

英日対訳・ウィントン・マルサリス「Marsalis on Music」:第2章「形式」

MARSALIS ON MUSIC  W.W.Norton & Company 


For all those who continue the struggle to educate youngsters in music. 




CHAPTER 2 Listening for Clues: FORM 

第2章  聴きどころを逃さずに:形式について 


Whenever I tell people that I play jazz and classical music, they say, “I think those styles of music are too hard to listen to. I mean, don't get me wrong. I know they're supposed to be good and all, but they're just too long and boring.” I understand why they say that. My father's a jazz musician, and when I was a youngster, I never liked listening to what he was playing, let alone those long, long orchestra concerts. It seemed like the musical ideas kept changing and changing and changing forever and ever. I could never focus on one thing. 



Now what I heard on the radio, “You're the one for me, baby,” repeated two thousand times, I could understand that. To me, that was real music: the same beat or phrase repeated with a little something extra in between. 

そんな頃、「You're the one for me, baby」という曲が、ラジオから流れてくるのを何回も聞いているうちに、僕はわかったんだ。僕にとっては、これこそが本当の音楽。同じビートやフレーズが繰り返されて、合間に、ちょっと変わったものを挟む、という演奏だ。 


Well, the music we'll be discussing in this chapter unfolds the way a good story does, and just as we have to pay attention to the characters and their relationships to enjoy a good story, we have to identify musical themes, follow how they change, and recognize when they reappear to enjoy an extended piece of music. 



FORM is the way we organize musical ideas. We live with forms every day, but we're so used to them we don't notice them. You eat breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon, and dinner at evening, then at the end of the day you go to bed. Same thing the next day. You follow the same form every day. 



As we go through a normal day, we follow many forms. Suppose you have math at 8:00 A.M., English at 10:00 A.M., history at 1:00 P.M., and so on. It's the form of a school day, and it goes right alongside the form of waking, eating, and sleeping at regular times. 



At other times you trade one form for another. If it's a weekday, you have the school form to follow. But maybe you have specific classes only on certain days, so your school form on Monday won't be the same as the form on Thursday. And what about cartoons all morning, play all the rest of the day, and then bed? Well, that must be a weekend. Then the same thing next weekend. Knowing the forms means you know what is going to happen, and when it's going to happen. And because the form repeats, you can recognize it. 



Listening to a new piece of music unfold can be like your first day of school. You don't know exactly what's going to happen, but you have a schedule, and that schedule gives you some idea. Just as the school day develops through its form. And knowing the form of a piece is like having a schedule. When you know something about form, you will be prepared to recognize musical events, and that can make something that was confusing and boring understandable and interesting. Then you will know what makes longer pieces of music good, and you'll know how to have fun hearing them unfold. You won't have to sit by and be bored and go, “Yeah, that's okay,” simply to be polite. 





Sonata Form 






The first form we're going to explore is called SONATA FORM. Sonata form can be likened to a trip through a multistory shopping mall. It takes us on a musical journey from the ground floor entrance by the parking lot, up and around through all the different levels and shops in the mall, and then back to the ground floor, where we started. 



This journey takes place in three sections: STATEMENT, FANTASIA, and RESTATEMENT. It's not that difficult to hear once you know what to listen for. The hardest part to follow is the first section, simply because that's when we have to identify and remember important themes. It's just like following a story. 



Many kinds of pieces use sonata form. When an orchestra plays a sonata, it's called a symphony. When just one or two instruments play it, it is simply called a sonata. Let's follow the musical story in the Classical Symphony by the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, and see where it leads. 










The hardest part of the story is bound to be the beginning because you're trying to figure out who the characters are and what they're going to do. In the Statement section of Prokofiev's Classical Symphony we meet two main characters, or musical themes, and we travel from the main theme (SCORE ILLUS. 6, CD TRACK 23) up to a distinctly different theme, which is simply called the second theme (SCORE ILLUS. 7, CD TRACK 24). If playing these two themes were all there was to the Statement section of sonata form, we wouldn't have to worry about recognizing and remembering them. We would only have eight seconds of music. 



We want people to like our shopping mall story, so we won't tell them, “I was at the mall. I bought a hamster.” That's not good storytelling because there is not enough story there. In order to make our story interesting, we have to be more descriptive. Which mall? What type of hamster? When? Things like that. In music to give a better description of the themes, we stretch and play with hem. Use different instruments, change the themes in some way, but still make sure that they retain their original character and flavor. 



