

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第1章・乳飲み子の頃(1/2)







G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York (1943) 




第1章 乳飲み子の頃 



In planning this book I made the proper resolution to set down nothing that I had not seen or heard for myself. I therefore left the opening chapter until the end, hoping that the shadowy impressions of my earhest days might by that time have taken a more tangible shape. But, to my dismay, that far-off period continued to be as vague as ever, and it was clear that if I were to give any account of it all, I should have to seek the aid of others who were then on the scene. There was the alternative of leaving it out entirely and beginning my tale at a point of date where my remembrance of the past was less uncertain. But if we are to believe with Wordsworth that the child is father to the man, it would be only natural that even “in the silken sail of infancy’' I gave forth some sign, no matter how insignificant, of the way I was later to go, which ought to be faithfully recorded here.  




Among my distinguished contemporaries there is hardly one who cannot trace back the origin of his talent to an unbelievably early age; and although I knew well that such phenomenal accomplishment had never been mine, I must surely have shown some bent for, or anyway taken some interest in the art which was to be the main preoccupation of my life. But the trouble about gathering knowledge from other persons is the comparative unreliability of their testimony. This anyone will endorse who has observed the distracted efforts of half a dozen different witnesses in a law action to describe the same event; and certainly no magistrate of experience would dissent from the opinion of  

Pilate in the first, and Pirandello in the twentieth century, that final truth is beyond human discovery. Yet in rare cases the elusive goddess has been known to disclose, if not the whole, at least a small part of her mysterious countenance. And so might it be in mine if I approached the shrine in humble mood and with honest intent.  




A survey of likely sources of information led to the unwelcome discovery that the only person available for my purpose was an aged relative, whose society I had hardly been sedulous in cultivating for twenty years past and whose reception of me might be far from gracious. But no other choice offered itself, and bracing myself for the ordeal I set out to drop my pitcher of enquiry into the forbidding well of family judgment. Should any man desire to know, I will not say the truth, but the next worst thing about himself, let him hasten to his nearest of kin. There he will look into a mirror which diminishes the reflection of his personality as effectively as the wrong end of an opera glass lessens the size of objects upon the stage, and he will see himself just as the disillusioned Hoffman saw all around him after the loss of his magic spectacles.  




Without question there are times when silence is the wiser portion of narrative, and none ever understood this better than the author of Tristram Shandy in his discreet handling of Uncle Toby’s romantic adventure with the Widow Wadman. For when that gallant old fellow went a-wooing, two of the chapters given up to this immortal affair, which with a less tactful author might have been as overflowing with impertinent detail as a cinema love scene, are left wholly to the chaste imagination of the reader. In like manner I might have advantageously dropped the curtain here for a few blank moments and, raising it again at a more satisfactory stage of my story, spared myself the chagrin of a confession truly humiliating, had I not consecrated myself to the upright spirit of candid avowal. For whether it be in one of those capacious tomes of a thousand and one pages, some slenderer volume, or even an illustrated article for a popular magazine, we are always invited to believe that the hero of the tale performed fabulous feats while hardly out of the cradle. In one instance we may read how the mighty atom of virtuosity committed to memory the entire well-tempered clavichord of Bach before mastering his alphabet. In another there is a beautiful account of an oratorio for double chorus and orchestra, all composed at the age of five and informed with the deepest religious feeling. Not all of our prodigies scale such heights as these; but there is never wanting in the least remarkable of them some touch of that divinity which separates him from the common-or-garden little boy and betrays from the very beginning the presence of Apollo and his sacred Nine.  




None of this god-like dispensation was my lot, and nothing could shake the tenacious recollection of the revered relic of my clan that I as a small child had not the slightest taste or aptitude for the arts. Indeed I was the most ordinary and, in some ways, the most satisfactory kind of youngster any parents could wish to have. I disliked noise of any sort, never indulged in it myself, was a model of taciturnity and gentle melancholy, and altogether an embryonic hero for a Bulwer-Lytton novel. My mother, feeling now and then some uneasiness on my account, would talk rashly of calling in expert opinion to solve the problem. But my father, who had a larger share of this world's prudence, was profoundly grateful for the unexpected blessing that had come his way and, fearful lest something might suddenly happen to bring it to an end, always managed to restrain her from doing anything of the kind.  




But did I think of nothing or fail to find an interest in something all those months and years I sat in my corner and silently looked out on the world? Indeed I thought long and earnestly, but never for a moment about music, poetry or pictures. The whole world of beauty and romance was summed up for me in clothes, and never did I weary of regarding them and reflecting on their wonder and meaning. And the longer I think about it, the more I question if there can be any more fitting subject for the growing mind to exercise itself upon, and whether it has ever been studied by any writer, ancient or modern, with the high seriousness it deserves. Otherwise we should have been told long ago what Helen of Troy wore when she went off with Paris, what Venus herself tried on when she first emerged from her island water, how Romulus came by his famous red boots and why he fancied this particular color. Things like these, were they known, would throw more real light on the culture of the antique world than three-quarters of the repetitious narration found in the bulk of its chronicles; and although I have now and then wondered if the lost books of Livy contained something to enlighten us, the chances are against it if we take into account the indifference of the average historian to most subjects in which posterity is genuinely interested. The great task remains unattempted, and I commend it to some of our present day scribes who are groping about for fresh material, with much the same success as rewarded Diogenes’ search for an honest man. 
