For all those who continue the struggle to educate youngsters in music.
MARSALIS ON MUSIC W.W.Norton & Company
マルサリス・オン・ミュージック W.W.ノートン&カンパニー
Accents and Rests ... Meter ... Measures ... Tempo ... Ground Rhythm ... Syncopation
第1章 思わず足踏みをするのはなぜ:リズム
CHAPTER 2 Listening for Clues: FORM
Sonata Form: Statement, Fantasia, Restatement ... Thirty-Two-Bar Song ... Chorus Format ... Theme and Variations ... The Blues and Chords
第2章 聴きどころをのがさずに:形式
CHAPTER 3 From Sousa to Satchmo: The WIND BAND and The JAZZ BAND
March ... Ragtime, Raggin', and Syncopation ... What Rags and Marches Have in Common ... Improvisation
CHAPTER 4 Tackling the Monster: PRACTICE
Wynton's Ways to Practice:
Seek Out Private Instruction
Write Out a Schedule
Set Goals
Relax and Practice Slowly
Practice Hard Parts Longer
Play with Expression
Learn from Your Mistakes
Don't Show Off
Think for Yourself
Be Optimistic
Look for Connections
第4章 正体不明の、でもイヤなことに敢えて立ち向かう:練習
MARSALIS ON MUSIC W.W.Norton & Company
マルサリス・オン・ミュージック W.W.ノートン&カンパニー
第1章 思わず足踏みをするのはなぜ:リズム
I'm Wynton Marsalis, and in this book I want to introduce you to some of the fundamental elements of music. Now I know whenever you hear words like “fundamental” and “elements” together, that generally means something painful is coming your way. Well, I want to show you how fundamental elements of music are shared by different musical styles, and how understanding them can make listening to music much more enjoyable and interesting.
It might seem strange to you, learning to hear music from a book. But we can learn a lot about everything from reading books, and with music we can also listen to recordings, watch musicians play music, and even make a little music ourselves. This book accompanies a series of television programs that I made with
my jazz orchestra;
the Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra, led by Seiji Ozawa,
who is the music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra;
and the great cellist Yo-Yo Ma.
You can read this book on its own, or you can use it together with the videos of the television programs. In the back of the book you will find a CD with recordings of the music we're going to talk about.
As we explore the world of music, we'll be looking for similarities. It's kind of like when you try to begin a conversation with someone you don't know. It's better to talk about what you have in common, rather than be stifled by your obvious differences. We want to have fun with music, not fight it. After all, we play music, we don't work it. I encourage everyone who reads this book to sing, even if badly, and to pick up an instrument, even if it's just a kazoo. The world of music always accepts new citizens. It's never too early or too late.
Most of the music we will talk about in this chapter is from The Nutcracker Suite, composed by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. And we're fortunate to have an American version arranged by Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. We'll be using this music to study the most fundamental element of music, RHYTHM. Now you may think the melody is the most basic component of music because that's what we recognize and remember most easily. The MELODY is the song, the part we find ourselves humming.
Without rhythm to move a melody along, we would never get past the first note. No motion, no rhythm. No rhythm, no music.
PETER (PYOTR) ILYICH TCHAIKOVSKY (cheye-KUFF-skee) was born on a large estate in Russia on May 7, 1840, when Nicholas I was tsar. Peter had one older and three younger brothers and a younger sister ― and the family was comfortably well-off. His father, a government official, wanted Peter to become a lawyer, but after he finished college and worked for a while as a legal clerk, he turned to composing music. For a while he taught at the music conservatory to make his living. Then a wealthy music lover, Madame von Meck, whom he never met, made it possible for him to compose full time. Eventually he became successful enough as a composer to live on just the money he made from selling his music.
By the time he died of cholera, on November 6, 1893, at the age of fifty-three, Tchaikovsky had composed seven symphonies and much other orchestral music; ten operas, the best-known of which is Eugene Onegin (1879); and many piano pieces, choral works, and songs. Some of his best-known compositions are the 1812 Overture (1880), the Romeo and Juliet Overture (1879), concertos for violin (1878) and piano (1875), and the three ballets (Swan Lake [1877], The Sleeping Beauty [1890], and The Nutcracker [1892]).
