D. Mus.
The fact that folk-music is entirely oral and is independent of writing or print has important and far-reaching results. Scholars are too apt to mistrust memory and to pin their faith on what is written. They little realize how reading and writing have destroyed our memory. Cecil Sharp gives amazing examples from his own experience of the power of memory among those who cannot read or write. The scholars look upon all traditional versions of a poem or song as being necessarily "corrupt"—as a matter of fact corruptions are much more likely to creep in in the written word than in the spoken. Any alteration in a written copy is likely to be due to carelessness or ignorance whereas when we do find variations in versions of traditional words and music these are as often as not deliberate improvements on the part of later reciters or singers.
There is no "original" in traditional art, and there is no particular
virtue in the earliest known version. Later versions are as likely as not developments and not corruptions.
There is a well-known saying of the folk-lorist Grimm that "a folk-song composes itself." Others replied to this with the common-sense view that in the words of our English critic I have already quoted with regard to the symphony, "It only takes one man to make a folk-song." Böhme, in the Introduction to his "Alt-deutsches Liederbuch," says, "First of all one man sings a song, then others sing it after him, changing what they do not like." In these words we have the clue to the evolution of the folk-song. Let me quote you also from Allingham's "Ballad Book." "The ballads owe no little of their merit to the countless riddlings, siftings, shiftings, omissions and additions of innumerable reciters. The lucky changes hold, the stupid ones fall aside. Thus with some effective fable, story, or incident for its soul and taking form from a maker who knew his business, the ballad glides from generation to generation and fits itself more and more to the brain and ear of its proper audience."
According to Gilbert Murray even a written book could be ascribed in primitive times to a communal authorship. Thus, the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" are both the products of a long process of development.
It is interesting to note that almost up to the time of the invention of printing more trust was placed in the spoken than the written word. The Greek word Logos means a living thing, the spoken word, not the vague scratchings which in early times served for writing. Even in A.D. 135 it was possible for a historian to say, "I did not think I could get so much profit from the contents of books as from the utterings of the living and abiding voice."
Compare this with what we now realize of the strength and accuracy of oral tradition.
The book, as Professor Murray says, "must needs grow as its people grew. As it became part of the people's tradition, a thing handed down from antiquity and half sacred, it had a great normal claim on each new generation of hearers. They are ready to accept it with admiration, with reverence, with enjoyment, provided only that it continued to make some sort of tolerable terms with their tastes.... The book became a thing of tradition and grew with the ages."
Thus you see it is possible to ascribe communal authorship even to a book. To quote Professor Murray once again--"The 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey' represent not the independent invention of one man, but the ever-moving tradition of many generations of men." If this be true of the book, how much more so of purely oral music and poetry.
Cecil Sharp, in his book on English folk-song, argues strongly in favour of the communal authorship of traditional music and poetry, but it must be noted that he does not claim a communal origin. He writes, "The folk-song must have had a beginning and that beginning must have been the work of an individual. Common sense compels us to assume this much, otherwise we should have to predicate a communal utterance that was at once simultaneous and unanimous. Whether or not the individual in question can be called the author is another matter altogether. Probably not, because the continual habit of 'changing what they do not like' must in course of time ultimately amount to the transference of the authorship from the individual to the community."
However, though the case for communal origin cannot be proved yet I do not see how it can be disproved. No one, so far as I know, insists on the individual invention of the common words of our language and travellers tell us of musical phrases emanating from excited crowds of people spontaneously and simultaneously.
But I will grant for the sake of argument that the separate phrases of any folk-song you may like to name were invented by some individual. I will not go further than that because the "skilled ballad-maker" of Halliwell could put musical phrases together to form a tune just as he could put lines of poetry together to form a ballad, and I have already shown you how certain stock phrases, some of which I have quoted, appear over and over again in folk-tunes, just as the stock phrases "as I walked out," "lily-white hand" and so on, appear over and over again in ballad poetry. But would it be right to call the ballad-maker who has strung these phrases together so skillfully into a tune the author of that tune? We will take it, however, for granted that a folk-singer has invented a whole tune just as Schubert invented a whole tune. When Schubert invented a tune he made it known to his fellow-men by writing it down; the primitive folk-singer could only make his invention known by singing it over to his hearers.
You will say, if that is all the difference between a composed song and a folk-song there is not much to choose between them. But it is on this apparently small difference that the whole question of individual as against communal authorship depends. If you hear two or three singers sing the same song--say by Schubert--they each will show slight differences in what we call "interpretation" according to their various temperaments, but these differences can never become very wide because we are continually referring back to the printed copy. But supposing there was no printed copy, supposing three of you whom I will call A, B and C learnt this Schubert song, not from the printed copy, but from the individual performances of the three singers I have imagined and whom I will call D, E and F; that is to say, A learnt the song from D, B learnt it from E and C learnt it from F and then you three, A, B and C, sang it to each other, adding of course your own individual predilections—would there not be already a very wide margin of difference?
