

第11章(3/3)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」
















When we left Paris for our second tour through Germany our first stop was Mannheim. I took an earlier train than my bandsmen. When their train reached the frontier, the manager, the baggageman and the entire corps were fast asleep. Either through ignorance, stupidity, or pure cussedness the three cars containing the band were shunted to three different trains going in as many different directions. One was going to Mannheim, the other two to points in France. The baggage car was finally located at Ems and reached us in Heidelberg. 



When the carful of American musicians reached a village far to the north at the end of the line, the boys got off and inquired where they were; they were told the name of the town. At length an American was found in the village who offered to interpret for them. 



“Well,” he asked, “who are you?” 

“We are members of Sousa's Band,” answered Arthur Pryor, the solo trombonist. 

“Sousa's Band?” queried the American, “I never heard of it!” 

“You never heard of Sousa's Band?” shouted Pryor, “Stranger, I don't know what part of America you come from but I'll bet ten dollars to one that your town isn't on the map!” The bet was not taken. 







One third of the men reached Mannheim about eight o'clock, but only those who played clarinet, flute or oboe had their instruments with them, the rest of the band paraphernalia being in the strayed baggage car. We hoped against hope until 8:30 that the missing instruments and men would arrive, but luck was against us. We were obliged to dismiss the audience and refund the money. I made the announcement through an interpreter, assuring the assemblage that they were the artistic centre of the universe and that I fervently hoped I might be able to return later and give them a concert. One little sawedoff fellow mounted a chair and shouted that all this was very true, but he had come fifteen miles on the railroad and who was going to pay his fare? 



It is impossible to argue with an angry mob, so I retired and left them to disperse. The theatrical manager, equally unreasonable, swore out a warrant for damages for nonappearance and collected twelve hundred dollars before I could leave town. I have warm memories of Mannheim!  



At last we were reunited ➖― in Heidelberg. There we gave a concert in the municipal garden. There is a peculiarity about the terms of payment in Germany. In the summer months when we played in the famous gardens we usually received anywhere from 85 to 90 per cent of the “gate.” But when we played indoors in the winter months (as we did in 1905) we would have difficulty in getting 70 per cent. That was because in the gardens the proprietors look to food and drink for their profit and since we were a strong attraction, were willing to give us nearly all the entrance money. In Heidelberg the management seemed singularly indifferent whether the public paid an admission fee or not. I noticed a pole across the road and a stream of people stooping under it, thus gaining entrance without any tickets. I sought the intendant (always a very grandiose person in Europe, either a count or a duke!) and complained to his Nibs that people were crawling under the pole, sans payment. “Impossible!” he said, and becoming angry at this reflection on Teuton integrity, wanted me to understand distinctly that no German would think of doing such a thing. 



“Doubtless true,” I replied, “but please remember there are Americans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, and Senegambians at large in the world. In fact, they  

all seem to have concentrated on my concert today. I want them to pay as well as the honest Germans.” 



“Nonsense!” he was shouting now; “I will do nothing about it.” 

“Very well. If in five minutes there are not proper guards placed on that road, I shall march my band out of here, sue you for breach of contract, and then report you to the authorities at Berlin for neglect of duty, and limited capacity.” I drew out my watch and held it ready in my palm. The magnificent intendant suddenly became remarkably tractable. He got busy, and in three minutes he had placed guards at the pole, who, I really believe, would not have allowed the Kaiser to enter without his ticket! Authority, real or assumed, is a valuable weapon in Germany. 



In Dresden, we found a beautiful city and a wonderful public. The famous pianist and composer, Emil Sauer, called on me in my dressing-room at the close of the concert. German girls kept us busy for an hour, writing our autographs on postcards. The importunate maidens' pleading, “Bitte! Bitte!” filled the air. When the last card was signed and the last blonde damsel had departed, we talked. Sauer praised our performance with gratifying warmth. I had played an overture, two suites, a valse, and several marches all my own, and he remarked upon the difference existing between German and French composers and myself. 