Tchaikovsky was one of the most famous composers in the world, and he traveled throughout Russia and Europe conducting his music. He came to the United States in 1891 to conduct at the opening of Carnegie Hall in New York City. He also conducted in Philadelphia and Baltimore, and he visited other places including Niagara Falls and Washington, D. C. Shortly after he returned from the USA to his home in St. Petersburg, Tchaikovsky began to work on the Nutcracker ballet.
To learn more about The Nutcracker Suite, turn to page 141
If someone plays this melody (SCORE ILLUS. 1, CD TRACK 1), Brahm's “Lullaby”, we hear a sequence of tones. A NOTE is the name we give to each individual tone in the sequence. There are many different kinds of notes, from the high squeaky tones of some bird songs or the swinging of a rusty gate to the deep tones of an automobile engine revving or the low rumbles of a roaring lion.
We may recognize the melody of Brahms's lullaby as a particular sequence of tones, but that sequence is organized in time by rhythm. Melody is dependent on rhythm. Without rhythm to move a melody along, we would never get past the first note. No motion, no rhythm. No rhythm, no music.
If someone plays the rhythm of Brahms's lullaby on a snare drum (CD TRACK 2), this is still music even though we would hardly call it a melody. Music is organized sound in time. Any sound ― if it's organized, it's music. It could be beating your chest ― one, two, three, four, one, two, three four. It could be the regular pulsing sound of a computer, or a group of birds calling to each other. As long as it's organized, it's music.
It can be fun to imitate different sounds on your instrument, but if the result is cacophony, people will plug their ears like the girl on the right.
Every day we're surrounded by rhythms. Suppose you wake up in the morning, and after you eat some oatmeal or whatever you like to eat for breakfast ― grits with some sugar or salt on it if you're a country boy like me ― then you go outside. What do you hear?
日々の生活はリズムでいっぱいだ。想像してみてほしい。朝、目が覚めて、オートミールとか、何でもいい、好きなものを朝食にとって ― 僕みたいな田舎者なら、グリッツに砂糖が塩をふったやつとかね ― そしてその後出かける。外に出たとき、どんな音が耳に入ってくる?
If you live in the city like I do now, you hear all the different sounds of traffic and people talking, a confusion of sounds. This is not music. It can be fun to imitate these sounds on an instrument, but it's cacophony, or noise. It's unorganized. But in the midst of this confusion, sometimes you hear somebody who's frustrated by the traffic blow his car horn in a little rhythmic pattern: “duh duh ta duh!” The driver doesn't just lean on the horn and add to the noise. He blows the horn in a definite rhythm that makes us smile, and think, “I know just how you feel.”
When you hear that one motorist create a rhythm, it makes you feel good because it's music.
Accents and Rests
We really don't have to look outside of our own bodies to find rhythm. We live with a rhythm machine inside of us. You know what it is, our heart. And what goes with a heart? A heartbeat. So we could say that a rhythm indicates how alive we are. If our heartbeat stops for too long, we don't have to worry about learning about rhythm. That's it.
When the doctor puts her fingers on the inside of our wrist, what is she feeling for? Our pulse. What does our pulse sound like? Doomp ... doomp ... doomp ... doomp ... doomp. Our pulse is a steady beat. It's like the seconds ticking on a clock. No ACCENTS and no RESTS. Nothing ever gets emphasized or varied. This is organized, but it could hardly be called musical.
What if everything in our lives was without rest or accent? without variety? A busy avenue would be a scene of mass confusion ― and terrible crashes ― if there were no lines to mark were cars could and couldn't go, and no stop signs and traffic lights to regulate stopping and starting.
What if we spoke in the same unchanging rhythm of our pulse? “I-am-go-ing-to-the-store-to-buy-some-thing-to-eat-but-if-I-get-in-there-and-see-some-candy-that-I-want-then-that-is-what-I-will-buy-but-do-you-know-what-hap-pened-to-me-last-week-a-ter-ri-ble-thing-but-soon-I-will-run-out-of-breath.” When we speak, we need accents and rests ― the punctuation we learn about in English class ― to organize the words, just as we need accents and rests to perceive the organization of busy streets.
