Meanwhile, my marches were gaining every day in popularity. The Yorktown Centennial did well, and The Gladiator became familiar in the musical arena. At a parade in Philadelphia, a friend of mine counted no fewer than seventeen bands playing it.
Some obscure brass-band journal, published in England, declared that America was entitled to the palm for the best military marches, and cited among the composers in America, who were doing good work in that line, Graffula, Downing, Reeves, Messud, Brooks, and Sousa. The article continued: “The last named, who, we understand, is conductor of the Government band at Washington, is entitled to the name of 'March King' quite as much as Strauss is to that of 'Waltz King.'”
My publisher showed me the article and an advertisement which he was issuing: “You can hear his music from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf Stream. The March King reigns supreme!” The title has remained with me ever since.
At this time plans were being made for commemorating the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. This declaration antedated the Philadelphia document by more than a year. Senator Ransom of North Carolina called on President Harrison, asking him to attend the celebration and deliver a speech, but the President's engagements were such that he could not accept. So the Marine Band was sent to take part in the ceremonies, which were to be held for a week or more in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
A committee of prominent citizens met us at the station and showed us to our quarters ― a large hall well equipped as a barracks. The chairman of the committee said that he would call and discuss the programmes with me after we had eaten. This was only twenty-five years after the War of the Rebellion, and just what a Government band sent by a Republican president would play was a problem. I felt that this thought was uppermost in the chairman's mind when he requested such an interview. When he arrived, he asked what I had intended for music at the ceremonies next day. “Well,” I began, “we will open with The Star Spangled Banner.” “O.K.,” he agreed.
“Then we will play the Coronation March from the opera The Prophet, by Giacomo Meyerbeer. We will follow with the Overture from William Tell, On the Blue Danube, excerpts from Aida and then, My Country 'tis of Thee.”
「次は、ジャコモ・マイアベーアのオペラ「預言者」にでてくる「戴冠式行進曲」、続いて「ウィリアム・テル」序曲、その次に「美しく青きドナウ」、歌劇「アイーダ」のセレクション、そして「My Country 'ts of Thee」と続きます。」
“That is all very fine,” he said soberly, “but I should like to remind you that there's a tune down here that we love like mother's milk. I don't know whether your band plays it, but we surely would like to hear it.”
“What is it?” I asked, in a most unconcerned and discouraging manner. “It is called Dixie,” he said.
“I know the tune. I'll think of it over whether we can make use of it or not. You know we are a very artistic organization and must always consider our programmes very seriously.”
“Yes, yes,” said my disturbed committeeman, “but if you can tuck it in, I know the people would love it. Some of them haven't heard it since the Surrender.”
Of course I was only teasing the poor old fellow. A musician who went South in those days without Dixie in his repertoire was mentally, morally and physically damned by everybody ― and doubtless should have been. Next morning the ceremonies began. The town overflowed. People had come in from the mountains and the plains, from the forests and the fields. They bunked in covered wagons, and I saw boys asleep in drygoods boxes, under stoops and on benches.
Governor Fowle made the first speech. As he finished his address, I summoned my men to their feet and we played the national anthem, which was very quietly received. The next speaker was the Chairman, who made a short speech introducing Senator Vance, the idol of the State. As the Chairman sat down, just before Senator Vance rose to deliver his speech, I signalled to the band, and we launched into Dixie.
It was like an electric shock! A rebel yell, starting on the grandstand, went booming down the street, through the surging crowds. Never was there so tremendous and thrilling a shout! The very air seemed to quiver with excitement. A myriad hats went rocketing upwards. Grim old warriors cried aloud, the women turned and hugged each other, and for fifteen minutes pandemonium reigned. After that, in fact during the entire time we were in Fayetteville, our programmes ran something like this:
OVERTURE, William Tell SONG, Dixie
WALTZ, Blue Danube SONG, Dixie
SONG, Dixie
MEDLEY, Favorite Tunes SONG, Dixie
And the encore to every one of those numbers was ― Dixie.
How strange the ancestry of that tune, and of another Civil War favorite! Dixie, written by Dan Emmet, a Northerner, and first sung in New York at a minstrel show in 1859, and The Battle Hymn of the Republic, by Julia Ward Howe, set to a Southern hymn tune composed by Steffe, of Charleston, South Carolina! Dixie was originally written as a minstrel “walkaround,” The Battle Hymn of the Republic as a sacred song, but when the populace want a thing they take it wherever they find it. Albert Pike gave Dixie new words during the struggle, which awakened the Southerner to enthusiasm and defiance:
SOUTHERONS, hear your country call you!
Up, lest worse than death befall you!
To arms, to arms!
To arms, in Dixie!
Lo, all the beacon fires are lighted,
Let all hearts be now united,
To arms, to arms!
To arms, in Dixie!
Advance the flag of Dixie!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie-land we'll take our stand
And live and die for Dixie.
To arms! To arms! To arms, for Dixie!
We gave a concert in the lobby of the hotel the next night. The crowd was so great that the musicians scarcely had room to move, much less play their instruments. I called the chairman to my side, and told him that unless he could prevent the crowd from pressing so close, I should be obliged to abandon the concert. He mounted a chair, and rapping for attention, began:
“The professor informs me that the professor's professors are unable to play, owing to the great crowd and their interference. And the professor says that unless you keep back from his stand, the professor and the professor's professors will be compelled to withdraw, thus making it impossible for the professor and the professor's professors to continue the concert.”
