“Now, That's Jazz”
Passing it on: Piano prodigy Wynton Kelly Guess receives hands-o instruction from Kwame Coleman (behind the pillar) and Eric Lewis. The great drummer Herlin Riley (second from right) is like my older brother. We both played with Danny Barker in New Orleans. I've worked with Eric Lewis and tenor saxophonist Walter Blanding (second from left) since they were teenagers. The other onlookers are proud papa Andre Guess (left) and our road manager, Raymond “Big Boss” Murphy, who for more than twenty years has made it possible for us to make gig after all across the country.
In the early 1970s, in the wake of the civil rights movement, when James Brown, Marvin Gaye, and Stevie Wonder were the kings of Afro-American popular music, when people sported eight-inch afros and polyester leisure suits, when the scent of revolution still rode the wind, the last thing anyone hip was thinking about was handkerchief-head, Uncle Tommin', shufflin' and scratchin', grinning-for-tourists Dixiland music. Just the name alone made you hate it. So when my father said he was taking me and my brother Branford to play in a band for kids led by Danny Barker, the legendary banjo and guitar player, all we could envision was cartoon music or some type of old-fashioned obsequiousness. What was a banjo, anyway? Something they played for Frederick Douglass? Man, we're gonna miss running around on Saturday to go back to slavery days. Yay!
Actually, Danny Barker had played banjo and guitar with everybody from Louis Armstrong and Sidney Bechet to James P. Johnson and Cab Calloway, but we didn't know who any of those people were. We were living in Kenner, Louisiana, at the time. Branford was nine. I was eight. It took my father about half an hour to drive us into New Orleans, to the empty lot where Mr. Barker's Fairview Baptist Church Brass Band was rehearsing.
There we met an old man whom I presumed to be Mr. Barker. He was a colorful character, full of fire and stories well told. He loved New Orleans music and he loved kids. That day, he taught us the most profound lesson about playing jazz ― and about the possibility of a life of self-expression and mutual respect ― that I've ever encountered.
He started with the drums: “The bass drum and the cymbal are the key to the whole thing. We play in four. One, two, three, four. The bass drum plays on one and three and the cymbal on two and four. It's like they answer each other. So when the bass drum goes bummp, you answer with the cymbal ― chhh.”
1 2 3 4
bummp, chhh, bummp, chh
1 2 3 4
bummp, chh, bah-bummp bummp/chhh
“Now, on that second fourth beat, the cymbal and the bass drum agree with each other. And when you hit them two at the same time, now, that's jazz.”
“You see,” he explained, “you gotta bounce around with your parts and you gotta skip the rhythm, just like you're dancing.”
Then he went to the tuba. “Now, the tuba, that's the biggest instrument out here. You play big notes and leave space. Big things move slow.” He sang some tuba lines. “You are related to the bass drum. The two of y'all are down there, so you got to stay with each other. Y'all are the floor ― the foundation of the beat.”
次はテューバの方へ向かいます。「さて、テューバだ。ここでは一番大きな楽器だ。長さの長い音符を担当して、間を取るんだ。ほら、何でも大きな物って、間を取りながら動くだろう?」テューバが吹くフレーズを歌って聞かせると、「君のパートは、バスドラムと結びついている。二人ともが下支えの処にいるから、動きをぴったりそろえること。君達は床 - つまり、拍の土台になる。
The tuba player started playing. Mr. Barker said, “You got to play with feeling. And when you play with feeling, on the bottom, you bounce.” So he started bouncing. Then the tuba and the drums started playing around. And he said, “You gotta mix it up and you gotta play together!” Then, after they made some low, grumbling noise, he said, “Now, that's jazz.”
Then he turned to the trombone. “What do you have that nobody else has?”
“The slide,” the boy said.
“That's right. In jazz, you always hold up the thing that makes you different from other people. Be proud of being you. You play a low instrument. The lower you go, the slower the rhythms get. So I want you to play this kind of part.” And he sang the part. “Every now and then, rrrhhhhrrrraawwmmp, I want you to slide up, rip up, to a note. Tear it up.” The tuba, drums, and trombone started playing together and sounded terrible. But Mr. Barker said, “That's jazz music!”
Then he addressed the trumpet players. He said, “Now, the trumpet is the lead instrument. You got to be strong. You play the melody.” So he taught us a melody. “Li'l Liza Jane.” We started playing. And after we'd played the melody and inflicted a few painful injuries, he said, “Play the notes with personality. Shake 'em! Play around with 'em. And play with rhythm. You've got to bounce, too.” Everything he wanted us to do he sang first. So we played the song with everyone else and it sounded like noise. Yeah, it definitely sounded terrible ,but it seemed like it might eventually be some kind of fun.
Then he went to the clarinet player. “Now, you see all these keys y'all got. You can play fast, play high, higher than a trumpet; you can play fast skips and trill and such. That makes you different from these trumpet players. I want y'all to do those things every now and then. Play the same melody as the trumpet but up one octave.” He sang the clarinet part, too. The clarinet players squeaked and squawked. Mr. Barker listened. Then he said, “Everything you do, you got to do with personality. Scoop and bend and slide those notes.” They tried to do that.
Mr. Barker said, “That's jazz! Now, let's hear clarinets and trumpets on the melody. But when y'all play together, you got to talk to one another. The clarinet has to fill when the trumpet leaves space, and the trumpet needs to leave that space.” So we tried to play together. The clarinet played the melody up an octave, adding some fast notes but still squeaking and squawking. Terrible. Then Mr. Barker said, “Let's put it all together, 'Li'l Liza Jane.' “ It was the most cacophonous, disjointed thing you ever heard in your life.
“Gentlemen,” he enthusiastically concluded, “now, that's jazz.”
If you look at the New Orleans jazz scene today, a lot of the best musicians ― Lucien Barbarin (trombone), Shannon Powell (drums), Michael White (clarinet), Gregg Stafford (cornet), Herlin Riley (trumpet at that time, drums now) ― all played with Danny Barker's Fairview Baptist Church Brass Band over the years. So he was hearing something in us way back then. And he was teaching us something, too: You are creative, whoever you are. Respect your own creativity and respect the creativity and creative space of other people.
現在のニューオーリンズ・ジャズの音楽シーンを彩る、最高のミュージシャン達の多く - ルシアン・バーバリン(トロンボーン)、シャノン・パウエル(ドラムス)、マイケル・ホワイト(クラリネット)、グレッグ・スタッフォード(コルネット)、ハーリン・ライリー(ドラムス) - 彼らは皆、ダニー・バーカーのフェアビュー・バブテスト教会のブラスバンドで数年間過ごしています(ハーリン・ライリーは当時はトランペットを吹いていました)。ですから先生は、当時の僕達の音を耳にしているわけです。僕達は、先生から大切なことを教わりもしたのです。人は誰しも、創造力がある。自分のそれを大切にすること。同時に、他の人が創造性を発揮するのを尊重すること。
That was the first of many life lessons I've learned from jazz. We hear many things about jazz music these days: that it's only for connoisseurs and too difficult for most people to understand; that it has no identifiable fundamentals or objectives; that the best of it was played in the past in sparsely attended smoky clubs; and finally, that jazz itself is on the undertaker's table, one step from the cemetery.
I've spent the last thirty years doing my best to demonstrate that these observations are just downright wrong. In this book I hope to deliver the positive message of America's greatest music: how great musicians demonstrate a mutual respect and trust on the bandstand that can alter your outlook on the world and enrich every aspect of your life ― from individual creativity and personal relationships to the way you conduct business and understand what it means to be a global citizen in the modern sense.
Most activities that require a participating audience have a way of teaching the newcomer what he or she needs to know to best enjoy what's going on. Sporting events have announcers who interpret the action. Opera has helpful program notes or subtitles. Museums provide audio guides. In jazz, even for musicians, it's generally been “play what you feel,” “keep listening and you'll hear it.... one day,” or some other bit of cryptic advice that doesn't inform you but does make you feel unhip. “If you have to ask, you'll never know.” That's partly why the aesthetic of jazz remain a mystery to most people, even though the history of its greatest practitioners, from Louis Armstrong to Thelonious Monk to Marcus Roberts, shows that all of them shaered the same artistic objectives, which I'll explain more fully as we go along: swinging, playing blues, syncopating diverse material, composing new forms, improvising interactively, exhibiting home-spun virtuosity ― all aimed at tinterpreting the sweep and scope of modern life through the language of jazz.
「興行」と名の付くものは、大概、初心者にその楽しみ方を指南してくれるものです。スポーツアナウンサーの実況解説、オペラを見に行った時のプログラム冊子やステージに映し出される字幕、博物館や美術館の音声ガイド。ところがジャズは、これまで大概、演奏する側でさえ、「感じるままに演奏しろ」「ずっと聴いていれば、いつか分かる」あるいは、何も伝わらない代わりに「ダサい」と思わせるしかないような、意味不明の解説がチラホラとあるだけでした。「質問しなきゃ分からないようじゃ、一生理解は無理だ。」などと言われますが、これは「ジャズとは何か?」ということが、大半の人々にとっては謎であるからこそ、飛び出してくる言葉であるとも言えます。でも実際は、ルイ・アームストロング、セロニアス・モンク、マーカス・ロバーツといった偉大なアーティスト達の歴史が示すように、ジャズには共通するものがあるのです。 スウィング、ブルース、シンコペーション(様々なモチーフに工夫を凝らすこと)、新しい形式の創作、演奏者同士が連係プレーをとりながら行うインプロバイゼーション、「卓越した技を控えめに」という表現の仕方、これらは、後ほどたっぷり解説してまいりますが、いずれも、ジャズという言葉で世相を語ることを、ねらいとしています。
I'd like to demystify listening to jazz and show you how the underlying ideas of this music can change your life. I'd like to help you feel the music and understand the differences between the sounds and personalities of the great musicians: Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, Charlie Parker, Jelly Roll Morton, John Lewis, and more. I'll give you a glimpse of what goes on in the minds of musicians as we play, demonstrate the centrality of the blues, explain why jazz improvisation is different from all other forms of musical improvisation, and explore the creative tension between self-expression and self-sacrifice in jazz, a tension that is at the heart of swinging, in music and in life.
Along the way, I want to pass on some of the lessons the music has given me through the years, lessons about art and life that I hope will help you find ― or hold on to ― the proper balance between your right to express yourself and have things your own way, your responsibility to respect others while working with them toward a common goal. That's what Danny Barker taught us to do ― to enjoy ourselves and one another. And through this music I hope you will be able to do that, too.
How Jazz can Change Your Life
with Geoffrey C. Ward
ウィントン・マルサリス / ジェフリー・C・ワード 著
2009 Random House Trade Paperback Edition
Entertaining ourselves during a break in a recording session: me, Victor Goines, Herlin Riley, Wycliffe Gordon, and Eric “Top Professor” Lewis. As the bass player Reginald Veal likes to say, “We don't need no music.”
For Diane
Introduction “Now, That's Jazz”
序章 「そう、それがジャズってもんだ」
Discovering the Joy of Swinging
第1章 スウィングの喜びを見出す
Speaking the Language of Jazz
第2章 ジャズの用語について
Everybody's Music: The Blues
第3章 みんなの音楽:ブルース
What It Takes ― and How It Feels ― to Play
第4章 何を懸けるか - そしてどう感じるか - :演奏すること
The Great Coming-Together
第5章 仲良きことは美しき哉
Lessons from the Masters
第6章 名人達から教わったこと
That Thing with No Name
第7章 名前のないもの
A Conversation Between Wynton Marsalis and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Discovering the Joy of Swinging
The closer you get to people, the more they love it: Yet another concert ends with the musicians surrounded by people stomping and clapping and cheering and wishing the swing would never end.
Kids were supposed to stay in the back room. But some kind of way I stumbled into the front room of this tiny wood-frame house in Little Farms, Louisiana. I must have been four or five years old at the time, but I remember it was dark in there, lit only by a soft blue light or a red one, and a lot of grown-ups, men and women, were snapping their fingers on two and four and grooving to a rhythm and blues song. Some sang the words, but they were all dancing up a healthy sweat. I didn't know what was going on back then, but I could tell it was something good ― so good I wasn't supposed to be around.
Well, I could be around the music, couldn't miss it, actually. R&B was always on the radio: “Baby this” and “Baby that”; “I need you, girl”; “Why'd you leave me? Come back. Ohhh!” That music was a way of life. Everybody knew those songs and everybody loved them: “I Heard It Through the Grapevine”; “Stop! In the Name of Love”; “Lean on Me”; “Papa's Got a Brand New Bag.”
Now, jazz was different. That's what my father played: modern jazz. No one danced to it, ever. That had something to do with rhythm. The backbeat of R&B was steady and unchanging. The rhythms my daddy and his friends played were ever changing and many, a torrent of ideas that came together and felt good. I later came to know it as swing.
The first jazz gigs I remember going to with my older brother Branford were like recitals. Only a handful of older people turned up. Some gave us candy, and there was always a good opportunity for us to run around. I noticed that very few black people seemed to understood it, I wondered why my father and his friends bothered to play it at all.
Then, when I was about eight or nine, I began to notice something very strange. Even though most of the people in our community would never attend a jazz concert (or anything artistic, for that matter) , even though they didn't even consider playing music to be a profession, they had a type of respect for my father. I figured it had to have something to do with jazz, because he certainly was not in possession of any material goods indicative of even the slightest financial success.
I began to pay closer attention to all the jazzmen who came to our house or played with my father in clubs around New Orleans. They were an interesting group, if you could get past how different they seemed to be. First, they had their own language, calling one another “cats”, calling jobs “gigs” and instruments “axes,” peppering their conversations with all type of colorful words and unapologetic truisms.
Even if you were a child, they spoke directly to you and might actually listen to what you had to say.
Of course, they talked about men and women, politics and race and sports. But above all, they loved to talk about jazz music, its present and its past at once, like it was all now: “'Trane and them was playin' so much music I couldn't move. And people had been telling me all week they weren't playing nothin'. Man, the music stood me up at the door.”
They could go on and on about what different musicians played or did or said, great men who all seemed to have colorful names: “Frog,” “Rabbit,” “Sweets.” It seemed to me that all of these people knew one another or at least had some type of connection. For all of that hard, profane talk, there was an unusual type of gentleness in the way they treated one another. Always a hug upon greeting and ― from even the most venerated musicians ― sometimes a kiss on the cheek. A natural ease with those teetering on the edge of sanity. A way of admonishing but not alienating those who might have drug problems. Always the feeling that things in our country, in our culture, in our souls, in the world, would get better. And beyond that, the feeling that this mysterious music would someday help people see how things fit together: segregation and integration, men and women, the political process, even the stock market.
彼らは、様々なミュージシャン達が、演奏したこと、しでかしたこと、言ったことについて、話が尽きることはありませんでした。「フロッグ」(蛙)、「ラビット」(兎)、「スゥィーツ」(菓子)といった、煌びやかな名前の付いた、偉大なミュージシャン達と彼らは、知り合いか、少なくとも何かしらの関係があったのか、僕にはそんな風に思えました。その熱心で気取らない会話から、彼らのお互いに対する独特の優しさを見出すことができました。いつだって挨拶するときはハグ - それは大御所と言われる人達でさえも - 時にはチーク・キスも。常軌を逸しかけている人達に対しても、自然な気楽さで接しているのです。ドラッグ中毒者かもしれない人達に対しても、穏やかに諌めて、でも疎外はしません。いつも心に抱く思いは、僕達の国も、文化も、そして精神も、きっと良くなっていくだろう、そして何よりも、この謎めいた音楽(=ジャズ)が、いつの日か人々にとって、世の中の様々なことがしっかりと調和する方法を見出すのに役に立つだろう ― 隔離と統合、男と女、政治の在り様、株価の上げ下げだって - そんな思いでした。
That's why these were still confident, optimistic men. Even though they were broke and misunderstood, sometimes difficult of personality, sometimes impaired by a too intense encounter with mind-altering substances and trapped in a culture that was rapidly moving away from professional levels of musicianship, romantic expression, and the arts in general, they still believed in the value of this jazz they played and still understood that their job was inventing music ― and making sense of it with one another.
They improvised.
“Improvisation means spontaneous musical invention. It's like when we talk.(中略)Then - and this is an important part of New Orleans jazz - the jazz musicians want to converse with each other in the language of music. This means the musicians have to learn, interact, and play at the same time.
(from “Marsalis on Music:1995)
Now, the ability to improvise ― to make up things that could get you out of a tight spot ― well, everyone needed to know how to do that, even if it was just coming up with the right words at the right time. I thought there must be something to this improvised music. I needed to learn more about it. And hanging around jazz musicians was a great education for a nine-year-old because they told great stories and they knew how to listen. That was their way, talking and listening, listening and talking.
My father could talk for hours, still can. But he would also listen intently and never respond in that patronizing way that drives kids crazy. I have all kinds of memories of telling him partially fabricated stories of what I had done in a football or basketball game and him just standing there listening intently to every detail and consigning “Uh-huh. Yep.” When he and other jazzmen listened to records or the radio, they could hear all kinds of things I didn't come close to noticing. I couldn't understand how three notes from a tenor saxophone was all they needed to conclude, “That's Gene Hammons,” “Yeah, that's 'Jug,'” or “Monk, I hear you. Thelonious!” That seemingly magical ability to hear made me figure that perhaps my father knew when I was embellishing stuff.
He and his friends seemed to be able to follow every moment of what the person played. Now, you have to remember, the rest of us were listening to three-minute records of tunes with words, words that were as easy to memorize as the thirty seconds of repeated musical accompaniment. But these guys were listening to things like Sonny Rollins's “Alfie's Theme,” seven or eight minutes of somebody playing all kind of saxophone up and down the horn, following it as if it were spoken by the oracle at Delphi, saying, “Tell your story,” and so on. There would be certain points in the music where the “um-humms” became “ohhh” or “oowee!” ― the type of ecstatic eruptions that overcome some people in church. They would respond to Sonny as if he were right there in the room, and during all that seven or eight minutes not one word on the recording, spoken or sung! And I'd be sitting there listening to them speak in what was almost a foreign language, trying to understand, wanting to learn it.
At twelve, I began listening to John Coltrane, Clifford Brown, Miles Davis, and Freddie Hubbard. Just by paying serious attention to these musicians every day, I came to realize that each musician opens a chamber in the very center of his being and expresses that center in the uniqueness of his sound. The sound of a master musician is as personalized and distinct as the sound of a person's voice. After that basic realization, I focused on what they were communicating through music - pure truth, delivered with the intimacy of friends revealing some secret, sensitive detail about themselves. It takes courage and trust to share things. Many times the act of revelation brings someone closer to you. In learning about a person, you learn something about the world and about yourself, and if you can handle what you learn, you can get closer, much closer to them.
That's why, I came to understand, the scuffling jazzmen around my father were so self-assured. They didn't mind you knowing who they were. With Coltrane, of course, I was impressed with his virtuosity, his ability to run up and down his horn. Everyone who heard him was. But I noticed that the most meaningful phrases were almost never technically challenging. They were succinct phrases that would run right through you, the way profound nuggets from Shakespeare's plays can both cut through you and linger; all those words in Hamlet, but you remember “To be or not to be” or “to sleep perchance to dream.” Something in those types of phrase reveals universal truth.
The best way I can describe this is by comparing it to the feeling between two people. Before any words are spoken, before one makes any gesture toward the other, there is a feeling. And that feeling loses intensity and purity when translated into words or gestures. When someone reaches up to kiss you or says, “I love you,” those acts are reductions of that bigger feeling. But if someone figures out how to communicate that big feeling - how to master a moment of soul - he or she just looks at you with directness and honesty and love. Eyes alone can warm your entire body. We most often experience this unencumbered feeling from children. But some adults give it, too. Because jazz musicians improvise under the pressure of time, what's inside comes out pure. It's like being pressed to answer a question before you have a chance to get your lie straight. The first thought is usually the truth.
That purity of feeling is what I heard in Coltrane's sound. His sound was his feeling. You also heard Tommy Flanagan's feeling when he improvised at his piano; then you had Paul Chamber's feeling on the bass and Art Taylor's on the drums. A single performance was an improvised symphony of their combined feeling, made more honest by the pressure of time.
It's not easy to find words for the kind of emotions that jazz musicians convey. You don't have a name for the feeling of light peeking through the drapes in your childhood bedroom. Or how the teasing by classmates hurts. You don't have a name for the feeling of late-night silence on a car ride with your father or how you love your wife's smile when you tease her. But those feelings are real, even more real because you can't express them in words. Jazz allows the musician to instantly communicate exactly how he or she experiences life as it is felt, and the instant honesty of that revelation shocks listeners into sharing and experiencing that feeling, too.
Some popular music evokes nostalgia. Your memory of your own emotions fills the songs with meaning: “You remember this one, baby? This was when I had that old beat-up Old mobile and used to pick you up in it and this was our prom song.” But jazz music is about the power of now. There is no script. It's conversation. The emotion is given to you by musicians as they make split-second decisions to fulfil what they feel the moment requires. The explanation can be complicated, but the music is very direct and basic. And because Coltrane felt so strongly about things, his sound remains potent and present. We can still feel him and Louis Armstrong and Thelonious Monk and all of the great ones. And we can feel and emphasize with many other musicians, too, if we allow their sounds to reach and fill some space inside of us.