もし言葉を話す時に、脈拍みたいな、ずっと変わらないリズムでしゃべったら、どうなるか。「こ れ か ら そ の み せ に た べ も の を か い に い く け ど ほ し い キャ ン ディ が あ っ た ら そ れ を か お う と お も っ て い る と こ ろ で せ ん しゅ う ひ ど い め に あ っ た け ど し っ て る ? で も も う す ぐ い き が き れ ちゃ う !」 言葉を話す時は、メリハリが必要だ。国語の授業で、「。」や「、」の付け方を習うようね。並んだ言葉にまとまりをつけていく。同じように、車が沢山走っている道路にも、どこで走って、どこで止まるかがわからないといけない。
When we see streets and avenues laid out with all the lines drawn on the pavement, we know we can drive safely. The lines on the pavement are the accents. And the stop signs and wider intersections? They let us know it's time to rest, or at least pause. Rhythms are the same way. You need accents and rests to recognize a rhythm.
If we were to repeat the same note without accents, it would be like our pulse. But what happens if we accent the first of every four BEATS ― one, two, three, four, one, two, three four? Accenting that first note sets up a rhythm we can count. Each note becomes par of a four-beat rhythm, and every four beats is one unit. This could get confusing if we didn't have a way to organize these units. But other things are that way, too. For example, if I ask you how far from home to school, you might say 5 blocks, but you wouldn't say 6,737 steps. You divide the distance or organize the time into convenient units.
In music we organize the beats, accents, and rests into something called METER. And meter is counted just like numbers. There are odd and even meters. For example, odd, in 3/4 time; you notice that 3 is an odd number. Or else an even meter, in 4/4 time. When we accent the first of every four notes, that creates an even 4/4 meter.
Meters feel odd or even. If we listen to sections of “Waltz of the Flowers” from The Nutcracker Suite, we'll hear that Tchaikovsky's original is in an odd meter of three ― one, two, three, one, two three ― and that Duke Ellington's arrangement is in an even meter of four: one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four (CD TRACK 3 AND 4).
拍子は、奇数に感じられたり、偶数に感じられたりする。「くるみ割り人形」組曲の中に出てくる「花のワルツ」を聴いてみよう。チャイコフスキーの原曲は奇数の3拍子:「1」、2、3、「1」、2、3、で、デューク・エリントンのアレンジは偶数の4拍子:1、「2」、3、「4」、1、「2」、3、「4」 だ(CD3、4曲目)
Up to this point we've talked about accents and rests of the same length. But what do musicians like to do with rhythms? Well, we like to do what everyday likes to do. We like to play. That's right. In basketball, when we first learned how to dribble, it was an achievement just to bounce the ball in a steady motion. You know, you could spend a long time just learning to bounce the ball in one unchanging rhythm. It might take two weeks to learn how to do that comfortably, or a month. But in order to have fun playing, we have to vary the bounces with accents and rests. In a game you would want to fake out an opponent. You wouldn't dribble only at one speed, or in the same predictable rhythm. Sometimes you would go fast, sometimes a little slower, and then maybe real quick between your legs or behind your back. And then sometimes you'd stop dribbling and pass the ball.
In a basketball game we dribble the ball to go from one point on the court to another, we hope closer to the basket, and of course we always want to dribble with imagination and style. If you're not going to have imagination and some type of style, it doesn't make sense to play. In music we play with rhythms from tiny fast ones to long slow ones, just like dribbling the ball. And also in music we travel through the meter by way of MEASURES. Now, we have a nickname for measures. Measures are called BARS ― we musicians, we like to say that.
If we look at a sheet music, we'll see something interesting. Groups of notes are divided by BAR LINES. It's like the way a football field is marked off in five- and ten-yard sections. Even though only the musicians reading the music will see these bars ― all of us, listeners and everybody, we feel them. Bar lines marks off beats. So if we're in a meter of four, every four beats we have a bar line. But if you look at the score on the opposite and the next page (SCORE ILLUS. 2), you'll notice we have all kinds of rhythms dancing up and down inside of the bar lines. The little fast notes sound exactly like they look. Whether you're writing music or reading it, playing it or listening to it, remember, the motion equals the rhythm.
We can dance, hop, skip, fly, and tickle rhythms through the meter, and the measures, or bars, are our points of reference. The measures let us know where we are, like yard marks in a football game. The “March” section of The Nutcracker Suite will show us different examples of motions that can be associated with certain rhythms. Since we call it a march, the primary motion would be marching.