Let's explore how this is done with the main theme. This theme is four bars long, and it is played on the violins. As we can see from the score, in the last two bars of the theme the melody jumps up and then bounces down (SCORE ILLUS. 6a). Prokofiev uses this up-down motion to invent a slightly different melody, related to our main theme but not exactly the same. Then he states this alteration of the main theme in the flutes, oboes, and bassoons instead of the violins (SCORE ILLUS. 6b, CD TRACK 26). This is like getting a new seat and handlebars for your bike and painting it a different color. It's still the same bike, but it has a new character. 



Once we know something about our main theme, we can travel to the second theme (CD TRACK 27). But here's an important point. The second theme is in a key five steps above the key of the first them. The journey between keys is a principal feature of sonata form. 



It's much easier to hear keys than it is to explain them. If a group of people are singing, you can immediately tell when someone sings in a different key from everybody else. What he or she sings may sound good on its own, but it won't be coordinated with what everyone else does. There are twelve keys named for different letters of the alphabet, and each key is like another room in a big hotel. Musicians and composers travel from key to key in the same way that would go from room to room. Each room is the same size but has something different in it. What's different is something called flats and sharps. They change tones up (sharp ― #) or down (flats ― ♭) to give us new notes. And these new notes gives us different keys. We have the key of Bb as well as B, F# as well as F, and so on. 



Our main theme is in the key of D major (SCORE ILLUS. 6). To get to the second theme, we journey up five steps ― boom, boom, boom, boom, boom ― to the key of A (SCORE ILLUS. 7). If you want to know what a leap of five steps sounds like, sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” The distance between the first twinkle and the second twinkle is five steps. 



You don't have to be a musician to see from the scores that these two themes will sound different. The first theme has more notes crowded together, where the second theme features wider spaces (intervals) between notes. 



Listen to an abridged version of the Statement section, and notice the journey from the main theme to the second theme (CD TRACK 28). 



These two themes make up the heart of the Statement section in this sonata form. But something still missing. How do we get from one place to another? How we move from one musical theme to another is called transition. Let's go back to our story about the hamster in the mall. To make the story interesting, we would have to fill it out and vary it with details, comments, and observations as we go. Instead of “I was at the mall. I bought a hamster,” the story could become: 



“I went to the mall on Saturday to play video games with my friends. On the fifth floor, on the other side of the video arcade right by the escalator, is Jone's Pet Shop, and in there I saw the most beautiful puppy in the world, but I only had enough money for a stupid hamster. Then I thought a hamster would be cool because I could carry it around with me everywhere. You can't hide a puppy in your pocket.” 



How we travel from one place to the next, on the escalator or walking, makes our story clearer and more interesting. But in classical music the transitions can be confusing, because it's hard to identify where the transition comes from and where it leads. The transition can seem like it's going from one tangle of sounds to another. 



A relatively short transition in the Classical Symphony might be only a few bars long. Or it could be even shorter (CD TRACK 29). 



We can keep our sense of direction pretty easily through short passages like these. But a long transition will give us more trouble (CD TRACK 30). 



A long transition is a lot more difficult to identify than the two main themes. But transitions allow us to travel smoothly from theme to theme, and experience a variety of interesting and enjoyable sounds along the way. A transition sounds like a transition, it has the feeling of leaving one place for another. 




Now, I almost forgot about introductions and endings, but these are kind of obvious in this piece. Prokofiev introduces the Statement section with a little flourish, which is kind of like calling somebody “Mister” or “The Honorable” (CD TRACK 31). Then the section ends with an obvious “The End” ending, in the key that is five steps above the original key (CD TRACK 32). 



When you listen to the Statement section of Prokofiev's Classical Symphony, concentrate on identifying the first theme, the transition section, and the second theme. Don't be discouraged when you don't hear it all at first. You have to approach longer forms of music the way you do learning how to swim or rollerblade: you have to go over it a few times to get the hang of it. You have to practice listening the way you practice other things (CD TRACK 28). 











The next section, Fantasia, is where our two musical themes are really tossed and turned and twisted into different shapes and keys. This is where our musical journey gets more interesting, but also more complicated. The changes take place quickly, so we really have to pay attention to follow them. Now, if this were a section of our hamster story, the Fantasia would describe some type of dramatic interaction with the newly purchased hamster. It could be something like this: 



“The pet shop gave me the hamster in a little cage. But I wanted to see how he would fit in my jacket pocket, so I opened the cage, to take him out. He was scared because he didn't really know me yet, and as soon as I opened the cage, he jumped out. I had to chase him all around that big mall. Finally I caught him down on the ground floor by the entrance to J.C. Penny. I don't know what would have happened if he'd gotten into that Penny's. That's why I named him Penny.” 



