and second violins ― but only one type of instrument is involved. There is certainly no need to describe the lyric, singing quality of the violin; it is much too familiar to all of us. But you may be less familiar with certain special effects which help to give the instrument a greater variety of tone color. 



Most important of these is the pizzicato, in which the string is plucked by the finger instead of being played with the bow, thus producing a somewhat guitar-like effect. That, too, is familiar enough to most of us. Less well known is the effect of harmonics, as they are called. These are produced by not pressing the finger on the string in the usual way but lightly touching it instead, thereby creating a flutelike tone of special charm. Double stopping means playing on two or more strings simultaneously, so that a chordal effect is obtained. Finally, there is the veiled and sensitive tone obtainable through use of the mute, a small extra contraption placed on the bridge of the instrument, immediately deadening the sonority. 



All of these varied effects are obtainable not only on the violin but also on all the other stringed instruments. 



The viola is an instrument that is often confused with the violin, because it not only resembles it in outward appearance but is held and played in the same fashion. Closer examination would show that it is a slightly larger and weightier instrument, producing a heavier and graver tone. It cannot sing notes as high as the violin's but compensates for that by being able to sing lower. It plays a contralto role to the violin's soprano. If it lacks the light lyric quality of the higher instrument, it possesses, on the other hand, a gravely expressive sonority ― seemingly full of emotion. 



The cello is a more easily recognized instrument played, as it is, by a seated performer holding it firmly propped between both knees. It plays baritone and bass to the viola's contralto. Its range is one full octave lower than the viola, but it pays for this by not being able to go so high. The quality of cello tone is well known. Composers, however, are conscious of three different registers. In its upper register, the cello can be a very poignant and touching instrument. At the other extreme of its range, the sonority is one of sober profundity. The middle registrer, most frequently used, produces the more familiar cello tone ― a serious, smooth, baritone-like quality of sound, almost always expressive of some degree of feeling. 



The last of the string family, the double bass, is the largest of all and must be played standing. Because it is seen in jazz bands, it has recently taken on an importance more nearly commensurate with its size. When it was first used in orchestra, it played a very menial  role, doing little more than what the cello did (doubling the bass, as it is called) an octave lower. This it does very well. Later composers gave it a part of its own to play, down in the depths of the orchestra. It almost never functions as a solo instrument; and if you have ever heard a double bass try to sing a melody, you will understand why. The proper function of the double bass is to supply a firm foundation for the entire structure above it. 



The second section of orchestral instruments comprises those that come under the heading of woodwinds. Once again they are of four different types, though in this case each type has a closely related instrument which belongs in its immediate group, a kind of first cousin to the main type. The four principal woodwinds are the flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon. The flute's “first cousins” are the piccolo and the flute in G; the oboe is related to the English horn, which, as one orchestration book has it, is neither English nor a horn but called that nevertheless. The clarinet is related to the clarinet piccolo and bass clarinet; and the bassoon, to the double bassoon. 



Recently a new instrument has been added, which is partly a woodwind, called the saxophone. You've probably heard of it! At first, it was only very sparingly used in the usual symphonic orchestra. Then suddenly the jazz band began exploiting it, and now it is finding its way back to more extended use in the symphonic field. 



Even if all the instruments of the orchestra are playing their loudest, you can generally hear the piccolo above all of them. In fortissimo, it possesses a thin but shrill and brilliant sonority and can outpipe anyone within listening distance. Composers are careful how they use it. Often it merely doubles, an octave higher, what the flute is doing. But recent composers have shown that, played quietly in its more moderate register, it has a thin singing voice of no little charm. 



The tone color of the flute is fairly well known. It possesses a soft, cool, fluid or feathery timbre. Because of its very defined personality, it is one of the most attractive instruments in the orchestra. It is extremely agile; it can play faster and more notes to the second than any other member of the woodwinds. Most listeners are familiar with its upper register. Much use has been made in recent years of its lowest register which is darkly expressive, in a most individual way. 



The oboe is a nasal-sounding instrument, quite different in tone quality from the flute. (The oboe player holds his instrument perpendicularly, whereas the flutist holds his horizontally.) The oboe is the most expressive of the woodwinds, expressive in a very subjective way. By comparison, the flute seems impersonal. The oboe has a certain pastoral quality which is often put to good use by composers. More than any other woodwind the oboe must be well played if its limited tonal scope is to be sufficiently varied. 