Then we can hear skipping. And then bouncing. What about flying? And what about tickling? (CD TRACK 5)
Most sheets of music use both verbal and marks (words) and nonverbal marks to tell you what to play, or how the composer wants the music to sound. The words tell you the title of the piece and what instruments or voices to use, and often something about the tempo or the mood of the work. But how do you read the nonverbal marks?
Start with the parallel lines running across the page. These lines are bunched in groups of five, and each group of five lines is called a STAFF. The plural of staff is STAVES. There is one staff for each instrument or voice (or two for the piano ― one staff for each hand). Staves that go together are bracketed at the left side of the page into a BRACE.
Each of the five lines of a staff and each of the four spaces between the lines stands for the letter name of a PITCH, or one of the white keys of a keyboard. For example, if one of the lines stands for A, then space below it stands for G. You can also write higher or lower notes, above or below the staff, by adding short lines to it.
The vertical (up-and-down) lines that cross the staff (between the notes) separate the music into measures, or bars, and they are called measure lines or bar lines.
At the beginning of each staff is a clef sign, to tell you the names of the notes on the particular staff you are reading. For example, if the sign is a TREBLE CLEF, then the second line up from the bottom of the staff stands for the G above middle C on a keyboard. Or if the sign is a BASS CLEF, then the second line down from the top of the staff stands for the F below middle C.
Following the clef sign at the beginning of the staff, there may be a KEY SIGNATURE: one or more sharps (#) or flats (♭) in a bunch. These are called ACCIDENTALS, and they direct you to always play (on a keyboard) the black key above (sharp) or below (flat) the white key that the line or space tells you.
五線のはじめの音部記号に続いて、場合によっては、調整記号と言って、一つ、あるいはそれ以上の数の ♯ や ♭ が、かたまりになって出てくることがある。これらは臨時記号だ。これがついている線や空間については、♯ なら白鍵の上の黒鍵、♭ なら下の黒鍵を弾け、ということだ(これは楽器がキーボードの場合の話です)。
The shape of a note tells you how long it sounds. A note is made of a little circle (HEAD) placed on a particular line or space, to which you may attach a STEM and also a FLAG. Noteheads that are black (filled in) are shorter (they last a shorter time ― they get fewer beats) than white notes (open circles); a note with a stem; and a note with a stem and a flag is shorter than one with a stem but no flat. The more flags, the shorter.
After the key signature comes the TIME SIGNATURE, which often looks like a fraction. The top number (”numerator”) tells you how many beats, or pulses or counts, there are in each measure. The bottom number (”denominator”) tells you how long each beat lasts: 2 means each beat is the length of a HALF NOTE (an open circle with a stem); 4 means each beat is the length of a QUARTER NOTE (a black circle with a stem); 8 means each beat is an EIGHTH NOTE (a black circle with a stem and a flag). Occasionally the time signature will surprise you with a C instead of a fraction; C is a special abbreviation for 4/4 (which means that there are four beats in each measure, and each beat is the length of one quarter note).
調性記号の次には、拍子記号が来る。分数みたいに見えるね。分子は各小節何拍かを示している。分母は一拍の長さだ。2 なら、一拍が二分音符(白抜き丸に軸棒)。4 なら四分音符(黒丸に軸棒)。8 なら八分音符(黒丸に軸棒と旗)だ。時には分数ではなくC なんてのが出てきて、「あれ?」と思うことがあるだろう。Cは4/4を省略した特殊な記号なんだ(各小節に四拍あって、一拍の長さが四分音符、という意味だ)。
Tchaikovsky wrote this music to be played by a symphony orchestra. The many instruments in the orchestra enable us to combine motions like marching and flying in especially enjoyable ways (CD TRACK 6). Duke Ellington liked Tchaikovsky's music so much that he and his collaborator Billy Strayhorn arranged a version of it for a jazz orchestra. We can learn even more about rhythm if we compare Tchaikovsky's “March” with Duke Ellington's arrangement of it called “Peanut Brittle Brigade” (CD TRACK 7). We will find that even though the two pieces of music sound very different, they both use meter, accents, rests, and bar lines.