Jazz makes it possible for individuals to shape a language out of their feeling and use that very personal language to communicate exactly how the world feels to them. Recordings froze the sounds of these musicians, affording us the pleasure of entering their world whenever we wish. The world according to Lester Young. Mmmm. That's where I want to be. Then, to be there over and over again.
The best jazz for me back then, however, was always live. I loved to hear my father and James Black or Clark Terry or Sonny Stitt electrify a room. Live, the music unfolded right in front of you. All over you.
Now, at first I could hear and relate to 'Trane's sound but didn't necessarily understand what he was playing. It was hard to follow. One solo had enough music for about forty of the radio songs that I could comprehend. But I kept trying to hear and follow, like a kid listening to adult conversation.
Then, one day, I could actually understand - not in my mind but in my heart. It came to me all of a sudden. What he was playing made perfect sense, actually super-sense. These musicians were telling stories. And these bittersweet stories unfolded in unpredictable ways. The musicians themselves were often surprised by their inventions. But they worked with the surprises the way a bull rider adjusts his weight and angles to stay onboard. It was a language, and after you could comprehend the song of the language there was no need for words. The song is the language. The song was the language.
When I started learning about jazz, I wasn't into any kind of art. I had no idea it could have a practical purpose. Now, more than thirty years later, I testify to the power of art, and more specifically jazz, to improve your life - and keep on improving it.
I know now that my father and his fellow musicians possessed such confidence because of their relationship with segregation and all types of small unnamed injustices, with personal situations that were as full of drama, unhappiness, and strife as anyone else's, they enjoyed who they were.
今となって分かったことですが、父とそのミュージシャンの仲間達の、自信に満ち溢れたあの生き様は、芸術とのかかわりを持っていたからこそ、なのです。勿論、日々の生活の中には、苦しさばかりでした - 人種差別、あらゆるチマチマとした不正、波乱万丈の不遇、人との争い ― それでも自分達の在り様を楽しんだのです。
I noticed that religion gave some people a way to escape dealing with the world: “Things will be better when you die,” the people of my grandma's generation said as they worked themselves to death. “God wants you to forgive and love those who do you wrong,” some people said to shake off the shame of being unable to respond to the abuse they endured. The holier-than-thou faction found comfort in believing, “The rest of y'all are lost because you don't have a personal relationship with God - our God.”
僕の認識としては、宗教とは、人によっては現実逃避の手段となってしまったと考えています。「死ねばよくなる」、死ぬほど働きづめだった僕のおばあさんの世代の人々は、良くこういっていました。それから中にはこんなことを言って、自分が我慢した虐待に対抗できない辱めを、気にするなと言わんばかりの人もいます。「神はあなたに、自分の敵を許し、そして愛しなさい、と言っている。」自分だけ良ければいい、という人達は、「私達は生き残るが、あなた方は皆死ぬ。なぜなら、あなた方は神との関係ができていないからだ - 神は私達と共にあるからだ。」と、信じることに安心感を見出したようです。
But art engages you in the world, not just the world around you but the big world, and not just the big world of Tokyo and Sydney and Johannesburg, but the bigger world of ideas and concepts and feelings of history and humanity.
しかし芸術は、世の中の人を懐へと引き込んでゆきます。「世の中」とは、単に近しい人ではなく、広い範囲で。「広い」とは、単に我が国だけでなくそれを超えた外国の街 - 東京だの、シドニーだの、ヨハネスブルクだの、とうのではなく、もっと大きな意味で。具体的に思い描くものの相違を越えて、それと抽象的な概念の相違を越えて、更に、歴史に対する見方や人間性に対する見方の相違を越えて、全ての人を一つの懐に引き込んでしまうのが、芸術というものなのです。
I learned that jazz has the power to help anyone willing to engage it. Some people think music communicates only when it accompanies lyrics - that's why pop music almost always has words. But as in all art, whether we encounter a great play or poem or painting, artists can carry us to a common place: When they cry, we cry; when they are excited, we become excited. And jazz music, because it is mostly wordless, allows musicians to express deeper, more varied, and ever-changing states of being. It can provide musicians and listeners alike with a sense of self, a concept of romance, a more comfortable physicality, a deeper understanding of other human beings. It is an endless road of discovery leading to more maturity and acceptance of personal responsibility, a greater respect for cultures around the world, an invigorating playfulness, an excitement about change, and an appetite for the unpredictable. It gives you a historical perspective spiritual acceptance of necessary opposites, an undying optimism born of the blues - and a pile of good listening.
I went through my teen years playing all kinds of music. But jazz became my real love. I grew up with it and wanted to be able to play it. This was the 1970s, when most of what we thought of as jazz was some funk tunes with horns playing the melody. But my exposure to real jazz musicians at an early age helped me realize that this music had a different function from the pop music we loved and played. The most popular music of my youth thrilled people with illusion, sentimentality, and showmanship. Music was just one of the tools we employed to create excitement. The jazzman's objective, however, was solely musical: Through his improvisation, he wanted to take people deep into his actual feelings and his world.
Ironically, I was in the same position Bix Beiderbecke found himself in when he first heard jazz music as a teenager in Davenport, Iowa, in 1917. Most of the people around him thought jazz was some kind of hokum, a gimmicky fad that - to make matters worse - was created by black people who weren't worth anything, anyway. But through intense listening, Bix could hear past all that ignorance and racism and learn to hear the differences among black groups, white hokum groups, and white groups like the New Orleans Rhythm Kings, who could really play. He could recognize artistic objectives, too, and set out to become an artist himself, even though pursuing those objectives would drive him farther and farther away from the world in which he grew up.
Like Beiderbecke, I wanted to figure out what separated jazz from what we were being told was jazz.
What is jazz really saying?
Is it still of value?
This is some of what I found.
The most prized possession in this music is your own unique sound. Through sound, jazz leads you to the core of yourself and says “Express that.” Through jazz, we learn that people are never all one way. Each musician has strengths and weakness. We enjoy hearing musicians struggle with their parts, and if we go one step further and learn to accept the strong and weak parts of people around us and of ourselves, life comes at us much more easily. A judge has a hard time out here.
Miles Davis, for example, couldn't play with the big sound of Louis Armstrong, but he found his own type of intensity at a softer volume. He would release recordings with mistakes, and they still sound good. The imperfections give the music even more flavor and personality. In this era of young people starving themselves to attain some Madison Avenue or TV version of thinness and perfection, the idea of “working with what you have” provides a more useful alternative.
Jazz also reminds you that you can work things out with other people. It's hard, but it can be done. When a group of people try to invent something together, there's bound to be a lot of conflict. Jazz urges you to accept the decisions of others. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow - but you can't give up, no matter what. It is the art of negotiating change with style. The aim of every performance is to make something out of whatever happens - to make something together and be together.
Back then, these two revelations - the importance of expressing the core of your unique feelings and the willingness to work things out with others - gave me more than I needed to address the increasingly complex personal relationships that can be unbearable for a teenager. On a basic level, this music led me to a deeper respect for myself. In order to improvise something meaningful, I had to find and express whatever I had inside of me worth sharing with other people. But at the same time it led me to a new awareness of others, because my freedom of expression was directly linked to the freedom of others on the bandstand. I had something to say, and so did they. The freer they were, the freer I could be, and vice versa. To be heard demanded that we also listened to one another. Closely. And to sound good we had to trust one another.
Of course, I'm talking especially about the benefits of playing, but it goes for listeners, too. The value of jazz is the same for listeners and players alike because the music, in its connection to feelings, personal uniqueness, and improvising together, provides solutions to basic problems of living. Deeper levels of listening yield even more benefits. As in conversation, a musician knows when people are listening - and inspired listening makes for inspired playing.
Knowing jazz music adds another dimension to your historical perspective. I have read about the Great Depression, and I knew and played with people who lived through it. But when you listen to Mildred Bailey or Billie Holiday, Benny Goodman's orchestra or Ella Fitzgerald with the Chick Webb orchestra, you gain insight into those eras: the language they used; how they employed humor and stereotypes to bridge the gulf between ethnicities; their conception of romance as reflected in the interactive grooves they danced to; how sweet, hot, and Latin music came together. You can hear that people were figuring out a way to celebrate and define their existence joyously in spite of - and to spite - the hard times. Not just with happy tunes but with the verve and downright swing - the jubilant back-and-forth rhythm - that jazz musicians brought to every kind of tune, even songs of pathos and loss. Jazz fills the dry facts of American history with something sticky and sweet.
ジャズの音楽のことを知ることにより、今まで自分が持っていなかった歴史に対する見方が身に付きます。僕は1929年の世界大恐慌のことについては、本で読んだことがありましたし、その時代を生き抜いた人々と演奏を共にしたこともあります。しかし、ミルドレッド・ベーリー、ビリー・ホリデー、ベニー・グッドマン楽団、あるいはエラ・フィッツジェラルドとチック・ウェブ楽団の演奏を聴くと、彼らの時代を垣間見ることができるのです。彼らが読み書き話した言葉、民族間の違いを橋渡しするために使ったユーモアや様々な概念、彼らが心躍らせた、お互いのやり取りの中から生まれたグルーブ感によく表れている、男女が愛し合うということの概念(それは甘美で心を熱くするものです)、更には、同じ時代に、やはり人を甘美で熱い世界へと導くラテン音楽も台頭してきたのでした。辛い時代にもかかわらず、というよりも、辛い時代だからこそ、生きてゆくことを、まずは祝福し、そしてその意義をはっきりさせる。そんなことを楽しくやる方法を見出そうとしている様子が、聴いて取れるのです。それも、単に楽しげなメロディを使うのではなく、そこに活気があって、ストレートな奏法であるスウィングをかけてゆくわけです。スウィングと言えば、楽しげで、プレーヤー同士のやり取りの中で生まれてくるリズムです。ジャズミュージシャン達は、このリズムを、あらゆる種類のメロディに - 例えそれが悲しい気持ちや何かを失ったことへの思いを歌った曲でも - 駆使してきます。我が国(アメリカ)がこれまで歩んできた道のりには、冷淡で不毛な現実がいくつもあります。ジャズはそこに、ぎこちなくも心優しいものを埋め合わせてくれるのです。
Jazz music is America's past and its potential, summed up and sanctified and accessible to anybody who learns to listen to, feel, and understand it. The music can connect us to our earlier selves and to our better selves-to-come. It can remind us of where we fit o the time line of human achievement, an ultimate value of art.
The greatest artists in any field speak across epochs about universal themes - death, love, jealousy, revenge, greed, youth, growing old - fundamentals of the human experience that never really change. Art and artists truly make us the “family of man,” and most of the greatest jazz musicians embody that consciousness. Entering the world of jazz gives you an opportunity to commune with brilliant creative thinkers - Max Roach and Gil Evans, Papa Jo Jones and Mary Lou Williams, and many, many more - and, through the workings of so many diverse minds, demonstrates that there are countless viable ways to improvise - to think through the same problems and deal with them. Some musicians, like Coleman Hawkins, take things apart and reassemble them, piece by piece. Others, like alto saxophonist Paul Desmond, play with clear, dry wit. You might wonder how a musician can be witty. A witty person turns a familiar phrase in a quick and humorous direction; a musician can do the same thing with melodic phrases: You think you know where the next phrase will go, but it goes somewhere else with the timing and power of a good punch line.
どんな分野でも、一流のアーティストというものは、時代を越えて、人間の普遍的なテーマについて僕達に語りかけてきます - 死、愛、嫉妬、復讐、欲望、若さ、老い - いつの時代も実際には大して変わらない、人生の中で経験してゆく基本的なことです。まったく、アート/アーティストというものは、僕達を「人類皆兄弟」にしてしまう、本当に大したものです。そして、一流のジャズミュージシャン達は、聴き手にそれを体感させてくれるのです。ジャズの世界へと入ってゆくことによって、素晴らしい創造性に富んだ人達と、心を通わせる機会を持つことができます - マックス・ローチ、ジル・エバンス、パパ・ジョー・ジョーンズ、マリー・ルー・ウィリアムス、等々、枚挙にいとまがありません - そして、多くの様々な発想が生み出した作品を通して、インプロバイズする、すなわち、僕達に共通する問題について考え抜き対処してゆく上で、やれることは無数にあるんだ、ということを、ジャズは教えてくれます。コールマン・ホーキンスのようなミュージシャン達は、物事を分解し、再び一つ一つ組み立てなおしてゆきます。アルトサックス奏者のポール・デズモンドのような人達は、分かりやすくてさりげないウィットを用いて演奏します。「ウィット?ミュージシャンが?」と思うかもしれません。ウィットのある人というのは、誰もが知っているものの言い方を、鋭くユーモアのあるやり方で、ひねりを加えてきます。ミュージシャンはこれをメロディで行うわけです。「次はこういくかな?」と思うところを、良いオチの持つ、間と魅力で、思わぬ方向へと持ってゆくのです。
With jazz, there are as many approaches as there are people who can play. Musicians like Bix Beiderbecke, Miles Davis, and Booker Little focus their intelligence and feelings on creating deep, haunting, heartbroken sounds. Charlie Parker expands our concept of the mind with quickness of thought and mastery of organization at incredible tempi.
Louis Armstrong, more than anyone else, figured out how to use the hard-earned realism of the blues to toughen up the sentimental, pie-in-the-sky corniness of many American popular songs. In the process, pop was infused with Afro-American rhythm and artistic elevation through the art of improvisation, and jazz gained a body of superbly crafted melodies and sophisticated harmonies.
European composers frequently used folk themes, the popular music of their day, as points of departure for fantasies and freewheeling compositions that utilized all kinds of complex compositional techniques, from fugue to serialism.
The jazz musician, on the other hand, almost always maintained the rhythm and harmonic structure of the melody when improvising. From traditional fiddler's reels and church music to the blues and the nineteenth-century cornet soloists who performed spectacular variations on popular themes like “The Carnival of Venice,” most improvising in American music has followed a theme-and-variations pattern.
Louis Armstrong inherited all of these traditions. He improvised not only on the melody and harmonies of popular songs but on their sentiments as well, taking us through spontaneous ruminations on a startling range of human responses to the idea of romance, from heartbreak to absurd humor to excruciating tenderness. He showed jazz musicians all around the world how to improvise on the most universal of human themes, what Duke Ellington called “the world's greatest duet, a man and a woman going steady.”
American standards - the best-loved popular songs of the 1920s, '30s, and '40s - became the framework for the jazz musician to build on, rich source material covering almost every known circumstance, from adolescent gullibility to middle-aged apathy to dysfunction in old age. Jazz musicians have such respect for these songs that the great tenor saxophonist Ben Webster once stopped in the middle of his instrumental improvisation because he “forgot the words.”
With jazz, affairs of the heart are open to many interpretations. And because all you have to do is learn an instrument and some harmonies, and because you can invent your own compendium of late-night vibratos and effects, and because the pressure of time forces you to be spontaneous, and because intimacy and honesty are more practical than formality and convention, and because you don't have to learn composition and orchestration - and because of the absolute realism and hard-won joy of the blues - jazz musician s get closer to expressing the actual diversity in the ways of love than any musicians before them. There is the transcendent sensuality of Johnny Hodges, the super-sensitive secrecy of Miles Davis, the distanced but expert elegance of Duke Ellington, the acerbic sweetness of Stan Getz, the playful sexuality of Harry “Sweets” Edison, the heartbroken laments of Billie Holiday. Each of these musicians - and many more - gives you a tour of the sweet ups and downs of romance. Their discoveries can give you the confidence to step into your own feelings, to recognize the uniqueness of your partner's feelings and let them unfold, to revel in those soft moments and not be afraid of the silences that can make them even softer.
Jazz is the art of timing. It teaches you when. When to start, when to wait, when to step it up, and when to take your time - indispensable tools for making someone else happy.
Time is the lifeblood of jazz. Not the time told by a clock or even the time signature on a piece of music. Swing time: the quality of the quarter notes played by the bass down low and the cymbal up high as they shuffle through a song (”Frere Jacques” is made up of quarter notes; replace the words with doom and you'll be singing a swinging bass line.) The triplet-based shuffle rhythm invites all kinds of dynamic figurations on the piano and horns. (If you want to know what a triplet is, think of any Irish jig.) Everyone dances, and the bass and drums hold it all together. They are like the man and woman in a family, two extremes of register and volume coming together. The quality of their negotiation affects the quality of the time. If they get along, things go smoothly. If they don't, you have a lot of interesting stories to tell.
ジャズにとって欠くことのできないもの、それは time です。と言っても、時計が示す「時刻 time 」でもなければ、楽譜に書いてある「拍子記号 time signature」でもありません。スウィングのリズム「 time 」のことです。低い音のベースと高い音のシンバルによって演奏される四分音符(♩)が、シャッフルリズムを奏でてゆく、あのリズム感覚のことです(フランス民謡「朝の鐘を鳴らしなさい」が良い例です。この曲は四分音符を中心に作曲されていますが、「しずかな かねの声」という歌詞を「ボンボンボンボン ボンボンボンボン」と言い換えてみてください。これがスウィングでベースが奏でているものです)。3連符をベースにしたシャッフルリズムに、ピアノや管楽器が奏でる全ての音型が収まってゆきます(3連符とは、アイルランドのジグというダンス音楽を思い出していただけれると、すぐにお分かりになると思います)。様々な楽器が舞い、それらをベースとドラムスが一つにまとめ上げるのです。ベースとドラムスは、家庭における男性と女性の様なもので、音の高い/低い、大きい/小さい、について、この2つの楽器が、最高/最低、最大/最小、を決めます。そして、個のベースとドラムスの協力体制が、リズムの出来のカギとなるのです。仲良くやれればスムーズにリズムは流れてゆきます。うまくいかないとどうなるか、については、面白い話がたくさんあります。
My father and his friends had just two questions about a new musician: “Can he play?” meaning, “Does he have good ideas and a distinctive tone?” and “How's his time?” meaning, “Does he create good-timing groove with his rhythm?” Jazz can teach us how to be in time. There are always three kinds of time at play when you're on the bandstand: actual time (the dry, relentless passing of seconds and minutes), your time (how the passage of actual time feels to you), and swing time (how you adjust your time to make actual time become our time).
僕の父と、その仲間のミュージシャン達は、新しいミュージシャンとの出会いがあると、二つだけ、そのミュージシャンについて見極めようとしました。それは「この人は弾ける/吹ける人か?」(良い音楽性と独自のサウンドを持ち合わせているか)と、「タイムはどうか?」(良いテンポ感のグルーブを生み出せるリズム感を持ち合わせているか)でした。ジャズは「 time 」との付き合い方を教えてくれます。バンドと共にステージ上で演奏に臨む時、3つの「 time 」が常に付きまといます。一つは、日常生活における「時間」(time:機械的に過ぎてゆく時間)、もう一つは自分の「テンポ感」(time:「時間」(time)をどう感じるか)、3つ目はスウィングの「リズム」(time:メンバー全員が自分の「テンポ感」(time)を修正・調整して、決められた「時間」(time)の流れ方を元に「バンド全員の」リズム(time)を作り出す方法)です。
Actual time is a constant. Your time is a perception. Swing time is a collective action. Everyone in jazz is trying to create a more flexible alternative to actual time. Bass and drums become the foundation of swing time, and the rest of the band interprets the swing from their rhythmic viewpoint. Some rush, some slow down, some play right on the beat. But all shift back and forth, trying to find and maintain some common ground. You're in time when your actions are perceptive and flexible enough to flow inside that ultimate constant - swing.
Being in time has many practical applications outside of jazz. Swing is a matter of manners. When you are in time you know when to be quiet, when to assert yourself, and how to master the moment with an appropriate or unusually inventive response. Fast-thinking comedians can do that. So can athletes who make intelligent decisions that involve teamwork even though the pressure of the clock makes them want to do something solitary and, generally, stupid. To be in time requires you to make the subtlest kinds of adjustments and concessions to keep everyone in a groove. And your colleagues have to be willing to do the same for you. In most bands, it is the subject of intense discussion:
“Man, you're dragging.”
“You rushin', Rasputin.”
“What kind of time are y'all playing? Can you just give me some good time to play on?”
“Call me back when y'all are ready to swing.”
“Can you hear what we're doing up here! Please, man, stop lagging and join us.”
Bass players and drummers argue constantly about the time. Generally, bass players rush and drummers drag. So, there's almost always conflict in the kitchen. The rhythm guitarist once served as the referee, but he unfortunately faded from the rhythm section when the big bands stopped being commercially viable. But that rhythm guitarist is the most self-sacrificing of musicians, willing to do less than he or she might do so that others can do more. The rhythm guitar is by far the softest instrument but also the most central. It plays every beat as if to remind us, “Here's home.” When everything is right, the rhythm section's like a trampoline: Stiff but springy, it lets everyone else jump around and have a great time. Too stiff or too soggy, and we have a bad time.
Science says the only constant is change. But to swing is to alter how we experience that change. The musician's relationship to time can be of ultimate assistance to you in: 1) adjusting to changes without losing your equilibrium; 2) mastering moments of crisis with clear thinking; 3) living in the moment and accepting reality instead of trying to force everyone to do things your way; 4) concentrating on a collective goal even when your conception of the collective doesn't dominate; 5) knowing how and when to expend your individual energy.