The English horn is a kind of baritone oboe, which is often, by inexperienced listeners, confused in tone color with the oboe. It possesses a plaintive quality all its own, however, which was fully exploited by Wagner in the introduction to the third act of Tristan and Isolde. 



The clarinet has a smooth, open, almost hollow sound. It is a cooler, more even-sounding instrument than the oboe, being also more brilliant. Much closer to the flute than to the oboe in quality, it has almost as great an agility as the former, singing with an equal grace melodies of all kinds. In its lowest octave it possesses a unique tone color of a deeply haunting effect. Its dynamic range is more remarkable than that of any other woodwind, extending from a mere whisper to the most brilliant fortissimo. 



The bass clarinet hardly differs from the clarinet itself, except that its range is one octave lower. In its bottom register, it has a ghostlike quality which is not easily forgotten. 



The bassoon is one of the most versatile of instruments. It is able to do a number of different things. In its upper register, it has a plaintive sound which is very special. Stravinsky made excellent use of that timbre at the very beginning of Le Sacre du Printemps (Rite of Spring). On the other hand, the bassoon produces a dry, humorous staccato in the lower register, of an almost puckish effect. And it is always being called upon to make dullish bass parts more resonant by the sheer weight of its tone. A handy instrument it certainly is. 



The double bassoon bears the same relationship to it as the double bass does to the cello. Ravel used it to characterize the beast in his Beauty and the Beast from the Mother Goose Suite. Mainly it helps to supply a bass voice to the orchestra where it is badly needed, down in its very depths. 



The brass section, like the others, boasts four principal types of instruments. These are the horn (or French horn, to be exact), the trumpet, the trombone, and the tuba. (The cornet is too much like the trumpet to need secial mention.) 



The French horn is an instrument with a lovely round tone ― a soft, satisfying, almost liquid tone. Played loud, it takes on a majestic, brassy quality which is the complete opposite of its softer tone. If there exists a more noble sound than eight horns singing a melody fortissimo in unison, I have never heard it. There is one other most effective sonority to be obtained from the horn by stopping the tone either with a mute or with the hand placed in the bell of the instrument. A choked, rasping sound is produced when the tone is forced. The same procedure, when unforced, gives an unearthly tone which seems to emanate with magical effect from distant places.  



The trumpet is that brilliant, sharp, commanding instrument with which everyone is familiar. It is the mainstay of all composers at climactic moments. But it also possesses a beautiful tone when played softly. Like the horn it has its special mutes, which produce a snarling, strident sonority which is indispensable in dramatic moments and a soft, dulcet, flutelike voice when played piano. Recently, jazz-band trumpetists have made use of a large assortment of mutes, each producing a quite different sonority. Eventually some of these are almost certain to be introduced into the symphony orchestra. 



The tone of the trombone is allied in quality to that of the French horn. It also possesses a noble and majestic sound, one that is even larger and rounder than the horn's tone. But it also partly belongs with the trumpet, because of its brilliance of timbre in fortissimo. Moments of grandeur and solemnity are often due to a judicious use of the trombone section of the orchestra. 



The tuba is one of the orchestra's more spectacular-looking instruments, since it fills the arms of the player holding it. It isn't easily manageable. To play it at all one must possess good teeth and plenty of reserve wind. It is a heavier, more dignified, harder-to-move kind of trombone. It is seldom used melodically, though in recent years composers have entrusted occasional themes to its bearlike mercies, with varying results. (Ravel's tuba solo in his orchestral version of Moussogsky's Pictures at an Exhibition is a particularly happy example.) For the most part, however, its function is to emphasize the bass, and, as such, it does valuable service. 



In the percussion group, it is the drum family that is most imposing. These are all rhythm- and noise-makers of various sizes and assortments, from the little tom-tom to the big bass drum. The only drum with a definite pitch is the well-known kettledrum, usually found in groups of two or three. Played with two sticks, its dynamic range goes all the way from a shadowy, far-off rumble to an overpowering succession of thudlike beats. Other noisemakers, though not of the drum variety, are the cymbals; the gong, or tam-tam; the woodcock; the triangle: the slapstick; and many more. 



