We sailed the 24th of December, 1910, sixty-nine of us, on the
“Baltic” for Liverpool.
On this tour, we opened in London January 2, 1911, and visited all the principal cities of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. At Myrta-Tydvil the stage had evidently suffered some amateur carpentering, in order to enlarge it to accommodate the band, and when we struck up “The Stars and Stripes Forever”, that piece (always the climax of any programme) was the signal for catastrophe! My conducting stand collapsed and I was buried seven feet beneath it. It is a breath-snatching sensation to fall seven feet below the floor with nothing to catch on to. I went down in a cloud of dust and debris and the prima donna, Miss Root, on hearing the crash, believed I had been killed and rushed out on the stage, screaming. I quickly righted myself, however, crawled up out of the depths, bowed to the audience and said, “We will now continue.” Calmly we finished the programme.
The news of my mishap spread throughout the kingdom and nearly every day some anxious person would come and ask if I were injured. I believe that among these solicitous callers who seemed so delighted to learn that I was whole and uninjured there were agents sent by their various cities to inquire so that the concert dates might be called off in plenty of time!
We left Europe for South Africa on March 4th and gave our first concert at Capetown on the 24th. It was there that I met Lady Gladstone, whose famous husband was on a mission in South Africa at the time. Capetown was a pleasant place for music. They were delighted with “Tannhäuser” and “The Ride of the Valkyries” and all our marches and popular fancies. We played to an enormous house.
Next came Kimberley. Kimberley’s naïveté did not please me. When I arrived I found that we were advertised to give our concert in a public park, with no way of controlling the ingress or egress of the audience. That honest-hearted South African representative believed that the dear public would hunt up the ticket-seller, buy tickets, and wait in line to pass the proper entrance, even though the park was quite unfenced and the whole world might have crowded in. Said the simple manager to me, “There is only one hall in town and that holds but eleven hundred people.” “Get that,” I directed.
He engaged the hall, and we filled it. There were, however, thousands of swarming, protesting people outside who had come in from the surrounding country, hoping to hear the band without cost. They were loud in their complaints over our meanness in expecting money for our efforts. But, since our expenses were $2500 a day on the tour and we were certainly not touring for our health, we felt no compunction.
One night at dinner in Kimberley, the East Indian head waiter came to my table and said, “Mr. Sousa, there’s a Kaffir outside waiting to speak to you.”
“A Kaffir? I don’t know any Kaffirs.”
“He says he met you in America, sir.”
“Oh, all right, send him in. I’ll see him.”
My black friend could not reach my side soon enough; he rushed over to me, and cried, “How d’do, Mr. Sousa! Don’ yo’ remember me? I’m Jim Nelson f’om Henderson, Nor’ Ca’lina!” “How are you, Jim? And what are you doing so far from home?” “Mr. Sousa, I ain’t nothin’ but a fool nigger. I meets a man in No’folk who says I ought to see the home of my fo’fathers, an’ I gets it into my noodle that I gotta see that home o’ my fo’fathers. That man gets me a job on a ship comin’ over here an’ it sailed an’ sailed, and fo’ de Lord, I’ll never do it again! This ain’t no place fo’an honest cullud man. These yere Kaffirs do me up at craps. Lord, how they-all can play craps! Now they got all my money an’ I ain’t got no place to lay my haid. Mr. Sousa, I begs you to take me along with the band. I’ll work until I drops in my tracks, only take me, Mr. Sousa, fo’ God’s sake, take me!”
I told him he could come along on the African tour and help with the baggage. He was with us for several weeks, but the story ended like a good many others of similar import; the homesick one fell for a dusky Basuto belle and for all I know, remained in “the land of his fo’fathers” forever after.
The division of the Africans into tribes is very much like the division of our Indian tribes in America. The generic name for the African is “Kaffir” and this is the word most commonly used. In Africa practically no one says “negro” or “nigger.” In the larger towns there are Zulu policemen who are employed entirely for the purpose of governing the Kaffirs. They are usually magnificent specimens, six-footers, barefooted, dark, shining men, as strong as bulls.
Johannesburg kept us happy and occupied for two weeks. Then came Pretoria, the capital of the Dominion, and Krugersdorp, where I had an odd experience. I was lunching at one of the famous roadhouses in the vicinity, when suddenly the proprietor moved his Victrola out on the front porch and made ready to play some fifteen or twenty of my compositions! With the strains of the first record a crowd of Kaffirs immediately surrounded the place. When I had finished lunch (the crowd now numbered hundreds) the man asked me to come out while he addressed the natives. He spoke in their own tongue and then played “The Stars and Stripes Forever” on his Victrola. Whether he had declared that I was the composer of the march, or the inventor of the Victrola, I know not but I do know that I was alarmed by the worship I received. One by one those natives stole up, felt my coat, and salaamed until their noses nearly touched the dirt. They followed me to my motor car and shouted loud acclaim till we vanished from sight.
