

1999年版編集者あとがき(前半)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

Epilogue: “Since Then” 



The year 1945 provides a convenient place-marker in any overview of the many pathways that music's creative spirits have explored in this century. The end of World War II left many people in the arts ― and in other walks of life as well ― with an obsession to form new beginnings, to invent new modes of expression starting virtually from point zero. If it's possible to coin a single phrase applicable to the course of music in the past half century, it's that the art has totally redefined itself. 



The war itself provided some of the impetus. From wartime technical research in both the United States and Germany came the mechanisms for creating musical tones electronically and, therefore, entire compositions through an array of oscillators, synthesizers and the like ― and of recording sound on magnetic tape. With nothing more than a table-top recorder, a razor blade and some sticky tape, a composer could edit a work in progress; a recording engineer could cut out wrong notes. A listener could tape broadcasts of music not available on commercial recordings; a record producer, with only a small suitcase of equipment, could tape live performances anywhere in the world and produce them on commercial discs. The fact that a reel of tape (or, later, a cassette) could last as long as an hour without the once-every-four minutes breaks of the old 78-rpm discs, led to further developments in the record industry itself: the long-playing record, first introduced in 1949, and today's digital compact disc, developed in the early 1980s. 



Music's horizons, and the horizons of the alert music listener as well, have been pushed back since this book was new in 1939, to a point immeasurable and inconceivable back then. In 1939, Aaron Copland noted, in his discussion of the set of Piano Pieces, Opus 19, by Arnold Schoenberg, that there was “no recording available.” At this writing, there are five. 



The old barriers crumbled. The musical world in 1939 consisted of a heritage from several specific European music centers ― Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union ― and the promising beginnings of something like an indigenous style in the United States, from native composers whose outlooks had been enriched with a generous dose of European education.  



Thanks to the new technologies ― most of all the ease with which recordings could be made of everything, everywhere ― it was possibly by the mid-1950s for the record buyer in the U. S. to claim easy access not only to the nine Beethoven symphonies in dozens of competing performances but also to newly composed music from the United States and abroad, to the music of African village drumming, the gamelans of Indonesia, American folksingers in isolated Appalachian villages, the steel-drum virtuosos of Jamaica ― the world, in other words. 



With their paltry musical tradition ― compared to the Vienna of Mozart and Haydn, say, or the Paris of Debussy ― composers in the United States were particularly eager to explore these new musical sources, carefully note their distinguishing features, then avidly set about incorporating these discoveries into their own music, seeking to bridge cultural gaps. Aaron Copland had already created that kind of bridge between so-called “pop” and “serious” culture by borrowing traditional American cowboy tunes ― or creating his own masterful imitations ― for his ballet scores Billy the Kid and Rodeo; in 1946 he created his masterful dance score Appalachian Spring, again using tunes from America's folk traditions.    



The composer Lou Harrison, fascinated by the richly patterned music of the Indonesian gamelan ― the ensemble of players striking a vast panoply of percussion instruments that had been designed to match one another in a kind of idealized chamber music ― built gamelans of his own, composed music for them that, indeed, managed to sound both Californian and Balinese, and taught his techniques to generations of students. Another West Coast composer, Terry Riley, heard the sinuous, hypnotic music of India and was induced to create his own variation. 



Steve Reich, a composer whose music is usually described as “minimalist,” derived his style ― short rhythmic or melodic patterns repeated and, over long time spans, gradually changing ― from extensive studies of African drumming. We hear a work like Reich's Drumming, seventy minutes of virtuosic ensemble performance, or Terry Riley's In C, a series of short melodic patterns centered on the note “C” ― to be played by whatever instruments are at hand and at whatever length the players choose ― in something of a trance, far removed from the orderly sequence of themes, developments and recapitulations we'd expect in a Haydn or Beethoven symphony of the previous century. 



To hear such music properly, we have to set aside whatever prejudices we've grown up with concerning “new” and “old”; we also have to set aside for the moment Aaron Copland's teaching of what to listen for in classic symphonic forms. The music of the minimalists, and of Lou Harrison, has its roots in the notion of music as ritual, as a form of hypnosis, of a flow that the composer beguiles us to join. Where Beethoven might terrify his listeners with a swift and violent leap from one key to another far removed, the changes in Reich's and Riley's works are almost subliminal; you notice suddenly that there's now an alien F-sharp, say, in the middle of In C, but you aren't at all sure when it got there, or how.  



Most of the minimalist repertory ― the roster also includes La Monte Young, who once fashioned a piece lasting two weeks consisting of a single sustained chord, and John Adams, who composed a successful opera based on Richard Nixon's first voyage to China, with a list of characters that included Mao Tse-Tung and Henry Kissinger ― implied a certain amount of liberty accorded the performer, a freedom to improvise within certain limits or even to decide by spontaneous agreement when a work has run its course. (One available recording of In C runs twenty minutes; another runs seventy-six!) Perhaps it was John Cage who carried the practice to extremes when he “composed” a piece for pianist sitting silently at his instrument for a specified time. But, as Cage was careful to explain, the “music” in his 4:33 was not silence, but the ambient sounds in a particular room at a particular time. “Music,” he claimed, “is whatever musicians say it is,” thus establishing an undissolvable license to the composer and performer to create and perform as the spirit moves. To Cage the element of chance was one of the governing forces in music-making, in sharp opposition to the beautiful controlled logic of the music of the classical and romantic eras. At one point Cage turned to the ancient Chinese oracular text I Ching to supplement his own compositional decisions.  



But the “disintegration” ― or, better stated, the departure of music from traditional practices and ingrained principles, especially the supremacy of melody and harmony, of structural unity and contrasting variety in the way a piece unfolds ― had already begun late in the previous century. Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde of 1864 underlined its theme of frustrated, unrequited love with a wash of disturbed, elusive harmony that never quite proceeds where we expect it to. In 1899 the twenty-five-year-old Arnold Schoenberg produced his first masterpiece, a chamber work called “Transfigured Night,” with its flow of harmony clearly inspired by “Tristan” and, thus, moving into a realm where the normal rules of harmony ― dissonance begetting consonance in an orderly progression ― were no longer the only formula for creating music. 
