

第14章自由形式(前半)Copland 「What to Listen for In Music」を読む

14. Fundamental Forms 




V. 自由形 


The Prelude; The Symphonic Poem 



In order to have some conception of what a “free” form consists of, we have to know what a strict form is. In the previous four chapters, fundamental forms of the strict variety were summarized. We discovered that the mere description of the outer structural frame of a piece does not encompass the true inner form of that piece; that all formal molds are freely used by the composer, so that he may be said to be both dependent and independent of them at the same time. 



All forms that do not have as point of reference one of the usual formal molds are technically “free” forms. We also put the word “free” in quotation marks because, properly speaking, there is no such thing as an absolutely free musical form. No matter how free a piece may be, it must always make sense as form. That much is obvious; it is true of any art, and especially true of music where it is so easy to lose the feeling of coherence. Therefore, even in so-called free forms, some basic formal plan will certainly be present, though it may be unrelated to any of the normal formal molds that we have considered up to now. 

そういった通常使われる様々な形式の型を、曲作りの「しばり」として持たない作り方になっている曲は、全て作曲技法上「自由な」形式となる。それから、「自由」、という具合に、「 」(カッコ)をつけることとする。というのも、正確に言えば、完全に何一つ「しばり」のない音楽形式など、存在しないのだ。どんなに自由奔放な楽曲でも、必ず形式が認知されなければならない。そこまではハッキリしていることだ。どんな芸術分野でもそうで、音楽のように、ハッキリ筋が通っている感じがしなくなりがちなものは、殊更そう言える。なので、いわゆる自由形式を見ていれば、何かしら基本となる形式面での曲の作り方が、確かに存在する。もっとも、時としてそれは、ここまで本書で見てきた形式の型とは、何も関係ない場合もある。 


Certain types of composition seem to fall more naturally than others into forms that are “free.” Vocal works, for example, because of the necessity for following the words, often fall into that category. The church Mass, for instance, despite the fact that the general outlines of its separate parts are predetermined, has almost limitless possibilities for variety. One composer may write a very short opening Kyrie, whereas another will stretch it out to last for fifteen minutes. In general, vocal compositions are “freer” in form than instrumental works. 



Among instrumental pieces, piano and orchestral works are more likely to be “free” forms than chamber music. This may have come about because “free” forms are so often used in music in connection with extra-musical ideas, and chamber music almost always fits into the category of so-called “absolute music.” It is only natural that if a composer starts with an extramusical idea, he will probably find the stereotyped patters of the usual forms too constricting for his purposes. Many recent examples of “free” form may be credited to that source. 



It is obviously impossible to make generalizations about “free” forms. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that we are likely to meet them in one of two types of composition: the prelude and the symphonic, or tone poem. 



The prelude is a very loose term for a large variety of pieces, generally written for piano. As a title, it may mean almost anything from a quiet, melancholy piece to a long and showy, virtuoso piece. But as form it will generally be found to belong in the “free” category. Prelude is a generic name for any piece of not too specific formal structure. Many other pieces with different names belong in the same category - pieces that are called fantasy, elegy, impromptu, capriccio, aria, etude, and so forth. Pieces such as these may be in strict A-B-A form, or they may be “freely” treated. The listener, therefore, must be on the alert if he expects to follow the composer's structural idea. 



Bach wrote a good many preludes (very often followed by a balancing fugue) many of which are in “free” form. It was these that Busoni pointed to as an example of the path that he thought music should take. Bach achieved a unity of design in these “free” preludes either by adopting a pattern of well-defined character or by a clear progression of chordal harmonies which lead one from the beginning of a piece to the end without any repetition of thematic materials. Often, both methods are combined. By these means Bach engenders a feeling of free fantasy and a bold freedom of design that would be impossible to achieve within a strict form. When one hears them, the conviction grows that Busoni was quite right in saying that the future problems of handling form in music are bound up with this Bach-like freedom in form. 