Being in time also gives you the confidence to take chances. The beauty of a musician who sits comfortably in time is the many wondrous rhythms he or she can invent. Sonny Rollins comes most immediately to mind. He scrapes the beat, pushes it, leans on it, makes taffy out of it. He takes chances like a great juggler, an acrobat, or an explorer. He says “Let's see what's over here” or “I bet I could combine this with that and make it work.” And it does. He plays super-syncopation - the unexpected rhythm. Thelonious Monk does it, too. It's as if they go deeper into time by floating out of it. And just when you think they're gone -poom! - they're back again.
They show us not only how to initiate it, inspire it, and revel in it. We're often told that time is our enemy, something we can't control. “Time flies!” “Don't waste time!” “Do it while you're young!” We live in a youth-oriented culture where becoming older is treated like a crime. Older people show you pictures of themselves when they were younger, proud of how they used to be. Younger people can't be bothered with anything having to do with their parents' time (that's old), let alone their grandparents' (that's ancient).
But in jazz, someone fifteen can be on the bandstand next to an eighty-year-old. I have seen Sweets Edison in his twenties, Roland Hanna in his sixties, and Reginald Veal in his twenties, all chasing the elusive swing with the same zest and vigor. And believe me, many times the old men would be showing the young ones where to put the beat.
In jazz, time is your friend, and when you find your own swing, or the swing time in any group activity, actual time flies, yes. But it's flying to where you want to be. And when you get there, you realize the ride is the destination. That's the joy of swinging.
Speaking the Language of Jazz
Call and response: I don't know whether Cassandra Wilson had ever played with Mark O'Connor before, but those initial accompanying phrases from his violin clearly impressed her and inspired her to respond with appreciative surprise.
“These damn directions! I think we're lost, man. Don't follow the printouts. Follow what the man gave us.”
We've all experienced uncertainty when following directions
“Did he say left on Bush Street or Bushnell Avenue?”
“Was that an Exxon station or Texaco?”
Sometimes you get lost because of your own inability to follow directions. Other times, it's because a landmark that “everyone around here knows” is only visible to those who saw it when it was actually there. In any case, it's natural to second-guess information when you're not sure where you are and don't know where you're going. But sure enough, if you stick, with it, you'll have your “Eureka!” moment.
“Aha! Webster Street.”
You know everything is going to be all right. That name ― Webster ― tells you exactly where you are.
これで大丈夫。目標物の名前 - ウェブスター - のおかげで、現在位置が正確に分かります。
It's the same way with jazz. The music's terminology is like the music itself ― direct and plainspoken. It tells you what's going on. Listening becomes more enjoyable when you understand the meaning of a few key terms like “breaks,” “riffs,” and “call and response.”
これと同じことが、ジャズにも当てはまります。音楽用語は音楽そのもの - ストレートで、難しい言葉は使いません。今何が起きているのか、すぐに分かります。「ブレイク」「リフ」「コールアンドレスポンス」といった重要用語を、いくつか意味を把握しておくと、音楽鑑賞はもっと楽しくなります。
Jazz musicians have to listen and communicate. You have absolutely no idea what the other musicians are going to improvise, so you're forced to listen. And because the accompaniment is improvised, a soloist is required to quickly communicate the logic of what he or she is playing ― as quickly and completely as possible. Everyone follows the music as it's being born, requiring each person to listen and speak with the same intensity. That's why much of the terminology of jazz is analogous to verbal communication.
A solo is an accompanied soliloquy, for example, one person declaring “I am.” In the earliest days of jazz, the first two decades of the twentieth century, musicians didn't solo. They would just improvise little melodic embellishments. Then there was a gradual evolution in those embellishments, like the way a child learns to speak. First “mama,” “da-da,” and “no,” then phrases like “I no want to bath,” and finally, a sophisticated use of language and connecting of ideas meant to con you into some disagreeable form of sponsorship: “Buy me that toy, please! All my friends have it.”
In jazz, short improvisational phrases evolved into much longer melodic excursions, which eventually became chorus after chorus of free-following improvisation. For example, if you listen to King Oliver's solo on “Dippermouth Blues,” followed by Louis Armstrong's solo on “West End Blues,” then Charlie Parker's on “The Funky Blues” and John Coltrane's on “Bessie's Blues,” you can get a good sense of how soloing changed, from artist to artist, time period to time period.
I'm not saying that 'Trane's solo is “better” or more “advanced” than Louis Armstrong's, because it's not, but it's certainly longer and reflects a vocabulary that includes ideas drawn from Oliver, Armstrong, and Parker. Armstrong knew what Oliver played, Parker knew what Armstrong played, and Coltrane started playing because of Parker. Each musician communicates with his predecessors, building on some aspect of what they did while contributing something of his own.
The best musicians would put portions familiar melodies into their solos to give listeners something to hold on to. That made following an extended solo a little like hearing people speak a foreign language that you almost understand. There are three or four phrases you can identify but other words just keep coming and coming. Eventually discouragement overcomes the initial recognition and excitement, but you stick with it because you know that people are communicating concrete ideas. With music, the ideas are invisible ― thought, emotion, aspiration ― but no less concrete, no less rewarding to understand. Stick with the music, and its meaning will be revealed.
The jazz solo gave a larger number of musicians the opportunity to put their creative imprint upon the history of music. The player was also the composer; the recording, not the score, became the definitive document.
How many great classical virtuosos have been denied their total creative voice because of an inability to compose? Speaking through the voice of a great composer is one thing, but saying your own thing exactly the way you hear it is something else altogether. Jazz was a new thing. If you were willing to improve and invent a personal way of playing your instrument (not necessarily an easy thing to do), then you only had to learn some chord progressions, some popular melodies, and the blues (which, as we'll see later, is the lifeblood of American music), and you could become a creative jazz musician and put your feeling all through some music ― and all over some listeners.
After imitation, the most basic form of communication is call and response. Somebody calls your name, and if you have good manners, you say “Yes?”; if you don't, you say “What?” Jazz musicians love all types of musical call and response: Louis Armstrong's opening trumpet call on “West End Blues”; Count Basie's band responding to the singer Jimmy Rushing on any blues they performed together; and “Mademoiselle Mabry,” Miles Davis's response to Jimi Hendrix's “And the Wind Cried Mary.”
The early blues recordings of singers like Bessie and Mamie Smith feature the call of a blues lyric and some sort of instrumental response. Bessie Smith's “Young Woman's Blues” is a classic example. The horn player, in this case cornetist Joe Smith, is trying to play with as much expression as the singer and provide more rhythmic and musical sophistication at the same time.
Call and response inspired instrumentalists to play with the freedom and nuance of the human voice, as Ray Nance did on any trumpet solo he ever played with Duke Ellington's orchestra. (Nance plays the classic solo on “Take the 'A' Train.”) It also motivated singers to raise their level of mastery and led to the wordless, improvised emulation of horn players called scat singing: Ba-da-ba-dee-doo bee-yee-bah-dee doobeeyah. This stuff is fun to do. Louis Armstrong (“Heebie Jeebies”) and Ella Fitzgerald (”Lady Be Good”) were masters of scatting. The name bebop, the postwar style of developed by Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker, comes from the scat-sung sound of their instrumental improvisations. A definitive bebop tune is Dizzy's “Oop Bop Sh'Bam.”
Scat singing, in turn, led to the development of vocalese, putting words to all the notes of celebrated recorded instrumental solos, allowing singers to tell long stories in the language of jazz. An excellent example is Jon Hendricks's vocalized version of one of the best-loved recordings in jazz history, “Freddie Freeloader” from Miles Davis's Kind of Blue. It features Bobby McFerrin, Al Jarreau, Mr. Hendricks, and the guitarist George Benson singing lyrics to every note played by Wynton Kelly, Miles, Coltrane, and Julian “Cannonball” Adderley.
Meanwhile, instrumentalists developed ways of scooping and bending notes to sound like talking, laughing, and crying: Listen to Cootie Williams's plunger mute ― the business end of a toilet plunger ― on Duke Ellington's “Concert for Cootie” or Joe “Tricky Sam” Nanton's trombone on “Ko-Ko”; the gruff tenderness of Ben Webster's tenor saxophone on a late-night ballad or the inescapable holler of Roy Eldridge's trumpet on something hot like “Let Me Off Uptown,” recorded with Gene Krupa and His Orchestra. People were making all kinds of vocal sounds on horns ― and those exhortations always produced some kind of response from other musicians and from listeners, too.
Because jazz draws upon everyday human interactions, it demands different techniques than previous forms of Western music do. Gimmicks that impress, the way circus tricks do, are less respected in jazz than techniques that directly and honestly communicate personal emotions and reflect the grandeur and absurdity of being human.
The call and response between the brass section (trumpets and trombones) and the reeds (saxes) is a signature technique of the American jazz orchestra. Count Basie's classic “One O' Clock Jump” is full of calls and responses. So are “Jumpin' at the Woodside,” “Taxi War Dance,” and “Swinging at the Daisy Chain.” I could go on and on ― because brass-reed conversation is what Basie's men especially liked to do .
At the end of a big-band arrangement, the brass section sometimes starts shouting the same thing over and over. Then, here come the reeds responding again and again with a repeated line of their own. This is the shout chorus, and through repetition it can build to an almost unbearable intensity. No shout chorus is more ecstatic than in Bennie Moten's “Blue Room.” If that one's not enough for you, try the one in Casa Loma Orchestra's “Casa Loma Stomp.” The shout chorus says, “This song is about to end.” Dancers and listeners go crazy.
As economics forced the big bands out of business after World War II, there were fewer brass and reed sections engaging in dialogue, so soloists like Lester Young learned how to call and respond all by themselves. They would play an initial call, then respond in the next phrase with other thematic material. This was yet another way to organize ideas in a jazz solo. But no soloist could play all the time. So other instrumentalists began filling the void, such as drummer Max Roach responding to melodic phrases played by Charlie Parker's saxophone on “Segment” and Herbie Hancock on piano responding to Miles Davis's trumpet on “My Funny Valentine.” Eventually, bassist Charles Mingus gave everyone on the bandstand the opportunity to call and respond with tunes like “Moanin'.” Virtually every tune played by the Bill Evans Trio was one big call and response.
When listening to any great jazz group, you can hear musicians responding to the call of one another's improvisations with consideration, elegance, and grace. This teaches us how to call, listen, and respond, a progression basic to communication but ― because of that word in the middle, “listen” ― a balance difficult to achieve in real life.
How many times have we said or heard “I don't think you understand what I'm saying,” followed by an overconfident response that demonstrates very clearly “No, I don't”? This unsuccessful call and response happens in music, too ― in fact, it happens much of the time. At a concert you struggle through it, but the recordings I'll talk about throughout this book demonstrate how equilibrium can be reached when musicians really listen to one another.
Jazz shows us how to find a groove with other people, how to hold on to it, and how to develop it. Sweets Edison, Count Basie's most original and soulful trumpet player, once told me that if a phrase felt good enough, bands in Kansas City might repeat that phrase over and over for thirty or forty minutes without stopping. Musicians and dancers fought to see who could get to the deepest groove and, once there, make it last the longest. Repeated phrases like these are called riffs.
At first, a riff meant any imaginative improvised melody. Immediately after his trumpet solo on “Up a Lazy River,” Louis Armstrong verbally comments on how good he sounds: “Oh, you dog! Boy, am I riffin' this evening , I hope sump'in.”
Later, riffs came to mean repeated melodic nuggets. Anyone with children knows the proper usage of a riff:
“Sit down in the car.”
“Sit down in the car.”
“Sit down in the car.”
“Eat your food.”
“Eat your food.”
“Stop hitting your sister.”
“Stop hitting your sister.”
Riffing drives the point home, repeating and building in intensity. It does that in music, too. Good riffs are always compact, meaningful, well balanced, and catchy. They can show us how to speak succinctly, get to the point, and stay there.
Eventually, horn players found another way to use riffs: to signal another horn man that it was time to stop soloing. This drove Charlie Parker crazy when he toured with the Jazz at the Philharmonic troupe. His inventive brilliance made some of the other men so insecure that after he'd played one or two blazing choruses they would start blowing solo-ending riffs to keep him from embarrassing them further. (It didn't do much good; he could always show them up on the next tune.)
When discussing the music, we always speak of the best. In reality, much that takes place on bandstands reflects the petty and jealous interactions that all too often, in jazz and in life, prevent a deeper understanding of one another. With jazz, though, the possibility of sounding good makes you strive to be your best self, in order to play better. And Charlie Parker always played better.
In the early days of jazz, before solos, a band would sometimes stop for two or four bars, and one person would fill the space with an improvised phrase. This is called a break. It's a pressure-packed moment, because you have to maintain the time flow of the whole band by yourself: Our time becomes your time ― yours and yours alone. If you mess up the break the entire band will want to kill you, because everyone has been nursing the time flow since the beginning of the tune. There you are, dropping the touchdown pass.
ジャズが発生したばかりの頃、曲の構成手段としてのソロが未だ存在しなかった段階では、バンド全体が2ないし4小節間、演奏をストップし、その間(ま)を、一人のプレーヤーがインプロバイズをしたフレーズで埋める、といったことが時々行われていました。これをブレイクといいます。その「一人のプレーヤー」にとっては、プレッシャーの塊のような瞬間です。その瞬間は、バンド全体で作ってきた演奏の流れを、自分一人の力でキープしなければならないからです。「私達のタイム」が「私のタイム」になる瞬間 - 演奏のテンポもリズム感も、自分一人のものになります。台無しにしてしまおうものなら、バンド全員から袋叩きに遭うことでしょう。なぜなら、演奏開始からそこまで、バンドのメンバー一人一人が流れを作ろうと慎重にやってきているのですからね。タッチダウンを決めるパスを受け損ねて落としてしまうようなものです。
As if to one-up everybody, the young Louis Armstrong actually improvised a harmonic accompaniment to King Oliver's solo breaks. Pops, as Armstrong came to be called, was so familiar with the King's style that all Oliver had to do was signal what he was going to play and Louis would invent a harmony part to it, on the spot. On “Snake Rag” you can hear Armstrong's harmonic mastery and lightning reflexes, gifts that terrified Chicago musicians in the 1920.
Most breaks are one or two bars long, but Dizzy Gillespe's “A Night in Tunisia” features a four-bar break. Four bars are a long time to be out there on your own. All that open space without accompaniment can make you question your own timekeeping abilities even when you have good time, and the slightest doubt can throw your rhythm completely off. To be off even a little bit on a break is to commit a crime against swing.
A great break demonstrates pure grace under pressure. Talk about mastery of the moment! It can show us the value of paying close attention to all aspects of a group's interaction. In a break you can summarize and forward the group's intentions or give a fresh direction to its momentum.
Sometimes, you'll see a musician point to his head on the bandstand and suddenly everyone will begin playing the melody. It looks like some mystic signal until you learn that we call the melody the head. A head chart is an on-the-spot arrangement of a tune without written parts, just a series of improvised and harmonized riffs, calls and responses, and the melody. (Head charts sometimes get written down and refined into formal arrangements; some of Count Basie's best-loved pieces came about that way.) If you're playing a sad solo, musicians may say, “Play the head, man. Please!” as if to beg you not to subject them to any more pain.
This brings up the matter of bandstand etiquette. When a musician starts playing the head while you're soloing, that's tantamount to saying “Shut up.” If the decision to go to the head is premature or based on jealousy or some type of rancor, everyone else can shake it off and continue to play, as if to say, “No, no, keep going.” Then, the soloist can and should keep playing. But if everyone joins in playing the head, it really is time end the solo. Sometimes people with very bad manners keep soloing anyway, but in general musicians accept the checks and balances that govern live performances. It's like something we used to call a “dap-off.” When it's time for a conversation to end, one person gives a soul handshake (”dap”) to the other. This is supposed to signal “I'm ready to go.” But sometimes a person holds on to your hand and keeps talking, even though he's been dapped-off. This is very bad form: The next time you get dapped-off, be off.
We're often told that jazz is the ultimate expression of individual freedom. After all, the most famous musicians are soloists: Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Art Tatum. In actuality, the heart of a jazz band is the rhythm section ― piano, bass, drums, and sometimes guitar ― and their freedom comes through supporting the soloists. They're like the parents in a family: They work while the kids have all the fun. But if that rhythm section isn't right, everyone has a bad time.
I once had a chess set in which the rook was a bass player and the knight was a drummer. Back when my older kids were nine or ten, I always loved to hear them plead, upon losing one of those pieces, “No! Not a member of the rhythm section,” because even at that age they understood that a rhythm section is a serious thing.
The rhythm section is purely a jazz invention: three instruments (sometimes four) whose sole job is to make the music feel good.
Rhythm section players must have great reflexes, because they have to improvise and create accompaniment for someone who is making up what he or she is playing on the spot. It's like being expected to anticipate what someone is going to say next and then find the appropriate response to it while he or she is saying it.
For a horn player, finding a great rhythm section can be better than finding a great lover. You'll do almost anything to keep them, but most times they don't want to be kept. The greatest rhythm sections get named and become legendary, like Count Basie's All-American Rhythm Section: Papa Jo Jones, Walter Page, Freddie Green, and Basie himself.
I have noticed certain personal characteristics ― stereotypes, really ― that seem to define members of a rhythm section. Bass players are generally big and affable. Drummers are usually short and quick-tempered. And piano players are the know-it-alls, the only musicians who can play a three-hour gig all by themselves and feel quite comfortable with it.
リズムセクションのメンバーには、それぞれある種特有の性格 - 実際は典型とも言えますが - がある、と僕は思っています。ベース奏者達は大抵、大柄で愛想がよい、ドラム奏者達は、小柄で気が短い、そしてピアノ奏者達は「何でも知っているぞ」の風体であり、3時間の本番を一人でやり切れて、しかも気分よくいられる唯一のミュージシャン、こんな感じです。
With its long and noble history, a piano is an orchestra all by itself. Most great European composers played the piano. Beethoven played it (that's enough to prove my point right there), and a large library of pieces has been composed for it. When people ask what instrument they should get their children to play, the answer is usually the piano. Piano players used to be called “Professor,” because they generally understand more about the mechanics of music than the rest of us do. We are always asking them for the proper chord progressions. (That doesn't make us like them more.)
Pianists get around. They play in hotels, restaurants ― all over. It's sometimes said that jazz was born in the brothels of New Orleans. While trumpet players were not fortunate enough to get this kind of work, pianists did. They also played in Wild West saloons and middle-class parlors, and felt right at home in the palaces and concert halls of Europe.
Then, in a purely American example of class reversal, the piano, the star of instruments, was put into the role of accompanist ― not just for some celebrated singer or great violinist, but for any saxophone, clarinet, cornet, or even trombone players. This change in fortune demonstrates the attitude adjustment needed to be part of the rhythm section. It's the type of adjustment the American democratic process has been known to give the high and mighty: You may have been a king where you come from, but you're just “John” over here.
The jazz drum kit is really a combination of instrument ― drums of various sizes and a whole array of cymbals. Drummers in Western musical traditions are known for making all kinds of racket with trumpet players (except in Scotland, where the drummers play with bagpipers). In the classical German symphonies of Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn, kettle drums play with trumpets. Afro-Cuban music is all about drums and trumpet.
In any jazz big band, if you don't have a written part for the drummer, you give him the first trumpet part, because the first trumpet players most of the accents the drummer must play to lead the band. Drummers are the real conductors of the jazz band. They control the dynamics, the tempo, and the feel. (The master, Papa Jo Jones, did this better than anyone, but Art Blakey was no slouch, either. The first did it with finesse, the second with fire.)
In jazz, the drummer has to forgo the facade of supremacy to be supreme at the core. He or she is required to sacrifice volume for equilibrium and the mindless intensity of bashing for the intelligent intensity of balance. Good drummers serve as sterling examples of how to lead any group, even a family. It's how real leaders are. Teddy Roosevelt said it best: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
In an act of supreme irony, the loudest instrument in jazz ― the drum ― plays on every beat with the softest instrument ― the bass. We call it “two right hands.” The right hand of the drummer rides the cymbal with a stick on every beat. It's like the relationship many kids observe between parents. One carries the stick, the other carries the sugar. Over the years, just as the price of things has gone up and up, drummers have played louder and louder, changing the fundamental relationship of drums to the band and opening the door for all kinds of acts poor citizenship.
When bass players started using electric amplifiers to defend themselves against loud drummers, one of the most fundamental checks and balances in jazz was altered. The softest instrument became one of the loudest instruments ― if not the loudest ― and was set free to wreak havoc. And it does. This failure in the kitchen has led to some of the worst home life in jazz. That's why a drummer like Lewis Nash is always in such demand. He plays with a subtlety and control that invites bass players to participate because they can be heard without straining.
ベース奏者達は、アンプを使い始めました。大音量のドラム奏者から身を守るためです。こうして、ジャズにおいて最も根底にあるチェックアンドバランスの機能が、変化してしまったのです。それまで一番音の小さかった楽器は、一番音の大きな楽器の仲間入り ― 「一番大き」くはないにせよ - をしてしまい、その気になれば破壊的行為も可能となり、実際それが起きてしまっています。ドラムスとベースの味付けを誤って料理してしまったがために、ジャズという家庭生活に、ある種の最悪の事態を引き起こしてしまっているのです。この様なことを防ぐ必要性から、ルイス・ナッシュのようなドラム奏者が、常に欠かせません。ベース奏者が無理をしなくても全体に音が聞き取れるように、自分自身は鋭敏さと抑制の効いた演奏をして、ベース奏者が演奏に加われるようにするのです。
The bass is a rhythmic partner of the drums. It also shares harmonic duties with the piano, providing bottom notes to its cycle of harmonies. The bass can also function melodically when responding to a soloist, playing countermelodies or soloing itself.
