One of the reasons for our present freedom of form may very well be the creation of the symphonic poem. The symphonic, or tone, poem brings up the question of program music which must be elucidated first.
The reader should clearly distinguish in his own mind the difference between program music, which is music connected in some way with a story or poetic idea, and so-called “absolute” music, which has no extramusical connotations. To use music as a means of describing something outside itself is a perfectly natural, almost childlike idea. It is a rather old idea, as a matter of fact, for even composers of the seventeenth century had a penchant for describing things musically. Battles were favorite themes; also the imitation of animals was in high favor even before the flowering of instrumental music. Kuhnau, a predecessor of Bach and Handel, has made himself justly famous with his Bible Sonatas, in which biblical stories, such as the slaying of Goliath by David, are “realistically” portrayed in the music. Jannequin's remarkable Chant des oiseaux will give an excellent illustration of what a composer of the sixteenth century could do in the way of imitating the sounds of birds by means of a chorus of human beings. Women's Cackle was another subject he essayed. So you see the idea is not a new one.
But it wasn't until the nineteenth century that composers were really able to describe things well. Music became less and less naive. Nowadays if you wish to reenact a battle musically, given a modern orchestra, the chances are that you can probably create a pretty unpleasantly realistic picture. The nineteenth century, in other words, developed the means for a more exact depiction in musical terms of extramusical events. Perhaps the development of opera also was responsible for interesting composers in the descriptive powers of music. Nor must we forget the influence of the romantic movement. It wasn't enough for a romantic composer to write a sad piece; he wanted you to know who it was that felt sad and the particular circumstances of his sadness. That is why Tschaikovsky was not satisfied to write an untitled overture with a beautiful second theme but called it Romeo and Juliet, thereby labeling the theme as the “Romeo's-love-for-Juliet” motif.
Beethoven himself, as witness the Pastoral Symphony, was attracted by the idea of describing outward events in musical terms. His was one of the first examples of descriptive orchestral music. What Beethoven began in his Sixth Symphony, as an exceptional work, Berlioz made the basis for an entire career. The Fantastic Symphony is an amazing example of the progress composers had made in the nineteenth century in the ability to describe graphically not only pastoral or warlike scenes but any event or idea that they chose to depict.
Speaking generally, there are two kinds of descriptive music. The first comes under the heading of literal description. A composer wishes to recreate the sound of bells in the night. He therefore writes certain chords, for orchestra or piano or whatever medium he is using, which actually sound like bells in the night. Something real is being imitated realistically. A famous example of that kind of description in music is the passage in one of Strauss's tone poems where he imitates the bleating of sheep. The music has no other raison d'etre than mere imitation at the point.
The other type of descriptive music is less literal and more poetic. No attempt is made to describe a particular scene or event; nevertheless some outward circumstance arouses certain emotions in the composer which he wishes to communicate to the listener. It may be clouds or the sea or a country fair or an airplane. But the point is that instead of literal imitation, one gets a musico-poetic transcription of the phenomenon as reflected in the composer's mind. That constitutes a higher form of program music. The bleating of sheep will always sound like the bleating of sheep, but a cloud portrayed in music allows the imagination more freedom.
One principle must be kept firmly in mind: No matter how programmatic or descriptive music may be, it must always exist in terms of music alone. Never allow a composer to justify his piece to you because of the story content. It is not sufficient to close a piece slowly because the heroine meets an untimely end. That slow end must also be justified by the musical content. In short, story interest can never take the place of musical interest; nor can it be made an excuse for musical procedure. The music must be able to stand on its own feet, so that a person hearing it with no knowledge of the story would not have his enjoyment curtailed in any way. In other words, the story must never be more than an added attraction. Romeo and Juliet is one of Tschaikovsky's best pieces even if you don't know the title. The first theme is dramatic and exciting and well knit. If you happen to be aware that it symbolizes the fight between the rival houses of Montague and Capulet, the theme may seem more pertinent to you; but at the same time it undoubtedly limits its imaginative appeal. That is the danger that all programmatic music runs. Possibly because of it, composers nowadays do not write nearly so much program music as was customary at the end of the past century.
