In October, 1892, I had the honor to play in conjunction with Theodore Thomas' Orchestra at the dedication of the World's Fair Buildings in Chicago. The programme consisted, among other numbers, of Columbus, a march and hymn for orchestra, military and chorus, written by John Knowles Paine of the Faculty of Harvard University. I had very thoroughly rehearsed the music we were to play in combination with the orchestra, and a general rehearsal was held in the Auditorium. Mr. Thomas stopped the orchestra in the middle of the number and turning to my band, said, “Sousa Band, start it from the beginning.” He went through it, without once stopped them. Then he turned to me - I was sitting with Mr. Blakely in the front seat of the Auditorium - and smilingly said, “I thank you for the pains you have taken.” After the rehearsal he came over to me and said, “Let's get some lunch.” We sat in the Auditorium Hotel restaurant until after six. It was one of the happiest afternoons of my life. Thomas was one of the greatest conductors that ever lived.
It pleased my fancy to compare Thomas' career with my own, for they were much alike. He had played second horn in a United States Navy Band stationed at Portsmouth, Virginia, when he was but thirteen; I had played second trombone in the Marine Band at Washington when I was thirteen. He had played the violin for dancing; so had I. He had become an orchestral violinist, and so had I. He was an American by adoption, coming from Essen, East Friesland, at the age of ten. I was an American by birth, but my parents were Portuguese and German. He had conducted an opera at sight without even having seen performance or score before: I had done the same thing for a German opera company in Washington. (The conductor missed the train, and I conducted A Night in Granada by Kreutzer, without having seen anything but the overture.)
I have heard it said of Thomas that a great violinist was sidetracked to become the greatest conductor in the world. No wonder I was thrilled to be with him! He ordered luncheon and then became reminiscent, and told me a number of interesting stories about his early career. He laughed especially over the memory of a concert in Terrace Garden, in New York. He had placed on the programme a piece entitled, The Linnet Polka for two piccolos, and he prevailed upon the piccolo players to get up into the trees. When the audience heard the sounds coming through the foliage above, they applauded so heartily that it was obvious that the performance was a real “hit.”
I told Thomas that my early dream of heaven was his rendering of Schumann's Traumerei in Washington when I was a little fellow.
“That was some pianissimo,” he commented. “But, speaking of concerts, you must be very careful about management. Managers will stick close when you are making money, but they'll desert you without a qualm when the first squall blows up. Beware of speculators, if only for art's sake. Barnum offered to undertake the management of my concerts years ago, but I declined because I had no faith in his artistic integrity, and felt that he would exploit me in much the same manner as he did the Siamese twins, the fat lady, or the skeleton.”
We discussed many compositions I had heard him give, and when I became enthusiastic over some especially brilliant effect he had produced, he would inquire happily, “Do you really remember that?” adding, “I worked over that effect for hours but I finally got it.” The afternoon sped by, and I only left when I had to get ready for my concert that evening. Late that night, as I sat in my hotel room, musing over our conversation, I continued the parallel between Thomas and myself. Like him, I was tenacious of my rights, but more diplomatic and less given to irrevocable dicta. I would listen to advice, and if I knew it was no good, would quietly say, “I'll think that over,” leaving the other fellow with no ammunition to discuss the matter further. If I thought the advice good, I'd make the other fellow advance more arguments in favor of it and thereby convince me of its practical worth. Thomas had a highly organized symphony orchestra with a traditional instrumentation; I a highly organized wind band with an instrumentation without precedent. Each of us was reaching an end, but through different methods. He gave Wagner, Liszt, and Tchaikowsky, in the belief that he was educating his public; I gave Wagner, Liszt and Tchaikovsky with the hope that I was entertaining my public.
I do not believe there ever lived a conductor who interpreted Beethoven so perfectly as Thomas did, and he was the only one of the symphony leaders who idealized Wagner. Wagner to him was not a blare of brass or scraping of strings, but harmonies often ethereal in beauty. Thomas was primarily an educator, and nothing turned him aside from his purpose. It made him lose his sense of proportion, and at times brought him into sharp conflict with his public and his critics, yet I feel sure that nearly all the captious sayings reflecting on Thomas were directed against the man rather than the musicians.
Thomas became the Director of Music for the World's Fair, and engaged our band to play at the Exposition during the spring and early summer of 1893. Our concerts were a tremendous attraction and drew thousands at every performance. Mr. Tomlins, the vocal director of the Exposition, came up to the bandstand one night, after I had played a selection of old-time songs, and said, “Sousa, while you were playing that last piece, thousands of these people were just crazy to join in with the band. Let me announce that you want the audience to sing when you play Old Folks at Home.” So that night, we broke into Way Down Upon the Suwanee River. Before we finished, we had played half a dozen songs and hymn tunes near to the heart of America. We repeated the experiment several times during the season, with many encores.
トマスは万博の音楽監督をつとめ、私達のバンドとは開催期間中、1893年の春から初夏にかけて関わることになる。コンサートは大盛況、毎回大変な数の観客が訪れた。万博の合唱声楽担当のウィリアム・トムリンズ音楽監督が、ある夜の公演後私の所へやってきた。その日、懐メロのセレクションを演奏したのだが、それについて彼が「スーザさん、今日の最後の曲の演奏の時、お客さんが大勢、一緒に歌いたそうな顔をしていたよ。だから、明日以降は、君が「故郷の人々」を演奏する時は、僕からお客さんに一緒に歌ってくださいと言おうと思うが、良いかね?」そんなわけで、次の夜は、初っ端から「Way Down Upon the Suwanee River」と切り込んでいった。結局、アメリカ人の心にグッと来るような歌やら賛歌を6曲演奏した。この手は、開催期間中何度もやってみたのだが、おかげさまで沢山アンコールをいただいた。
The passing of Patrick Gilmore in the autumn of the previous year had saddened the musical world. Mr. Gilmore had organized and gathered together the very best wood-wind and brass players of both Europe and America. He had gone into the highways and byways of the land, playing Wagner and Liszt, and other great composers, in places where their music was absolutely unknown, and their names scarcely more than a twice-repeated sound. His concerts were extremely popular; indeed there is no doubt that Mr. Thomas had intended Gilmore to be the band attraction at the opening of the Fair.