“We,” he said, smiling, “travel along a musical path that is rough, full of cobblestones and ruts. It is sometimes even discordant. But you seem to have discovered a delightful little path of roses in music which you hold entirely for yourself.” 



It was a charming compliment and I told him so. “A successful man receives many compliments, but the sincerity of yours touches me deeply. It reminds me of one other which seems to me the only one to approach it in simplicity. I was travelling on horseback from Hot Springs, Virginia, with a companion, and one night we stopped for shelter at a farmhouse known to my companion. The farmer's little daughter, an exceedingly bright and pretty child of twelve, came with her father to meet us. She gazed at the horses with intense admiration. She had never seen a bitted horse, nor a beautiful saddle. Her knowledge of horses was confined to old farm hacks, heavy and cumbersome and in no way comparable to our splendid mounts. After supper, she rolled out the phonograph and surprised me greatly by calling out the names of twenty of my pieces and then insisting on playing every one of them. The next morning, when we went out to mount our horses, the little girl followed us. The horses were freshly groomed, saddles and bridles shining. As I got into the saddle, she stroked the mane of my horse and looked shyly up into my face, said, 'Do you know my idea of heaven?' 'No,' I said, 'I don't, but I should like to.' My idea of heaven is ― horses and you!'” 



After Dresden we played Nuremberg and then Munich. George Lange, the proprietor of the hall we played in, had guaranteed us sixteen thousand marks for four concerts and advertised the fact as widely as possible! To be sure, it was a large sum for the times, but the countryside and Lange hammered home the fact with great persistency.  



The young and lovely Olive Fremstad, a great favorite with Munich music-lovers, and later one of the most famous of the prima donnas at the Metropolitan, attended the first concert and told me afterwards that she had been compelled to stand up during the entire programme. She added that she wouldn't have stood up for any one in the world but an American musician. 



The day after the concert Mr. Lange and I lunched together. We were interrupted by a tall, cadaverous individual in a somber black suit who addressed me in German: “Herr Sousa?” I nodded and he handed me a large envelope. It informed me that a law passed in the Pleistocene period required that any stranger giving a concert in Munich should pay a tax of ten per cent of his receipts. 



“This doesn't concern me,” I said, “This is a matter for Mr. Lange to adjust. We are guaranteed and our expenses are guaranteed for this concert. No doubt all taxes will be borne by Mr. Lange.” Mr. Lange intervened, “Don't worry; I'll fix it up.” He said something to the mournful-looking intruder who, bowing low, withdrew. 



Just before the last concert of the series I was dining once more with Lange and the same individual appeared, armed with the same old envelope.  

“What does this mean?” I asked Lange, handing him the envelope. 

“It is a demand that you pay ten per cent of sixteen thousand marks.” 

“But I understood that you were to arrange the matter.” 

“I did. The original order gave you until four o'clock today to pay it; I persuaded the authorities to extend the time to six.” 

“But the debt is yours,” I protested. 







“That's what I thought,” he regretfully replied, “but the tax officer tells me that it reads, 'any stranger coming to Munich' and of course you know I am not a stranger, so the law requires that you pay. I hope to have the law changed later on!” 



After we had made the rounds of the German cities we went to Holland. At the close of our first concert in Amsterdam I was approached by the Queen's musical director who told me that he had been requested to attend all our concerts in Holland. In our next town we lunched together most amicably and he introduced me to the grandfather of all cocktails. I accepted one and drank the health of Queen Wilhelmina and all her future children but I was obliged to refuse a second for I could never have survived it. The musical director was, however, a doughty man. He drank eight during the course of that meal and emerged as sober as a judge. 



From Holland we took the boat for Queenstown and sailed the following Saturday on the St. Louis, for New York. We touched shore September ninth, 1900, in gala array, for the boat was decked with the colors of Germany, France, Holland and Belgium. On the forward deck we played American airs, and finished up with Home, Sweet Home. I told the reporters that I was delighted with the success of our tour abroad and especially happy that our Americanism had aided in it. “We found many a town where they did not even know the American colors, but they know now, and they are familiar with the strains of The Star Spangled Banner and The Stars and Stripes Forever. They loved every bit of it and we are now known throughout Europe. I cannot speak too highly of our reception abroad.” 