You see, if we want people to like our story, we have to provide a lot more action to draw them in. We have to be careful, though. You might bore someone to death with too much story of the hamster, or give too little story and make it confusing. We want to say just enough to make our story balanced. It's the same in music. 



When the two themes have been explored to the composer's satisfaction, the Fantasia ends. Here are some of the ways that Prokofiev plays with the themes in the Fantasia section. He begins by giving our first theme a new sound in what we call a minor key (CD TRACK 33). That almost sounds like our first theme, which is in a major key (CD TRACK 24). 



If we listen to them together, you'll definitely hear the difference. That almost sounds like a blues, a form of music we'll learn about later (CD TRACK 34). Prokofiev then bounces a version of the first theme back and forth between the flute and the violins (CD TRACK 35). Do you remember how delicate the second theme sounded (CD TRACK 25)? Well, in the Fantasia section it has an entirely different character (CD TRACK 36). 



That's because Prokofiev changes the beat. In the Statement section we hear the second theme with emphasis on beat one (SCORE ILLUS. 7, CD TRACK 25). In the Fantasia section we hear that same theme with emphasis on beats two and four and in another key (SCORE ILLUS. 8, CD TRACK 36). When the beat is on one, it's like rowing with the current of a stream. When it's on two and four, it's like rowing against the current. 



Then the winds and the most noble trumpets play the second theme on beat one, while the violins play it on beat two. We have people rowing with the current and against it at the same time (CD TRACK 37). 



Playing with the two themes of the Statement section is the essence of the Fantasia. It's like chasing the hamster all around the mall. Then, finally, we catch that hamster safely down on the ground floor. The Fantasia ends when both themes have been sufficiently explored and we return to the first theme in the first key (D major in this case.) 



When you hear the Fantasia section of the Classical Symphony, listen for how our two themes, the ones we met in the Statement section, are twisted and tossed and turned around. 











The Restatement section is the easiest to hear ― that is, if we aren't lost by that time ― because it recalls our first two themes, with one big difference. The second theme is now in the same key as the first. We've returned to the ground floor with the second theme. In our story the hamster is no longer up in Jone's Pet Shop on the fifth floor, but now after we've chased him all around the mall, he's down on the ground floor with us. Our musical journey has brought us up five steps, all around, then five steps down into the key that we began in. Then comes an obvious “The End” ending. When you listen to the entire first movement of Prokofiev's Classical Symphony, concentrate on how the themes are presented and developed through the Statement, Fantasia, and Restatement of this sonata form (CD TRACK 38). 



Once you get comfortable identifying this form in the Prokofiev, you'll be able to hear it much more easily in other pieces that follow sonata form. It's like getting familiar with the rules of a ball game or a video game. Once you've done it a couple of times, you become comfortable with different situations because you know what to expect. 











SERGEI PROKOFIEV (pro-KOFF-yeff) was born in Sontsovka, Russia, on April 27, 1891; Alexander III, whose coronation march Tchaikovsky had written in 1881, was tsar. Prokofiev's father, an agricultural engineer originally from Moscow, managed a large and remote farm in the Ukraine district, hundreds of miles from any good-sized city. Even the nearest railroad was twenty-five miles away. His mother, whose own father had been a serf in St. Petersburg before the emancipation of the serfs in 1861, was nevertheless highly educated. She was a cultured amateur pianist who plays Beethoven sonatas and Chopin waltzes to soothe her baby to sleep. 



The young Prokofiev was educated at home by his mother and by local tutors, who encouraged his musical sensitivity and talent. His parents managed, on occasional visits to Moscow and St. Petersburg, to introduce him to opera and concerts, and also to some important musicians who recommended that he enroll in a music conservatory. First he began to study composition by mail from home. In 1904, when he was thirteen, he was admitted to the St. Petersburg Conservatory, and his mother moved to the city with him. 



Prokofiev developed into a brilliant pianist and a very modernistic composer whose works shocked conservative ears. By the time he graduated ten years later, he had already completed and performed fifteen works, including two piano concertos. His Second Piano Concerto created a great scandal at its premiere in 1913: the school faculty hated the piece, but Prokofiev insisted on playing it in the graduation piano competition ― and he won first prize! 



