

第10章(1)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」













1900年、スーザバンド 初のヨーロッパツアー 










Nineteen hundred was a busy year for the band. After making a tour which ended April 22, we sailed on the 25th for Europe, our first tour outside the United States and Canada. There was considerable discussion as to the reception we would get in Europe. I remember meeting John L. Sullivan at Madison Square Garden two days before the sailing. He came up to me and said, “How do you do, Mr. Sousa? I hear you are going to Europe.” 



“Yes, we're going over and we hope to please them.” 

“Please them!” he exclaimed warmly. “Why, you'll knock hell out of'em!” 




Despite such kind assurances I left with a heavy heart, for only three days before sailing, Mr. Reynolds, manager of the band, withdrew both his services and his financial support. He refused to continue because I would not sign an agreement extending his contract, until after I returned from Europe. His contract still had a year to run, and I saw no reason why I should sign one with him just then. I told him that we were going into new territory, and if his management proved successful I should be very foolish indeed to refuse to sign a new contract with him; if it were unsuccessful, he knew me well enough to feel assured that I would give him an opportunity to recover his losses with an American tour. But Reynolds was not satisfied and so we parted, I immediately paid him off, obtained two letters of credit, and sailed on the St. Louis. 



The band's publicity agent, Colonel George Frederick Hinton, was then in Europe; we met him at Southampton and I appointed him manager of the tour. Our first engagement was in Paris. Mr. Ferdinand Peck, United States Commissioner General, had chosen my band as the official American Band at the Exposition, and we gave our initial concert on May 6 in the Esplanade des Invalides. Among the very friendly and heartwarming comments from the press of that date I have this: 




The distance between Washington and Paris seemed very short yesterday as I sat in the beautiful Esplanade des Invalides, and saw the familiar figure of John Philip Sousa leading his superb band with his own peculiar force, and swing, while the stirring strains of The Washington Post, King Cotton, and The Stars and Stripes Forever filled the air. Around the kiosk in which the musicians sat, clustered thousands of people. Every number played by the band evoked great applause, nor were the listeners satisfied with less than a double encore for each. The climax of enthusiasm was reached when the heart-lifting melody of The Stars and Stripes Forever was given with the dash and precision of which the famous organization is capable.   



The last note was the signal for a tremendous outburst of cheering, in which I saw persons of many nationalities join. A turbaned Arab sitting close to the kiosk gravely nodded his head in appreciation and loudly clapped his hands, while two Chinamen in flapping robes excitedly waved their umbrellas. 



After the last number there was a wild rush for the kiosk by many of the audience, among them American ladies, who wished to shake hands with the popular composer. It was really an impromptu reception and the remarks of one expressed the sentiments of all. A stately middle-aged woman who was accomplished by two beautiful girls, apparently her daughters, grasped Sousa's hand and exclaimed, “I cannot tell you how proud we are of you and your band. I am from California.” Another old gentleman came up, shook Mr. Sousa's hand, tears streaming down his cheeks, and said, “I'm Colonel Glenn of Galesburg, Illinois, and just think, you've played in my town, too!” 



To say that Sousa was gratified with his reception in Paris would be to put his feelings in very inexpressive words. Indeed, he is enthusiastic over the way he and his men have been received. “Paris has given us a royal welcome,” he said, “and I can hardly express myself in fit terms. A very delightful compliment was paid me by a famous musician from Vienna: 'You have not a band, but a living organ under your direction.'” 





I had not been in Paris a day when I received a call from M. Gabriel Pares, the conductor of the Garde Republicaine Band, probably the greatest band in Europe. He graciously gave me a card to the Army and Navy Club, and invited me to lunch with him and a group of his friends on the following day. I gladly accepted. Hardly had the courteous M. Pares left the hotel when the card of an interviewer was brought up to me. I consented to see him and we were talking music and bands, in a pleasant impersonal fashion, when suddenly he asked, “How do you compare your band with the Garde Republicaine?” 



Of course that was a thoroughly yellow journal question and one which no gentleman, a guest of France, would think of answering. “Oh,” I exclaimed, “we have the greatest possible admiration for the Garde Republicaine. When they came to America as the representative band of France, for the Gilmore Jubilee in Boston, everybody was charmed with the perfection of their playing.”  

“But you have given me no information as to a comparison between your band and the Garde.” 

“No, I have not; but you may rest assured that no foreign organization was ever more welcome in America than the Garde Republicaine and its brilliant conductor, M. Gabriel Pares.” 

We talked a few minutes longer, and then the reporter withdrew. 







Next morning his paper carried the following: “Mr. Sousa was asked how his band compared to the Garde Republicaine. He threw his arms upward, pointing to the French sky, and said, 'We are far superior to the Garde Republicaine!'” 



At luncheon Pares was quiet and wore an injured expression. I could see plainly that he had read the article and his pride was hurt. So I said to a French gentleman at my side who spoke excellent English: “Please say to M. Pares that the article in the paper, which he must have read this morning, was a pure fabrication and a gross example of impertinent yellow journalism!” I do not think, however, that he entirely recovered from the effect of the article, false though it was. 



During our first engagement in Paris we played at the dedication of the American Pavilion and gave a concert in the famous Trocadero Concert Hall by invitation of the French Government. 



On May 15 we were assigned to proceed to the American Machinery Building in the Vincennes Annex of the Exposition for another dedication. The American Ambassador, General Porter, chartered two Seine River ferryboats, known as “hirondelles” in Paris, and had them lashed together. On one were the officials and guests, on the other my band. A young society tad, with a great desire to become internationally famous, earnestly requested that I permit him to conduct the band in one of my marches. 



Leading a band in a rhythmic piece like a march, waltz, polka, or a piece of jazz requires interpretation, and not time-beating, provided the men know how to keep together, for good orchestral and band players can mentally play a thing so strongly marked as a march or waltz without the aid of a baton. Grinding out music does not require much direction; interpreting does require intelligent and ceaseless effort. 




I laughed and said, “All right, go ahead. But since we are rather cramped, suppose you take my baton and go over on the other boat and conduct the band from there.” He climbed over the railings of the two boats, rapped for attention, and then, just as he started to conduct, some rascal cast off the rope which held the boats together. Of course they rapidly drifted apart while he frantically beat time sixty feet away from the band! 



On that same day we serenaded the German Commission in the German Building, which they were dedicating. Quite naturally I played the favorite German patriotic song, Die Wacht Am Rhein. The Germans were terribly nervous about it; one of their officials even whispered to me to stop, but I continued the piece to the end. It was the first time the tune had been played in Paris since the Franco-Prussian war, but neither the French officials nor the populace seemed to mind it a bit. I had not wanted to resort to the Prussian national anthem, Hail Dir im Siegerkrantz, because the music is the same as the English God Save the King. But how the talk did buzz in German circles for days afterwards!  
