

ヴォーン・ウィリアムズ「National Music」(1934)第8章(全9章)締めくくりに寄せて(後半)

National Music 


Date of first publication: 1934 

Author: Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) 









My next sermon is addressed not to the professional musician but to the amateur, and especially the listener, and my text is "Be ye doers of the word, not hearers only." A musical nation is not a nation which is content to listen. The best form of musical appreciation is to try and do it for yourself; to get really inside the meaning of music. If I were to visit a strange country and wanted to find out if it had a real musical life I should not go to the great cities with their expert orchestras, their opera houses and their much advertised celebrity concerts, but I should go to the small towns and villages and find out there whether enthusiastic quartet parties met once a week, whether there was a madrigal club, whether music was a normal form of recreation in their homes, whether the people met to sing together or play together under their local leader, whether they encouraged that leader to create music for the pageants and ceremonies of their town, whether they saw to it that the music in their churches was worthy of the liturgies performed there. Music is not only a form of enjoyment, it is also a spiritual exercise in which all have their part, from the leading hierophant down to the humblest worshipper. 




Continuity is a necessary element of a living organism. In the hierarchy all have their place, the greatest expert and the lowliest amateur; they all share in building up the edifice. In the ideal commonwealth of music the leaders will be, not those who have come in from outside, but those who have started in the ranks with the Field Marshal's baton in their corporal's knapsack. And these leaders will have their duty--to speak to the people in the language which they understand.  




The temptation to become a mere listener is nowadays very great. Gramophones and wireless have brought the world's riches to the doors of the humblest, but if we all become listeners there will soon be no one left to listen to. Modern invention is tending to make us content only with the cream of music, but where will the cream come from if there is no milk to skim it off?  




This brings me to my third sermon and my third text, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lost his own soul?" 




We are apt to look on art and on music especially as a commodity and a luxury commodity at that; but music is something more--it is a spiritual necessity. The art of music above all the other arts is the expression of the soul of a nation, and by a nation I mean not necessarily aggregations of people, artificially divided from each other by political frontiers or economic barriers. What I mean is any community of people who are spiritually bound together by language, environment, history and common ideals and, above all, a continuity with the past. 




The music of other nations is the expression of their soul--can it also be the expression of ours? If we possess our own soul surely and firmly, as indeed we do from the accident of language in our literature, then, indeed, we can afford to be broad-minded and to enlarge and enrich our own possessions by contact with all that is best in the world around us. But have we English-speaking people yet found our own soul in music? Gardeners tell us that it is dangerous to substitute artificial watering for natural rainfall because it tends to make the plants turn their roots up to meet the surface water instead of striking down to find the moisture deep in their native earth. Nations, like individuals, need periods of contact followed by periods of isolation. We must be careful that too much dependence on outside influences does not stifle rather than foster our native art. If we have no musical soul of our own, how can we appreciate the manifestations of the musical souls of others? In that case our love of music can be little more than a pose or at the best a superficial interest, not a deep-rooted intuition. If we have music in us it must show itself actively and creatively, not passively and receptively. An art which is not creative is no art. 




I have told you how the national spirit in music has occasionally shown itself in a "keep out the foreigner" movement. We have had it lately in England and doubtless it makes its appearance occasionally in America. It happens of course only in those countries and in those times when an influx of foreign influence tends to stifle native talent. The protest usually comes from professional musicians and is purely economic in its origin. They demand protection as members of other professions do so as to secure their means of livelihood. But there is this distinction in the case of the musical profession, that the case is often prejudged against them, and especially in English-speaking countries. That extraordinary mixture of self-depreciation and snobbery with which we view artistic questions makes us apt to take it for granted that the exotic art must be the best, and to refuse to believe the evidence of our eyes and ears. But it is not the economic side of the question that I want to discuss.  




Music cannot be treated like cigars or wine, as a mere commodity. It has its spiritual value as well. It shares in preserving the identity of soul of the individual and of the nation. Some people will not believe this and tell us that music is a "manufactured article" just like bacon and cheese, and they will have the music they like just as they will have the cheese they like regardless of where it comes from. And this view is not held only by the Lucullans of music, but by philanthropists and educationists as well, who tell us that we are not doing our duty by the young or the struggling masses by giving them anything except the best. They disregard the personal and national element in art and roundly declare we have no right to limit the outlook of those whose destinies are in our hands. 




Does the same apply to us? I believe that in the long run it does apply; that, even at some immediate sacrifice of good we must develop our own culture to suit our own needs. Only in that way will art cease to be an excrescence on our life (an "extra" as they used to call it in the school bills) and will become an indispensable element in our being. But I have to admit that those who hold with the spiritual value of the best art, regardless of its origin, have a strong case. Is not a compromise possible? 