To learn more about Sergei Prokofiev, turn to page 146. 






Now, you may think, what do I have to gain from listening to this long music, even after I've learned what's going on in it? Well, listening to long forms helps you to improve your powers of concentration because you have to pay attention to follow the ideas. It teaches you how to hear texture, shape, and the way ideas are developed and connected. A long musical form can show you how to conduct a conversation because of the way that musical ideas converse with one another, and because you have to listen to understand the form. It also brings you into contact with how a composer's mind works, and in general introduces you to a larger world of human feeling and experience. 





Thirty-two-Bar Song 






The next form we're going to look at is the THIRTY-TWO-BAR SONG FORM. A great example of that is a George Gershwin son entitled “I Go Rhythm.” A bar indicate the way the beats are divided. For example, a song in 4/4 time, like “I Got Rhythm,” has four beats in each bar (SCORE ILLUS. 9a AND b). Because the form of the song is made of four equal sections of eight bars each, it is known as a thirty-two-bar song. Eight times four equals thirty-two. 

次に見てゆくのは32小節形式だ。ガーシュウィンの名曲「アイ・ガット・リズム」がその例だ。小節、とは拍の区切りだったね。例えば「アイ・ガット・リズム」のような4/4の曲では、各小節に四つ拍が入っている、ということ(譜例9a, 9b)。八小節から成る部分が等しく四つあるこの曲の形式。ほら、8×4=32だ。だから「32小節形式」って言うんだよ。 


We call these four equal sections A, A, B, and A. Three of the sections are the same, and one is different. Listen to the first section, and you'll be able to count eight bars. This section repeats to give us a second A (CD TRACK 39). 



B is called the BRIDGE because it joins A sections. It actually takes you back to your home theme, or A. But as you will hear, the bridge has a different sound because it passes through other keys (CD TRACK 40). 



Then we come back home for the last A section. 



“I Got Rhythm” normally has what we call a tag, a short two-bar ending. The tag is like saying “The End” when a story is over. It's a nice addition, but not absolutely necessary. To suit our purpose here, we're going to leave the tag at home. 



“I Got Rhythm” would seem to have nothing in common with Prokofiev's Classical Symphony. It takes only a few minutes to play or listen to “I Got Rhythm,” but a lot longer for the symphony. And the two pieces sound very different. But in AABA form the two A's are like the Statement section of the Classical Symphony; B, or the bridge, is like the Fantasia; and the final A is the Restatement. You see, it's sonata form in miniature. Except this form is a lot easier to hear because number one; it's short. Two: it can be counted. And three: three of the sections are exactly the same. When you listen to “I Got Rhythm,” count out the bars, and notice when the song reaches the bridge (CD TRACK 41). 











GEORGE GERSHWIN was born in Brooklyn, New York, on September 26, 1898 ― a year before Duke Ellington was born in Washington ― when William McKinley was president. Both of Gershwin's parents were Russian Jews, who had married in New York after emigrating to the USA just a few years earlier. (Before an immigration officer shortened it, his father's name was Gershovitz.) George had two brothers, one older and one younger, and a younger sister. The family was not particularly musical, and did not even own a piano until George was almost twelve. 




But the boy had already been picking out tunes on a neighbor's player piano, so when their own instrument was hoisted into the Gershwin's apartment, George quickly took it over from his older brother Ira and became the family pianist. He took lessons from neighbourhood teachers, one of whom recognized his talent and energy: “The boy is a genius, without doubt,” the teacher wrote. “He's just crazy about music and can't wait until it's time to take his lessons. No watching the clock for this boy.” 



George started going to classical concerts and learning piano pieces by Chopin and Liszt and Debussy, but he also kept up his interest in popular songs ― and started writing them himself. When he was fifteen, his mother let him drop out of high school to take a full-time job ($15 a week) with the Jerome H. Remick Music Company, as a song plugger,” or song salesman. During his Remick years, Gershwin went to Harlem nightclubs to hear and learn from virtuosos such as Fats Waller, who used stride piano playing and other distinctly American piano styles in their music. 




To learn more about George Gershwin, turn to page 148. 







Chorus Format 






Remember, we're learning how to hear form. And I said earlier that in jazz musical ideas continue to change and change and change. They develop. Jazz musicians develop musical ideas by using what is called a CHORUS FORMAT. When we hear the word “chorus,” we think automatically that it means a group of people singing. But a chorus is also the duration of a song. One chorus of “I Got Rhythm” is thirty-two bars long. 