An excellent illustration is the B flat major Prelude from Bach's Well Tempered Clavichord, Book I. Here there can be no question of themes and their being built up by sections. The music begins with this pattern (see opposite page). 



By the time the halfway mark has been reached, Bach abandons his pattern for a series of full-sounding chords, interspersed with roulades and scale passages. Only in the penultimate measure is there a reference to the pattern of the beginning, and even then there is no actual repetition of notes but merely on of pattern. The only outward sign of a unifying principle in a piece of this kind is the skeletal chordal frame. Other illustrations of a much grander kind are to be found in Bach's Fantasies, for instance in the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue or the famous G minor organ Fantasy and Fugue. Particularly in his big organ works, Bach creates an extraordinary sense of magnificence through utilization of this freer type of structure.  



For the larger part of the nineteenth century, composers wrote in forms that are easily identified. This was due, no doubt, to the considerable degree of variety that could be achieved within the limits of three-part, or sonata-allegro, form. But even later in the century, with the advent of Richard Strauss, who certainly was preoccupied with the problems of “free” forms in his large orchestral works, the emphasis is still on the statement of themes and their full development. 



Much of the revival of interest in true “free” forms during the present century is attributable, I believe, to Debussy's influence. He had very little precedent in the music of his time for the highly individual fashion in which he worked in short forms. Without depending upon any known models, he composed twenty-four Preludes for piano, each one of which has its own formal character. Each new Prelude meant inventing a new form, for the writing of one did not help in the creation of the next. No wonder his output was comparatively small. 



Just as in the case of the pattern design of Bach, Debussy sometimes makes use of a tiny figure, or motif, as an aid in binding a piece together. Take, for example, the piano prelude called Footsteps in the Snow (Des pas sur la neige). Here the tiny motif is consistently retained as background throughout the piece. It is a combination of a single rhythm which melodically moves a step upward each time, thus:(Permission of reprint granted by Durand & Cie, Paris, and Elkan-Vogel Company, Inc., Philadelphia, copyright owners) 

バッハが曲作りに際して、どんなパターンを作ろうかと考えた時と同じように、、ドビュッシーは時折、部品のつなぎとして小さな音形というかモチーフを使用している。前奏曲集第1番第6曲、通称「雪の上の足跡」を例に見てみよう。この曲では、全体を通して、小さなモチーフが伴奏でずっと聞こえている。形は2つの別々のリズムを組み合わせたもの。表現するものは雪の上で歩こうと足を上げる動作。こんな具合(再掲許諾元著作権所有者:パリ・デュラン社、および フィラデルフィア・エルカンフォーゲル社)。 


Above that mysteriously evocative figure, a typically Debussian melody, wraithlike and fragmentary, is heard. Note that the melody is never repeated; instead it seems gradually to come to life of its own accord, through a series of hesitations and secret impulsions until, delicately but surely, a sense of completion is obtained. The piece certainly is unified, but the means for unification are quite different from those used by Debussy's forerunners. 



Since Debussy's time, form has tended toward greater and greater freedom, until it now presents serious obstacles for the lay listener. Two things make music easy to listen to: a melody that is straightforward and plenty of repetition. New music often contains rather recondite melodies and avoids repetition. An opposite tendency has asserted itself ― the urge toward condensation. One can see that tendency most clearly in the Piano Pieces, Op. 19, of Arnold Schoenberg, a work of his middle period (no recording available). In each of these little piano pieces, the intensity of emotion is so great that repetition would be unthinkable. Sometimes there is no theme to speak of ― in one piece a tiny rhythm, in another a single chord is enough to hold the listener. When a melody is present, neither is it easy to grasp, nor does it ever stop to go over ground already covered. It isn't surprising therefore, that audiences find Schoenberg hard to take. In general, I should say that half the difficulty music lovers find in understanding so-called modern music comes from a lack of comprehension of the way in which the music is put together. 