In jazz, we should probably give the bass more melodic passages. One of the great achievements in European music is melodic freedom in the bass. From figured bass continuo parts, which are functional and many times nonmelodic, to romantic symphonies in which the bass interacts with the rest of the orchestra, a rich dialogue between higher and lower parts has been fostered and developed to create a more melodically diverse music.
In jazz, the bass is caught between worlds: Should it play what we call a vamp, repeating the same handful of notes over and over again? Or should it play quarter-note swing? Or should it interact with the melody ― or do all three? When the bass and drums depart from their interlocking rhythmic pattern, the band is less likely to swing or groove ― but the music becomes more intricate and conversational. It's all a matter of choices and expectations.
Most popular music today is vamp-based. The bass and drums repeat the same two- or four-bar phrase for the duration of the song. This repetitive groove is infectious and easy for dancers to follow.
With Jazz, the bass moves around and grooves, and the swinging interaction of bass and drums leads dancers into a dynamic relationship with one another and with the music. Because Americans didn't hold on to swing as the national dance, youngsters took to the simpler, mindlessly repetitive, booty-shaking grooves we still love today. Since the advent of the twist, fewer and fewer people have experienced the romantic interplay of swinging, Lindy Hop couple dancing.
Let's not leave the rhythm section without talking about the guitar. You almost never hear it in a modern rhythm section. (The great composer and pianist John Lewis used to tell me all the time to add the guitar to our big band, because it adds rhythmic clarity to the swing.)
As time passed, drummers got tired of sacrificing volume and then bass players got sick of not being heard and turned up their amplifier. Well, as I said earlier, the guitar was once the most altruistic instrument in a rhythm section. Softer than the bass, playing on all four beats of a measure with bass and drums, and articulating the harmony with the piano, the guitar was almost never really heard, only felt. But once rock and roll put the guitar front and center and turned up that volume, who in the world was willing to choose being felt over being worshipped?
As jazz evolved, the rhythm section became more aggressive. The modern rhythm section darts in and out of the background, creating a more fluid relationship with the soloists and often matching wits with them directly. The great rhythm sections of the 1960s ― those that played with John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, Thelonious Monk, Art Blaey, and the Modern Jazz Quartet, for example ― made this rapid-fire call ad response the way to play. Each rhythm section has a distinctive style and approach to solo accompaniment and the art of swinging. Today these two fundamental responsibilities have been undermined by drum and bass solos on nearly every tune. Many times nowadays, bassists are waiting to solo instead of concentrating on swinging.
Before the era of five-minute bass solos, when only the greatest of bass players soloed at all, drummers would occasionally get climactic solo spots and a few breaks. Then, starting in the 1950s, the solo order evolved. Generally the leader, say saxophonist Charlie Parker, would solo first, then the second horn and other horns, then the piano, and then, if God willed it, instead of a full-blown drum solo the soloists would alternate phrases with the drummer. This is called trading.
Eventually, the bass began soloing after the piano. Pretty soon, songs lost all shape and logic, becoming vehicles for everyone to solo till he got his fill. No wonder many audiences get bored.
The failure of this solo-based form teaches us that sometimes it's better for everyone not to have his say on every tune. In any case, the exchange with drums is called trading fours, eights, twos, or ones, for that matter. (We almost always alternate even numbers of bars because they are easier to count and feel.) This provides an opportunity for real one-upmanship and later leads to much heated discussion about who “got” who.
Simply saying “fours” or “eights” on a bandstand means you want to trade with the drummer. As a horn player, you'd better be on your toes, because drummers brag a lot if they out-rhythm you ― even though they don't have any harmonic or melodic responsibilities.
It's late, say 12:30 or 1 A. M. You have found some way to get to a place somewhere in the world where people swing till all hours of the morning. The room has a bandstand. The walls are hung with pictures of jazz musicians throughout history. Sometimes the place is packed, sometimes not. Sometimes it's run-down, sometimes fancy. You go to the bandstand, shake everyone's hand. They call a tune, perhaps “Have You Met Miss Jones?” and wooosh... there you go. People start smiling and cosigning ― shouting their approval of what's being played. Some musicians are happy, others sad. The bartender starts sending drinks up. You are at a jam session. Cats with horns come out of the woodwork. If the rhythm section is right, you might stay there and play, or just listen, soaked in swing, until the sun comes up.
Every now and then, someone with bad intentions climbs onto the bandstand and you find yourself in a battle of music. Whenever you outdo someone else it is said you have “cut his head.” That's why this is called a cutting session: Someone will get cut and go home with hurt feelings. It's not that he doesn't deserve it. Maybe he has been talking about how you can't play and now he's going to prove it. He comes in blaring loud and fast and high. Uh-oh! Overly technical displays impress musicians but after a while leave audiences staring at some undefined point in space. To distinguish yourself you have to play something different, not just loud, high, or fast. You've got to float and croon and whisper. The faster someone plays, the more predictable the rhythm becomes. Keep an opponent off balance with unpredictable but swinging rhythms and you might just go home happy.
We all hear a lot about how jazz and improvisation go hand in hand. It's true: Improvisation is the most enjoyable part of jazz for any musician, and collective improvisation is cathartic when it goes right. But many kinds of music feature improvisation successfully. What makes jazz improvisation unique? The most obvious difference is rhythm. Jazz swings ― or at least it's supposed to be trying to swing.
As with other wonderful human activities, swinging is a matter of equilibrium, or balance, of knowing when, how, and how much. It's the irresistible distillation of the European march and waltz and the African 6/8 into a four-beat dance rhythm of remarkable elegance, roundness, and grace. (You may not know what the African 6/8 is but you've heard it; it's normally played on a cowbell and has six beats per cycle.)
Our current lack of respect for the swing can be likened to the current state of our democracy. Balance is required to maintain something as delicate as democrat, a subtle understanding of how your power can be magnified through joining with and sharing the power of another person. When that is no longer understood, it becomes a battle to see who is the strongest, who is the loudest, who can get the most attention.
The strong are free to prey on the weak.
That's what happened to the swing. Drummers started happily drowning out bass players. Bass players fought back with their amps. Piano players began playing short, choppy rhythms to battle with the snare drum. The rhythm guitars gave up and went home. The horn players just went crazy and soloed all night long on one tune. The result was perfect imbalance, freedom of expression without concern for the whole. Though many have accepted this unswinging approach, I'm sure that one day musicians will assess the damage, and all over the world we will see a return, in jazz, to the swing.
Technically, swinging is the feeling of accented triplets in 4/4 time. You probably know “The Mickey Mouse Club March.” It's a great example of swinging because it's built on a shuffle rhythm, which is the basis of swing.
The basic beat is counted 1, 2, 3, 4. Now, if we subdivide each beat into three and accent the third part of each beat, it becomes a shuffle 1 2 [3], 2 2 [3], 3 2 [3], 4 2 [3]. That accented [3] is hard to control, but it gives a musician tremendous rhythmic flexibility.
To understand this chart, start with the basic beat and the melody as expressed through the words. After working that out, notice that the syllables that accented align with the faster rhythm at the bottom.
Basic Beat
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
123 223 323 423 123 223 323 423
Triplet Subdivision
Basic Beat
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
123' 223' 323' 423' 123' 223' 323' 423'
Shuffle (accented 3rd beat)
Basic Beat
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
123' 223' 323' 423' 123' 223' 323' 423'
Now's it's time to say good-bye to all our com-pa- ny
In music, rhythm is almost always connected to dance, and the dance is often the centerpiece of cultural rituals and rites of passage. Swing - the dance and the music - bespeaks the flexible nature of American life. In jazz, the bass walks a note on every beat. The drummer rides the cymbal or plays brushes on every beat. And everybody else invents melodies and sounds that sway with, against, and upside every beat. Every beat requires musicians to reassess their relationship to one another. This is what makes swinging so challenging. You are forced to be constantly aware of other people's feelings. The art of swinging can be reduced to “be together.” And it's hard to accomplish. That's why bass players and drummers argue all the time. No one person can control the ebb and flow.
Swing demands three things. It requires extreme coordination, because it is a dance with other people who are inventing steps as they go. It requires intelligent decision making, because what's best for you is not necessarily best for the group or for the moment. And it requires good intentions, because you have to trust that you and the other musicians are equally interested in making great music and are not guided by ego or musical shortcomings that haven't been addressed.
And you don't have much time! Swing is a thought-reflex. When swinging, the time passes so quickly you can't rethink your original instinct; you have to go with what you feel is the right thing. Swing tests your inner resources; it can make you question who you are, make you reach deeper, make you respond more freely. When musicians swing, they are doing in music what we would like to do when we speak; say exactly what we feel so that our fellow conversationalists understand and accept it and are moved to reveal in response what they know and feel.
The swing is also a great listener. It cosigns and amens you and leads you deeper into what you want to say. And here is the sweetest part: It does that for everyone, whether he or she is playing or dancing or listening.
スウィングは、人の本心にあるものをさらけ出せる、という点で、ある意味「聞き出すのが上手」と言えます。金品を借りる時の保証人、あるいは教会の神父、牧師のように寄り添い、本音で語りなさい、と導くのです。そして、ここがスウィングの醍醐味 - この恩恵にあずかるのは、演奏する人、ダンサー、そして聴衆全ての人々なのです。
The loss of swing is the great tragedy of American popular dance. It led us away from couples dancing. I don't mean they stopped dancing together entirely, but swinging made you want to investigate the nuance of your physical relationship with your partner. Nowadays, in clubs, that happens only occasionally on slow songs ― if there are any.
We need to bring swing back, not out of dumb, misguided nostalgia but because swing is a modern rhythm, much more suited to the increasingly integrated world of today than anything pounded out by a drum machine and recorded by people who are not even in the same studio together. “E-mail me my part and I'll record it and send it back to you and you can mix it into the recording. Through the marvels of modern technology, I never even have to see you.”
When a band is truly swinging, the musicians, the audience, and even ― sometimes ― the critics pat their feet, nod their heads, and shake a proverbial tailbone in absolute recognition. There are other aspects of jazz, however, that are mainly the domain of musicians. Technical discourse is not a common occurrence in jazz writing, because, in the immortal words of Duke Ellington, “that type of talk stinks up the place.” You can't discuss jazz, however, without saying at least a little bit about form.
People ask me all the time, “Are you just making that stuff up?” The answer is “Yes, we are making it up, but it is made up in the context of a repeating form.” Especially the thirty-two-bar song form.
Now, of course, not every piece of jazz employs a repeating form, but many do. If you want to perceive the form, start by counting. Songs like “Honeysuckle Rose,” “What Is This Thing Called Love?,” “You Don't Know What Love Is,” and “Take the 'A' Train” all have a form that is thirty-two bars long. Those bars can once again be counted 1 2 3 4 / 2 2 3 4 / 3 2 3 4 / 4 2 3 4, and so on, and are divided into four sections of eight bars each:
A [8] A[8] B[8] A[8]
勿論、ジャズの作品は、全部が全部繰り返しのある形式に基づいて作られている、というわけではありません。それでも、この形式は、多くの作品に採り入れられています。この形式を理解するには、まずは小節数を勘定するところから始めます。例えば、「ハニーサックル・ローズ」「ホワット・イズ・ディス・シング・コールド・ラブ」「恋の味を知らないあなたに」そしてA列車で行こう」、これらは全て、32小節形式に基づいています。もう一度言いますが、これらの曲の小節は、1234/2234/3234/4234/と数えることが出来、そしてこの32小節は、8小節ごとの4つのセクションに分けられます。A[8] A[8] B[8] A[8]
As you can see, three of the four sections have the same thematic material. The third one is different ― it is called the bridge.
“Oh, Lady Be Good” is perfect for learning the thirty-two-bar form. After the first eight bars are repeated we come to the bridge. You can count through it if you want to, but take the time to notice that the melody changes and so does another element ― the harmony.
32小節形式を学ぶ上で、うってつけな曲が「オー・レディ・ビー・グッド」です。最初のA(8小節あります)が2度繰り返されると、ブリッジBへとさしかかります。小節数を数えきること自体は、やろうと思えば難しくはありません。聴き取れるようになるのに時間をかけなくてはいけないのは、メロディの変化、そしてもう一つ変化するもの - それが和声です。
This starts to seem complicated if you think too much about it. But some people think dancing to music is difficult, too, and instead of moving in time, they start thinking about where to put their feet, on what beat, and then the hips, then the head. Meanwhile the music is going on and on, and they end up embarrassed and standing by the wall. It's much easier to just get out there and start doing what you can. You'll get it. Many, many people have. Explaining dancing is much more difficult than doing it. Harmony is damn near impossible to explain but easy to hear and feel.
I remember my father telling me that when he began playing piano gigs, he noticed that songs changed keys at some point. He further peeped that the key change happened at a regular interval, which he later learned was the bridge. Once he connected the bridge to the rest of the song, he said, he could pay on the A A B A form of most standards.
Miles Davis's “So What” is a great song to teach you about bridge, because it has only two harmonies: the harmony of the A section (D minor) and the bridge (E-flat minor) . Going up one-half step from D tp E-flat presents a harmonic contrast that's easy to hear.
マイルス・デイビスの名曲「ソー・ホワット」(だから何だよ?)は、ブリッジについて学ぶのにうってつけです。この曲に使われている和声は、たった2つ。Aの部分でDm(ニ短調)、そして、ブリッジでEbm(変ホ短調)。 D(b)からEb(ミのb)へ半音上がるこの和声のコントラストは、聞きやすく作られているのです。
Leonard Bernstein once told me that harmony and harmonic progressions were the hardest musical concepts to explain to non-musicians. Jazz musicians call a progression of harmonies changes, meaning chord changes. When I was a kid my father and his friends, after greeting one another, would invariably ask, “How's your old lady?” Many times the response was, “Running me through some changes.” That meant they were having a hard time.
In jazz, harmonic changes force you into different musical environments. Each harmony contains a set of notes from which you construct improvised melodies. This set of notes is called a scale. The changing harmonies involve different scales. To be successful, you must be able to hear how harmonies relate to each other and be able to articulate melodies that successfully navigate these relationships as they change.
When I was nineteen or so, Wayne Shorter told me, “Notes are like people. You have to go up and greet each one.” Well, I thought he was crazy. But now I understand what he was saying. You have a relationship to notes, scales, and chords, and the more intimate that relationship is, the richer the music you make.
There are as many approaches to harmony as there are people. Furthermore, two people will relate to each other in one way, which changes when you introduce a third. Adding a fourth may ruin the vibe, and so on. Harmonies are like that. You may be great with the first six or so, but that seventh chord kills your solo. You can be very technical and scale-oriented about harmony or you can find pungent blues melodies that cut through harmonic barriers and still sound good. It's like playing tennis: You might be great on grass but terrible on clay and mediocre on asphalt. Now, imagine eighty other surfaces and you will understand why the so-called avant-garde movement that started in the early fifties and still sees itself as the cutting edge was so eager to consider playing through harmonies old-fashioned and obsolete.
Sometime ago, the tenor saxophonist Frank Foster was playing a street concert from the Jazz mobile in Harlem. He called for a blues in B-flat. A young tenor player began to play “out” from the first chorus, playing sounds that had no relationship to the harmonic progression or rhythmic setting.
Foster stopped him
“What are you doing?”
“Just playing what I feel.”
“Well, feel something in B-flat, motherfucker.”
When jazz musicians improvise, they create new melodies that fit within a bar structure that repeats over and over again. Most often, as I've explained, it's thirty-two bars. But the form could be eight bars like Coltrane's “Resolution” from A Love Supreme, twelve bars like Charlie Parker's “Now's the Time,” or even sixteen like Monk's “Light Blue.” Whatever the number of bars, one cycle is called a chorus, and in a three-minute performance there may be ten choruses. What happens in choruses delineates an arrangement the way decor distinguishes cubicles in an office space. Everyone's cubicle has the same amount of space; every chorus has the same number of bars. Each person decorates his or her space with a different personality and intent; every chorus contains a different idea or color or flavor, unless a soloist runs out of ideas or goes on too long ― or a bass player solos at any length. (Tenor saxophonists sometimes like to unburden themselves like that, too.)
Now, we've gone over a lot of the terms that will help you find your way into jazz. What I've left out is the blues. The blues is so central to jazz music that it needs a chapter all its own.
Everybody's Music: The Blues
第3章 みんなの音楽:ブルース
The blues can be found anywhere: Here's Joe Temperley, the most soulful thing to come out of Scotland since the bagpipes, calling the children home ― in Holland.
I have played with all types of musicians in every type of setting, from Pooh's Pub to City Park to an ancient Roman amphitheater to the Sydney Opera House, and with everybody from B. B. King to Itzhak Perlman, Sonny Rollins to Willie Nelson, and Stevie Wonder to the masterful flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia. I'm talking about impromptu performances, without rehearsal time or organized music. What sorts of songs could all these diverse musicians possibly find to play together under those circumstance? What do all have in common?
The Blues. It's as if the blues was born to give us an excuse to play with one another, to understand one another. When in doubt, reach for the blues. It'll be there.
We played a gig in Turkey once, and a guy came onstage with some Turkish instrument we couldn't even identify. He asked what we could play together. From the look of his instrument, our first answer was “Nothing.” But after he shook off a few songs, we said, “What about some blues?” A big smile came over his face and he said, “Of course.” He fit right in, and the people loved it because they could hear their traditional music and our music together in a digestible form. I played just the other day with some cats in a New Jersey state penitentiary. What do think we played? Mainly the blues. They were swinging, too.
With the blues you have layers of meaning. The words say one thing, the way they're sung can say another, and the music always says something else. For all of the sorrow of some blues lyrics, the music is always grooving; a groove implies dance, and dance always brings joy. Dizzy Gillespie said it best: “Dancing never made nobody cry.” That's the key to understanding blues. The blues delivers both joy and sorrow.
The blues is a great preacher. She's going to explain the underlying nature of things. She's determined to get to you, through exhortation, appeal, explanation ― whatever it takes. The blues musician does the same thing with his instrument, crying or moaning, shouting or whispering ― anything to provide the healing you need.
The blues is a vaccine: It's the controlled dose of something bad that prepares someone to deal with the approaching uncontrollable bad. It's the way some parents acted in slavery times, treating their kids harshly to arm them for what was coming. Or the way the military abuses new recruits to prepare them for the rigors of combat.
Sweets Edison told me the blues was the saddest sound you ever heard. Joe Williams said the same thing. Horace Silver said it was the most joyous sound. So did Clark Terry. It's perfectly designed to give form to what we feel at any time.
Technically, the blues form is a twelve-measure cycle that is repeated over and over for the duration of a song, just as the hands of a clock go round and around all day long. This form features three harmonies like the beginning, the middle, and the end of things. Three sung statements and three instrumental responses. The Holy Trinity. The blues.
Here are some traditional blues lyrics:
Went down the hill, put my head on the railroad track.
Went down the hill, put my head on the railroad track.
When that train come runnin', I snatched my fool head back
伝統的なブルースの歌詞を例に見てみましょう(”Crazy Blues” by Leon Redobone[1977])
This chart provides the formal layout of a typical twelve-bar blues.
This chart may look complicated, but if you understand a couple of basic concepts it's easy to grasp. We count months by days; each month has roughly thirty days. We count measures with beats; a typical measure of the blues has four beats. The earth moves through seasons as the months pass; there are roughly three months for each of the four seasons, equaling twelve months per year. In the same way, the blues passes through harmonies as the measures change; there are three harmonies in the third ― each of the three sections has four measures. equaling twelve measures per one chorus of blues.
When my son Jasper was born, he came out crying and gasping for air. The nurses snatched him up, cleaned him off, stuck a tube up his nose to clean his nasal passages, pricked his foot to take blood, and roughly poked and prodded every area that you wouldn't want to have poked and prodded. Welcome! Whew! Then, finally, they gave him back to his mama and she hugged all over him. Pain and love. That's the blues, right there.
The blues smacks your behind and cradles you. It's hard to explain with words, but once you hear what's there, you realize it's what you felt all along.
The blues is you crying over something, wailing, actually. And it's about your coming back. That's why the blues is such a good sound track for life. It covers the extremes of experience without being fussy or self-pitying, and it promises better times to come. That ultimate optimism runs right through the entire history of the blues in jazz: W. C. Handy's “St. Louis Blues” to Jelly Roll Morton's “Dead Man's Blues” to Count Basie's "Good Mornin' Blues” to Charlie Parker's “Now's the Time” to Ornette Coleman's “Ramblin'" to Duke Ellington's “Blues in Orbit.”
Leon Wieseltier told me the blues should be our national anthem because so much of the best American music is based on the blues. I agree. But the blues recognizes no national boundaries. There is a whole genre of tunes called Japanese blues. The Chinese opera is full of blues-like themes. I could go on and on, because the sound of the blues can be found in much of the world's music.
The moans and cries, humorous asides and embarrassing outbursts that give character to human expression regardless of language ― the blues.
The pentatonic scales of Eastern music and the three fundamental harmonies (chords) of Western music called one, four, and five ― the blues.