Now that we know about marching, skipping, bouncing, flying, tickling, and all of that, we probably want to know the speed at which we do these things. The rate at which beats and rests occur is called the TEMPO. And the tempo has a powerful effect on the feeling or mood of a piece of music. Walking a mile would certainly put us in a different mood than running one would, or crawling one for that matter. In the “Russian Dance” section of The Nutcracker Suite a rapid tempo generates a lot of excitement (CD TRACK 8).
Notice that the tempo speeds up even more at the end. This is called an ACCELERANDO. We use almost the same word for the gas pedal that makes a car go faster, the accelerator. In most scores there are some Italian words like accelerando that describe the tempo. For example, largo means slow, and vivace means lively (but I just say very fast), and allegro means moderately fast.
If we play the same piece at a slower tempo, it will sound like an entirely different piece of music. And if we mix up fast and slow, the changes in rhythm will show the type of effect tempo has on the mood of a piece of music (CD TRACK 9).
A group of musicians who perform together is called an ORCHESTRA or a BAND. (However, if the group is smaller than about twelve, it is named for the actual number of players: DUET or DUO for two players, SEXET for six, SEPTET for seven, and so on.) If the group includes other stringed instruments than just the bass (such as violins, violas, cellos), it's an orchestra; if not, it's a band.
Nowadays an ORCHESTRA may have anywhere from about 25 players to over 100, depending on what music it's playing. (Prokofiev's Classical Symphony needs a relatively small number of players; Ives's Variations on “America” takes a lot.) The first orchestras ― about 300 years ago ― consisted almost entirely of string players; and strings still today make up over half the players in most orchestras. The four basic STRING instruments (listed in order from the highest to lowest register) are violins, violas, cellos, and double basses. There are more violins than anything else in the orchestra, and they are usually separated into two groups, first violins above second violins.
As orchestras began to develop and grow, they added instruments in three more groups besides the strings. The basic WIND (or WOODWIND) instruments are all played by blowing into them: they are (in order) flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons. The basic BRASS instruments (also blown, but with the lips inside a mouthpiece) are trumpets, trombones, horns, and tubas. The PERCUSSION instruments are practically everything else in the orchestra, mostly drums and cymbals and other things that you play by hitting them ― also including the piano!
管弦楽は、機能が向上し、規模が拡大するにつれて、弦楽器以外で更に三つの楽器群を加えるようになった。基本の木管楽器群、これは全て、楽器の中に息を吹き込んで演奏する。順に、フルート、オーボエ、クラリネット、バスーン、だ。基本の金管楽器、これも吹く楽器だが、マウスピースの内側に唇が入る形で演奏する。トランペット、トロンボーン、ホルン、テューバ、だ。打楽器群は、木管楽器と金管楽器以外のほとんど全ての楽器がそれに入る。大抵は、太鼓、シンバル、そして、その他叩いて音を鳴らすもの - ピアノも、このグループに含まれている!
A band is like an orchestra with no string section. Instead it adds other instruments in the wind section, like different sizes of clarinets and various saxophones, and in the brass section, like different sizes of tubas (baritones, euphoniums, sousaphones).
The orchestra is a European invention. Musicians such as Fletcher Henderson and Duke Ellington developed a distinctively American orchestra to play jazz. A JAZZ ORCHESTRA or JAZZ BAND is a group of musicians who improvise together on varied musical themes, many of which follow a blues form but all of which have a blues feeling and are played in swinging rhythm. Its wind section consists of clarinets and saxophones. Its brasses are trumpets or cornets, trombones, and sometimes a tuba or other low horn. Its percussion section ― more often called the rhythm section because its basic function is to establish and sustain the swinging rhythm ― includes the double bass, drum set, and piano.