Let me give you a homely example. There used to be an army exercise called "messages" in which the men were ranged in a row and an officer gave a verbal message to the first man who passed it on to the second, and so on to the end of the row; and the man at the end of the row had to report to the officer the message as he received it. Now you will understand that the message often came out at the end very different from what it went in at the beginning, and this in spite of the fact that each man was trying to be as accurate as possible.
Now this is what happens in the case of the folk-song, with this added factor which makes for divergence--the need for accuracy has disappeared. The second singer who receives the song from the first is at liberty, in the words of Böhme, to "change what he does not like."
This then is the evolution of the folk-song. One man invents a tune. (I repeat that I grant this much only for the sake of argument.) He sings it to his neighbours and his children. After he is dead the next generation carry it on. Perhaps by this time a new set of words have appeared in a different metre for which no tune is available. What more natural than to adapt some already existing tune to the new words? Now where will that tune be after three or four generations? There will indeed by that time not be one tune but many quite distinct tunes, nevertheless, but all traceable to the parent stem.
Now let us return a minute to our military "messages." It would often happen, of course, that the message in the course of transmission became hopelessly altered and indeed became nonsense when finally delivered. You may say, is not this the same with the folk-song? Are you not describing a process of corruption and disintegration rather than of growth and evolution? Let us remind ourselves once again that the folk-song only lives by oral transmission, that if it fails to be passed from mouth to mouth it ceases to exist. Now to go back once more to our soldiers. It might happen that by the time it reached the middle of the line the message had already become nonsense, but the soldier's duty, as you know, is not to reason why, but to pass on what he heard, whatever he might think of its quality. But a folk-singer is a free agent, there is no necessity for him to pass on what he does not care about. Let us suppose an example. John Smith sings a song to two other men, William Brown and Henry Jones. William Brown is a real artist and sees possibilities in the tune and adds little touches to it that give it an added beauty. Henry Jones is a stupid fellow and forgets the best part of the tune and has to make it up the best he can, or he leaves out just that bit that gave the tune its individuality. Now what will happen? William Brown's version will live from generation to generation while Henry Jones' will die with him. So you see that the evolution of the folk-song is a real process of natural selection and survival of the fittest.
Please forgive me if I return for a fourth time to our row of soldiers. Who is the author of the message in its final form as reported by the last soldier? Not he, obviously, because he was only repeating what he heard with possibly a few unconscious alterations. Neither is the officer who invented the original message, because we are supposing that its final form is only the same in outline and varies much in detail. Each of the soldiers had a hand in it, it is a product of their united minds; in fact it is a crude and rather ridiculous form of communal authorship. The folk-song in its evolution goes through exactly the same process, but as I have already shown, in the folk-song it is a case of growth and not of disintegration, of development, not of corruption.
This then is the much discussed and often ridiculed "communal theory" of folk-song. This is what Grimm meant when he said, "A folk-song composes itself." To sum up, let me quote Cecil Sharp's definitions of art-music and folk-music. "Art-music," he writes, "is the work of the individual, it is composed in, comparatively speaking, a short period of time and being committed to paper it is for ever fixed in one unalterable form. Folk-music is the product of a race and reflects feelings and tastes that are communal rather than personal; it is always in solution; its creation is never completed, while at every moment of its history it exists not in one form but in many."
So you see the individual has his share in the creation of the folk-song and the race has its share. If I may venture to give my own definition of a folk-song I should call it "an individual flowering on a common stem." We folk-song collectors are often asked "what is the origin" of a particular tune or "how old" it is. There is no answer to either of these questions; there is no original version of any particular tune; any given tune has hundreds of origins. Nor can we say how old it is; in one sense any particular tune is as old as the beginnings of music, in another sense it is born afresh with the singer of today who sang it. Sometimes we are laughed at: the scoffer says, "I expect that is not an old tune at all, the old man who sang it to you invented it himself." Quite possibly to a certain extent he did. It is not the age but the nature of the tune which makes it a folk-song.
I should now like to give you some examples. First, of the same tune in various forms, or variants as we call them. The example I have chosen as the first is a tune which is very commonly sung in England, either to a doggerel ballad about the murder of "Maria Martin" or sometimes to a carol "Come All You Worthy Christians." Before I do so I must give you a warning about the words of folk-songs. I do not intend to go into the large subject of ballad poetry, but shall only say just enough to explain the relationship of words and tunes. This ballad of "Maria Martin, or the Murder in the Red Barn," is obviously a piece of broadsheet doggerel on the subject of a murder which was known to have taken place in the beginning of the 19th Century. You might be led to think that as the words were comparatively modern and of doubtful folk-origin that the tune was equally suspect. We have seen that the folk-tune persists by oral tradition only; the same is true to a certain extent with the words of ballads, but in the case of the words the printing press began early to destroy this tradition, with the curious result that folk-music has preserved its vitality much longer than ballad poetry, which early began to be replaced by such broadsheets as "Maria Martin." When these broadsheets were sold at country fairs and elsewhere there was, of course, no music printed with them and the country singer would adapt to them his favorite tune with the result that the tune survived but that the words that went with it often disappeared before the ballad-monger's doggerel. And this is what has obviously happened in the case we are discussing.