The chorus functions the same way in music that the floor functions in a skyscraper. That simply means that a composition is constructed like a skyscraper. Each floor takes up the same space, and one is stacked on top of another, first floor, second floor, third floor, and so on until the building is finished. Then you can put a little steeple on the top, or you can just cut it off flat like the Twin Towers in Manhattan. Each chorus is thirty-two bars long, and one chorus follows another of equal length and so on and so on and so on to form a composition. The musicians stack choruses until they are ready to stop. 



Suppose you had a skyscraper you could take apart to see how it was constructed. If you took one side of the skyscraper off, you'd see that there is the same amount of space on each floor. But the spaces are divided up to serve different purposes. If you get off on the fifth floor and see a lot of law books lying around, you know you're in a lawyer's office. On the fourth floor you could find a beauty parlor with old-fashioned combs and hair dryers, people with curlers in their hair, and towels so you can wipe the shampoo out of your face. On other floors you might see combinations of things like a post office, a sporting goods store, and a doctor's office. That's how the skyscraper works. The floors are divided and organized so that when you get off on a particular floor, the activities and other things you see tell you what takes place in that space. 



When a group of jazz musicians play an arranged piece of music in chorus format, they have to decide how many choruses they will play. They also have to decide which choruses will be ensemble choruses, ones that the whole group plays together, which will be solo choruses, ones in which an individual instrument takes the lead while the other musicians play accompaniment, and which choruses will be divided up, say half to a piano solo and half to the brass section. 



In a nine-chorus song, chorus two might be called a sax chorus (CD TRACK 42). Whereas chorus four might feature the entire ensemble (CD TRACK 43). Duke Ellington's composition entitled “Cotton Tail” structures the choruses in exactly this way. It uses the same form as “I Got Rhythm.” When you hear “Cotton Tail,” listen for the thirty-two-bar AABA song form, noting especially the bridge, and the chorus format (CD TRACK 44). 





Theme and Variations 






When the great artist Pablo Picasso decided to portray a bull, he didn't stop with one picture. He played with the form of the bull, stretching it, adding to it, and cutting it down to its essentials. The first bull sets the theme, and the rest of the images are variations on that theme. Each time the bull is changed in some way but its basic form remains the same. In music we call THEME AND VARIATIONS. It's like changing the outer appearance of a hat without changing the hat's basic shape. 



For example, a theme we've probably all learned in school, “My Country 'Tis of Thee,” can become the basis for a whole set of variations. We could give it some fancy, flowery embroidery by having the flutes and the piccolos tickling on their instruments with all those keys, playing fancy high notes, and it would be the way an embroidered hat looks with a lot of activity up high and colorful (CD TRACK 45). 



Or we can make it a dissonant hat with two very different colors. We do that by playing the theme in different keys at almost the same time (CD TRACK 46). 



Then we can mash those two versions of the theme together and twist them a little bit to give our musical hat yet another look (CD TRACK 47). 



Or we can recall the sound of a bullfight by changing the ground rhythm and adding some castanets (CD TRACK 48). 



An American composer name Charles Ives has already done this for us. His Variations on “America,” orchestrated by William Schuman, takes us through all these different sounds and feelings, and a few more besides. ORCHESTRATION means assigning themes and musical duties to different instruments. It's like coaching a baseball team, deciding who plays which position at which point in the game. Composers often write music first and then orchestrate it later. Other times the composing and orchestrating are done simultaneously. Charles Ives composed Variations on “America” for the organ. When William Schuman heard Ives's music, he was inspired to arrange it for an orchestra (CD TRACK 49). 











CHARLES IVES was born in Danbury, Connecticut, on October 20, 1874, when Ulysses S. Grant was president. His father had been a bandmaster in the Civil War, and he taught his son not only the basics of his own music (J. S. Bach and American popular songs, marches, and hymns) but also an experimental attitude to musical composition in general. This attitude got young Charlie in trouble when he studied music at Yale University, because the teachers there were very conservative. It also taught him that he would never be able to earn a living composing the music that he wanted to compose instead of the pretty things most people wanted to hear. So he became an insurance executive in New York to support himself and his family. He was a very good businessman and became quite wealthy, and he composed nights and weekends. 