Other percussion-group instruments provide color rather than noise or rhythm. These are likely to be of definite pitch, such as the celesta and glockenspiel, the xylophone, the vibraphone, the tubular bells, and others. The first two produce tiny, bell-like tones which are a great asset to the colorist in music. The xylophone is possibly the most familiar of this group, and the vibraphone the most recent addition. Well-known instruments like the harp, guitar, and mandolin are also sometimes grouped with the percussion instruments because of their plucked-string timbre. In recent years, the piano has been used as an integral part of the orchestra. 



There are, of course, a number of nonorchestral instruments, such as the organ, the harmonium, the accordion - not to mention the human voice - which we can do little more than list. Needless to add, all these are sometimes used with orchestra.  





Mixing these separate instruments in different combinations is one of the composer's more pleasant occupations. Though there are theoretically a very large number of possible combinations, composers usually confine themselves to groups of instruments that usage has made familiar. These may be groupings of instruments belonging to the same family, such as the string quartet, or those of different families, like flute, cello, and harp. It isn't possible to do more than mention a few customary combinations: trio, made up of violin, cello, and piano; the woodwind quintet, a combination of flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn; the clarinet quintet (with strings); the flute, clarinet, and bassoon trio. In recent years, composers have done a considerable amount of experimenting in less usual combinations with varied results. One of the most original and successful is the accompanying orchestra of Stravinsky's ballet Le Noces, comprised of four pianos and 

thirteen percussion instruments. 



The most usual of all chamber-music combinations is that of the string quartet, composed of two violins, viola, and cello. If a composer is subjectively inclined, there is no better medium for him than the string quartet. Its very timbre creates a sense of intimacy and personal feeling which finds its best frame in a room where contact with the sonority of the instruments is a close one. The limits of the medium must never be lost sight of; composers are often guilty of trying to make the string quartet sound like a small orchestra. Within its own frame it is an admirably polyphonic medium, by which I mean that it exists in terms of the separate voices of the four instruments. In listening to the string quartet, you must be prepared to listen contrapuntally. What that means will become clearer later on when the chapter on musical texture is reached. 



The symphony orchestra is, without doubt, the most interesting combination of instruments composers have yet evolved. It is equally fascinating from the listener's standpoint, for it contains within itself all instrumental combinations, of an endless variety. 



In listening to the orchestra, it is wise to keep well in mind the four principal sections and their relative importance. Don't become hypnotized by the antics of the kettledrum player, no matter how absorbing they may be. Don't concentrate on the string section alone, just because they are seated up front nearest you. Try to free yourself of bad orchestral listening habits. The main thing you can do in listening to the orchestra, aside from enjoying the sheer beauty of the sound itself, is to extricate the principal melodic material from its surrounding and supporting elements. The melodic line generally passes from one section to another or from one instrument to another, and you must always be mentally alert if you expect to be able to follow its peregrinations. The composer helps by careful balancing of his instrumental sonorities; the conductor helps by realizing those balances, adjusting individual conditions to the composer's intention. But none can be of any help if you are not prepared to disengage the melodic material from its accompanying web of sound.  



The conductor, if rightly looked at, may be of some help in this. He generally will be found giving his primary attention to the instruments who have the main melody. If you watch what he is doing, you will be able to tell, without previous knowledge of a piece ,where the center of your interest should be. It goes without saying that a good conductor will confine himself to necessary gesture; otherwise he can be most distracting. 



A chapter on tone color ,written in America, would be incomplete without some mention of the jazz band, our own original contribution to new orchestral timbres. The jazz band is a real creation in novel tonal effects, whether you like them or not. It is the absence of strings and the resultant dependence on brass and wind as melody instruments that makes the modern dance band sound so different from a Viennese waltz orchestra. If you listen to a jazz band closely, you will discover that certain instruments provide the rhythmic background (piano, banjo, bass, and percussion), others the harmonic texture, with, as a rule, one solo instrument playing the melody. Trumpet, clarinet, saxophone, and trombone are used interchangeably as harmonic or melodic instruments. The real fun begins when the melody is counterpointed by one or more susidiary ones, making for an intricacy of melodic and rhythmic elements that only the closest listening can unravel. There is no reason why you should not use the jazz band as a way of practicing how mentally to disconnect separate musical elements. When the band is at its best, it will set you problems aplenty. 



Britten - A young Person's Guide to the Orchestra 

Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic (Sony) 


Mozart - Sinfonia Concertante for Solo Winds and Orchestra; Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra 

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra (Deutsche Grammophon) 



Sir Georg Solti, Chicago Symphony (London) 




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