The Lucullan, of course, one who holds what I may call the commoditytheory of art, will say, "When our composers and performers at home give us something better than I can get elsewhere I will willingly pay to hear it." What are we to say to this? I have already suggested in an earlier lecture that there is no absolute good in art. We want to know for what end it is good. The Lucullan seems to take it for an axiom that, because the music he gets from elsewhere is different from the music he finds at home, it is necessarily better. It is of course better for those who made it, but is it necessarily better for us? Here I am afraid I am again compelled to point my finger at the creative artists and ask them whether they are content to let their music be something of itself, or whether they are trying to make it as much like that which comes from outside as possible? I find that young composers both in America and in England are inclined to say that they must go to Paris or Vienna in order to learn their technique. I am not going to argue this point for a moment, but will content myself with saying that technique is not a thing that can be added to a composer's outfit like the buttons on a suit of clothes. The technique must grow out of the desire for expression and ultimately is the discovery of the perfect balance between inspiration and realization. Gustav Holst once told me that a pupil once came to him and asked him to "give him an idiom." He might as well have asked him to give him a new set of bones. We are too apt to forget that the style is the man. 




I now see that I can no longer avoid mentioning jazz. You will tell me you are tired of jazz and that it only represents a very small part of your psychology. I think you are wrong in despising jazz, but I do not go so far as to say as some thinkers do that it has in it the seeds of great further development. But it does show this: that there is musical vitality in America which at any moment may manifest itself in some other form which has in it the elements of greatness. At all events jazz, whether you like it or not, is a purely indigenous art. No one but an American can write it or play it. Anyone who has listened to the helpless attempts of German or French bands to play jazz, or the pitiful efforts of some modern French or German composers to add a little sting to their failing inventiveness by adopting a few jazz rhythms, will realize this. 




And the obverse is true. Certain attempts by American composers to make jazz "polite" by dressing it out in the symphonic style of European tradition have also proved in my opinion to be failures.  




I hope you do not think that I am preaching artistic chauvinism.  That purely negative attitude of mind is, I trust, a thing of the past. If the civilized world is not to come to an end we must become more and more "members one of another." But as our body politic becomes more unified so do the duties of the individual members of that body become more, not less, defined and differentiated. Our best way of serving the common cause will be to be most ourselves. When the United States of the World becomes, as I hope it will, an established fact, those will serve that universal State best who bring into the common fund something that they and they only can bring. In 1926 Stresemann said, "The man who serves humanity best is he who rooted in his own nation develops his spiritual and moral endowments to their highest capacity, so that growing beyond the limits of his own nation he is able to give something to the whole of humanity." 




It has been suggested that in order to save its own soul every nation should institute a kind of artistic "five year plan" in accordance with which only indigenous music would be allowed for five years. In this way the people of each nation, being prevented from employing others to make music for them, would be obliged, if they wanted it, to make it for themselves. Then one of two things would happen. If there was no indigenous music to be had the art in that country would die out altogether, which in that case would be very right and proper because it would have been proved that music was not necessary to the lives of the people of that country and that it would sink to the level of a C3 nation in one of its most important means to a full life. 




Or, on the other hand, being forced to make music for themselves, composers and performers would be encouraged to express themselves in terms which would voice the ideals of their fellow men. A new music would grow up which would be for that nation truly the best music and we should perhaps at last approach that consummation when art would be at the same time the treasure of the humble and the highest expression of the greatest minds. 




If after the five years the foreign influence was again brought to bear, it would be acting on a strong and sturdy plant and would act wholesomely as an incentive and a corrective. It would no longer stifle, it would encourage. Personally I would like to see the experiment tried, but the objections are obvious. It could be said with some show of justice, "Why condemn the present generation to a course of mediocre music in order that their descendants may find their souls?" This I think begs the question by taking it for granted that the music would be mediocre. I believe there would be some surprises in store for us. But there are other more subtle, but perhaps stronger objections. Would the nation rise to its opportunities? In those countries where the legend of foreign superiority is already strong the legend might gather strength rather than disappear when there were no means but traveller's tales of testing its authenticity. And would the composer seize the moment? He might be inclined to write what was expected of him by some clique, rather than what he genuinely felt and, when there was no real foreign music to dispute his sway, he might think it necessary to make a faithful imitation of it. 




I offer no solution to the problem, but we must not imagine there is any short cut or easy road. The business of finding a nation's soul is a long and slow one at the best and a great many prophets must be slain in the course of it. Perhaps when we have slain enough prophets future generations will begin to build their tombs. 




One more stray thought before I finish. I think there is no work of art which represents the spirit of a nation more surely than "Die 

Meistersinger" of Richard Wagner. Here is no playing with local colour, but the raising to its highest power all that is best in the national consciousness of his own country. This is universal art in truth, universal because it is so intensely national. At the end of that opera Hans Sachs does not preach about art having no boundaries or loving the highest when he sees it, but says what I may slightly paraphrase thus: 




"Honour your own masters;  

Then even when Empires fall  

Our sacred nation's art will still remain."  


