

第9章(3)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」

I had made no arrangements to spend my usual season at Manhattan Beach that summer, since I had expected to go to Europe, so I leased a farm up in Suffern, N. Y., and there wrote the lyrics and music of The Charlatan. It was produced in Montreal on August 29, 1898, by DeWolf Hopper company. It did not make the prodigious hit that El Capitan had, but musically it was considered superior.  



The Montreal opening accomplished, we then presented the piece to critical New York at the Knickerbocker Theater on September 5th. It was a night straight out of the Inferno, for suffocating heat! Why anyone chose to go to the theatre that night is a mystery. Of course it was a severe test for any new piece. The favorable reception accorded the piece in Montreal was lacking. Curiously enough, the comments of the critics ranged from ordinary praise to loud acclaim. Alan Dale, one of the best known of New York's critics wrote: 



(newspaper article) 

The Charlatan is a comic opera of distinct merit and as I have been the howler at Hopper's buffoonery for a good many years, I am going to emphasize the fact that it has evaporated - vanished into atmosphere. You can now look upon DeWolf Hopper as a tall and rather rigid gentleman with a slight swelling to grand opera attitudes, and even a mild hankering for vocal fireworks. That this sort of work seems strange I am bound to confess, but that it is pleasant for a change nobody will deny. Still, the role of “Demidoff” might have been made a trifle funnier without any sacrifice to Hopper's dignity. There is a happy medium between severity and buffoonery which, although it is hard to hit, may in time be found. Under the circumstances, however, it is better to err on the side of severity, because this comedian can really sing in addition to being able to act. 




The Charlatan is chiefly interesting for its music, which is full of ginger and entrain. The music began rather simply, with melodies which resemble a Child's Guide to the Piano. But it woke up and v'la! biff! before we knew it we were revelling in Sousaism, affable waltzes, two-step affairs that made you yearn to get up and try it lightly - a jolly, rollicking ensemble. Sousa is always interesting. To commonplace people he is “catchy.” To those who are not commonplace he has a twist that stamps him with the luminous brand of originality. In The Charlatan he makes one or two efforts to be merely pretty that are not quite acceptable. Sousa is the comedian of music, and when he tries to be merely pretty he reminds you of Nat Goodwin attempting to be emotional, or Annie Russell starting out to be “strong.” He has an individuality of his own, and although for the sake of comic opera he is anxious to be as versatile as possible, he is never quite happy unless he is Sousa. 




The delightful finale to the second act and The Seventh Son of Seventh Son song and one or two other musical instances hold you in complete admiration of this peculiar person and you feel that The Charlatan had a great many of the charms of El Capitan and The Bride Elect. I am one of Sousa’s wildest admirers. His name alone is sufficient to capture my attention. His work in The Charlatan was no disappointment and those who miss hearing these humorous strains can blame themselves for their omission.  




Although I wrote all the lyrics of The Charlatan, except the Ammonia song, I did not allow my name to go on the program as the author of them, but Alan Dale, thinking it was Charles Klein, said, “Mr. Klein has written some lyrics which are extremely clever.” 



After The Charlatan had made a tour of the States, DeWolf Hopper went to England, and produced there successfully El Capitan and The Charlatan under the name of The Mystical Miss. On his return to America he continued the season with The Charlatan. The first reports that came from London were not unanimous in praise of El Capitan. I was worried, so I wrote to an English musical friend, in whose judgement I believed, and asked him if the piece really were a success there. He cabled back, “Don’t worry. London endorses El Capitan.” Nevertheless, every now and then, some paper would assert that Hopper was going to replace El Capitan with Wang, one of his former pieces, but as El Capitan and The Charlatan were the only two pieces that ran during Hopper’s entire English season, evidently there was no necessity for a change, and no proposal to make one. 