A twelve-measure structure like the twelve months of the year or the twelve signs of the zodiac ― the blues.
The major and minor sounds derived from the Greek modes when sounded at the same time or played in contrast to one another ― the blues.
The amen cadence in Christian church music ― the blues.
The bent notes and melismatic singing of Indian and Middle Eastern music, the pungent timbre and intonation of some African music, the deep gypsy flamenco cries of cante jondo in Spain, church hymns, nasty whorehouse songs, the singing of workmen in the field and on the levees, Broadway show tunes, the work of classical composers like Darius Milhaud, Aaron Copland, and Igor Stravinsky, who wanted to put some “more American” in their pieces, even theme songs for cartoons like Spider-Man ― what do you think? The blues.
Some people have tried to trace the blues to Africa. Well, maybe blues are from there, but the blues is from America. All the technical musical elements came together here, and because there was more personal freedom here, people were much more relaxed about telling you exactly what they felt about the pain and pleasure of life, romance, sex, and love. Remember that many of the original blues people didn't enjoy all of the American liberties, so the “freedom” part of their song was delivered with the type of gusto always exhibited by the denied whenever they participate in what has been withheld. That's why the early blues people loved talking about getting away, escaping.
W. C. Handy, a preacher's son, was trying to escape the shackles of the church. Mississippi bluesmen tried to catch that freedom train up north, away from segregation and the legacy of slavery. The early Blues Queens tried to break away from the stereotypical passive roles of women by celebrating freedom from some type of unsuccessful love. (Ida Cox was talking about this when she sang “Wild Women Don't Have the Blues.”)
The blues gets all inside of you because it's filled with tragicomic reality about life and love and pain and death and stupidity and grace. It's about what is ― and what is has demons and angels sitting right at the same table. When Son House sings, “I never knew how much I loved her, till they laid her six feet down,” he's saying, “I found the depth of my feeling in this loss.” W. C. Handy's “Aunt Hager's Blues” is about a pious churchwoman who can't resist the blues. “If the devil brought it,” she says, “then the good Lord sent it right on down here to me.” In other words, “These blues might seem evil but the Lord knows we need them down here.” Yes.
The blues trains you for life's hurdles with a heavy dose of realism. John Philip Sousa's music is stirring. It's national music of great significance. But Sousa's is vision of transcendent American greatness: We are the good guys from sea to shining sea. The blues says that we are not always good. Or bad. We just are.
You're born with the blues and you die with it. That's why it seems timeless. A researcher once asked the New Orleans clarinetist “Big Eye” Louis Nelson just when the blues began. “Ain't no first blues,” Nelson answered. “The blues always been.” And though the blues is most often about men and women and the things we like to do together, it can be about anything ― a flood (Bessie Smith's “Backwater Blues”), empty pockets (Smith's “Poor Man Blue”), or a mean boss (something Max Roach and Abbey Lincoln spoke about with “Driva Man” from We Insist! Max Roach's the Freedom Now Suite). Bluemen and -women improvise their stories. Sad or funny, factual or fantasized, raunchy, majestic, or even maudlin, the blues reassures us with the unpredictable inevitability of life itself. Bad as things may be, they will get better or they could have been worse, and no times are so bad they can't be turned into good times. Just consult Ray Charles's “Let the Good Times Roll” and you'll know why the blues will never die.
That uncrushable optimism is part of what makes the blues so American. Triumph is our forte. American art doesn't end up in cataclysm like Wagner's Die Gotterdammerung. At the end of our movies, the boy gets the girl and all the people we thought to be dead are still miraculously alive. We prefer happy endings. The blues promises: “Everything gon' be alright this mornin',” and perhaps, to some, that worldview might seem naive. But there's nothing naive or superficial about the blues. Oh, no. The blues, in all its incarnations, begins with pain.
I've always played some form of blues. You couldn't help it if you lived in New Orleans. One of the first songs I learned at eight years old was a blues, Joe Avery's “Second Line.” In high school I played with a funk band, and even after a night of big-afro-platform-shoe-backbeat, we would still play “Second Line.” That was our birthright, our Crescent City tradition. But the actual depth of expression of the blues was not something we considered ― and we never heard anybody play who made us consider it. Or if we did, our tastes were so shaped by the popular music we played, danced to, and listened to, we wouldn't have recognized it. We didn't listen into music, we listened at music. We wouldn't have recognized any meaning beyond the words. So when we played the blues it was largely devoid of meaning ― and no one we played for would have recognized that meaning even if it was there. Blues and jazz musicians were at the bottom of the food chain then; their recordings weren't on the charts, their music wasn't new, and the girls didn't like it, at all.
Because many tourists came to town to hear “old-fashioned” music and because so many older musicians defiantly clung to their heritage, there was more blues music in New Orleans than in any other place. But we were still Americans: We assigned value by how much money could be made, and at fourteen, playing in a funk band, I could make much more per night at dances than blues-and jazzmen made in clubs. Therefore, we never, ever considered the aesthetic significance of blues ― or any other non-money-making music, for that matter.
A few of us respected jazzmen like John Coltrane, because we were still musicians, after all. But we didn't understand the importance of the blues element in his playing. We could hear the depth of feeling in his sound, but we didn't connect it to the blues. What really impressed us was how he played through chord changes. Speed, fire, and volume ― that's what mattered in the 1970s, when people were playing so loud that just to be heard required an act of God. Light shows, dance steps, and background vocals were much more important to the success of our gigs than any coherent musical improvisation. Solos were not meant to say anything; they were meant to excite the crowd. It made you feel like you were in the circus, except for the girls. They let you know it was a gig. And you didn't have any problem with that.
It's ironic that only after I left New Orleans at seventeen and moved to New York did I begin to understand that there was a blues aesthetic and that it was already a part of my experience. I owe that understanding to two people.
The first was the writer (and cutting-edge drummer) Stanley Crouch. I met him during my first New York winter at a thoroughly swinging neighborhood club on West Ninety-seventh Street and Columbus Avenue called Mikell's. He introduced himself to me, but I was already aware of him because my father had followed a heated exchange of ideas in The Village Voice between him and Amiri Baraka about something involving the police. In my father's estimation, Crouch had taken the high road in his response, whereas Baraka had seemed upset and unprofessional. That said a lot to me, because my father respected Baraka. Crouch and I began talking back and forth, trading insults. He started by telling me I couldn't play and I told him something about his head. (In New Orleans we played the dozens all the time, rhyming about the size of somebody's head or lips or something ― but not about his mama. That's new. I loved the dozens, but if you talked about somebody's mama when I was growing up you would get your ass whipped. Definitely.)
Crouch invited me to come to his place in the Village to talk about music. I didn't know many people in New York, so that was a big social event for me. His girlfriend, Sally Helgesen, cooked a great dinner, and it felt like being back home. Crouch had books and records everywhere, and he began talking about Duke Ellington and Ornette Coleman and all kinds of musicians I'd never really listened to but had all kinds of opinions about. It was almost surreal, this guy who could play the dozens sitting in this room surrounded with so much material, thinking and writing so deeply about all of this stuff, having such concern for the meaning of things. It was mind-boggling, actually. I was not hostile to thinking or to the verbal exposition of thoughts, because my father and mother were both into education and books and conversation. But Crouch was so passionate and informed about so many topics ― including jazz ― including jazz ― that developing a friendship with him was like going to a school you couldn't wait to get to. Even after all these years we remain very close. Whatever differences of opinion we may occasionally have, the respect and love I have for him will always be deep and unqualified.
Crouch told me I had to meet the writer and cultural critic Albert Murray. Now, that was truly a revelation. This was the late seventies, early eighties. Malcom X's ghost was riding the wind, and Black Nationalism was the chosen philosophy of every young black person of consciousness. I was full of anger and the fire of youth because I had grown up in small Louisiana towns that were immersed in a prejudice that had been refined over centuries. My generation had been taught that things were going to be different, and in a lot of ways they were, but there was still a lot of bullshit in the air that you were expected to put up with.
Even though this was not long after the civil rights movement, for us the fifties and sixties already seemed like a long ago. Older people didn't talk that much about how segregation had affected them, and more than a few aspects of American life were still segregated. Many of my generation considered older black people to be Uncle Toms and handkerchief-heads if they didn't talk some type of Black Nationalist rhetoric.
Of course, we had a very limited knowledge of American history and almost no understanding of recent Afro-American history, even though we were living in its shadow. We didn't know where we were on the time line of our country's life or where we belonged in physical space. We were lost ― and still are. We thought older black people were victims of circumstance who put up with all kinds of stuff we were not about to tolerate ― riding in the back of buses (even though we still rode in the back by inbred habit), deferring to white folks' intelligence all the time, and just general ass-kissing and bootlicking. To us, the blues was part of that. It represented what we were trying to get away from: somebody moaning about his woman to hide the reality of white people's foot stuck up his behind.
勿論、自国(アメリカ)の歴史に関する僕達の知識は非常に限られており、アフリカ系アメリカ人に関する近現代史のそれに至っては、その悪影響の下で生活を送っていたにもかかわらず、ほとんど理解されていませんでした。我が国(アメリカ)の歴史の流れのどこに、自分達は身を置いているのか、あるいは現実社会のどこに居場所があるのか、今も昔も迷子の状態なのです。僕達の世代から見れば、年配の黒人は、逃げ場を奪われた犠牲者であり、彼らが耐え抜いているあらゆる仕打ちに、僕達は絶対に耐えられない - バスに乗る時は後方の席(その必要がなくなってからも生得の習慣で依然としてそうしてしまう)、白人の皆様方の素晴らしいお考えに、いつまでもひれ伏させて頂き、ゴマすり、諂いに徹する態度 - そんな思いでした。僕達にとってはブルースはその一部分でした。僕達が抜け出そうとしていたものの象徴であり、白人達にアゴでこき使われているという現実から目を背けようとして、自分の彼女や奥さんに八つ当たりする黒人みたいなものだ、というわけです。
We used to say a tune was “just” a blues. We didn't understand that there was so much of value in the Afro-American tradition, so much to help us survive our contemporary struggles. We didn't realize that the blues was a handy tool if you knew how to use it, and we couldn't imagine that the blues could provide you with a sense of pride and of belonging. We were caught between the twin pillars of an inadequate educational system and a debilitating but highly successful marketing campaign to exploit the so-called generation gap. Those things kept you ignorant and happy. We didn't think about them; that's just how it was ― and still is. And millions of victims are out here right now, older and influencing what's happening by blindly living the lies and misinformation we were all taught.
Many of my non-Afro-American friends want to know why black Americans don't support the blues or jazz or anything of quality from their own culture. It's not that we don't like it; actually, we love it ― we just don't know that we love it. The collective conclusion we came to after the civil rights movement ― the unconscious collective conclusion ― threw the meat out with the fat, let the blues go the way of the Negro leagues. But with the blues there were no “major leagues” to go to. The blues was the major league.
Nowadays, the average black person has no idea, no understanding of the rich legacy of the Afro-American arts and doesn't know that there is even something to know. Common knowledge has led us right back to the minstrel show by way of rap music and corrupted church music to the point of people hip-humping while singing about Jesus. This is sad for black people and even sadder for our country, because black Americans occupy a central position in our national identity.
When Crouch and I stepped into Mr. Murray's apartment on 132nd Street, it looked like a scene from a movie. All kinds of books and records but ― unlike Crouch's ― all organized. Romare Bearden and Norman Lewis paintings on the wall. A lot of stuff neatly crammed into a small place. At first, I didn't understand what Mr. Murray was talking about. He presupposed a lot of knowledge I wasn't close to having. But I was impressed by how much he knew about a diversity of subjects and how they were all related.
Most black intellectual conversation I had experienced centered around black and white ― black versus white. Not Mr. Murray's. He loved to talk about Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington (I, in the typical fashion of a young black would-be revolutionary, was unfamiliar with their music), but he would talk with just as much enthusiasm and insight about Faulkner, Yeats, and Thomas Mann. He didn't differentiate between men by race. He dealt with the quality of their ideas.
Nothing in my background had prepared me for that. The jazz I'd known were all extremely intelligent, but they were a breed apart from the rest of the world. The education I received in school avoided the intellectual achievements of black folks altogether. Here was a man who had been in the military and was a college graduate and was from two or three generations before mine and was as far from a handkerchief-head as you could get. And here he was, sitting up in some Harlem apartment in obscurity, surrounded by fifty years of collected books and recordings of the most meaningful ideas in the history of humanity, and he was asking you to pull down this book and that one and go to chapter so-and-so and page so-and-so, and on that exact page would be what he was talking about, and it was everything from Plato to John Ford to Frederick Douglass to thermonuclear dynamics to James Brown; and his wife, Mozelle, reminded you of all the best, most loving people in your family; and he was excited about you, that you wanted to learn about something, and he told you the blues was the truth, and gave you a book he wrote about it, and you took it home and read it, and it was full of stuff you had experienced your whole life but had never considered important or special, but now you knew that its specialness was based in its universality and that the idea of reducing the blues aesthetic to race was impoverished, and now, because you had actually felt exactly that before he told you, him telling you was like a cue from a conductor: You know when to come in, but his cue makes you doubly secure; it guides you to where you were going anyway, and now it's going to take much less time and things won't feel the same because you're not alone. You have help. Plenty of it.
これには僕の知識が持つバックグラウンドは、何の役にも立ちません。それまで僕が知っていたジャズミュージシャン達は、一人残らず大変な知識人とは言え、世間からは浮いた存在でした。学校教育の現場では、黒人達がその知性により作り上げてきたものは、ひとくくりにして排除されていた時代です。僕の目の前にいるこの人物は、兵役に服し、大学を卒業し、僕よりも2・3世代上で、そして誰もが見たことがあるであろう、媚び諂う黒人とは、かけ離れた存在でした。そんな彼が今、薄明りのハーレムのアパートの一室で、凛とした佇まいで、50年の年月をかけて収集した、人類の知性の粋を記した本やレコードに囲まれて、僕の目の前に座っているのです。彼は僕に向かって、あれやこれやと本を取ってこさせ、どこの章の何ページ、と言ってはそこを開かせると、丁度そこに彼が話していた内容が書いてある - それもプラトンからジョン・フォード、フレデリック・ダグラス、更には熱原子力学からジェームス・ブラウンまで、多岐に亘っています。奥様のモゼルさんは、皆さんの家族にいる最高の、そして最愛の人を思い起こさせるような方です。彼は、こちらが向学心を示すと大いに喜びます。ブルースは人間の真実だというと、それについての彼の著書を渡してくれました。家に持ち帰って読んでみると、これまでの人生経験で「重要だ」とも「特別だ」とも考えたことすらなかったことが沢山書いてあるのです。ところが読んでみると、誰もが関係することだからこそ、それは「特別」なのであり、ブルースの美学を人種問題へと堕してしまうことが、いかに貧弱な発想であるか、が良く分かります。さてこれで、彼とこの話題について話す前に、彼と思いを共有することになりましたから、こうなってくると、彼の話は、オーケストラの指揮者が出す合図のようになります。弾き始めがいつなのか、分かっているのに、その合図をだしてくれるわけですから、大いに安心感がわいてきます。いずれにせよ行き先を示してくれるわけですが、自分独りぼっちではないので、時間も短縮できますし、物事に向き合うにせよ、一人でいるのとは全く違う感じ方が出来ます。助けが、それも大きな助けが、与えられているのです。
Mr. Murray's Stomping the Blues was the first book I ever read that dealt with aesthetic objectives around music and life as I knew them. To this day, I've never read anything like this.
マリー氏の「Stomping the Blues」(ブルースを踏みならす)は、僕が普段から何気なく接している音楽や、過ごしている生活を取り巻く美的な着眼点について扱っている本で、僕はこういう本は、後にも先にも読んだことがありません。
But playing the blues is different from reading about them, no matter how provocative the ideas. All of the study you do in this book, all knowledge you can gather about music or human behavior, will not help you play if you don't have the ability. Any of us who once aspired to be athletes and did not make it had to face at some point the fact that hard work may not be enough. Ultimately, no one knows what enables a person to play or to have any talent, for that matter. But with the blues, as with other aspects of any art, knowledge only augments your ability; ignorance does not enable talent.
That's where playing is different from listening. If you try to listen you will achieve success. Anyone can enjoy a great performance if he or she is willing to invest the time to understand what success means in that art form. In high school, I always hated reading poems with a lot of symbolism: “Why can't they just tell us what they mean?” But once I realized how the symbolism enriches the poem and allows you to get more information with fewer words, I began actually enjoying the skillful use of symbols.
The blues is full of metaphor in words and music. If you don't believe me, check out Alberta Hunter's “Kitchen Man” and you'll see what I mean. Informed listening leads to enjoyment.
It's a lot like reading. If you don't want to follow a plot or look up words or learn about anything, at your own pace, literature is probably not for you. But if you do, there's a whole untapped world and a lifetime of discovery and enjoyment waiting for you. With the blues and jazz, a little bit of investment will yield a multitude of emotions, all kinds of spiritual riches ― and just a damned good time.
I once asked the great John Lewis how he defined jazz. He said, “It has to swing or seem to swing. It has to contain the element of surprise, and it has to embody the eternal search for the blues.”
Well, you don't have to search far to find it. Country and western has its version of blues. So do bluegrass and funk. R&B is the blues and so is rock and roll.
Some people think playing blues has to do with whether or not you suffer from some obvious social pathology. Man, everyone on earth pays some kind of dues. With the blues, the question is, how did those dues hit you? What do you want to do about it? How do you want to make other people feel? And do you have the courage and ability to tell them about it? If you want to get rid of your blues and do the same for other people, playing the blues is the best way I know to do it.
ブルースを演奏するからには、何かしら、誰にとっても明らかな、社会の抱える病的な問題に苦しんでいるかどうかを、そこに絡ませるべきだ、と考える人たちがいます。それは確かに、人は誰でも相応の苦労はしているものです。ブルースについて言えば、問うべきことは - そういった苦労は自分をどう苦しめてきたか?それに対して自分はどうしたいのか?それを他人にどうやって感じ取らせたいのか?そしてそれを他人に伝える勇気と能力はあるか? - ということです。苦労を乗り越えたかったら、そして他人に対してもその手助けをしたかったら、ブルースを演奏することこそ、最良の方法だと、僕は思っています。
There's something strangely personal about how you play the blues. It's impossible to imitate another person's blues feeling. You can learn some runs or licks, but you can't find the same sound. No two people play the blues alike. Someone can sound like John Coltrane but not on the blues. Especially when it's played slow. The slower a blues is, the less you can imitate and the more you are focused to find your own holler, your cry, your thing. That makes the blues musician easy to identify. A listener can hear the difference between artists by the way they play the blues.
When I first got to New York the older musicians had no respect for what I played. Virtuosity? Yes. Substance? NO. One night Ray Brown and Milt Jackson called me up on the bandstand. I was eighteen or so and playing all fast. So what do you think they put on me? Slow, slow blues. I mean slow. What could I do? I went into super-fast runs, hit some high notes, repeated one thing over and over again, circular-breathed, exhausted the whole lexicon of things we did in my generation to get applause. Most of the people in the club that night knew what jazz was supposed to sound like, so I didn't get the type of house I was accustomed to getting. Still, I hope my playing didn't sound as sad as I knew it was. All hope of that was shattered when Milt asked me, “You notice the difference between how it sounded before you came up there and after you came up there?”
I said, “Yeah, I heard that.”
“You know what the difference was?”
“You wasn't up there!”
And he was right, too. It's hard but it's fair. I had not yet learned to put my own personality and feeling into how I played. I had just begun to understand that the blues could help you focus your passion and intelligence. I was still coming from the “It's just the blues” philosophy. That experience led me to reevaluate my playing and emphasize substance and honesty over pyrotechnics and sentimentality.
Another night, Sweets Edison did the same thing to me. He called a slow blues. “Man,” Sweets said when I was done, “you just played more notes than I played in my entire career.” Implied in that was “And you didn't say anything.”
I said, “Let's see you handle some of these complicated songs we play.”
“I'll just play some blues through all that confused shit,” he answered, “and make it sound like music.”
All the older guys would mess with me in those days: “What you playing, Flash?” “We playing some blues up here, Fly-by-Night, why don't you come and join us?”
I finally figured, “Why not? They're playing it and sound damn good. They must know. Generation gap or not, I'm going to take a chance on their knowing what they're talking about.”
I have learned that the biggest mistake a jazz musician can make is to run from the blues. In my septet we had a saying about the type of self-knowledge that scares you: “Don't run from it, run toward it.” And the blues can be found anywhere. That's what John Lewis meant when he talked about the eternal search for the blues. It's also why, when you embrace the blues, no matter who you are, you're embracing your own heritage as a human being.
What It Takes ― and How It Feel ― to Play
第4章 何を懸けるか - そしてどう感じるか - :演奏すること
“I've never heard anyone your size get such a big sound”: Jazz for Young People concert at Jazz at Lincoln Center
- 青少年のためのジャズコンサートにて(リンカーンセンター ジャズプログラム)。
Jazz teaches empathy ― you create and nurture a feeling with other people ― and it also teaches you to do your own thing. In our music, there are so many ways for people to find and express their individuality, no single set of rules could possibly apply.
