

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第8回 第8章 音楽のテクスチャ(仕組み)

8. Musical Texture 



In order better to understand what to listen for in music, the layman should, in a general way, be able to distinguish three different kinds of musical texture. There are three species of texture; monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic. 



Monophonic music is, of course, the simplest of all. It is music of a single, unaccompanied melodic line. Chinese or Hindu music is monophonic in texture. No harmony, in our sense, accompanies their melodic line. The line itself, aside from a complex rhythmic percussion accompaniment, is of an extraordinary finesse and subtlety, making use of quarter tones and other smaller intervals unknown in our system. Not only all Oriental peoples but also the Greeks had a music that was monophonic in texture. 



The first development of monophony in our own music is Gregorian chant. From uncertain beginnings in very early church music, its expressive power became greatly enhanced by generations of church composer's working and reworking a similar material. It is the best example we have in Western music of an unaccompanied melodic line. 



In later times, the use of monophony has usually been incidental. The music seems to pause for a moment, concentrating attention on a single line, thereby producing an effect similar to an open space in a landscape. There are, of course, examples of monophonic writing in sonatas for solo instruments, such as flute or cello, by eighteenth- and twentieth-century composers. Because of hundreds of years of accompanying harmonies, these single-lined works often suggest an implied harmony, even though none is actually sounded. In general, monophony is the clearest of all textures and presents no listening problems. 



The second species - homophonic texture- is only slightly more difficult to hear immediately than monophony. It is also more important for us as listeners, because of its constant use in music. It consists of a principal melodic line and a chordal accompaniment. As long as music was vocally and contrapuntally conceived - that is, until the end of the sixteenth century ― homophonic texture in our sense was unknown. Homophony was the “invention” of the early Italian opera composers who sought a more direct way of imparting dramatic emotion and a clearer setting of the text than was possible through contrapuntal methods. 



What happened is fairly easy to explain. There are two ways of considering a simple succession of chords. Either we may consider it contrapuntally, that is, each separate voice of one chord moving to its next note in the following chord; or we may think of it harmonically, in which case no thought of the separate voices is retained. The point is that the predecessors of the Italian innovators of the seventeenth century never thought of their harmonies except in the first way, as resulting from the combination of separate melodic voices. The revolutionary step was taken when all emphasis was placed upon a single line, and all other elements reduced to the status of mere accompanying chords. 



Here is an early example of homophonic music from Caccini, showing the “newer,” plainer kind of chordal accompaniment. It is necessary to have a fair amount of historical perspective to realize how original this seemed to its first listeners. 

(score illustrated: Caccini “Ard'il mio petto misero”) 




It wasn't very long before these simple chords were broken up, or figurated, as it is called. Nothing is essentially changed by figurating or turning these chords into flowing arpeggios. Once discovered, this device was soon elaborated and has exerted an unusual fascination on composers ever since. The foregoing example in chordal figuration would appear thus: 

(score illustrated: Caccini “Ard'il mio petto misero”) 




The only texture in music that poses real listening problems is the third kind ― polyphonic texture. Music that is polyphonically written makes greater demands on the attention of the listener, because it moves by reason of separate and independent melodic strands, which together form harmonies. The difficulty arises from the fact that our listening habits are formed by music that is harmonically conceived; and polyphonic music demands that we listen in a more linear fashion, disregarding, in a sense, those resultant harmonies. 



No listener can afford to ignore this point, for it is fundamental to a more intelligent approach toward listening. We must always remember that all music written before the year 1600 and much that was written later was music of polyphonic texture, so that when you listen to music of Palestrina or Orlando di Lasso, you must listen differently from the way you listen to Schubert or Chopin. That is true not only from the standpoint of its emotional meaning but also, technically, because the music was conceived in an entirely different way. Polyphonic texture implies a listener who can hear separate strands of melody sung by separate voices, instead of hearing only the sound of all the voices as they happen from moment to moment, vertical fashion. 



No point in this book needs direct musical illustration more than this one. The reader cannot expect to grasp it thoroughly without listening to the same piece of music over and over, making a mental effort to disentangle the interweaving voices. Here we must confine ourselves to a single illustration: Bach's well-known chorale prelude Ich ruff zu Dir, Herr Jesu Crist. 




This is an example of three-voiced polyphony. As a bit of laboratory work, you should listen to this short piece four times, hearing first the part that is always easiest to hear ― the top, or soprano, part. Now listen again, this time for the bass part which moves in a well-poised manner, making use of repeated notes. The alto, or middle voice, should be listened for next. This voice is a kind of figurated melody, but it is distinguishable from the others because of its sixteenth-note (faster) motion. Now hear all three voices together, keeping them well apart in your mind: the soprano with its sustained melody, the alto with the more flowing inner melody, and the bass with its poised line. A supplementary experiment might consist of hearing two voices at a same: soprano and bass, alto and soprano, bass and also, before hearing all there voices together. (For the 

purposes of this investigation. RCA Vctor's Stokowski arrangement is recommended [available only on 78-rpm recording].) 