管弦楽はヨーロッパで生まれたものだ。その一方で、フレッチャー・ヘンダーソンやデューク・エリントンといったようなミュージシャンは、ジャズ演奏のために、それまで存在しなかった、アメリカ独自のオーケストラを発展させたんだ。ジャズオーケストラ、あるいは、ジャズバンドとは、ミュージシャン達が様々な音楽の主題に乗って、一緒にインプロバイズする楽団のことだ。その主題の多くは、ブルース形式に則って(そうでないのもある)、そして例外なく、ブルースの雰囲気とスウィングのリズムで演奏される。木管セクションにはクラリネット、サックス、金管セクションにはトランペットかコルネット、トロンボーン、そして時にはテューバやその他の低音金管楽器が入っている。打楽器セクション - これは基本の役割がスウィングリズムを作って保ち続けることから、リズムセクションと呼ばれることの方が多い ― ベース、ドラムス、ピアノ、だ。
Orchestras and bands usually perform on a stage or other large space, seated in a semicircle facing the CONDUCTOR or BAND LEADER. (The exception, of course, is a MARCHING BAND, which follows its leader or drum major down the street or across the field.) In an orchestra the strings are usually arranged left to right (from the audience's point of view), highest to lowest. The winds sit in rows in the center, directly facing the conductor, with the brasses in rows behind them (because the brass instruments are louder). The percussion players fit in where the conductor wants them, often across the back; most of them play standing, and they move around a lot because they play different instruments at different times.
The conductor is the person who stands in front of the orchestra or band and waves her or his arms in a pattern that shows the meter of the music they're playing or indicates expressive shadings. Usually the conductor holds a BATON, or stick, to make it easier for the musicians to see exactly where the beat is. The conductor's job is to keep everyone together, at the right place in the rhythm, and to make sure that people play when the music says they're supposed to play. You could say that the conductor “plays” the whole orchestra, just as the musicians play their own instruments.
Obviously, the more players there are in an orchestra or band, the more need there is for a conductor separate from the rest of the players. In fact, when orchestras began, there was no separate conductor. The musicians watched the chief violinist or the keyboard player to know when to start and stop and how to keep together. Only an orchestras began to get larger ― a little over 150 years ago ― did they first start having conductors who didn't play also.
Actually today many jazz bands play without a separate conductor, because in jazz the drumming conducts the band. The leader of a jazz band or orchestra can be a first trumpet player (like Louis Armstrong at left) a saxophone soloist (Benny Carter), a pianist (Duke Ellington), or a singer (Billy Eckstine).
Ground Rhythm
We've been talking about notes dancing or stepping, and all of that ― actually, The Nutcracker is a ballet. It was written for people to dance to. Many times we may hear someone say that a beat is danceable, or most likely they'll say, “I like that beat.” Well, what beat are they talking about? It can't be all of those rhythms dancing and skipping through the meter because that's not one beat, it's many, many, many beats. That beat is what we call the GROUND RHYTHM. Ground rhythms are the “blue-collar workers” of music. Overworked and underpaid. They're just like pavement. We walk on it all day without thinking about it.
But a ground rhythm all by itself gets pretty boring after a while. It's like getting a hamburger bun with tomato, mayonnaise, lettuce, and even one of those scrawny pickles ― but no meat. If the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” from The Nutcracker Suite is played with only the ground rhythm, it won't keep us interested for very long. The ground rhythm even looks boring written out on the page by itself (SCORE ILLUS. 3, CD TRACK 10).
On the other hand, if the “Sugar Plum Fairy” is played without the ground rhythm, that sounds like a hamburger with no bun, ketchup, mayonnaise, or tomato ― and definitely not that unfortunate little pickle (CD TRACK 11).
Ground rhythm establish the meter, and they change the way you feel it. Just as you have to be still and listen for your heartbeat, so, too, with ground rhythms. For example, when two different ground rhythms are played back to back in the “Sugar Plum Fairy,” the mood changes. Throughout the “Sugar Plum Fairy,” changes in the ground rhythm change the mood of the music (CD TRACK 12).
When we think of rhythm, the first instrument that comes to mind is the drum, mainly because drums generally play only rhythms and not melodies. In the orchestra, drums are included in the percussion section, and unless we're playing military music, the drums ― cymbals and percussion ― are generally used not to carry a beat, but only for coloration and flavor.
The drums of the jazz band are actually a set of drums of various sizes and different types of cymbals. The drum set is the centerpiece of what we call the rhythm section, which includes the piano and the bass. Now these three push, pull, tug, and move the jazz band along like the engine, wheels, and body of a train.
The drums of the jazz band function like the engine of the train. The drum set is used to power the band, and the drummer can combine all the different instruments in the drum set to interpret the whole ground rhythm by himself.