A Sunday morning visit to the Cinderella Mine at Boxburgh, one of de Beer’s diamond mines, proved to be full of color and interest. The various tribes that work in the mines were to perform their traditional dances in the compound. Each tribe seemed to keep aloof from the others and to avoid interference in any way with the dances of another tribe. One of their musical instruments must have been the great-great-grandfather of the xylophone. It had no definite scale and consisted only of four or five pieces of wood grouped in such a way that hammering on them produced an indefinable sound not worthy the name of music! One of the surprises of that memorable Sunday was a meeting with W. J. Kelly, so well known to vaudeville audiences as the “Virginia Judge.”
We played Grahamstown and Elizabethtown and then went to the Natal country where in Pietermaritzburg and Durban we found the finest town halls imaginable. In Capetown again, we gave our farewell African concert. The night of the concert the boat which was to bear us further on our journey, the “Ionic,” made harbor. But in the morning, an ominous yellow quarantine flag was flying from her mast. I was scarcely out of bed when a telephone message arrived from Captain Roberts assuring me that there was no smallpox aboard. An arbitrary harbor inspector had insisted on putting the vessel in quarantine because a couple of stupid immigrants had gorged themselves sick with fresh pork, a senseless thing to do in that hot climate. Captain Roberts was confident that the boat would be permitted to sail that afternoon. We did sail, but the ship’s physician was taken ill almost immediately and our band physician, Dr. Low, had to assume charge of the ailments of passengers and crew.
We were twenty-two days making that dreary trip across the Indian Ocean south to Tasmania and did not once see the sun. The boat tossed like a peanut shell, and when it wasn’t raining it was snowing, and when it scorned to snow it incontinently hailed. Not a vessel did we meet until we were near Tasmania. We were a day late and so lost our concert in Hobart much to the disappointment of a sold-out house. It was, therefore, in Launceston that we gave our first concert in Australia. The critics were enthusiastic. One wrote: “It would be a strange audience that could not be pleased with the band and its conductor, for he gratified the vociferously expressed wishes of those present with well-nigh a dozen encores. The organization is superb; the versatility is remarkable, and its perfect rendition of the most difficult compositions, alike combine in compelling admiration.”
The “Rotomahana” bore us to Melbourne, and from there we set out for Sydney. Sydney met us with seven of their largest bands, blended into one great harmonious group under the leadership of J. Devlin. At the Town Hall I was given a rousing reception. There the Professional Musicians’ Band, conducted by Mr. O’Brien, played my suite, “Looking Upward” and “The Stars and Stripes Forever”. When I was called on to address the assemblage, I said:
メルボルンへは「ロトマハナ号」で向かい、そこからシドニーへと進む。シドニーでは現地の最大級のバンド7つが、合同バンドを組んで私達を迎えてくれる。演奏の調和が大変素晴らしいこのバンドを率いるのは、J.デヴリン氏である。シドニー市庁舎の公会堂で、感動的なレセプションを開いていただく。ここでは「Professional Musician's Band」(職業演奏家のみで構成される吹奏楽団)として、オブライエン氏の指揮のもと、私の組曲「空を見上げて」と「星条旗よ永遠なれ」を演奏してくださった。集まった方々へのご挨拶ということで、次のようなスピーチを行った。
“It isn’t every fellow who comes thousands of miles with his band, and is met by a band of a thousand, a rattling good one too, and then, entering a hall, hears another band play his own music faithfully and beautifully. At the present time a splendid friendship exists between America and Australia. Our fleet has been here and returned home full of admiration for Australia and Australians. With your mother, Great Britain, to the West of you and your cousin, America, to the East of you, you can sleep o’ nights without a sentry. One of your poets has said that you are the ‘Empress of the Southern Wave’ and I pray Heaven that you may reign forever!”
In the newspaper accounts of the first concert in Sydney, it was said: “Mr. Sousa, whose style as a conductor is entirely free from the absurd exaggeration humorous writers had prepared Australia to expect, advanced rapidly to his place, was warmly welcomed by the audience and at once cut short the applause by raising his baton. This concise manner of getting to work without delay characterized his system throughout the evening.”