When I was growing up, I noticed that jazz musicians loved all kinds of strange people who would be outcasts in any other setting. It seemed like there was room for everybody ― and even more room if he or she could really play. I was fascinated by how different types of people figured out their own way to improvise. Sometimes a person had perfect pitch or knew intuitively how to play what fit, whereas other people had to use scientific methods to figure out what scales would work with the harmonies of songs. Others had no dexterity whatsoever, but could play with a particular depth of feeling and apply the blues to whatever they played. They had what was called “a personal sound.”
One musician might not have been able to hear harmony that well but had a good sense of melody. Still another might have had a good sense of rhythm but no melodic ability. He had to stick to two or three notes and hope things worked out. In any case, everybody understood that nobody had everything, so it was best to embrace what people could play and to tolerate what they couldn't.
But every now and then there was a natural musician who didn't have to figure out anything. He could just always play. And in jazz, being able to play also means having something personal that you are compelled to share. This is very difficult when you're a kid. A youngster may have the talent to play music, but will rarely have the confidence to say “This is how I feel! Take it or leave it.”
In New Orleans music, Sidney Bechet could do that. Bechet knew he was great from the beginning. At nine he was playing alongside grown men. He had his own band at fourteen. He never learned how to read music. (He could hear something once and know it, so why read?) And he understood the poetry of life. I've heard from older people in France, where he lived and attained iconic stature for the last years of his life, that the women loved him. When I looked at pictures of him, I could never figure out why. He's not particularly alluring. But when I read his autobiography, Treat It Gentle, I understood. He was a great storyteller with a mystic understanding of life.
でも、いたのです。言えた子が。ニューオーリンズジャズの、シドニー・ベシェです。ベシェは自分の早熟さを自覚していました。9歳で大人と肩を並べて演奏し、14歳で自分のバンドを結成、楽譜の読み方を習う必要がなかったとのこと(一度耳にした曲は完璧に頭に入れた人ですので、もっともです)。そして彼は、人生の詩的な美しさを理解するアーティストでした。僕がフランスで年配の方々から聞いた話ですが(フランスと言えば、ベシェが晩年を過ごし、スターとしての地位を得た国です)、大変女性達に愛されていたとのこと。でも僕には、写真を見る限り、女性を魅了するような風貌には、特段思えなかったので、理由がわかりませんでした。しかし、彼の自叙伝「Treat It Gentle(優しくして)」を読んで、彼が女性達から愛されていた理由がわかりました。彼は人生の神秘を知る、偉大な語り部だったのです。
“Some people hear how you've got to smoke reefers, be hopped up before you can play,” he wrote.
How you've got to have a woman or a bottle coaxing you on from the side... You can get yourself drunk up to most anything... drunk up, or womaned up, or thrilled up with a lot of dope. You can do that. There's many who think you have to do that.
But the real reason you play... it's just because you've got to play.
“Inspiration, that's another thing,” Bechet continued:
The world has to give you that, the way you live in it, what you find in your living. The world gives it to you if you're ready. But it's not just given... It has to be put inside you and you have to be ready to have it put there. All that happens to you makes a feeling out of your life and you play that feeling. But there's more than that. There's the feeling inside the music too. And the final thing, it's the way those two feelings come together. I don't care where that life-feeling comes from a live-feeling, it has to become something else before you're through. That love-feeling has to find the music feeling. And then the music can learn how to get along with itself.
That's kind of the bottom line, two profound ideas for a musician. The first is that you have to be able to play. That's something you have very little control over. If you have some ability for a thing, no matter how small, it can be developed into something. But if the ability is not there, get ready for frustration. That's why college students and those looking to find their calling are best served by an honest assessment of their own talent.
The second thing Bechet requires is that your life provide you with some kind of inspiration. Now, even identical twins who are raised together don't live the same life. Everybody has his or her own feeling and has to find a way to make that individual feeling fit with the feeling of the music. And many times those two feelings ― the musician's own feeling and the feeling of the music ― have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Talking can be like that, too. Using words to communicate what your experience has led you to feel requires a coming-together of your intent (how you feel) and execution (the words you choose). Even when you talk, it's easy to miscommunicate what you are feeling. But for a musician this coming-together also requires a tremendous sacrifice of time and comfort. It takes all kinds of time to develop first-class technical skills, and to expose your true feelings in public can be very discomforting. But exposing your feelings and transforming a bandstand with them is a powerful thing, so powerful you'll sacrifice almost anything to experience it.
Art ― creativity of any kind in any field ― needs food, and that food is your experience, whether you're on the bandstand or in the audience.
When I was growing up in Kenner there was a crazy lady on our street named Geraldine. She was an old woman, chewing on no teeth with deep, empty-canyon eyes, but she dressed like a little girl and wore her hair in pigtails. Everybody knew she was crazy. You never knew what she would do: lift up her skirt or follow behind people and hit them with switches. As kids, we made fun of her. But my mama used to say: “Don't talk about her like that. She's got a life she's living, too.” My mother wanted us to see that she wasn't just Crazy Geraldine, she was a person, with a history and a life that included us.
In music and in life, serious listening forces you to recognize others. Empathetic listeners almost always have more friends that other people, and their counsel is more highly valued. A patient, understanding listener lives in a larger world than a nonlistening know-it-all (no matter how charismatic). Jazz sharpens your hearing because you are following musician's ideas and trying to hear the human depth of their sound. The humanity in a sound ― whether you hear it from your table in a jazz club or play it through your horn ― comes from understanding the soft and the hard parts of life.
I remember the difficulties on just my one block. All the women and men were having trouble getting along. One woman killed her husband on Easter. Another man was reputed to have impregnated his daughter. The lady next door, Joyce, had shot her husband, Artemis, for something or other. Everybody was having problems, man. Across the street, my friend's older brother would beat his wife in public. We'd be playing street football; he'd come right out into the street beating her and acting a fool. We would joke about it and say, “William and them are crazy.” But it wasn't really funny. Plus his wife was fine and sweet as yams. Thing was, William, when he was right, could also be one of the hippest people you knew. It could be confusing to try to understand all that craziness in the context of everyday life. Because the crazy things stood out and received a lot of attention.
There was a family of brothers who were wild, wild, wild. All of them got killed except for one, Earl, who taught me how to play basketball. But the wildest of them was Jack. He was maybe four years older than I was, but he could whip grown men's asses when he was twelve. He couldn't play street football, basketball or baseball; his specialty was whipping people's asses.
One day, out of a clear blue sky, he said, “Man, where's your brother that's crazy?”
My younger brother, Mboya, suffers from autism.
I said, “He's not crazy, he's autistic.”
Jack said, “Whatever the hell you call it, why you don't ever take him outside?”
This gangsterish roughneck with a mouthful of gold said, “If I was you, I would put him on a bike with me and take him all around and show him everything. Kenner ain't shit, but it's a lot to see if you're inside all the time.”
Until then, my conception of Jack had been that he was always involved in some kind of drama that would invariably end in violence. And I grew up with him. I knew him. “Damn,” I thought. “What? Nobody in the neighborhood ever asked me about my little brother.”
Lessons like that, learned in Kenner, showed me that the surface should never be confuse with reality. In other words, you don't know what's in a book until you read it. Life is never all one way. Because in the midst of all that chaos on our street was an abundance of other stories ― people trying to take care of their families, people trying to work, people falling in love, people getting their hearts broken. All that on one random street between the second set of railroad tracks and the Mississippi River in a town thirty-five minutes away from New Orleans between 1966 and 1973.
Life there taught you to look at the world and try to put all that happened to you and around you in context ― the ironic way of things, the absurdity of it all, the position of black folks in the social order, the nuance and richness of everything. Right and wrong didn't suffice.
That's true of jazz, too. It tells you about the totality of things ― it's not about right and wrong. Like the blues at its heart, jazz is about what is.
That's why the first question I ask myself when assessing a younger person's playing is “Do they have a broader understanding of life?” (This kind of understanding helps in listening, too.) And then, “Do they have the ability to express that understanding with the sound of their instrument?” A sound is a conduit for information. It can communicate wisdom or empathy or ignorance or whatever. For youngsters, developing a sound can be especially difficult because communication requires someone to communicate with ― listeners who can identify with what is being said. Jazz sharpens your ability to hear honesty. It's what musicians call a “bullshit meter.” You can detect whether something is true.
An attention-grabbing sound like Louis Armstrong's or Charlie Parker's or even Lee Morgan's can seem brash, but because it also encompasses the cold, hard facts of everything from divorce to dread to betrayal to death, that sound is also humble. At its core is that lonely, solitary, “Yeah, life's like this” feeling ― the inevitable, fundamental truth about the human condition. As the old folks would say in church after a lot of celebration was followed by a profound, to-the-point summation, “Make it plain, Reverend, make it plain.” The insight of a great musician can lift up your soul and expand your consciousness in the same way a great preacher can inspire with spiritual wisdom poetically expressed.
Success in music, as in a lot of fields, depends on your willingness to address deficiencies in your talent. Even Charlie Parker had to practice a lot. Say you have no sense of rhythm. Since playing rhythms is just a matter of coordination, the best way to work on that is to learn how to dance and keep on beating out rhythms whenever you can. Or you might think you just can't hear. A lot of people say, “I'm tone-deaf.” But if you listen to them speak, they go up and they go down in a melodious fashion. A person who was actually tone-deaf would speak in a monotone. Another thing that could keep you from being able to play ― or listen, for that matter ― is that you believe nothing worth expressing has happened to you. Theoretically, that's imaginable, but I don't know if it's possible. Everybody has some kind of personal and important thing to share. At least everyone I've ever known does.
音楽で成功するかどうかは、多くの分野でもそうですが、自分の才能の至らないところをキチンと表明する意思があるかどうかにかかっています。あのチャーリー・パーカーでさえ、練習に多くの時間を費やしました。例えば皆さんが、リズム感の全くない人だとしましょう。リズムを演奏するということは、周りとの調和を保てるかどうかに尽きます。なので、時間を見ては自分で体を動かして踊ってみて、リズムを刻み続けるようになることが、一番の練習方法です。聴音がダメ、という人もいるでしょう。「自分は音痴だ」と言う人が沢山いますが、そんな人達でも言葉を話す時には、メロディのようにちゃんと抑揚がついているものです。本当に音痴な人なら、話し方も一本調子になるはずです。他にも、自分は歌や楽器が出来ません、とさけている人というものは、- そういった意味では、歌も楽器も聴かない、という人も同じですが - 心に表現したいものが浮かばないと思い込んでいるようです。理論的には考えられるのでしょうが、本当にそのようなことが有り得るのでしょうか。人は誰でも、他人と分かちあえる、その人ならではの大切なことを何かしら持っているものです。少なくとも僕が出会った人は皆そうです。
Jazz writers, for complicated reasons of their own and because bad news makes for livelier reading, used to harp constantly on negative things about musicians' lives. The musicians played into it and loved appearing superhumanly tough. Some really were, but most weren't. The writers did a great job of mystifying black life by creating and reaffirming stereotypes. TV shows like Jerry Springer eventually proved that ignorance and crazy behavior were not the sole domain of the black man. By then, though, the damage had been done. Jazz and black folks were defined in terms of pathology, as if the only thing authentic in life is the literal blues: Somebody messed over you. You grew up on the hard streets; you're a drunk or a drug addict or hard as pig iron. It really is important to be hard, especially if you want to exhibit integrity, but there are many other valuable experiences to convey through a horn, like what you know about life beneath the surface of your experience, where human beings are all mostly the same. Or what you know about the music and arts of your people.
A lot of young musicians suffer from almost total ignorance of American music and dance. Some of it can be attributed to bad education, but much of it is apathy. You may have not musical vocabulary. You may never have played with anybody or heard people play, or you may be off in the middle of nowhere, where no one is ever thinking about listening, let alone playing. But if even there you can find recordings; they're always accessible. Anybody with access to a computer can get them. If you don't have a computer, you probably have a friend or a teacher who has one. No matter where or who you are, if you're hungry enough, you can access knowledge of culture, art, self.
It reminds me of people in search of their ancestry, except this common artistic heritage is in plain sight for us all. We just don't recognize it. Run far enough from yourself and you're liable to end up in a foreign country trying to find your identity in a music you have little chance of understanding ― fun to do but unlikely to succeed.
America is a melting pot, but swing is our rhythm and the blues is our song. Know who you are.
Misconceptions about his true identity has kept many a musician from really playing. He's allowed someone or something to convince him he can't play. And, of course, there are always millions of reasons you can't do something. It could be your lack of education or the color of your skin ― white or brown. It could be because of religious beliefs or peer pressure or your parents. Maybe you started playing and somebody laughed at you.
Everybody has to deal with myths and generalizations. You grow up in your family and somebody starts to tell you that you remind him of his uncle Robert. You know, “This boy is just like Uncle Robert. He's always late. He gets bad grades.” He lists a whole series of things that Robert did long before you were born. Actually, you are completely different from Robert, but you start to believe it. Or somebody calls you ugly or stupid. Or fat. Or tells you that you have to be great, and no matter what you achieve, he demands more. Maybe somebody didn't like his daddy and now he is angry at you because you remind him of him. What he's saying has nothing to do with you, but you start to live out your life in relation to those things. It takes courage for you to identify yourself: “Wait a second. I don't have nothing to do with no damn Robert.”
Then at school, if you're the one who's picked on, you suffer constant disrespect. Or if you're the hero, you're under pressure to stand up even though you might be someone whose nature it is to sit down. So you play a role. Sometimes you play that role so well that you forget the truth of you. And it'll go on and on until some tragedy or other extreme circumstance forces you to face who you actually are. Jazz teaches you that it's okay to love that. It shows listeners the many ways that someone can be himself and be successful. Just a roll call of pianists with great yet different styles tells you there's something in the music for everyone: Duke Ellington (romantic), Count Basie (spare), Art Tatum (perfect), Fats Waller (fun), Thelonious Monk (otherworldly), Horace Silver (soulful), Bill Evans (introspective), Bill Charlap (crystal-clear), Cyrus Chestnut (joyous). When you find a style of music you can relate to, it's like finding a friend. When a family suffered a death or painful loss, old people used to say, “I'm gonna go sit with them.” That means no talking, just being there. You can sit with Monk.
Playing reveal the authentic you. If you're impatient, it will show in your playing; you just won't wait. If you're slow, if you don't think quickly, everybody will hear it. If you're shy and it's hard for you to project your personality, you may have great ideas but they won't come out, or you might overplay to compensate. If you're self-centered, you can't play with other people ― they have to back you up or lay out. Of course, you can survive like that, but it's not fun to play with you ― especially if you play the drums.
演奏は、人の本当の姿をさらけ出すものです。辛抱の効かない人は音にそれが出ます。待つことが出来ないのです。のんびりしていてテキパキと考えを巡らせない人の音は、誰もが聞いてそれと分かります。シャイで自分を表現するのが苦手だという人は、折角の良い考えが音になって出てこなかったり、それを埋め合わせようと力んだ演奏になってしまったりします。自己中心的な人は、他の人と息を合わせて演奏はできません。皆に合わせてもらうか、皆にねじ伏せられてしまうか、どちらかです。確かにそうやって演奏活動を続けてゆくこともできるでしょうが、そんな人と演奏するのは楽しくない - 特にドラム奏者がそのような人では - ものです。
With jazz, people utilize their deficiencies in creating something that works. Drummer Tony Williams discovered an array of techniques to compensate for a light swing. Saxophonist Joe Henderson developed a personal intensity in his sound to make up for lack of volume. Bassist Charles Mingus worked out ways to feature group improvisation partly because he didn't know how to arrange for multiple horns.
Of course, not every great musician is responding to some problem, but the ones who do can inspire listeners to invent creative ways to overcome what might otherwise be crippling handicaps. The cliche “Necessity is the mother of invention” applies to jazz improvisation and life, because every day we encounter some new set of variables to negotiate. The “necessity” is jazz. It demands that you invent something that will fill the requirements of the moment. And don't let up. There is a moment at the beginning of John Coltrane's “Resolution” when the rhythm section stumbles and the band almost falls apart. Instead of stopping, they regroup and go on to record one of the most swinging tracks in jazz history. Just hearing that teaches you to see things through.
A jazz musician's primary objective is to create his own sound despite the natural tendency to imitate what is known or popular. Lester Young may have been the first person to be persecuted for not sounding like someone else. When he started out in the late 1920s, everyone playing the tenor saxophone was trying to capture the big, swaggering sound of Coleman Hawkins. Not Lester. He did things his own way, swinging hard but feather-light, and then weathered the criticism that followed. In fact, self-expression became his theme song: “You can't join the throng until you sing your own song.”
When Roy Eldridge was coming up at about the same time, everybody wanted to play trumpet like Pops. So Eldridge developed a style incorporating saxophone-like melodic lines, an intense, growly tone, and hot, fiery super-high notes that declared, “This is Roy Eldridge. All the time.” Tony Williams told me that when he was developing his own drum style, he learned the signature phrases and devices of other drummers so that he could avoid playing them.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, you're always in some kind of real or imagined competition with the best in your field. In jazz, the standard is very high. That's why many would rather forget all about the past: Tatum, Bird, Prez, Pops. “Damn,” somebody thinks, “what about me?”
To address technical deficiencies on your instrument, to learn how to hear chords and chord progressions, to instantly respond to other people's decisions, to learn syncopated rhythms, to master a body of melodies, and to be able to improvise in a musical language ― these things take a lot of time. And once you manage to speak the language, to be successful you must speak your own version of it. That, right there, is a long journey not only in terms of time, but of insight and effort as well.
楽器を演奏する上での技術的な克服課題を列挙する、和声と和声進行を聴く力をつける、他のプレーヤーの演奏に支障なく反応できるようになる、シンコペーションリズムを身に付ける、ある程度の量のメロディを覚える、そして音楽という言葉で会話をどんどん広げてゆく、つまり、インプロバイゼーションが出来るようになる - こういったことは全て多くの時間を費やすものです。そしてひとたびこれらを身に付けたら、成功への次のステップとして、これらの自分だけのスタイルを手に入れなければいけません。そして、まさにこれこそ、長い道のりとなるものです。それは時間がかかるというだけではなく、良く深く考える、といったことも同時に自覚すべきです。
Finally, after that long sojourn, you must find the courage and dedication to keep creating your own way of speaking a language that many people don't understand. It tests your intestinal fortitude and your integrity. It's like raising kids. You know it's much easier to let them sit in front of the computer when they're in elementary school, let them go out until all hours with their teenage friends in high school, then see them occasionally and on their own terms in college. But taking the time to introduce them to new things, keeping up a constant, changing dialogue with them as they grow, being a pain in their behind when need be, adjusting your own “I'm doing what's best for you, child” behavior when it's really what you'd rather do ― those are the dynamics that make raising children fun. The hard and the easy are all part of one long, great experience. A journey with jazz, playing or listening, takes you through many stages, too. The natural communicative power of this music helps you address all kinds of issues with all kinds of people. Even your own kids.
そして、この「ちょっとばっかり」長い道のりを終えたら、強い気持ちを自分の心の中に見出し、その気持ちで打ち込むことにより、皆が理解できるとはいかないかもしれない「音の言葉」を発信する、自分だけの方法を創り続けるのです。自分の我慢と本気が試されます。これは子育てと似ているところがあります。うんと手を抜こうと思えば、小学生になったら、パソコンの前に座らせておく、高校生になったら、友達と外で夜遅くまで遊ばせておく、そして大学生になったら、子供達の都合に合わせて時々顔を合わせる、これで済んでしまいますよね。でも、子育てをもっと楽しくしようと変化をつけようとするなら、時間を割いて彼らに新しいモノを紹介する。彼らの成長に合わせて継続的かつ変化のある会話を持つ。必要な時は目の上のたん瘤になる。「お前たちの為なんだよ」的な、しかし本当は自分こそに必要な矯正を加える。こういった辛いことも楽しいことも全て、長く素晴らしい経験の一部になるのです。ジャズとの旅も、演奏するにせよ聴くにせよ、多くの場面へと皆さんを誘ってくれます。もとより音楽の持つ「伝える力」は、誰とでも、どんな事でも、発信する手助けになるものです。「誰とでも」 - そこには皆さんの子供達も含まれます。
Today there is an additional set of problems for jazz musicians. The hard fact is that in our time, not many people really know or care much about jazz or if a musician can really play. They don't care because most of the nonclassical music they've heard is performed by amateurs or even complete nonmusicians ― people who may possess personal charisma but can barely play. Real jazz musicians were already good enough at fourteen or fifteen to do what most top-selling musical acts can do ― and by saying that, I'm not criticizing, I'm just describing.
今日、ジャズミュージシャンには、これまでなかった問題が発生しています。厳しいことに、今の時代は、ジャズに詳しい、ジャズにこだわりを持つ、あるいはミュージシャンへのチェックが厳しい、そういう人が多数派ではなくなってしまったのです。それには理由があって、クラシック以外で耳にする機会がある音楽の大半を演奏しているのは、アマチュアであったり、あるいは、それこそミュージシャンでは全くない人達 - 人間的なカリスマ性はあるかもしれないけれど演奏はほとんどできない人達なのです。本物のジャズミュージシャンなら、14,15歳で十分力をつけて、最も売れっ子の、音楽をかじった役者達がやれることはこなしてしまうでしょう。僕は文句を言っているのではなく、現象を説明しているだけですからね。
Most of our population has not been educated in listening, and what we hear on a daily basis leans toward music as wallpaper behind some magnetic star singer or talker or unbelievably good-looking person who does very little more than just be “fine.” So the relationship between musician and audience is changed. A musician wants a critical audience that feels the meaning and skill in what is being played. A deeply felt phrase, drenched in the blues and evoking some fundamental human truth, met with a “Yeah!” or “Don't be so mean!” or “Play your horn!” is a moment of catharsis for both listener and musician. When listening descends to a level at which the audience recognizes only ditties whose words are memorized or songs that remind them of some nostalgic period in their own lives, the dynamic nature of communication is lost. Jazz musicians create new things, and we want to make up more, influenced by how you are affected by what we have just created. If you don't understand it, we have a hard time: “You can't follow me so I can't follow you following me.”