In the orchestra the cymbals are used for coloration, or sometimes to strike fear in the collective hearts of the enemy. In the jazz band the cymbals can be used for coloration, but most of the time they're played. Remember, we equated rhythms with motions like flying, hopping, jumping, and skipping. Well, the drummer of the jazz band rides the cymbal: “ting, ting-ti-ting, ting-ti-ting, ting-ti-ting.” Only now and then will he crash the cymbal for emphasis or to strike fear in the hearts of the other musicians on the bandstand (CD TRACK 13).
The bass functions like the wheels of the train. The whole train sits on the wheels, and all of the music is supported by the bass. The bass and the drums work together the way the wheels of the train work with the engine. The train gets its power from the engine, and it rolls on the wheels.
Most of the time the bass player walks the bass: “doom, doom, doom, doomty, doom, doom, doom, doomty, doom, doom, doom.” It's called walking the bass because it has the feeling of someone walking or strutting (CD TRACK 14).
The bass and drums play almost all of the time. They create the rhythmic feeling that the whole jazz band plays in. The high-pitched cymbal and the low bass also mark off the limits of high and low tones within which the band plays.
When the drummer rides the high-pitched cymbal and the bass player walks the low bass, this is called swinging. And that is what the jazz band does, it swings. SWING is the basic rhythm of jazz music. The degree of the swing is determined by how well coordinated, or “in sync,” the drummer and bass player are, and the type of verve with which they play.
Now we add the piano, which is like the body of the train. The body gives the train its shape. And the piano accompanies, or as jazz musicians say, 'COMPS. This means the piano can improvise rhythms that fit on top of the drums and bass. Something like blowing the train whistle (CD TRACK 15).
Or the pianist can play rhythms that fit inside the bass and drums, boosting the engine's power and propelling the train with added fire. The body makes the train look good, and the piano makes the rhythm section feel good. In Duke Ellington's “Volg49a Vouty” the rhythm section propels the band with intensity (CD TRACK 16).
Intensity is crucial to playing rhythms, intensity and soul. SOUL means that the musicians play with a warmth and expressiveness intended to make listeners feel as good as possible. It's like giving someone a compliment, encouragement, or accurate, heartful advice. Up to this point we've talked about technical aspects of rhythm. But playing rhythm is like hustling in athletic competition. Rhythm has to be played crisply and with exuberance, even if the music is slow or sorrowful. Tchaikovsky's “Dance of the Reed Pipes” and Ellington's arrangement of it represent two different styles of music, but both require the musicians to interpret the rhythm with intensity and soul (CD TRACKS 17 AND 18).
EDWARD KENNEDY ELLINGTON, known as Duke, was the most prolific composer of the twentieth century in both number of pieces and variety of forms. His artistic development was one of the most spectacular in the history of music, more than fifty years of sustained achievement as a composer culminating in his late masterpieces “The Far East Suite” (1964), “The New Orleans Suite” (1970), and “Such Sweet Thunder” (1957).
Ellington was born in Washington, D.C., on April 29, 1899, when William McKinley was president. Both of Ellington's parents played the piano, and he himself began to learn to play at a young age. As a boy he was as interested in painting and sports ― a teenaged baseball buddy christened him Duke, the nickname he carried for the rest of his life ― as in music. But even before he graduated from high school, Duke Ellington had begun to win acclaim playing the piano in dance bands at parties and clubs around Washington, and he dedicated all of his adult life to music.
エリントンは1899年4月29日、ワシントンD. C.で生まれました。当時のアメリカ大統領は、ウィリアム・マッキンリーでした。両親は二人ともピアノを弾いて、エリントン自身も小さい頃ピアノを習い始めました。少年時代に興味を持っていたのは、音楽、そして絵を描くことと、スポーツ(野球仲間の一人が(10代の、同じ少年です)、キリスト教の洗礼を施してあげて、デュークと命名してくれました。エリントンは、この名前をニックネームとして生涯大切にしました)。しかしデューク・エリントンは、高校を卒業する前から、既にワシントン中のパーティーやクラブのダンスバンドで、ピアノを弾いて評判をとり始めていたのです。やがて彼は大人になり、生涯を音楽に捧げることになります。
By 1923 he had moved to New York City and had his own band, the Washingtonians, which played regularly at the Kentucky Club. From 1927 to 1932 Ellington and his band, which grew from five musicians to ten, were featured at the famous Cotton Club in Harlem. By then they had also made many best-selling records; phonograph records could then hold about three minutes of music to a side. Ellington's 1930 song “Mood Indigo” was a worldwide hit.
