

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第9回 第9章 音楽のストラクチャー(構造)

9. Musical Structure 



Almost anyone can more readily distinguish melodies and rhythms, or even harmonies, than the structural background of a lengthy piece of music. That is why our main emphasis, from here on, must be put upon structure in music; for the reader should realize that one of the principal things to listen for, when listening more consciously, is the planned design that binds an entire composition together. 



Structure in music is no different from structure in any other art; it is simply the coherent organization of the artist's material. But the material in music is of a fluid and rather abstract character; therefore the composer's structural task is doubly difficult because of the very nature of music itself. 



The general tendency, in explaining form in music, has been to oversimplify. The usual method is to seize upon certain well-known formal molds and demonstrate how composers write works within these molds, to a greater or lesser extent. Close examination of most masterworks, however, will show that they seldom fit so neatly as they are supposed to into the exteriorized forms of the textbooks. The conclusion is inescapable that it is insufficient to assume that structure in music is simply a matter of choosing a formal mold and then filling it with inspired tones. Rightly understood, form can only be the gradual growth of a living organism from whatever premise the composer starts. It follows then, that “the form of every genuine piece of music is unique.” It is musical content that determines form. 



Nevertheless, composers are not by any means entirely independent of outer formal molds. It therefore becomes necessary for the listener to understand this relationship between the given, or chosen, form and the composer's independence of that form. Two things, then, are involved: the dependence and independence of the composer in relation to historical musical forms. In the first place, the reader may ask: “What are these forms, and why should the composer bother about them in any way?” 



The answer to the first part of the question is easy: The sonata-allegro, the variation, the passacaglia, the fugue are the names of some of the best-known forms. Each one of these formal molds was only slowly evolved through the combined experience of generations of composers working in many different lands. It would seem foolish for present-day composers to discard all that experience and to begin to work from scratch with each new composition. It is only natural, particularly since the organization of musical material is by its very nature so difficult, that composers tend to lean on these well-tried forms each time that they begin to write. In the back of their minds, before beginning to compose, are all these used and known musical molds 

which act as a support and, sometimes, a stimulus for their imaginations. 



In the same way, a playwright working today, despite the variety of story material at this disposal, generally fits his comedy into the form of a three-act play. That has become the custom ― not the five-act play. Or he may prefer the form of the play in a number of short scenes, which has found favor recently; or the long one-actor without intermission. But whatever he chooses, we presume that he begins from a generalized play form. In the same way, the composer each time begins from a generalized and well-known musical form. 



Busoni felt that this was a weakness. He wrote a pamphlet to prove that the future of music demanded the freeing of composers from their overdependence on predetermined forms. Nevertheless, composers continue to depend on them as in the past, and the emergence of a new formal mold is just as rare an occurrence as ever. 



But whatever outer mold is chosen, there are certain basic structural principles which must be fulfilled. In other words, no matter what your architectural scheme may be, it must always be psychologically justified by the nature of the material itself. It is that fact which forces the composer out of the formal, given mold.  



For example, let us take the case of a composer who is working on a form that generally presupposes a coda, or closing section, at the end of his composition. One day, while working with his material, he happens on a section that he knows was destined to be that coda. It so happens that this particular coda is especially quiet and reminiscent in mood. Just before it, however, a long climax must be built. Now he sets about composing his climax. But by the time he has that long climactic section finished, he may discover that it renders the quiet close superfluous. In such a case, the formal mold will be overthrown, because of the exigencies of the evolving material. Similarly Beethoven, in the first movement of his Seventh Symphony, despite what all the textbooks say about “contrasting themes” of the first-movement form, does not have contrasting themes ― not in the usual sense, at any rate, owing to the specific character of the thematic material with which he began. 



Keep two things in mind, then. Remember the general outlines of the formal mold, and remember that the content of the composer's thought forces him to use that formal mold in a particular and personal way ― in a way that belongs only to that particular piece that he is writing. That applies chiefly to art music. Simple folk songs are often of an exactly similar structure within their small frame. But no two symphonies were ever exactly alike. 



The prime consideration in all form is the creation of a sense of the long line which was mentioned in an earlier chapter. That long line must give us a sense of direction, and we must be made to feel that that direction is the inevitable one. Whatever the means employed, the net result must produce in the listener a satisfying feeling of coherence born out of the psychological necessity of the musical ideas with which the composer began. 






There are two ways in which structure in music may be considered: (1) form in relation to a piece as a whole and (2) form in relation to the separate, shorter parts of a piece. The larger formal distinctions would have to do with entire movements of a symphony, a sonata, or a suite. The smaller formal units would together make up one entire movement. 






These formal distinctions may be clearer to the layman if an analogy is made with the construction of a novel. A full-length novel might be divided into four books ― I, II, III, and IV. That would be analogous to the four movements of a suite or symphony. Book I might be, in turn, divided into five chapters. Similarly, movement I would be made up of five sections. One chapter would contain so many paragraphs. In music, each section would also be subdivided into lesser sections (unfortunately, no special term denotes these smaller units). Paragraphs are composed of sentences. In music, the sentence would be analogous to the musical idea. And, of course, the word is analogous to the single musical tone. Needless to say, this comparison is meant to be taken only in a general sense. 



In the outlining of a single movement, it has become the custom to represent the larger sections by letters A, B, C, etc. Smaller divisions are usually represented by a, b, c, etc. 