Too many young musicians today think learning to play scales on chords is jazz. They're being taught that knowing the names of things is the same as experiencing them. All the musical meanings and rituals that go all the way back to the Revolutionary War and march right up past the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and the digital revolution have no resonance in today's corrupted world of jazz and arts education, in music criticism, in the blind embrace of “world music,” and ultimately on bandstands around the world. And that's a shame because Americans would like their actual music if they were encouraged to hear it. People all over the world have liked it so much that they continue to follow all of our contemporary trends, no matter how insane.
Today's jazz musicians must have a limitless supply of personal integrity because more (professionalism, musicianship, sophistication, feeling) will never be demanded of them ― always less. Or something that will sell or that will garner obscure grants. Playing more and more obscure languages can be fun personally, but it's a communication killer, a little like coming across long untranslated passages of ancient Greek in a book you're reading. In jazz, the most sophisticated musicians should consider it a challenge to try to communicate with the most inexperienced listener.
You can't be “too hip” for the people. When you lose the desire to communicate with an audience that hasn't been exposed to your music, you begin to step away from the humility required to develop your artistry.
You never know what will affect people, because music is the art of the invisible. We can easily ascertain external things about one another, but most of life is internal. It's not obvious. No one knows how another person experiences living. It's too deeply rooted, and based on too many unique circumstances. Language cannot express these private, ever-changing states of being. Music is much clearer about subconscious and super-conscious matters. Music makes the internal external. What's in you comes out.
It's like two people who are together and you can't understand it: “I don't see what she sees in him.” Yeah, you don't. And you won't. Because you can't know what goes on between them, the feeling the two of them create together.
People have tremendous depth. Dizzy Gillespie once told me, “Man, Charlie Parker would play some deep notes ― some deeeep notes.” And I understood what he meant: deep in terms of his knowledge and awareness of the connected nature of human beings with existence. It wasn't just notes he was hitting, Dizzy said. “You can't hear it on a record. You had to be standing there. He would hit a note and it would run right through you.”
These kinds of notes harmonize with people. They carry a sympathetic vibration that makes you say “Man, I feel like that, too” or “Is it like that? It is.” That's what we need to teach kids to strive for in jazz and all other subjects. That's what we need to work on.
Those harmonizing notes are rare, but they're worth listening for. I heard Betty Carter hit some of those notes one night. Whew. I've heard the great alto saxophonist Wess “Warmdaddy” Anderson play like that and have people hollering and screaming in clubs all over the world. I've heard Marcus Roberts just hit a note on the piano and “Damn!” Ornette Coleman can do it. I went by his house one night and we played until four in the morning. Some of the notes he was hitting ... I didn't have anything to do with the notes themselves. It's just something he feels and understands and can make you feel and understand, too.
Jazz musicians can play to change your life ― notes that will help you understand and embrace yourself and other people, notes that are free to holler or shout or cry. And it's fun. Kind of like why children are so lovable. They scream and cry and drive you crazy, but they are so free and mostly honest that you love 'em. Playing ... It can be more fun than sex. I'm serious. If you are playing with people who can really play, you never want to stop. That's why there are so many long, sad solos out here. It's cathartic, a release. It's direct, spontaneous communication, and you are doing it with other people and they are doing it, too. You can say whatever you want to say, and they can, too.
Sometimes everything comes together. Jazz is a train always coming toward you from way in the future. You hear something off in the distance ahead, and that moment is coming closer and closer and you are getting ready. And then that train reaches you and it's time for you to play that thing that you heard way off in the distance. When you start playing it, when you have cats playing with you who know that that approaching time has come, then it's ... whoooff.
You know how if you're talking, you can make your way toward an idea? Well, in music the time is delineated, so you're forced to work your way toward an idea in the context of time. It's like an athletic feat. You're trying to get to the goal and you have to stay inside boundaries with all these obstacles in front of you, and you are joking and jerking and making spectacular moves to get there before the clock runs out. And the clock is always running out. Time is pressure.
Then, in addition to musical athleticism ― playing and making it through rhythms and over harmonic barriers on time and in time ― you have the whole spiritual and emotional maturation of this idea, this sound. And when you get to that idea, it is a sublime moment of “Have mercy. This is it!” And you'll just lean into a note or a series of notes a certain way, and there is no feeling like that in the world. And somebody else hears it with you, and he or she has been developing the idea, too, and then you all hear it and are together in time. Finally. Then you don't want to play fast, you just want to hold the note, the sound, the idea, and the moment ― whooooooo ― and just swell up into it and cry.
People hear it and they cry, too. And laugh. I've seen 'em do it over and over again, all over the country and all around the world.
It's a quarter after two in the morning and people are lined up around the block. An all-day drizzle has made it one of those nights that manages to stay gray. The third set is late. People are wet and slightly vexed but still patient because they know they are about to get their fix, the particular emotional satisfaction that comes from bathing in the sound of one of their favorite jazz groups.
They're waiting outside their local club, one of many small meccas of the music scattered across the country. Neighborhood regulars mix with students from the nearby university looking for a sophisticated way to impress friends with their hipness. Japanese tourists who were raised with jazz and love it are there, too. Even if they have to struggle to order a drink in English, they know when somebody can play.
The club has been in business for twenty-five years. Its owner is a die-hard fan who, in order to participate in his life's passion, has sacrificed his savings and endured countless problems with his liquor license, complaints by the neighbors about loud music, even louder drummers, and an industrious panhandler who hangs around outside, collecting money from the customers as if he worked for the club.
The door finally opens and people file inside. The interior is well lit, seats about 135 people, and is decorated with pictures of great musicians at various stages of their careers, some long ago, many with long-gone hairstyles. A tape of some far greater music that is likely to be heard this night is playing far too loudly.
Some of the regular’s head for the bar in the back to order very tall drinks they'll nurse as long as possible. The rest of the customers pick their way among the crowded tables, trying to find seats near the bandstand. The tables almost touch one another; sitting at them is like sitting at a dinner table with people you don't know ― only closer. The Japanese seem to prefer the banquettes along the wall: If the music doesn't start soon and jet lag overcomes them, they want to be able to lean back and be comfortable.
常連客達の何人かは、後方のカウンターへと向かい、リキュールの量が極端に薄く作ってあるカクテルを注文し、出来るだけ長時間かけてチビチビやろうという処。残りの客達は込み入ったテーブルをかき分けて、なるべくステージに近い席を取ろうとしています。テーブル同士の距離は、お互い殆どくっつきそうなくらいで、座ってみると、知らない人同士で夕食の卓を囲んでいるようです - それも間近で。日本人観光客達は、どうやら壁際の長椅子を陣取ったようです。演奏開始が遅れているうちに、時差ボケで眠くなりそうになったら、寄りかかってくつろごうというのでしょう。
The musicians are anxious to start. They love this club. It provides a steady gig that keeps them from taking a day job. They love the intimacy of the small room. They are friendly and familiar with all of the club's staff and many of the regulars. But they can't start playing just yet. The bass player is missing; he left to make a phone call after the last set and hasn't returned. (It's funny how either the bass player or the drummer is always late; the two men most responsible for keeping time on the bandstand can't seem to tell time once they leave it.)
The musicians have been secretly working on some new arrangements because they want to surprise the club staff as much as the patrons. The greatest compliment for a musician is when someone who hears him play all the time says, “Y'all were really swinging tonight! I liked that new one. Where'd that one come from? Y'all trying to get serious, huh?” They would like to believe that the bartender and staff members go out and brag about the way they sound: “Oh, you've got to come down to the club and hear them.”
The staff swears the band sounds better when a group of young women from the university inadvertently drops by, not realizing it's a jazz club.
They're right. The cats do play much better.
The bass player strolls in. The musicians step onto the bandstand. The recorded music stops and the lights go down.
With all the other, more accessible forms of entertainment available, why do people come here?
Because once the band begins to play, they know that for the next hour and fifteen minutes, everyone ― musicians and waitresses, the initiated and the unsuspecting ― will be united in the purest possible expression of community, having made the choice to become “us” instead of “me.” Both musicians and audience are charged with the same set of difficult proportions: to listen to a point of view that's not quite your own with the same level of interest with which you speak; to roll with the punches; to give at least as much as you take. This is what swinging demands. This is what makes jazz great ― and what makes great jazz elusive.
It's the last big school dance of the year. People have been lining up their dates for weeks. A large tent has been put up on campus to accommodate the overflowing request for tickets from alumni and students. Tonight, the youngsters will get a new kind of education. This will not be the typical student Saturday night: It's too loud to hear, it's too dark to see your date, and you're too drunk for the evening to be memorable (or remembered at all). Tonight, a big band has assembled to play swinging classics as if they'd never been heard before. Grandma and Grandpa are set for a trip down memory lane. Mom and Dad are happy to be going to something that won't embarrass them, and Johnny and Jane have been taking special swing-dancing lessons to participate in a retro craze that has been sweeping campuses around the country. The old folks are too hip to show up wearing zoot suits or ties big enough to ski on. This isn't some exercise in phony nostalgia for them; it's a fresh chance to dance to America's greatest music. That's the first lesson for the youngsters.
Then, as the band swings into medium-tempo numbers, the elegant romantic interplay that is the essence of swing is the province of the more mature folks ― and quite foreign to the young, who are more accustomed to the self-absorbed, calisthenic style of club dancing or the booty-to-tinkle-wiggling “Back That Ass Up” form of erotica that has replaced intimacy on the dance floor.
さて、バンドがミディアムテンポの曲を、次々とスウィングを効かせて演奏し始めました。優雅でロマンチックな二人の連係プレーは、スウィングの神髄、成熟した大人のテリトリーであり、若い世代にはかなり見慣れない世界です。若い世代にとってお馴染みなのは、クラブで行われている自己陶酔するようなエアロビクスみたいなダンススタイルだったり、かつてダンスフロアで主役だったチークみたいなものに取って代わってしまった、エロく下半身をくねらすダンススタイル(ジュビナイルの「Back That Ass Up」のような)だったりするのです。
Suddenly, the band plays a tender ballad. As if on cue the younger dancers step to the side and form a circle around Grandma and Grandpa, whose vertical expression of romance is so elegant, soulful, and full of love that it stuns the youngsters. Nowhere else in American life have they seen older people leading younger people in the ways of courtship. The power of jazz has been demonstrated once again: There's something of a classic dimension within the music that invites people of all ages into the emotion of it. Jazz doesn't have a target demographic; it doesn't carry the label “For old folks only.” In a country that now may be the most age-segregated on earth, jazz demonstrates that anyone can swing regardless of age; it has a mythic power to remind us of who we once were, who we are now, and who we hope to be in the future.
When stories of the success of this music in our time remain hidden, we get a greatly diminished vision of modern American life.
On the night of my senior prom, I played a gig in the Blue Room of the Fairmont Hotel in New Orleans with the Lionel Hampton Orchestra. I sat next to Jimmy Maxwell in the trumpet section. When he was a high school senior in 1932, he'd played in Gil Evans's first band in Stockton, California. Later, he'd played lead trumpet for Benny Goodman. After I played that night with him, he gave me a trumpet stand and all kinds of pointers and encouragement and good wishes. I had no idea who he was.
Let me go a little deeper into what I believe to be the sacred connections between generations of Americans through jazz. When I was attending the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts as a student of jazz and classical music, Milt Hinton, the great bassist, conducted a class at our school. He, as a teenager, had taken violin classes at the Hull House community center on Chicago's north side. Benny Goodman took lessons there at the same time, studying with the first clarinetist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, who was known for teaching students of any color, just as my trumpet teacher, George Jansen, was known to be the only trumpet teacher in New Orleans who would teach both black and white students during the fifties and sixties. Now, even though Benny Goodman and I traveled similar paths and both played classical music as well as jazz, when I met him in the early 1980s at a ceremony honoring Morton Gould, race and generational ignorance kept me from understanding who he was and what he had meant to our music. This blindness to what we as Americans share keeps us from embracing one another the way that we should.
It's a beautiful spring day, but the sun is intent on pushing spring into summer. Thousands of people have invaded the picnic grounds with caps, sunglasses, and coolers full of beverages with varying levels of fermented content. Kids are everywhere, running around, kicking balls, creating the high-pitched feeling of insignificant importance that they bring to every outdoor occasion. Fried chicken, ham sandwiches, and short cotton dresses with floral patterns assault the senses. There's a general buzz in the air that has little to do with the lineup of musicians who will be performing. This is billed as a jazz festival, but most of the bands will not be playing jazz. There will be funk bands, salsa bands, and groups with tabla drums playing interminable vamps, but somewhere in there will appear the music the festival was once meant to foster ― jazz music.
This festival is maintained by an intricate network of corporate sponsors who may not care about jazz ― or any art, for that matter. Their concern is how many people are likely to come and see their company's logo on the big banner above the bandstand. The director of the festival, who does love jazz, is required to keep everybody happy. He has been producing this festival for the last thirty years and can speak with sadness about the decline in public taste and the lack of jazz stars today, and with enthusiasm about the festival's increasing financial success since it moved away from the music he loves.
In this situation it's hard to imagine an audience ignited by the sound of musicians swinging. After all, the radio is an all-day advertisement for backbeats, and television has an exclusive relationship with the grotesque, super-fast-talking modern-day minstrels of rap and girl groups ― beautiful, non-singing but stomach-perfect. The “experts” at the jazz magazines have lined up article after article detailing how dead “real” jazz is, and how all that remains is some high-pitched squealing tenor saxophone, a never-ending bass ostinato, and some super-elite improvised imitations of the European avant-garde of the 1920s.
Still, at five o'clock, a band launches into a blues, and ever so slowly the audience is ignited with the power of swing. Everyone goes crazy, cheering and clapping and urging soloists on to higher levels of inspiration. There is no mention of it in the newspapers or on the radio or television the next day. But we saw it. Those who were there will remember it. And it will happen again, I'm sure of that.
August in New Orleans. The mayor has just passed away. He wanted a jazz funeral ― not an “old-time jazz funeral, just a plain old funeral.” Musicians from fifteen years of age to seventy assemble on an Uptown street commence playing dirges, slow, slow hymns, and generally mournful pieces. People line the sidewalks. They know the hymns and some of the musicians, and they all knew the mayor.
There's no sense among the musicians that any of this is unusual. It's hot and the music is slow. Every now and then one of them will shout to no one in particular, “They don't do this in New York!” At every reiteration he replaces New York with the name of another city, “They don't do this in San Francisco!”
In the cathedral where the mayor's final Mass is said, a solo trumpeter interprets the traditional hymn “Flee as a Bird to the Mountain.” Some people cry. Others are just there to be there. Some people have to be there. After Mass, the same musicians gather in the same street and the pavement becomes even hotter with the timeless syncopations and personalized polyphony of singing horns rising above a sea of drums and tubas all bouncing to high heaven.
People fall out in the street, dancing and singing the melody of songs they have heard from birth: “Oh Didn't He Ramble?,” “Down by the Riverside,” “Over in the Glory Land,” Joe Avery's “Second Line.” Everybody is sweating; the street itself seems to swear. It’s not difficult for musicians to create enough heat and emotion to inflame an audience in an enclosed space ― even in an auditorium. In the open air, however, it's difficult; the sound never comes back at you and the energy created dissipates quickly. But in this New Orleans ritual, because everyone around the band dances, struts, skips, and sings to a common groove he's known all his life, the humid air itself seems to hold all that energy, compress it, and boil it until the fact of being outside makes it more intense.
People from all over the world come to New Orleans to see these parades, and you would think the city would take an interest in supporting them. You would also think that a ritual so central to the lives of these people would receive special attention from academics. Or that there would be schools to teach it or a special competition for kids to judge the best of the local bands. You would think there would be scores of amateur bands connected to corporations or neighborhoods, like the steel drum bands that flourish in Trinidad or the samba schools of Brazil. But because it is jazz, there's only a handful of musicians to keep this music going without any type of educational or government assistance. Even some of the musicians misunderstand the real sophistication of this art and its significance to the identity of the city and well-being of its citizens.
Still, some things are so strong that all attempts to kill them fail. And that's why on this Saturday afternoon, despite the apathy of the city fathers, the second-rate schools, and the lack of knowledge among many younger musicians, the ritual itself carries the day as it always has. And the ecstasy it evokes continues to nourish life and sweeten the bitterness of death.
Perhaps that is the deepest secret carried by everyone who loves this music. All the kids of jazz musicians who saw their parents struggle through tough years playing this music and still dedicate their lives to it; all the club owners and record collectors and teachers; all the youngsters who for some reason are touched by the honey-lemon sound of a bedroom saxophone or the brash declarations of a clarion trumpet, the big thump of the bass, or the bing-bang-boom of the trap kit; and all the band directors whose students show up at six in the morning for rehearsals or stay out till all hours checking out musicians in the local club ― people like these keep this music alive. They always will.
The Great Coming-Together
第5章 仲良きことは美しき哉
Swing dancing ― the highest possible vertical expression of horizontal aspirations.
One time, when we were playing in Kansas City, Missouri, Governor Bob Holden invited us to lunch. It just so happened that lunch coincided with a very important University of Missouri basketball game. To be honest, we wanted to stay in the hotel and watch the game. When we got to the governor's mansion, in Jefferson City, I noticed something in the governor's eyes that told me he, too, would have been watching the game if we hadn't turned up. I very gingerly asked him if he was a basketball fan. He brightened up right away. “Come on, man,” he said. “The game is on upstairs.”
We saw the game, then came down to eat. We talked, and he told me he came from a small town in which there were no black citizens. As a kid, he had developed some unusual illness that put him in the same hospital room with a black kid his own age who suffered from the same sickness. They got to know and like each other. It sounded like just another “Negroes I know” story to me until the governor looked at me and said, “We all know black and white folks. The question I have for you is why are we always reduced to telling these cliched stories? Why is mutual recognition and discovery of community never the national story?”
A couple of years later, Louisiana State University won the national football championship and Southern University won the championship of the black Southwestern Athletic Conference. Two schools from the same town. Baton Rouge went crazy. A jubilant Wess Anderson called me from right in the middle of the daylong celebration that culminated in both marching bands playing the national anthem together on the steps of the state capitol. “Certainly, you'll see it on the evening news,” he said, laughing. We agreed there was no way it would be covered unless a riot broke out. We did not see it on the news. And no one remembers it.
The kind of mutual recognition and discovery of community that the governor called for and that those marching bands blaring side by side on the state capitol steps represented is an essential element of jazz. It's as if the music were engineered to expose the hypocrisy and absurdity of racism in our country.
Each colonial power created different social circumstances for the people it conquered. The French mixed and mingled. The Spanish mixed and murdered. The English mixed and made believe they didn't. Armed with logic, law, and a Christian mandate “in the name of Jesus,” they all administered a tough brand of salvation. There were African slaves almost everywhere in the New World, but in the United States the slave was a shackled counterbalancee to the personal freedoms that defined America. He was written into the Constitution as three-fifths of a man. His bondage was so lucrative that it became a national enterprise and cast a shadow over the spiritual identity of the country. It still does.
Even a bloody Civil War and an unfinished civil rights movement one hundred years later have not resolved the problems caused by the legacy of owning people in the land of the free and by the segregation that followed emancipation. Slavery compromised our political system, our financial integrity, our morality, and our cultural life. We espoused all this idealism, all this morality, and all these noble core concepts: equal justice for all, “all men are created equal,” and so on. I guess all sounded better than some.
Here comes the problem. Jazz ― America's greatest artistic contribution to the world ― was created by people who were freed from slavery, people who were the very least of society. Now, that's happened in other cultures, too. Brazil, for example. In The Masters and the Slaves: A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilization, Gilberto Freyre identified the national significance of the samba. Because the samba defined the Brazilian spirit, it should be considered a definitive national music, he asserted, and because it came in part from Africa, to be Brazilian was therefore to be part African.
Freyre wrote this in 1933, at a time when white intellectual circles in the United States just could not bring themselves to accept the Negro in any serious central to our common heritage. We have paid a heavy cultural price for that oversight.
Jazz is not race music. All kinds of people play it and listen to it. They always have. But you can't teach the history of jazz without talking in depth about segregation, white bands and black bands, racism, sex, media, and the American way. We still tend to look at things in black and white. Martin Luther King, Jr., is seen as a leader for blacks, even though he led Americans of many kinds and colors. The civil rights movement is perceived as a black movement when it was really a national movement toward a national goal: actualizing the Constitution. So, too, with jazz.