I received hundreds of telegrams and letters of congratulation. There was one from a lady who had been prima donna of a company which I conducted, but who was now retired and spending all her charms on her husband. She enclosed a note I had sent her when she was singing Josephine in Pinafore. 



This Josephine had the unforgivable habit of singing sharp, and the equally unforgivable one of being careless in her dress. One night she came on the stage with her petticoat showing fully two inches below her gown, ― and she began to sing a shade above the pitch. I hurriedly scribbled a note,  


Please raise your petticoat two inches, and lower our voice one inch. 







Women are strange creatures, anyway, particularly the warmhearted, golden-throated, temperamental singing women. There was dear Nella Bergen who became the Wife of DeWolf Hopper. I think it was Hopper's fourth try at matrimony. Nella was singing La Pastorella in my Bride Elect. The opera had been on the road for months and was fulfilling an engagement at the Knickerbocker Theatre, playing to capacity audiences. In fact that opera achieved the high price record at the Knickerbocker. Nella loved Hopper devotedly, and was dejected when she was obliged to be away from him. When Hopper had to go on the road and leave Nella alone in New York, he wrote to her, “How has The Bride Elect been doing?” She answered, “We are playing to packed houses. I have never seen greater enthusiasm in my life. The same people came night after night; they never seem to get enough of the opera. But I don't know whether it is a success or not!” Poor singing girl! Your heart and your eyes were for your husband alone, and you could see nothing that stood between him and your love! 

女はかくも奇異なるものだ。特に心温かく、歌唱力が抜群で、神経質な歌手となると尚更だ。ネラ・ベルゲンといえば、かのデウォルフ・ホッパーの妻となった名歌手だ。ホッパーの4番目の妻だったと思う。ネラは、私の歌劇「選ばれし花嫁」で「La Pastorella」を歌ってくれた。数ヶ月に及ぶ巡業中のことで、ニッカーボッカー劇場との契約を果たし、集客も良かった。ニッカーボッカー史上最高額の入場料を、このオペラは取ることが出来たのも事実だ。ネラはホッパーにぞっこんで、距離を置くように言われた時には、ガッカリしていた。ホッパーがツアーに出て、ネラをニューヨークに残した際、彼は手紙を書いた「選ばれし花嫁の調子はどうですか?」彼女の返事は「お客さんは満席です。こんな熱狂は産まれて初めてです。毎晩繰り返し見に来てくれる人達もいます。このオペラを何度見ても見飽きることがないみたいよ。ただ、公演として成功かどうかは、私にはわからない。」憐れな歌姫よ。君の心も眼差しも、ひたすら愛する夫のためなのに、君の愛を彼から隔つものが、君には何も見えていないようだ。 


Strange to say, all Hopper's wives ― that is to say, his earlier ones ― appeared in operas of mine. The second one, lovely Ida Mosher, appeared with him in Desiree under McCaull's management. McCaull had a habit of interjecting sarcastic remarks during rehearsal, especially when the company was slow to catch the stage manager's idea of how a certain scene should be played. On one occasion when the poor stage manager was trying to make the register ecstatic joy, McCall appeared and shouted, “What would you do if I raised your salary?” 



A musical but shy little voice behind Hopper said, “I should drop dead!” The remark attracted Hopper's attention, and not long after, they were married. 



Hopper's third wife, and the second to appear in one of my operas was Edna Wallace, who sang in El Capitan, and afterward in Chris and the Wonderful Lamp. Nella Bergen, the fourth, a charming and devoted woman, appeared in El Capitan, The Bride Elect, The Charlatan and The Free Lance. She had a glorious voice, bore herself like a queen and earned the respect and admiration of everyone who knew her. 