Sydney had its share of reformers, too, and some of them evidently thought I needed reforming. The “London Sketch” had published an article of mine on clay pigeon shooting; it had attracted the attention of editors all along our route and most of the Australian papers had reproduced it. I had been in Sydney only a few days when I received this letter from a well-meaning clergyman:
My Dear Sir:
I read your article on pigeon shooting, and I am horrified at the thought that you, a musician, a member of a profession giving to the world the sweetest tones of nature, should stoop so low as to shoot God’s beautiful creatures. Repent, sir, ere it is too late. Give up your murderous practice of killing the beautiful feathered denizens of the fields, I beseech you.
It seemed cruel to spoil so choice a bit of crusading, but I bought a half dozen clay birds at a gun store and sent them to the soft-hearted cleric, with the following letter:
Reverend Sir:
Your letter received and noted. Before I received it I went out and in my sinful way bagged the enclosed pigeons. I am sorry I didn’t hear from you earlier, but I enclose the pigeons as evidence of my accuracy as a shot. Please have them broiled and let me know how they taste!
But, alas, he wasn’t sport enough to write and apologize!
It was while we were in Sydney that I met, after many years of epistolary acquaintance, Mr. J. C. Williamson, the famous theatrical manager. We talked of the time he was in New York in 1879 and heard my instrumentation of “Pinafore". He had bought the Australian rights of that opera from Gilbert and Sullivan, and he told me genially,
“When I obtained the Australian rights I heard a performance of the opera at Daly’s theater, New York, by a Church Choir company, where the singing was the dominant feature. I was so delighted with the chorus and the orchestration that I inquired who had executed the latter and learned that the conductor of the company had orchestrated the music himself. He was glad to let me have a copy to take to Australia. You, Mr. Sousa, were that obliging conductor and doubtless recall the incident.”
Gilbert had just died and Mr. Williamson and I discussed the operas which he and Sullivan had so happily conceived.
“Gilbert,” remarked Mr. Williamson, “was terribly excited and worried at the final rehearsal for “The Mikado” when it was being prepared for production in London. Apparently he could not obtain the desired results from the company. It seemed to me that his method of explaining his conception made them more mechanical each time he had them repeat a scene. Of course at the dress rehearsal the thing limped horribly. From a brilliant gathering of professionals, society leaders and press representatives, there came scarcely a ripple of applause.
The only thing which seemed to awaken much interest was the Mikado’s song, and that they had been planning to cut out. However, since it received a little encouragement from the audience it was suffered to remain. But the dress rehearsal was in every way disappointing and the wise ones were shaking their heads and prophesying a failure for “The Mikado”. I was present at the first performance the next night, and it was an overwhelming and triumphant success. Gilbert was not in the audience. He was nervously pacing up and down the Embankment during the entire performance! Ah, there was a brilliant fellow. He was tremendously popular socially and one of the greatest wits the English social world ever boasted. London will miss him; and when London misses a man, he must be brilliant indeed.”
It was a heartfelt tribute to a gallant gentleman and a great writer, who won his place with clean comedy and pure wit and kindly satire.
On June third we closed our Sydney season after fifty-six concerts and matinees in that interesting city of 600,000, of a character half English, half American. We opened June fifth in Melbourne at the Glaciarium, where we were met by the massed bands of Melbourne and vicinity and marched in triumph to our hotel. Winter was coming on apace and the advertisements read, “The Glaciarium will be especially heated for the Sousa season.” For in Australia, July is the coldest month and December the hottest!
On the closing night in Sydney I made probably the shortest speech on record. As we finished “Auld Lang Syne” there were cheers and pleas for a speech. I bowed and backed off but the applause continued, so I advanced to the front of the platform and when I had obtained silence I called out, “Can everybody hear me?” “Yes!” came from all parts of the house. With a broad smile I shouted back, “Good night!” and scampered offstage.
話は戻るが、シドニー最後の夜の公演で、私はスピーチを行ったのだが、おそらく記録に残る中では、人生で最も短いものであろう。「蛍の光」の演奏の後、拍手と、そしてスピーチを求める歓声が上がる。私はお辞儀をすると舞台袖に引っ込む。だが拍手が続いている。そこで、舞台かぶりつきまで進み出て、観客席が静まると、こう言った「私の声が聞こえますか?」すると会場のあちこちから「聞こえるぞ!」 満面の笑みを湛えると、私は「おやすみなさい!」と叫んで、そそくさと舞台袖に引っ込んでしまった。