

第15章オペラと音楽劇(1/3)「What to Listen for In Music」を読む

15. Opera and Music Drama 



Up to now, the question of listening more intelligently has been considered solely in relation to music that comes under the heading of concert music. Strange as it may seem, music that is end in itself, having no connection with any extramusical idea, is not the natural phenomenon that it seems to be. Music did not begin as concert music, certainly. It was only after century-long historical developments that music, listened to for its own sake, was able to seem self-sufficient. 



Theatrical music, on the other hand, is, by comparison, a perfectly natural thing. Its origins go as far back as the primitive ritual music of a savage tribe or the religious chant of a sacred play in the Middle Ages. Even today, music written to accompany a play, film, or ballet seems self-explanatory. The only form of theatrical music that is at all controversial, and therefore in need of some explaining, is the operatic form. 



Opera in our own day is an art form with a somewhat tarnished reputation. I speak, naturally, of the opinion of the musical “elite.” That wasn't always true. There was a time when opera was thought of as a more advanced form than any other. But until quite recently, it was customary among the elite to speak of the operatic form with a certain amount of condescension. 



There were several reasons for the disrepute into which opera fell. Among the first of these was the fact that opera bore the “taint” of Wagner about it. For at least thirty years after his death, the entire musical world made heroic efforts to throw off the terrific impact of Wagner. That is no reflection on his music. It simply means that each new generation must create its own music; and it was a very difficult thing to do, particularly in the opera house, immediately after Wagner had lived.  



Moreover, quite aside from Wagnerian music drama, it might truthfully be said that the public that flocked to hear opera did the form little credit. On the one hand, it became associated with what was sometimes called a “barber public” ― musical groundlings for whom the real art of music was assumed to be a closed book. On the other hand, there was the “society public,” turning the opera into a fashionable playground, with an eye only for its circus aspect. 



Moreover, the repertoire currently performed was made up for the most part of old “chestnuts,” out-moded show pieces that were fit only to strike awe in the mind of a movie magnate. How could one possibly think of injecting into this situation a new opera written in the more up-to-date manner of the 1920's, despite the fact that this new, revolutionary music was already invading the concert halls? To the musical elite, all music of serious pretensions seemed to be automatically ruled out of the opera house. If by lucky chance a new work did reach the operatic stage, it was more than likely to be found too esoteric for the audience, if it hadn't previously been annihilated by the artificialities of the conventional opera production. 



Those are some of the reasons for the low estimate of the opera as a form in the opinion of the people who look upon music seriously. But around 1924 a renewal of interest in opera began, which had its origin in Germany. Every small town in Germany has an opera house. There were said to be, around that time, at least ten first-class and twenty second-class operatic stages that functioned most of the year round. We must not forget that in Germany the opera takes the place of our musical comedy, movie, and theater combined. Every good citizen owns his weekly subscription to the opera, so that there was almost a social obligation for opera to renew itself as a form. Moreover, publishers of music did much to encourage the writing of new operatic works. There was then plenty of incentive for composers to write operas and publishers to print them, plus the added advantage of a postwar audience interested in experiencing new operatic ventures off the conventional path. Before long, interest spread to other countries, and even our own Metropolitan half-hearted paid its respects to new opera by an occasional performance of a representative modern work. 



If the reader is to be convinced that the life newly imbued in opera has some justification, he must have some understanding of opera as a form. I feel sure that many of my readers are convinced that opera is a dull form and do not ever want to go to an operatic performance if they can possibly avoid it. Let us see what can be said to break down that prejudice. 



The first point to be made, and one that cannot be too strongly emphasized, is that opera is bound from head to foot by convention. Of course, opera is not the only form of art that is so bound. The theater, for example, pretends that the fourth wall of a room is there and that we, in some miraculous way, look on while real life is being enacted. Children who visit the theater for the first time imagine that everything that occurs there is really happening; but we grownups have no trouble in accepting the convention of the stage as real, though we very well know that the actors are only making believe. The point is that opera has its conventions, too ― and still greater ones than the theater. It is important for you to realize to what an extent you accept convention in the theater if you are to be less reluctant to accept the still greater one of the opera house. 