In 1939 Ellington met a young piano player and composer from Pittsburgh named Billy Strayhorn (1915-1967), who became the band's assistant pianist and arranger ― Ellington's right-hand man. Strayhorn composed or assisted with over 200 pieces in the Ellington orchestra's list of works, including the orchestra's theme song, “Take the A Train” (1941).
To learn more about Duke Ellington, turn to page 143.
Finally, we will examine one of the best ways to play with rhythm. It's called SYNCOPATION. Now, the loosest definition of syncopation would be doing the unexpected. For example, let's say you turn your cap to the side. Then it becomes a syncopated cap. Syncopation can change the feeling of a musical phrase just like syncopating the words in a sentence. A sportscaster may say, “He catches the ball. He's at the 5, the 10, the 15,525, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. He's running for a touchdown ― he, he, he ... falls ― and breaks his nose.” That's a syncopation. You didn't expect that.
Syncopations are used to create rhythmic contrast, and to keep our attention, keep us on our toes. Now, how do we syncopate in music? By purposefully going against an established rhythmic pattern. Let's remember that the accentuation of beats and rests forms meter. If everyone is marching hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four, and you come out and march hup, two, three, hup, two, three, hup, two, three, that would be a syncopation. You're accenting a beat that no one else has accented. It's unexpected.
Tchaikovsky syncopates the ground rhythm in a passage from “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.” The accent starts out on one part of the beat, and then it changes. First Tchaikovsky gives us: one, two, and one, two, and one, two. Then the accent changes to: one, two and one, two, and one, two ― accenting the “and” is a kind of syncopation, and then that syncopation repeats irregularly, so it's what we would call twice syncopated (CD TRACK 19).
As a matter of fact, the Duke Ellington arrangement of The Nutcracker Suite is itself a syncopation of the original. It constantly does the unexpected ― that is, if you know the original. For example, in Tchaikovsky's Overture this theme is accented one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four (SCORE ILLUS. 4). The accents are on beats one and three. In Ellington's arrangement the same theme is played on trombones and is accented one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four (SCORE ILLUS. 5). The accents are now on beats two and four, which is known as the BACK BEAT. Almost all the popular music we hear today has the back beat (CD TRACKS 20 AND 21).
In Ellington's arrangement of the overture, the rhythm of the melody is also syncopated by having the instruments come in on the “and” of certain beats.
The “and” is also called the OFFBEAT, because it's off the DOWNBEAT, as in:
1 (downbeat)
and (offbeat)
2 (downbeat)
and (offbeat)
3 (downbeat)
and (offbeat)
4 (downbeat)
and so on
There are many ways to syncopate rhythms. But syncopation will almost always catch us by surprise and leave us smiling.
Now, here are some of the things to keep in mind about rhythm:
1. We identify songs by their MELODY, but without rhythm there can be no melody.
2. Accented beats and rests fall into odd or even METERS.
3. Meters are divided into MEASURES, which are point of reference for dancing, hopping, skipping, flying, and tickling the rhythm.
4. TEMPO means fast, slow, kind of fast, kind of slow, and so on.
5. We play with rhythm by varying ACCENTS and RESTS. Just like dribbling a basketball.
6. The GROUND RHYTHMS are overworked and underappreciated, but they're essential to give music a vitality and a lift.
7. The bass, drums, and piano are the RHYTHM SECTION, and they SWING.
8. Rhythms must be played with INTENSITY and SOUL all the times.
9. SYNCOPATION is accenting the unexpected.
3.拍子は小節線で区切られていて、リズムの動き - 踊る、弾む、スキップする、飛ぶ、くすぐる、など - をきちんと並べて構成してゆく。
So now see if you can remember some of these things when you listen to the Overture to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite and the jazz arrangement of it by Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. And if you don't remember any of them, you can still check out this swinging music and enjoy it (CD TACKS 22 AND 23).