Surprisingly enough, a considerable amount of program music is written in one or another of the fundamental forms. One would have expected that since the composer was describing something, the form would necessarily be free. That is often not the case. In the beginning, especially, the hold of absolute music and its formal molds was too strong to be ignored. Thus Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony is a symphony first and a pastoral symphony only in a secondary sense. Likewise, the passionate drama of Romeo fits with surprising ease into the regular sonata-allegro form with an introduction, first and second theme, development, and recapitulation. It wasn't until Strauss and Debussy that composers had the courage to abandon stricter forms for the sake of greater fidelity to their programatic intentions. The beginning of that greater freedom was, of course, the creation of the symphonic poem, one of the few new forms in the nineteenth century.
Liszt is generally credited with having originated the symphonic poem. He wrote thirteen of them himself, some of which are still performed. Liszt realized that a poetic idea, if it was to be properly expressed, could not be confined to the limits of the stricker forms, even as applied by Berlioz in his programmatic symphonies. The one-movement symphonic poem, with an introductory explanation printed in the published score, was his solution. Liszt's example was followed by other composers, notably Saint-Saens, Cesar Frank, Paul Dukas, Tschaikovsky, Smetana, Balakireff, and a host of lesser men. Not all their tone poems are in “free” forms. But the principle had been established.
Richard Strauss, between 1890 and 1900, wrote a series of symphonic poems which astonished the musical world by their freedom and daring. They were the logical heirs of Liszt's idea but on a much grander and more pretentious plane. The earlier symphonic poem was analogous with a single movement of a symphony, but the Straussian tone poem is more the equivalent of the full-sized symphony. Despite obvious weaknesses, which may eventually affect their present seemingly solid position in the symphonic repertoire, they are remarkable achievements. As pictorial representation they have few rivals, and as treatment of forms that were free they were the first of their kind. Even when they lean on one of the stricter forms such as the rondo (Till Eulenspiegel) or the variation (Don Quixote), the handling of the material is so unconventional as to constitute what is practically a “free” form. In Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) or Also sprach Zarathustra, where the form may be said to be sectionally built, the mere size is so big as to make the composition dangerously top-heavy. It is a question whether the human mind can really relate the separate moments of a free form that lasts more than forty minutes without pause. That, at any rate, is what Strauss asks us to do so. To grasp adequately the formal contours of a Strauss tone poem would take more explaining than is possible within the limits of this book.
To bring the programmatic idea up to date is a very simple matter. All that is necessary is to describe in musical terms some typically modern phenomenon such as an industrial plant or a streamlined speedboat. By so doing it is easy enough to give the old idea a specious air of modernity. As I have already said, recent composers have not written much program music. Nevertheless, there have been exceptions. Arthur Honegger came in for a considerable amount of notoriety because of his short orchestral piece called Pacific 2-3-1. The title refers to a specific type of locomotive which is known by that name in Europe. Honegger took advantage of the fact that there is a certain analogy between the slow starting of a train, its gradual pickup of speed, its rush through space, and the slowing down to a full stop ― and music. He manages very well to give the listener an impression of the hissing of steam and the chug-chug of the mechanism and, at the same time, to write a piece solidly constructed of melodies and harmonies like any other piece. Pacific 2-3-1 is an excellent example of modern program music; if it is not a great piece of music, it is because of the poor quality of some of the melodic material rather than the treatment of the programmatic idea itself.
Program music, in this literal sense, is apparently on the wane. Honneger wrote a second programmatic piece called Rugby; Mossolov wrote his Iron Foundry; other composers have used prize fights, skating rinks, radio stations, Ford factories, five and ten cent stores as material for musical description. But trend away from impressionist music on the one hand and the urge toward neoclassicism on the other has left program music with comparatively few adherents. Composers nowadays, or most of them, prefer not to mix their categories; either they write straight theatrical works or they write absolute music. But no one can prophesy when program music may develop a recrudescence of interest. New electrical instruments, when they are sufficiently perfected, will undoubtedly open up brand-new possibilities for the imitative power of music.
Bach ― Well-Tempered Clavier (see listing under Chapter Two)
Debussy ― Preludes for Piano
Walter Gieseking (Angel-EMI)
R. Strauss ― Don Quixote
Steven Isserlis (cello), Edo de Waart (conductor) (Virgin Classics)
Tschaikovsky ― Romeo and Juliet, Fantasy Overture
Charles Dutoit, London Symphony (London)