In carrying out this little experiment, you will be doing a very valuable thing for yourself. Until you can hear all polyphonic music in this way ― in terms of voice against voice, line against line ― you will not be listening properly. 



Polyphonic texture brings with it the question of how many independent voices the human ear can grasp simultaneously. Opinions differ as to that. Even composers have occasionally attacked polyphony, holding it to be an intellectual idea that has been forced upon us ― not a natural one. Nevertheless, I think it can safely be maintained that with a fair amount of listening experience, two- or three-voiced music, can be heard without too much mental strain. Real trouble begins when the polyphony consists of four, five, six, or eight separate and independent voices. But, as a rule, listening polyphonically is aided by the composer because he seldom keeps all the voices going at the same time. Even in four-voiced polyphony, composers so managed that one voice is usually silence while the other three are active. This lightens the burden considerably.  



There is also this to be said for polyphonic music: that repeated hearings keep up your interest better than music of homophonic texture. Even supposing that you do not hear all the separate voices equally well, there is every likelihood that when you return to it again, there will be something different for you to listen to. You can always hear it from a different angle. 



But whether one can hear several voices at a time or not is now merely an academic question, since so much of the world's great music has been written on the principle of polyphonic listening. 



Moreover, contemporary composers have shown a marked learning toward a renewal of interest in polyphonic writing. This was brought on as part of the general reaction against nineteenth-century music, which is basically homophonic in texture. Because the newer composers feel more sympathy with the esthetic ideals of the eighteenth century, they also have taken over the contrapuntal texture of that period ― but with this difference: that their independent part writing results in harmonies that are no longer conventional. This newer kind of contrapuntal writing has sometimes been called linear, or “dissonant,” counterpoint. From the listener's standpoint, there is less chance of losing the sense of the separateness of each voice in modern counterpoint, since there is no mellifluous harmonic web to fall back upon. In recent contrapuntal writing, the voices “stick” out, as it were; for it is their separateness rather than their toughness which is stressed. 



Here is an example of the newer counterpoint from Hindemith, who is one of the best practitioners of modern polyphonic texture. 

(From Das Marienleben (original version) by Paul Hindemith. Used by permission of Associated Music Publications, Inc.) 


(ポール・ヒンデミット作曲 歌曲集「マリアの生涯」(原典版)より。AMP社掲載許諾済) 



Remember, then, that music of polyphonic texture, whether it is by Bach or by Hindemith, is listened to in exactly the same way. 



Not all music, of course, is divided into one of these three different kinds of texture. In any piece of music, the composer may go from one kind to another without transition. You, as listener, must be prepared to follow the species of texture that the composer chooses for any given moment. His choice is, in itself, not without emotional significance. Obviously, a single unaccompanied melodic line produces a greater sense of freedom and direct personal expression than a complicated web of sound. Homophonic music, which depends so much on harmonic background for its effect, generally has more immediate appeal for the listener than polyphonic music. But polyphonic music brings with it a greater intellectual participation, The mere fact that you must listen more activity in order to hear what goes on in itself induces a greater intellectual effort. Composers, as a rule, also put more mental effort into writing polyphonic music. By utilizing all three kinds of texture in a single piece, a greater variety of expressive feeling is obtained. 



The Allegretto movement from Beethoven's Seventh 

Symphony provides as good an example as any of a 

varied texture in one of the masterworks of music. 

(Toscanini's RCA Victor recording is recommended.) 

The beginning is almost entirely chordal, with only a  suggestion of a melodic phrase in the upper voice. In any case, it is definitely homophonic in texture. Then a new and full-sung melody is added in the violas and half the cellos. The effect is only partly contrapuntal, because the accompanying upper and lower voices are little more than a suggestive reminder of the opening chordal structure. But much later on (toward the end of the first side of the record), a purely contrapuntal section is arrived at. The first and second violins begin to weave a polyphonic texture about a fragment taken from the first rather inexpressive theme. If you are able to follow the way in which, gradually, the sixteenth-note motion engendered in this contrapuntal part is superimposed above a fortissimo sounding of the opening chords, you will be coming closer to the actual way in which Beethoven conceived the climax of the movement. Here, as always, a greater awareness in listening will be repaid by closer contact with the composer's thought ― and not only in the technical sense, for a greater sensitivity to musical texture is certain to make the expressive meaning of music more completely felt. 



A fuller understanding of contrapuntal texture and its relation to homophony will come, no doubt, when the reader has had the opportunity to consider the chapters on fudamental forms. Particularly the discussion of fugal forms should make the hearing of polyphonic texture easier. 



Gregorian Chant ― The “Sarum” Liturgy 

Tallis Scholars (Gimell) 


Medieval Polyphony ― Music of Johannes Ciconia 

Ensemble P.A.N. (New Albion) 


Bach ― Mass in B Minor 

Philippe Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale (Virgin Classics) 


Beethoven ― Symphony No. 7  

John Elliot Gardiner (Archiv); Otto Klemperer (Angel-EMI) 



グレゴリオ聖歌よりThe “Sarum” Liturgy 







フィリップ・ヘレヴェッヘ指揮 コレギウム合唱団ヴァージンクラシックス 