ここで事例をいくつか挙げておきたい。まずは、同じ民謡について、様々な変化型、いわゆるバリエーションである。最初に私が選んだのは、イングランドでよく歌われている曲(訳注:Dives and Lazarus)である。これから述べることは、「マリア・マーチン」殺人事件に関する、芸術作品とは呼び難いバラッドであったり、場合によってはクリスマスキャロルとしても知られている「来たれ、汝ら、敬虔なるキリスト教徒達よ」にも言えることである。その前に、民謡の歌詞について、ご注意いただきたいことを述べる。ここではバラッドの形式による文学作品全般について触れるつもりはないが、歌詞とメロディとの関係について記しておきたい。「マリア・マーチン殺人事件、通称、赤い納屋殺人事件」をバラッドのように仕立てようとするなら、元となるものは、19世紀初頭に発生したとされる、全国紙でも取り扱われた芸術作品とは無縁の出来事である。ここまで言われると、考えたくなることとしては、言葉は比較的現代風になるだろうし、ことが市井で起きた謎の事件なだけに、メロディが有ったとしてもあやしい。本書でも述べたとおり、民謡とは口承のみにより残ってゆく。ある程度同じことが、バラッドの言葉にも言える。だが言葉の場合、出版物の出現により、早々にこの伝統が破壊されてしまう。その結果、興味深いことに、民謡は、バラッドの4行詩よりも、その生き生きとした性格が、はるかに長く維持されるようになる。その現れとして、吟遊詩人のバラッドは、「マリア・マーチン」と銘打って記事にする全国紙の新聞に、早々に取って代わられるようになる。こうした新聞が地方の物産展などのような機会など、様々な場所で販売される際は、勿論、メロディ譜が印刷されているわけではない。その地方で活躍する民謡歌手達が、自分の好きなメロディを当てはめるのだ。その結果、メロディは残るが、それに伴う歌詞は、従来のバラッドが金儲けのために下手に書き散らかされる前に、消えてなくなる。まさにこれこそ、ここまで見てきた民謡の成り立ちに起きていることだ。
Here are three variations of this tune; two with the minor third, one with the major, collected in various parts of England.
ではここで「Dives and Lazarus」の3つのバリエーションをご覧に入れよう。2つは短3度を用いたもので、1つは長調である。イングランドの様々な地域で採取されたものである。
(Dives and Lazarus)
Æolian Mode
[Illustration: musical notation]
Dorian Mode
[Illustration: musical notation]
Mixolydian Mode
[Illustration: musical notation]
(Printed by permission of Miss Karpeles.)
I will now show you the reverse side of the question, that is to say, two entirely distinct tunes, but which, I think I can show you, have the same outline and variations of the same phrases. The tunes are, (1) "Bushes and Briars" (2) "This is the Truth."
今度はこの問題を逆方向から見てみよう。つまり、2つの全く違う曲なのだが、私の考えでは、ご覧の通り、同じフレーズをいくつか用いて、大まかなところと変化の付け方も同じ、というものだ。2つの曲とは、(1)Bushes and Briars(藪とイバラ)、そして(2)This is the Truth(真実はここにあり)
"Bushes and Briars" (Essex)
[Illustration: musical notation]
(Printed by permission of Messrs. Novello.)
"This is the Truth" (Herefordshire)
[Illustration: musical notation]
And now I want to give you one or two examples of "individual flowering on a common stem." Here are two versions of the Morris dance-tune, "Shepherd's Hey." The first is the more usual version and the second is the same tune as played by Mr. Billy Wells, a well-known folk-dance fiddler from Bampton in Oxfordshire. Notice that delightful little flourish in the second version of the tune. Must we not suppose that Mr. Wells improvised this one day in a moment of especial artistic enthusiasm and that it has since become an integral part of the tune? Thus it is that folk-tunes evolve.
1. "Shepherd's Hey"
[Illustration: musical notation]
2. "Shepherd's Hey" (_Bampton_)
[Illustration: musical notation]
(Printed by permission of Miss Karpeles and Messrs. Novello.)
Here is another example--two versions of the tune "Banks of Sweet Primroses," a plain and unornamented version, one from Sussex--the other, much more ornate, from Somerset.