Whereupon the “professor and the professor's professors” were given ample room to pursue the programme to its conclusion. We returned to Washington with the pleasantest recollections of our week in the South and the delights of Southern hospitality.
When I began concerts in the Capital that season, I discovered that my public had taken a tremendous fancy to the Washington Post march. Perhaps I can best describe the writing of this march by quoting portions of an article published December 6, 1927 in the fiftieth anniversary number of The Washington Post:
On April 7, 1889, The Washington Post, in order to encourage learning and literary expression in the public schools, organized as a “permanent institution” The Washington Post Amateur Authors' Association and offered prizes and medals for the best essays written by pupils in the various grades in the public schools. It created the greatest interest in the schools, and many a literary ambition was fanned to flames in the juvenile breasts of the scholars of Washington. The undertaking had the cordial support of Prof. W. B. Powell, then the superintendent of schools, and the judges were prominent men and women.
It was planned to make the awards of prizes on the Smithsonian grounds on Saturday, June 15, 1889, when a part of the exercises was to be a musical program by the Marine Band. Of this famous band John Philip Sousa was the leader, having been appointed to that position October 1, 1880. One day shortly before the award of prizes in the authors' contest, Mr. Frank Hatton, one of the proprietors of the Post, chanced to meet Professor Sousa on the street and had a happy inspiration. He asked Mr. Sousa to write a march for the contest and to play it for the first time on the occasion of the award of prizes. Mr. Sousa was delighted with the idea and produced a stirring piece of music which he called The Washington Post March. It was dedicated to Frank Hatton and Beriah Wilkins and the first copies of the original edition bore on the cover a reproduction of the first page of the paper for which it was named. How many millions of copies have since been struck off nobody knows. Track of them has been lost. They have been printed in every civillized country on the globe ...
The great day to which the children of Washington had been looking forward came at last, and an enormous crowd assembled on the Smithsonian grounds for the exercies. By this time the association had 22,000 members, all of whom were there, and the other students and the mothers and fathers swelled the throngs to 25,000. Never before were so many children together in one gathering. Not even on “egg-rolling day” when the hillsides of the White Lot are covered with young-ones, was there ever such a swarm of boys and girls, almost full grown, half grown, and just begun to grow as congregated in the Smithsonian grounds to see the distribution of the gold medals to the winners in The Washington Post's Amateur Authors' Association ...
The committee of judges who examined the compositions and made the awards was composed as follows:
Sunderland Campbell Carrington
R. D. Mussey
Henry T. Stanton
Mrs. Weston Flint
Mrs. Virginia Moore
Prof. W. B. Powell
Hon. A. A. Freeman
E. Francis Riggs
Walker Blaine
Mrs. A. G. Wilkinson
Miss Sue Britton
Simon Wolf
Frederick Douglas
Thomas Wilson
Gen. W. W. Belknap
Mrs. Chas. P. Lincoln
Gen. A. W. Greely
George F. Dawson
H. S. Bundy
R. Stuart Coleman
President Harrison was represented by Mr. Halford, his private secretary, and Colonel John M. Nelson, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds. On the platform also were Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Hatton, a delegation of prominent newspaper correspondents, Justice Miller of the Supreme Court, who delivered the prizes, and Mr. Willis B. Hawkins of the Post staff who at that time wrote a column on the editorial page known as Postscripts. The timestained pages of the Post tell the story of the birth of The Washington Post March: “The day was beautiful, with a fresh breeze and occasional light clouds to temper the sun's heat. In the trees that surround the stand were birds and boys, and until the boys obtained too large a majority, the birds filled in the intervals of the band concert with their singing.
“Promptly at four o'clock John Philip Sousa took his place in front of his men and raised his baton and the instruments of the famous Marine Band poured forth the strains of the overture. Full as the space was all about the stands, people were still coming from every direction and the long lines looked like rays converging to the grand stand as a center. Hundreds arrived while the band was playing. Mr. Wilkins said: 'The Marine Band will now play a march composed by Professor Sousa and dedicated to the Washington Post.' This announcement was greeted with applause and the march was generously applauded; before that died away the High School Cadets came marching up from the east, and their appearance was greeted with a mighty cheer from the children.”
The march was an instantaneous hit, and soon all the bands in town were playing it. It is probable there has never been a big parade in Washington from that day to this in which at least one band has not played the famous marching tune.
It was chosen almost immediately by the dancing masters at their yearly convention to introduce their new dance, “the twostep.” I sold the famous tune to a Philadelphia publisher for thirty-five dollars! I have smiled almost incredulously many a time at proofs of the world popularity of that march. It seems there is no getting away from it ― even in the fastnesses of a Borneo jungle! Major Coffin of the Army, told me that one day as he was walking through a forest in Borneo he heard the familiar sound of a violin and suddenly came upon a little Filipino boy, with his sheet of music pinned to a tree, diligently working away on The Washington Post. As for more conventional places, the wildfire spread with even greater vigor. When I went to Europe I found that the two-step itself was called a “Washington Post” in England and Germany, and no concert I gave in Europe was complete without the performance of that march. It was the rage, too, in staid New England, for an orchestra leader in a New England town declared that, at one ball, the only obstacle to his playing the thing twenty-three times was the fact there were only twenty-two dances on the programme. Even during the recent World War its cadences clung. One of our soldiers told me that he had stopped for a drink of water at a little house in a French village and the old peasant who came to the door invited him in and, learning that he was an American, immediately commanded his little girl to play some American music for the guest. The child obliged ― with The Washington Post.