Almost none of Ives's music was published or heard until after he retired from the insurance company in 1930, and by then he had almost stopped composing as well. (Ives had developed a bad heart condition, which slowed the last twenty-five years of his life; he died on May 19, 1954, at the age of seventy-nine.) But a new generation of American musicians began to explore and perform his music in 1930s and later. They regarded him as a kind of father figure of American composition. His music was performed more and more often, and especially often in the years around the Bicentennial in 1976. Ives composed four symphonies and much other orchestral music, including the tone picture Three Places in New England (1903-14), four violin sonatas, two string quartets, two important piano sonatas, much choral music, and about 150 songs. 



To learn more about Charles Ives, turn to page 150. 







The Blues and Chords 






Now let's examine the most fundamental form in twentieth-century American music, the blues. We've all heard the BLUES FORM but probably just didn't know it was the blues. Like “I Got Rhythm,” the blues can be counted. But instead of the thirty-two bars, we only have to count twelve bars. 



Twelve is a natural number for the blues. After all, we have twelve months in a year, twelve eggs in a dozen, twelve numbers on a clock, and twelve inches in a foot. We can measure the blues with a special blues ruler.  


I  I  I  I   IV IV  I  I  V  IV  I  I   

1------------   2------------   3------------ 





The roman numerals represent HARMONIES. And harmonies are groups of notes sounding together. They're also called CHORDS. The blues has only three chords. The one, the four, and the five; white, blue and red on our ruler. We call the chords by these numbers because they represent degrees of the scale of notes in a given key. The scale is do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do; and do is one, re is two, mi is three, fa is four, sol is five, and so on. A do chord would be the do and its accompanying harmony notes; do is the root note of the chord. A re chord would be the re and its accompanying harmony notes; re is root note of the chord. 



The twelve bars of the blues can be divided into three sections of four bars each. 



First, we have the one chord: do. 



Then four steps to the four chord: do-re-mi-fa. 

次に四段上へ、ド→レ→ミ→ファ と行き、Ⅳのコード(和音) 


Now down to one: fa-mi-re-do. 



Now up to five: do-re-mi-fa-sol. 



And then down again to the one: sol-fa-mi-re-do. 

最後に再び下へ ソ→ファ→ミ→レ→ドと行き、Ⅰのコード(和音) 


Let's see how these chords fit into the three sections of the blues form. The first section has four bars and only the number one chord (do). 



The second section has two chords: two bars of the four chord (fa) and two bars of the one chord (do). 



The third section has four bars with three chords: one bar of the five chord (sol), one bar of the four chord (fa), and two bars of the one chord (do). 



So you see, in each four-bar section we insert an additional chord in front of the one chord. First section: one. Second section: four, one. Third section: five, four, one. If we sing the root notes of the blues and put all three of the sections together, then we will know what the blues form sounds like (CD TRACKS 50-54). 



If you remember, earlier we said that choruses are stacked like the floors of the skyscraper. We pass from the end of one to the beginning of another as if we were riding up in an elevator, floor after floor. Six and then seven then eight and then nine. And each chorus can be given a name to describe what happen in it. 



We've already discussed the solo chorus and the ensemble chorus. Now let's learn two more types of choruses. 



A CALL-AND-RESPONSE chorus is exactly what it sounds like. One instrument or group of instruments will call, and another instrument or group of instruments will respond. For example, the piano and the drums can call out a rhythm, and the bass can respond (CD TRACK 55). 



Then there is a RIFF chorus. A riff is just the same thing repeated over and over again through the twelve bars (CD TRACK 56). 



The saxophone riff section of Duke Ellington's “Happy-Go-Lucky Local” offers a classic example of the twelve-bar blues form. This song also employs call-and-response, ensemble, and solo choruses. When you listen to “Happy-Go-Lucky Local,” you will hear the musicians play with the twelve-bar blues form to create the sense of a train rambling through the South. We can hear the train moving out of the station, crossing a junction, and proceeding on its journey (CD TRACK 57). 



Sonata form with Statement, Fantasia, and Restatement; the thirty-two-bar song form, also called AABA; the chorus format; theme and variations; the twelve-bar blues. Composers and musicians have played with these five forms to create a rich, varied array of music, from the serious and noble to the lighthearted and funny. If we practice listening for these forms in many different kinds of music, our experience of music will also become richer, more varied, and a lot more fun. Then we'll know what really makes different pieces of music interesting, what is unique about them, and what they have in common, whether it's a Prokofiev symphony, a Gershwin song, or an Ellington blues. 



The most important thing is just to enjoy the music. Go to a concert, check a recording out of the library. Try to follow the form, try to recognize themes as they come and go. But if you can't do any of that, you can still swing and have a good time ― whatever the style of music. 