もう一つの例をご覧に入れよう。「Banks of Sweet Primroses」(愛らしいサクラソウの咲く川岸)の、1つは普通にそのままのバージョン(サセックス州にて採譜)。もう1つはサマセット州にて採譜した変形バージョンだ。
You will notice that in the Somerset version the 1st and 3rd phrase are the same--while in the Sussex variant it is only the 3rd phrase which corresponds with the Somerset tune. We may suppose that this ornamented version so struck the imagination of singers that they sang it in both places instead of only in the 3rd line.
Primroses (_Sussex_)
[Illustration: musical notation]
Primroses (_Somerset_)
[Illustration: musical notation]
(Printed by permission of Miss Karpeles and Messrs. Novello.)
Thus it is that the folk-song evolves and becomes in reality the voice of the people.
Why am I sure that it is not a process of disintegration or "corruption" as our scholarly friends are so fond of saying? For there are those who would have us believe that the folk-songs which have been sung during the last hundred years are corrupted, imperfect, half-remembered relics of some mysterious "original." But how with any semblance of accuracy can such tunes as "Searching for Lambs" or "My Bonny Boy" be described as corrupt, or imperfect, or disintegrated--are they not complete rounded, finished works of art? True, they may be different from other versions which have preceded them, but must they therefore be worse--cannot they be better? Is it not possible that the collector caught them at the climax of their evolution--if these are derelict relics, what were the originals?
I am far from saying that this is true of all folk-songs, there are dull and stupid folk-tunes just as there is dull and stupid music of all kinds, and it occasionally happens that a collector stumbles across a folk-tune just as it has got into the hands of an incompetent singer who has spoilt it; but we must remember this, that purely traditional music if it falls into bad hands tends to die a natural death while the written note, however bad it is, remains to cumber our national libraries.
One other point. The communal evolution of a folk-tune is in all points parallel to the evolution of a musical idea in the mind of an individual composer. We can sometimes, as in the case of Beethoven's notebooks, trace this evolution in all its stages in the composer's mind.
Is the final version then of the great tune in the Ninth Symphony a "corruption" of the idea as it originally appears in Beethoven's sketch book? If the worshippers of "originals" are to be logical this is what they will have to say.
It may be argued that since the folk-song has now ceased to evolve traditionally, it must be something dead, a mere archaism, interesting to the antiquarian, but with no living message for us in the 20th century.
Our traditional melodies are, I am aware, no longer traditional. They have been noted down by experts and committed to printing, they have been discussed and analysed and harmonized and sung at concerts; they have in fact been stereotyped. They are no longer in a state of flux, they are no longer the exclusive property of the peasant, but have come into line with the composed music of which they are supposed to be the antithesis. From this you might suppose that their growth had stopped and that they are no longer something vital; that however beautiful they may be they belong to an age which is past and have nothing to say to the modern generation. The folk-song is I believe not dead, but the art of the folk-singer is. We cannot, and would not if we could, sing folk-songs in the same way and in the same circumstances in which they used to be sung. If the revival of folk-song meant merely an attempt to galvanize into life a dead past there would be little to be said for it. The folk-song has now taken its place side by side with the classical songs of Schubert, the drawing-room ballad and the music-hall song, and must be judged on its intrinsic merits.
When about twenty-five years ago Cecil Sharp collected and published his new discoveries in English folk-song he had in his mind the ordinary man, the "divine average" of Whitman. And it is the ordinary man for whose musical salvation the folk-song will be responsible.
In the English-speaking countries where our artistic impulses are so apt to be inarticulate and even stifled, there are thousands of men and women naturally musically inclined whose only musical nourishment has been the banality of the ballad concert or the vulgarity of the music-hall. Neither of these really satisfied their artistic intuitions, but it never occurred to them to listen to what they called "classical" music, or if they did it was with a prejudiced view determined beforehand that they would not understand it. To such people the folk-song came as a revelation. Here was music absolutely within their grasp, emotionally and structurally much more simple than their accustomed "drawing room" music, and yet it satisfied their spiritual natures and left no unpleasant after taste behind it. Here indeed was music for the home such as we had not seen since the days of Thomas Morley when no supper party was complete without music when the cloth was cleared away.
Is not folk-song the bond of union where all our musical tastes can meet? We are too apt to divide our music into popular and classical, the highbrow and the lowbrow. One day perhaps we shall find an ideal music which will be neither popular nor classical, highbrow or lowbrow, but an art in which all can take part. You remember how the Florentine crowd carried Cimabue's great Madonna in procession to the Cathedral? When will our art achieve such a triumph? Is this popularization of art merely a Whitmanesque fantasy? At present it is only a dream, but it is a realizable dream. We must see to it that our art has true vitality and in it the seeds of even greater vitality. And where can we look for a surer proof that our art is living than in that music which has for generations voiced the spiritual longings of our race?