「いかさま師」 の国内ツアーを終えると、デヴォルフ・ホッパーはイギリスへ向かい、「エル・カピタン」と、「いかさま師」(英国公演時「The Mystical Miss」)のプロデュースを成功させる。帰国すると、「いかさま師」の公演シーズンを続行させた。ロンドンからの第1報によると、「エル・カピタン」は手放しに好評とは行かなかったようだ。私は心配になり、イギリス人の音楽仲間の1人に手紙を書いた。彼の判断には私は信頼をおいており、彼の地で「エル・カピタン」が上手く言ったかどうかを訊ねた。返電によれば「心配無用、ロンドンは「エル・カピタン」を絶賛」。にも関わらず、一部新聞から時折、ホッパーが「エル・カピタン」を、彼の前作ミュージカル「ワン」に差し替えるのではないか、との報道が見受けられる。だが、イギリスツアー中は、「エル・カピタン」と「いかさま師」の2本だけのはずだ。変更不要は明らかだったし、急遽新作を、との提案もなかった。 


Some time after the initial performance of El Capitan, the Lambs Club invited Klein and myself to a dinner. Although Klein was an interesting raconteur when surrounded by a few friends and sympathetic listeners, it was an utter impossibility for him to “think on his feet.” His brain refused to work when he was called upon to make a speech. At this dinner, after I had spoken briefly, the toastmaster called upon Mr. Klein. The poor fellow arose, looked about him helplessly for a moment, said, haltingly, “I am yours truly, John L. Sullivan” and stopped for a full minute. Then, in a voice full of real agony, he asked, “Will someone kindly hit me with a bottle?” and sat down. 



Charlie Klein, after the production of El Capitan, shot upward to fame and fortune with unexpected rapidity. His Lion and the Mouse, The Auctioneer, and The Music Master enjoyed an immense popularity and brought to the playwright very substantial returns. Suddenly, Klein “got religion.” He was an English Jew, but had paid little attention to the ancient Hebrew creed. He blossomed out, now, as an ardent Christian Scientist, and thereafter ascribed all his stage successes to his belief in the teachings of that faith. Dear fellow! At the height of his success God called him home; he sank with the Lusitania. Those who knew him loved him very much. 



When war was threatening between the United States and Spain, I was touring the States and reached New York on April 10, 1898, for my concert at the Metropolitan Opera House. The war fever was intense, and the New York Herald described the unforgettable scene at my concert thus:    




There had been some lively scenes in the theatres of late, when The Star Spangled Banner was played, but none of them equalled the extraordinary demonstration of last night at the Metropolitan Opera House, when Sousa's Band played the national anthem and then swung into Dixie. 



During the playing of the former piece the demonstration kept up, and when it came to a conclusion with the final crash of music from the band, the scene beggared description. An encore was demanded, but Sousa stood calmly awaiting quiet before he would go on. Then when he could be heard he said, 



“Ladies and Gentlemen: It seems the only appropriate encore I can give in these days is Johnny, Get your Gun. But stop! There's another air we all will cheer tonight.” The musicians swung into Dixie. 



If there had been orderly enthusiasm before, there was bedlam let loose now, and while the cheers went up as heartily as ever, there burst from certainly a thousand throats the famous rebel yell. It came from all parts of the house. For quite a time this continued, men and women joining in the uproar, the ladies leaning out of the boxes, and waving their handkerchiefs while the southern air was played. 



The audience had hardly quieted when a man in one of the boxes leaped over the rail and yelled, “Who says we're not ready for war?” and the house went wild again, with another combination of Union cheers and Rebel yells. Then someone in the orchestra jumped into the aisle and called for three cheers for “our flag and our country, the north and the south - we're all ready,” and the previous scene was repeated. 



When The Stars and Stripes Forever was sung, there was still another demonstration, and then five thousand tired and hoarse individuals took themselves home. 




These scenes were repeated in nearly every town we visited. In Chicago the Inter-ocean said: 




The spectacular feature described as “Trooping the Colors” is a stunning affair, cleverly arranged in detail, calculated to arouse patriotic fire in the most phlegmatic. First came the trumpeters, “America proclaiming liberty to the world.” Then came the invincible Continentals playing Yankee Doodle. The national allotment then proceeds, God Save the Queen, The Marseillaise, The Wearing of the Green. The Scottish bagpipes playing The Campbells are Coming, enter the Auditorium through one of the tunnels, march down the aisle and up to the stage. The Cubans marched to the air You'll Remember Me. When the boys in blue and the Marines came marching to the front to salute the flag, the enthusiasm was uproarious. The Star Spangled Banner was encored three times. There were 200 young women in the chorus that made a striking background for the brilliant color of the fine costumes. “Trooping of the Colors” is one of the most remarkable displays of its kind ever seen on the local stage. 




But with this enthusiasm, in a very little while the country had virtually shouted itself hoarse. A victory was assured and expected; so when we returned to New York for our final concert, it was a very decorous and strictly music-loving public that greeted us, and not one intoxicated by patriotic fervor. 