In a sense, an opera is simply a drama sung instead of a drama spoken. That is the first of the conventions and completely at variance with reality. Even so, the drama is not sung continuously (until Wagner's time, at any rate) but, instead, is broken up into regularly contrasted, set musical pieces ― which removes it one step farther from any connection with the reality that it is supposedly depicting. Moreover, the story that is being told is often of a fatuity that can hardly be exaggerated. Nothing sensible ever seems to take place on an operatic stage. Nor does the acting of opera singers conspire to aid in making the libretto ― as the book of an opera is called ― any the less fatuous. 

ある意味オペラは、セリフを喋る代わりに歌う、それだけのことだ。これが「お約束事 その1」であり、現実の生活とは全く異なる点である。そうは言っても、オペラは、四六時中歌い続けるようなことはしない(多かれ少なかれワーグナーの時代までは、ずっとそうだった)。その代わりに、セリフのやり取りは決まって中断され、それと対比をつけるように、予め用意された楽曲が流れる。これにより、舞台上で描かれていることが、また一歩、現実との結びつきからかけ離れてゆく。更に、語られるストーリーは、誇張を極めたバカバカしさがよく見受けられる。理性を感じさせるものは、何一つオペラの舞台上にはでてこない。それでもなお、オペラ歌手達の演技が、リブレット(オペラ用語で台本のこと)の内容をバカバカしくすることも、あり得ない。 


Finally, there is the matter of the recitative ― that part of an opera which is neither spoken nor sung but rather is half sung ― telling the story part (especially in old operas), without any attempt at stimulating musical interest. When an opera is sung in a language unfamiliar to the listener, as most operas are in English-speaking countries, these recitative sections can be of surpassing boredom. These facts go to prove that the opera is not a realistic form of art; and one must not demand that it be realistic. As a matter of fact, no one is more tiresome than the person who can understand only realism in art. It shows a rather low artistic mentality never to believe anything you see unless it appears to be real. One must be willing to allow that symbolic things also mirror realities and sometimes provide greater esthetic pleasure than the merely realistic. The opera house is a good place in which to find these more symbolic pleasures. In short, what I have been trying to convey is that in order to enjoy what goes on in the opera house you must begin by accepting its conventions. 



It is surprising that some people still consider opera a dead form. What makes it so different from any of the other forms of music is its all-inclusiveness. It contains within itself almost every musical medium: the symphony orchestra, the solo voice, the vocal ensemble, the chorus. The character of the music may be either serious or light ― and both in the same work. Opera may contain music of a symphonic, or “absolute,” nature, or it may be purely descriptive and programmatic. An opera also contains ballet, pantomime, and drama. It passes easily from one to the other. In other words, it is almost impossible to imagine any type of musical or theatrical art that would not be at home in an opera house. 



But added to that is the spectacular display which only the opera can give in its own way. It is theater on a grand scale ― crowds of people on the stage; magnificence of lights, costumes, and scenery. A composer who isn't attracted by such a medium has very little theatricalism in his soul. Most creators apparently have their share, for opera has fascinated some of the world's finest composers. 



The problem of writing an opera is the combination of all these disparate elements to form an artistic whole. It is anything but an easy problem. As a matter of fact, it is practically impossible to choose any one opera and say: “That's the perfect opera! There is the solution of the form that everyone must follow.” In a sense, the problem is insoluble, for it is almost impossible to equalize and balance the different elements in a opera in such a way as to achieve a completely satisfying whole. The result has been, practically speaking, that composers have tended to emphasize one element at the expense of another. 



That particularly applies to the words of an opera, as the first of the elements with which the composer works. Operatic composers have in practice done one of two things: Either they have given the words a preponderant role, using the music only to serve the drama; or they have frankly sacrificed the words, using them merely as a peg on which to hang their music. So that the entire problem of opera may be reduced to the diametrical pull of words on the one hand and music on the other. It is instructive to look at the history of opera from this standpoint and note the way in which composers solved this problem, each one for himself. 