一つの楽章を大まかに説明するためには、アルファベットの文字を使うのが習わしだ。大きなセクションは大文字のA、B、Cで、細かな区分けは小文字でa, b, c となる。 





One all-important principle is used in music to create the feeling of formal balance. It is so fundamental to the art that it is likely to be used in one way or another as long as music is written. That principle is the very simple one of repetition. The largest part of music bases itself structurally on a broad interpretation of that principle. It seems more justified to use repetition in music than in any of the other arts, probably because of its rather amorphous nature. The only other formal principle that need be mentioned is the opposite of repetition ― that is, nonrepetition. 



Speaking generally, music that is based on repetition for its spinal structure may be divided into five different categories. The first one is exact repetition; the second, sectional, or symmetrical, repetition; the third, repetition by variation; the fourth, repetition by fugal treatment; the fifth ,repetition through development. Each one of these categories (with the exception of the first) will receive separate treatment in single chapters later. Each category will be found to have different type forms which come under the heading of a specific kind of repetition. Exact repetition (the first category) is too simple to need any special demonstration. The other categories are split up according to the following type forms: 









I. Sectional or symmetrical repetition 

a. Two-part (binary) form 

b. Three-part (ternary) form 

c. Rondo 

d. Free sectional arrangement 


II. Repetition by variation 

a. Basso ostinato 

b. Passacaglia 

c. Chaconne 

d. Theme and variation 


III. Repetition by fugal treatment 

a. Fugue 

b. Concerto grosso 

c. Chorale prelude 

d. Motets and madrigals 


IV. Repetition by development 

a. Sonata (first-movement form) 



a. 2部形式 

b. 3部形式 

c.  ロンド形式 

d. 形式にとらわれないセクション分け 



a. バッソ・オスティナート 

b. パッサカリア 

c. シャコンヌ 

d. 主題と変奏 



a. フーガ 

b. コンチェルト・グロッソ 

c. コラール前奏曲 

d. モテットとマドリガル 



a. ソナタ(第1楽章形式) 


The only other basic formal categories are those based on nonrepetition,and so-called “free” forms. 



Before launching into discussion of these large type forms of repetition, it would be wise to examine the principle of repetition applied on a smaller scale. This is easily done because these repetitional principles apply both to the large sections which comprise an entire movement and also to the small units within each section. Musical form, therefore, resembles a series of wheels within wheels, in which the formation of the smallest wheel is remarkably similar to that of the largest one. A folk song is often constructed on lines similar to one of these smaller units and whenever possible will be used to illustrate the  

simplest repetition principles. 



The most elementary of all is that of exact repetition, which may be represented by a-a-a-a, etc. Such simple repetitions are to be found in many songs, where the same music is repeated for consecutive stanzas. The first form of variation occurs when, in similar songs, minor alternations are made in the repetition to allow for a closer setting of the text. This kind of repetition may be represented as a-a'-a''-a''', etc. 



The next form of repetition is fundamental not only to many folk songs but also to art music in its smallest and largest sections. It is repetition after a digression. This repetition may be exact, in which case it is represented by a-b-a, or it may be varied and therefore represented by a-b-a'. Very often in music the first a is immediately repeated. There would appear to be some fundamental need to impress a first phrase or section on the listener's mind before the digression comes. Most theorists agree, however, that the essential a-b-a form is unchanged by the repetition of the first a (In music, it is possible to indicate the repetition by the sign , making the formula a-b-a.) Here is this species of repetition in two folk songs, Au clair de lune and Ach! du lieber Augustin: 

(score illustrated: Au clair de lune and Ach! du lieber Augustin:) 



記号, 譜面では a-b-a. 





The very same formula may be found in art music. The first of Schumann's piano pieces in Scenes from Childhood is a good example of a short piece made up of a-b-a, with the first a repeated. Here is the melodic line without the accompaniment: 

(score illustrated:”von fremden Landern und Menchen” ) 




The same formula, with slight changes, may be found as part of a longer piece in the first page of the Scherzo from Beethoven's Piano Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2. Here, even the first a, when immediately repeated, is slightly changed by a certain dislocation in the rhythm; and the final repetition is different by a stronger cadential feeling at the end. (A “cadence” in music means a closing phrase.) Here is the melodic outline. 

(score illustrated: Sonate fur Klavier Nr.14, 2.Satz Allegretto and Trio) 




It would be easy to multiply examples of the a-b-a formula, with tiny variations, but my purpose is not to be all-inclusive. The point to remember about these smaller units is that every time a theme is exposed, there is strong likelihood that it will be repeated immediately; that once repeated, a digression is in order; and that after the digression, a return to the first theme, either exact or varied, is to be expected. How this same a-b-a formula applies to a piece as a whole, including the sonata form, will be demonstrated in later chapters. 



The only other basic formal principle, that of non- 

repetition, may be represented by the formula a-b-c-d, 

etc. It may be illustrated in a small way by the follow- 

ing English folk song The Seeds of Love, all four phrases 

of which are different: 

(score illustrated: The Seeds of Love) 




This same principle may be found in many of the preludes composed by Bach and other of his contemporaries. A short example is B flat major Prelude from Book I of the Well Tempered Clavichord. Unity is achieved by adopting a specific pattern, writing freely within that pattern, but avoiding any repetition of notes or phrases, We shall be returning to it in the chapter on Free Forms. 



To obtain a similar unity in a piece lasting twenty minutes without using any form of thematic repetition is no easy achievement. That probably accounts for the fact that the principle of nonrepetition is applied for the most part to short compositions. The listener will find it used much less frequently than any of the repetition forms, which now must be considered in detail. 



Schumann ― Scenes from Childhood 

Rado Lupu (London) 


Beethoven ― Sonata in C-sharp Minor, Opus 27, No. 2 

Alfred Brendel (Philips) 






ベートーヴェンピアノソナタ第14番嬰ハ短調 作品27 第2番 
