

第17章映画音楽(1/2)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

17. Film Music  



Film music constitutes a new musical medium that exerts a fascination of its own. Actually, it is a new form of dramatic music - related to opera, ballet, incidental theater music - in contradistinction to concert music of the symphonic or chamber-music kind. As a new form it opens up unexplored possibilities for composers and poses some interesting questions for the musical film patron. 



Millions of moviegoers take the musical accompaniment to a dramatic film entirely too much for granted. Five minutes after the termination of a picture they couldn't tell you whether they heard music or not. To ask whether they thought the score exciting or merely adequate or downright awful would be to give thema musical inferiority complex. But, on second thought, and possibly in self-protection, comes the query: “Isn't it true that one isn't supposed to be listening to the music? Isn't is supposed to work on you unconsciously without being listened to directly as you would listen at a concert?” 



No discussion of movie music ever gets very far without having to face this problem: Should one hear a movie score? If you are a musician there is no problem because the chances are you can't help but listen. More than once a good picture has been ruined for me by an inferior score. Have you had the same experience? Yes? Then you may congratulate yourself: you are definitely musical. 



But it's the average spectator, so absorbed in the dramatic action that he fails to take in the background music, who wants to know whether he is missing anything. The answer is bound up with the degree of our general musical perception. It is the degree to which you are actually minded that will determine how much pleasure you may derive by absorbing the background musical accompaniment as an integral part of the combined impression made by the film. 



Knowing more of what goes into the scoring of a picture may help the movie listener to get more out of it. Fortunately, the process is not so complex that it cannot be briefly outlined. 



In preparation for composing the music, the first thing the composer must do, of course, is to see the picture. Almost all musical scores are written after the film itself is completed. The only exception to this is when the script calls for realistic music - that is, music which is visually sung or played or danced to on the screen. In that case the music must be composed before the scene is photographed. It will then be recorded and the scene in question shot to a playback of the recording. Thus when you see an actor singing or playing or dancing, he is only making believe as far as the sound goes, for the music had previously been put down in recorded form. 



The first run-through of the film for the composer is usually a solemn moment. After all, he must live with it for several weeks. The solemnity of the occasion is emphasized by the exclusive audience that views it with him: the producer, the director, the music head of the studio, the picture editor, the music cutter, the conductor, the orchestrater - in fact, anyone involved with the scoring of the picture. 



The purpose of the run-through is to decide how much music is needed and where it should be. (In technical jargon this is called “to spot” the picture.) Since no background score is continuous throughout the full length of a film (that would constitute a motion-picture opera, an almost unexploited cinema form), the score will normally consist of separate sequences, each lasting from a few seconds to several minutes in duration. A sequence as long as seven minutes would be exceptional. The entire score, made up of perhaps thirty or more such sequences, may add up to from forty to ninety minutes of music. 



Much discussion, much give-and-take may be necessary before final decisions are reached regarding the “spotting” of the picture. It is wise to make use of music's power sparingly, saving it for absolutely essential points. A composer knows how to play with silences - knows that to take music out can at times be more effective than any use of it on the sound track might be. 



The producer-director, on the other hand, is more prone to think of music in terms of its immediate functional usage. Sometimes he has ulterior motives: anything wrong with a scene - a poor bit of acting, a badly read line, an embarrassing pause - he secretly hopes will be covered up by a clever composer. But the composer is not a magician; he can hardly be expected to do more than to make potent through music the film's dramatic and emotional value 



When well-contrived, there is no question but that a musical score can be of enormous help to a picture. One can prove that point, laboratory-fashion, by showing an audience a climatic scene with the sound turned off and then once again with the sound track turned on. Here briefly are listed a number of ways in which music serves the screen: 



1. Creating a more convincing atmosphere of time and place. Not all Hollywood composers bother about this nicety. Too often, their scores are interchangeable: a thirteenth-century Gothic drama and a hard-boiled modern battle of the sexes get similar treatment. The lush symphonic texture of late nineteenth-century music remains the dominating influence. But there are exceptions. Recently, the higher-grade horse opera has begun to have its own musical flavor, mostly a folksong derivative. 



2.Underlining psychological refinements - the unspoken thoughts of a character or the unseen implications of a situation. Music can play upon the emotions of the spectator, sometimes counterpointing the thing seen with an aural image that implies the contrary of the thing seen. This is not as subtle as it sounds. A well-placed dissonant chord can stop an audience cold in the middle of a sentimental scene, or a calculated woodwind passage can turn what appears to be a solemn moment into a belly laugh. 



3.Serving as a kind of neutral background filler. This is really the music one isn't supposed to hear, the sort that helps to fill the empty spots, such as pauses in a conversation. It's the movie composer's most ungrateful task. But at times, though no one else may notice, he will get private satisfaction from the thought that music of little intrinsic value, through professional manipulation, has enlivened and made more human the deathly pallor of a screen shadow. This is hardest to do, as any film composer will attest, when the neutral filler type of music must weave its way underneath dialogue. 



4.Building a sense of continuity. The picture editor knows better than anyone how serviceable music can be in tying together a visual medium which is, by its very nature, continually in danger of falling apart. One sees this most obviously in montage scenes where the use of a unifying musical idea may save the quick flashes of disconnected scenes from seeming merely chaotic. 



5.Underpinning the theatrical build-up of a scene, and rounding it off with a sense of finality. The first instance that comes to mind is the music that blares out at the end of a film. Certain producers have boasted their picture's lack of a musical score, but I never saw or heard of a picture that ended in silence. 
