

第13章ソナタ形式(中盤)Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む

The recapitulation is, as its name indicates, a repetition of the exposition. In the classical sonata allegro, the repetition is generally exact; though even here the inclination is to omit nonessentials, leaving out material already sufficiently heard. In later times, the repetition became more and more free until it sometimes is a mere wraith of its former self. It is not very difficult to understand why this is so. The sonata allegro had its origin in a period when composers were “classically” minded; that is, they began with a structure whose outlines were perfectly clear, and into it they put a music well controlled and of an objective emotional quality. There was no contradiction between the formal A-B-A outline and the nature of the musical content. But with the advent of the romantic era, music became much more dramatic and psychological. It was inevitable that the new romantic content should be difficult to contain within the framework of a essentially classical formal scheme. For it is only logical to say that if the composer states his material in the exposition, and if he then develops it in a highly dramatic and psychological fashion, he really should come to a different conclusion about it in the end. What sense does it make to go through all the turmoil and struggle of the development section if it is only to lead back to the same conclusions from which we started? That is why the tendency on the part of modern composers to shorten the recapitulation or to substitute a new conclusion seems justified. 



One of the most extraordinary mistakes in music is the example supplied us by Scriabin, the Russian composer of amazing gifts, who died in 1915. The quality of his thematic material was truly individual, truly inspired. But Scriabin, who wrote ten piano sonatas, had the fantastic idea of attempting to put this really new body of feeling into the straitjacket of the old classical sonata form, recapitulation and all. Few modern composers make that error any longer. In fact, they sometimes go to the other extreme, giving so liberal an interpretation to the word sonata as to make it practically meaningless. So that nowadays, the listener must be prepared for almost any application of the term. 



Two important extensions were added to the form while it was still in the early stages of development. An introductory section preceded the “allegro,” and a coda was tacked on at the end. The introduction is almost always slow in tempo, a sure indication that the A section has not yet begun. It may consist of musical materials which are entirely independent of the allegro to follow; or it may be that a slow version of the main theme in A is given out to further the feeling of unity. The coda cannot be so definitely described. From Beethoven on, it has played a preponderant role in stretching the boundaries of the form. Its purpose is to create a sense of apotheosis ― the material is seen for the last time and in a new light. Here, again, no rules govern the procedure. At times, the treatment is so extended as to make the coda a kind of second development section though always leading toward a sense of epilogue and conclusion. 



This summary of sonata-allegro form can be of value to the reader only if it is applied in listening to definite works. I have chosen as one example, out of many, Beethoven's Waldstein Sonata for piano, Op. 53, an analysis of which will be found in Appendix III. To profit from an analysis of this kind, it is necessary to hear a work over and over again. My own experience has taught me that I know a work thoroughly only when I am able mentatlly to sing it over to myself, to recreate it in my own mind, as it were. There is no better way of truly appreciating the differences between a mere diagrammatic outline of a form and a contact with kaleidoscopic changes of a living organism. It is like the difference between reading a description of the physiognomy of a human being and knowing a living man or woman. 