Even though musicians themselves were segregated, the way they learned music was not. Stan Getz was going to be influenced on the tenor saxophone by the style of whosever music he was attracted to. He was ambitious, he had talent, and he wanted to be the best. Since, in his field, the best was black, he was going to check that out. Miles Davis was influenced Freddie Webster, who was black, and Harry James, who was white. Louis Armstrong's style was influenced, of course, by his mentor Joe “King” Oliver but also by the style of cornet virtuosos such as Bohumir Kryl and Herbert L. Clark. That's how music is. You hear something you like, and you want to play it. What somebody sounded like was much more important that what he or she looked like, especially in the years before television. Our strange obsession with race has devoured most of his history. Instead of focusing on the greater coming-together that jazz represents, the obsession has always been “Who owns this music?”
That obsession is still alive and well in America, still wasting everybody's time, still undercutting the spirit of jazz.
It began early. Because the knowledge and intelligence and human depth of jazz demonstrated so clearly the absurdity of the treatment of black people, there was immediate intellectual pressure to denigrate it. Every avenue was taken. One path was to ignore it: Jazz was created by black people; black people were worthless, so there was no need to take notice of it. Another was to trivialize it by associating it on-screen with cartoons or sex scenes ― jazz was only good as background music for children's programs or “doing the do,” a strange combination that became more closely linked in the video era. You could also make sure it was never taught in institutions. Until the civil rights movement you could actually get expelled from some schools, even Afro-American ones, just for playing jazz in a practice room.
Then, there was patronization and condescension. A standard history of music in the twentieth century holds that there are three major influences: Stravinsky, Schoenberg, and “jazz.” Not Ellington or Armstrong but an entire idiom likened to two individuals in European music.
Sometimes jazz was confused with minstrelsy or lumped in with commercial dance music; in The New York Times today it is still categorized under “Jazz / Pop.” Now it's taught in hundreds of institutions, all around the country, but disconnected from the Afro-American story. (The American story is also ignored, for that matter.)
訳注:ミンストレルショー(minstrel show)
There were less obvious cruelly humorous assaults on it, too, like calling New Orleans music “Dixieland,” which managed to identify it with the Confederacy's battle hymn: “You play about freedom but we'll make it an homage to your enslavement.” And there are the direct modern assaults on what are thought to be the brown-skinned elements of the music by those who denigrate the blues and hold that swing ― the rhythm that defines jazz ― is archaic, regardless of how it's played. This forwards the notion that we've innovated ourselves into European art music or some poorly played mélange of Latin-Indian-African music.
One of the most insidious attacks on the music came from people who saw themselves as its friends. Jazz arouses, the hipsters said, from spontaneous feeling. Anybody can do it, Allen Ginsberg wrote. “Just pick up a horn and blow.” If that's the case, of course, jazz has developed at random and has no aesthetic objectives other than freedom.
The “modern equivalent of the beatnik philosophy is the contemporary hipster's love of “all” music. The party line goes: “I like everything. What is jazz, anyway? Whether something is jazz or not makes no difference.” The music has no meaning for those cognoscenti. And if something doesn't have meaning, you can't teach it. The no-meaning, no-definition philosophy so successfully attacks the central nervous system of education that you don't even need the other approaches to prevent future generations from playing, enjoying, and being nourished by this music.
Homer was famous for just two books, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Yet the Greeks agreed there was so much in them that for centuries they interpreted and reinterpreted those texts, seeking a clearer understanding of what it was to be Greek ― and to be human. Jazz can provide the same panorama of insights for Americans ― or it could if Americans were encouraged to understand it. There's very little argument anymore about its central place in our national heritage. Yet, Americans don't seem able to agree on something as basic as a definition of jazz.
We now have such a poor relationship to jazz that the world has become less precise than it was when the music was invented. Now, no one knows what it is, really. We've gone from kind of knowing something about it, through years of playing and discussing it, to concluding that it has no real meaning. The result is that we can't teach it, because no one can figure out when you're not playing it. We work hard to make it as mysterious and obscure as possible, as if hiding it will keep us from confronting some important truth about our way of life. There's a secret: jazz.
Rock and roll have a meaning. Hip-hop, salsa, samba, tango ― they all conjure up a distant sound. But nowadays, jazz is misconstrued as all of them, or none, or … who knows? But if the music is to mean something to Americans, then its various components must reflect aspects of our way of life. Individual sounds are important, but so is the sound of the group. The process of many becoming one on a bandstand is similar to the path taken by a Korean or Nigerian immigrant when becoming an American. They have to want to be. The process of swinging ― of constant coordination with things that are changing all time ― is modern life in a free society. But above all else, it is a choice.
Another obsession born of racism is the endless search for the answer to an essentially pointless question: Who does this music belong to? To try to answer it, you have to engage in the futility of deciding which color of person plays it best. Well, if Louis Armstrong was the best and he was dark-skinned, then jazz must be the province of the dark-skinned Negro. But who is the next dark-skinned person who plays as well as Louis Armstrong? And are there some light-skinned musicians and some white ones ― Bix Beiderbecke, for example ― who are better than the next dark-skinned trumpet player in line? Who is the dark-skinned soprano saxophone player who plays better than the light-skinned Creole Sidney Bechet? Nobody. What percentage of black blood do you have to have to qualify? What about Django Reinhardt? He's a gypsy from Belgium.
What makes a person an authentic jazz musician? Does he or she have to be black and descended from slaves? If that's the case, what about all the black jazz musicians who couldn't play as well as white musicians like Jack Teagarden or Buddy Rich? They weren't black enough? If that's the case, are certain fields ― like competitive swimming or orchestral music ― overwhelmingly dominated by whites because blacks just can't compete? Or is it the cultural conditioning that makes groups of people comfortable with a reductive vision of what they can and cannot do? “For some inbred reasons out of your control, you won't make it, so don't even try.” In the NBA, European players fare better than white Americans do. Is it because their skin is less white or because cultural acceptance of black players' innate superiority is not a part of their upbringing?
本物のミュージシャンだ、という決め手は何か?肌が黒くて先祖が奴隷であることが必要条件か?となると、ジャック・ティーガーデンやバディ・リッチのような白人ミュージシャンと同じレベルの演奏が出来ていない黒人ジャズミュージシャン達はどうなんでしょうか?「十分黒人とは言えない」ということか?となると、ある特定の分野 - 例えば競泳や管弦楽など - で圧倒的に白人が強いのは、黒人に単に競争力がないからなのか?それとも自分の能力に対して狭い料簡を持つことに甘んじてしまうのは、文化の置かれている状況のせいなのか?「生まれつきなんだから、自分じゃどうしようもない。やっても無理なんだから、やるなよ」アメリカのプロバスケットボールの世界では、同じ白人でも外国人であるヨーロッパの選手の方が活躍しています。肌の白さが足りないからか?アメリカの白人選手は、黒人選手の持って生まれた優れた点に対して、これを受け入れようとする文化的背景を育まずに育ってきたからなのか?
On the other side of the coin, the Negro was conditioned to accept and expect less for so long, it became a way of life. In the early days, black people were so completely segregated and suppressed that there was never even the opportunity to sense freedom. For jazz musicians, the first chance to feel equal ― and even superior ― came when white and black musicians began playing together after hours. Social order on the bandstand is determined by ability. Therefore, people like Coleman Hawkins and Rex Stewart were idolized by musicians of all races.
Jazzmen such as Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet, and Duke Ellington began to go to Europe, where they were treated like human beings off the bandstand, as well. They experienced a kind of freedom Afro-Americans didn't enjoy at home. They could have relations and relationships with any type of woman and, of course, because they were musicians, all kinds of women found them interesting. When they returned to America they were lionized and walked with a certain swagger. They dressed well and had their own way of speaking. They earned decent money and played what they wanted to play. These men began to understand that, around the world, their music had come to stand for democracy and freedom.
The resilience and fortitude of true American pioneers is in that music. And it's in it for the black and the white musician. But back home, onstage and even in the recording studio, they were still separated. Among black people of consciousness there was always deep resentment that couldn't be wiped away with a smile and a “Yassah.” The more conscious they were, the madder it made them. The more education they had, the angrier they became. This continued injustice diminished their enjoyment of life. These people dedicated their skills and energy to undoing the system that so soured their public experiences.
Writers, publicists, and fans proclaimed Benny Goodman the “king of swing.” Now, he had a damn good band, but even he didn't think that's who he was ― not with Duke Ellington and Count Basie also on the road. Goodman went along with it ― who wouldn't have? ― but it didn't feel right. Now, what if you were a black musician and you wanted and deserved to be the king of swing? Then, it irritated you a lot. Duke Ellington lived through Paul Whiteman being heralded as the king of jazz in the twenties and Benny Goodman being called the king of swing in the thirties.
文筆家達、出版業者、そして音楽ファンはこぞって、ベニー・グッドマンを「スウィングの王様」と称しました。確かに彼の率いたバンドは、とてつもなく良い楽団でしたが、当の本人は、その様な自覚はありませんでした。それは当時同じく活躍中だったデューク・エリントンやカウント・ベイシーについても同じでした。グッドマンはそう呼ばれることを受け入れていました - 受け入れない人などいるわけがありません - しかし自分は相応とは感じていなかったのです。もし皆さんが黒人ミュージシャンだとして、自分はスウィングの王様となるに相応しいと思いたいですか?多分そういう思いは皆さんを大いに困惑させるのではないでしょうか?デューク・エリントンはその生涯の中で、1920年代はポール・ホワイトマンが「ジャズの王様」、1930年代はベニー・グッドマンが「スウィングの王様」と、それぞれ称されていたのです。
What if you wanted to be in the movies but not as a maid or servant? What if you wanted to sing at the Metropolitan Opera ― and you really had the talent? Then it killed you. A lot of people playing jazz were those kinds of people.
The whole of jazz, black and white, was a refutation of segregation and racism. The white musicians were some of the least prejudiced people in our county. There's a famous story of a 1926 contest at the Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan between New York's own Fletcher Henderson Orchestra and its white counterpart from the Midwest, led by Jean Goldkette. Scores of musicians gathered for the showdown. Most of them bet on Henderson, whose ranks included Coleman Hawkins, Rex Stewart, and Benny Carter. But Goldkette ― with Frankie Trumbauer and Bix Beiderbecke ― carried the day.
黒人にとっても白人にとっても、ジャズは全て、人種の隔離や差別は間違えていると訴える術でした。白人のミュージシャン達は、我が国では、最も偏見を持たれない人達の部類に入っていたのです。有名な話を一つ。1926年、マンハッタンのローズランドボールホールで開かれたバンドコンテストは、地元ニューヨークのフレッチャー・ヘンダーソン・オーケストラと、中西部から来た白人で構成されるジョン・ゴールドケット率いる楽団との対決でした。ミュージシャン達の点数が集計されました。蓋を開けて見れば、大半の票が投じられたのはヘンダーソンオーケストラ - コールマン・ホーキンス、レックス・ステュワート、そしてベニー・カーターを擁する - だったものの、ゴールドケットの楽団 - こちらはフランキー・バウアーとビックス・バイダーベックを擁する - が結局勝利します。
“They creamed us,” Rex Stewart remembered. “Those little tight-ass white boys creamed us.” But both leaders had listened intently to the other's band, and after the battle Goldkette hired Henderson's top arranger, Don Redman, and Henderson commissioned Goldkette's arranger, Bill Challis. The next time the two bands met they battled to a draw.
Now, that's a beautiful story because it details the triumph of the underdog white musicians, the black musicians admitting they'd been outplayed, and both leaders being more interested in music than race. But what happened time and again when Negro won? He was denied, or his victory was attributed to his “natural talent.”
Jazz exposed the good ol' American tradition of racial injustice. Musicians would have been stupid not to know it and feel it and be embittered by it. Generations of people had been victimized in the most profound and petty ways, from being hanged from trees to being forced to call a child “Mr.” So-and-so. But, even though musicians felt the sting of racism even more acutely because their connection to art made them more insightful, most did not say. “This is some bullshit so let's re-create some more of it.” Instead, jazz musicians concluded, “This is some pure D bullshit. Let's not re-create that in any way.”
Most of my own anger about racism came from growing up in Kenner during and after the civil rights movement. It felt a bad, bad taste in my mouth, and I expressed it. But all of the great jazzmen I knew, from Art Blakey to John Lewis to Walter Davis, Jr., believed people were simply people. I'll never forget how Art Blakey got on me for speaking disrespectfully about alto saxophone player Phil Woods. And he was right. At some point all of that has got to stop. And you don't have to kiss anybody's behind to be a part of stopping it. When you really get to the philosophy of Monk or Charlie Parker, they were not trying to say that the black man was greater than the white man; they were saying, “By being for everyone, our music absolutely refutes the racism that poisons our national life.”
Dizzy Gillespie told me, “Bebop was about integration.” He said that his and Charlie Parker's objective was to be integrated. Dizzy told me this around 1980, when I wasn't thinking about integration at all. “We'll get to that time,” I thought. “We don't need to be integrated.”
I had a problem with integration that went back to childhood. In 1969, when I was eight years old, my mother sent me to an “integrated” Catholic school in Kenner to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. There were just two of us, me and my friend Greg Carroll, in a sea of white kids. Now, when you were one of just two kids going into a school full of students ― and teachers ― who were going to mess with you constantly, you did not want to be integrated. You couldn't come to another conclusion unless you were a masochist. The constant barrage wore on you and created a new kind of fatigue. My father once told me that he didn't encounter many white people growing up, so they didn't have a chance to disrespect him. Of course, the general abuse was so pervasive he shaped his aspirations to it. But he'd grown up in an entirely black world; he couldn't sit in the front of a streetcar until he was twenty-six years old. Before I started going to an integrated school, I hadn't encountered many white people, either; when a white man turned up at your door in Kenner, the kids on the block would want to know what your father had done to get into trouble. And when I did encounter them, it didn't go down well. Nicknames like “Bozo,” “Hershey Bar,” “Burnt toast” ― that was “Good morning,” “Hello,” and “Welcome.”
「統合」と言うものについては、僕は子供の頃の遺恨がありました。1969年、僕が8歳の頃、母は僕を、ケナーにあるキング牧師記念「統合系」カトリックスクールへ入学させたのです。白人の子供達が大多数を占める中、黒人は僕と友人のグレッグ・キャロルのたった二人だけ。もし皆さんがこの「たった二人」だったら、「統合」されたくないはずです。何しろ生徒も先生もこちらを日常的にいじめてくる連中で溢れかえっている学校なのですから。いじめられるのが快感、というなら話は別ですけれどね。絶え間なくいじめの集中砲火を受けていると、それまで経験したことのない疲労感に襲われました。父はかつて言っていたのは、自分は大人になるまでの間、さほど多く白人と出会う機会が無かったので、蔑みを受けたこともなかったとのこと。勿論、社会全体としての不当な扱いは広く行き渡っており、父もそれに適合するようにはなっていました。しかし父は、完全に黒人しかいない環境で育ってきていましたから、26歳になるまではずっと、路面電車の前の方の席に座ることは許されませんでした。僕にしても、統合系の学校へ通いだす以前は、白人と出会うことはあまりなかったのです。ケナーでは、白人が家の玄関口にやってくると、その界隈の子供達はこぞって、その家の父親がトラブルに巻き込まれるような何かをしでかしたのではないか?と知りたがったものでした。そしていよいよ白人との出会いと言うものが本格化し、事態は良い方向へは進みませんでした。「Bozo(おバカさん)」「Hersley Bar(ハーシーのチョコレートバー)」「Burnt Toast(黒焦げのトースト)」といったニックネームは、「おはよう」「こんにちは」あるいは「ようこそ」といった挨拶程度の物言いだったのです(白人側にとっては)。
You were under a lot of pressure all the time. And that pressure was always to surrender who you were or to accept some else's definition of you ― and that definition required you always to be less than he was. Most of the teachers believed that. So did the students and their parents. It wasn't up for debate. So you were nine or ten years old and you'd been raised one way and now you had to fight for your personhood. Always being told dump stuff like “You're not like other black people”; “Somebody black robbed my cousin”; “Why are you doing your homework? You don't need to know anything to clean my yard.”
Whenever you got into a pugilistic situation, kids would stand in a circle, chanting “A fight, a fight, a nigger and a white.” You still knew it was infinitely better than what older people had endured. But their having been really mistreated didn't make you like your own situation any more. You could only feel what you felt. Something about pain is memorable. It skews reality. You could remember all of the white people who called you nigger or drew big lips on your books or gave you monkeys whenever you received gifts at school, but it's harder to recall the big German kid who defended you or the Jewish kid who invited you to his home.
With so-called integration, everything was different, even the little things. Most of the other kids were poor and Italian, so in the cafeteria we would always have Italian-based foods ― spaghetti, lasagna, and so on. Italian food was okay, but not all the time. At home, we always ate Creole, French-based foods ― gumbo, red beans and rice. And people would constantly tease you about the way you talked. I don't remember exactly what my mama told me when I complained about it, but the gist of it was “Remember, y'all come from someplace. You got something that you deal with, too. So when you go to school you don't have to sacrifice what you are.” My daddy said, “Stop complaining. Y'all are eating, right?”
My parents did the best they could to prepare us. I was reading about Frederick Douglass when I was small, then Nat Turner, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Langston Hughes. My mama liked to talk about Harriet Tubman, and she took us to see the old Cabildo, where slaves were once sold. I still remember realizing the concrete reality of slavery through seeing those chains and shackles. My daddy and the other musicians were always talking about history and politics. I remember one day when I was in the barbershop with my father, someone said, “You can't win an argument with Ellis; he's been around the world He's a damn musician. They know. They know a whole pile of stuff.” That was just generally the vibe.
My grandfather talked a lot about politics, too. So did my great-uncle. I spent a lot of time with him when I was six, seven, eight. His name was Alphonse, but we all called him “Pomp.” He lived in an old shotgun house in New Orleans and was a stonecutter for the cemetery. He'd seen a lot and he could talk when he wanted to.
“It's all in how it hits you,” he would say. He was born in 1883, so he could remember what was called the Robert Charles “riot” in 1900. When two cops told a young black man named Robert Charles to move along once too often, he shot them, ran into a house, and managed to kill seven policemen and wound twenty more before he was killed himself. “It didn't hit him right that day,” my great-uncle said.
My great-uncle was very patriotic, and I couldn't understand that because he was the type of guy who wouldn't tolerate any shit from anyone. But he didn't feel that being American meant being white. This seemed strange to someone raised in the sixties and seventies, when Black Nationalism was the language of the young and hip. Pomp had been in the service and he believed in the United States.
“This is a great country,” he'd always say. “It's flawed but it's a great country.”
He didn't like Muhammad Ali: “He'll take the country's money but he won't fight for it. He ain't no hero to me.” He didn't like the Black Muslims: Don't come to his door with Muhammad Speaks or start talking about Marcus Garvey and his Back-to-Africa movement. No, indeed. “When you get there,” he'd say, “they gonna sell you right back to the white man.” He believed in confronting prejudice. His motto was “Make people cheat you to your face. Don't make it easy for them. Make them face you, because if enough people let it go, it'll stay the way it is.”
彼はモハメド・アリが嫌いでした。「彼は国から金をもらう人だろうけれど、国の為に戦っているわけじゃない。俺に言わせれば、あんなのは英雄なんかじゃない。」彼はブラックムスリム運動を嫌いました。家に帰る時は、「Muhammad Speaks」(新聞の名前)は持ってくるな、あるいは、マーカス・ガーベイと彼の持論であるアフリカ回帰運動のことは話し出すな、絶対に、と言うわけです。「アフリカなんかに行ってみろ、また白人の所に売られて帰ってくるだけだ。」と彼はよく言いました。彼は偏見とは立ち向かうべきだ、という信念を持っていたのです。彼のモットーは、「侮辱は面と向かって言わせろ、そうすればおいそれとは行かない。相手の目を離させるな。手出しできなくなる人間の数が増えてくれば、そのうちそれが当たり前になっていくだろうからな。」
By the time I got to third or fourth grade I was ahead of most of the kids in school. I'd heard of Reconstruction, knew about Plessy v. Fuerguson and Brown v. Board of Education and Dr. King and Malcolm X. I knew the names. I didn't understand that black people were in a struggle, and I had a sense that something was screwed up about society. And it was clear to me that we were the victims of it. So when I was in history class, for instance, and the textbook showed happy slaves, I was always questioning: “Why would slaves be happy?”
I also understood that the only way to get these particular kids to accept you was to imitate them or be so insignificant that they could just walk over you. It was very tough to come from a black school, where you were respected for good grades and having a colorful personality and where you were a part of social circles with girls and boys, and enter an environment where your positive attributes were considered negative and where you were completely outside of all social interactions.
My great-uncle had made me understand that you had to defend your right to be yourself, and that was sometimes costly. So I was determined that if you called me a nigger, I was going to fight you. Sometimes I won, and sometimes I got my ass whipped, but I was determined that I was not going to act dumber than I was or do anything to make people feel that I was less than they were. If anything, I would do the exact opposite.
The curriculum in our integrated school never included anything about black people. It was as if we didn't exist. It wasn't intentional; it's just how things were. If you came in with a paper about a black person, teachers would just smile and patronize you. “What's this one on? Hmmm ... I don't know about this.” I would always do my reports on slavery and stuff like that, anyway. It's what interested me.
Our neighborhood could be rough, too. Black kids had rules you had to get with, too. If you were determined to be yourself, it could be hard. But you could make them respect you if you won a fight or stood up to a bully or could play the dozens or play ball or talk to girls. You could work out some way to win black kids over. With racism, though, you couldn't do much to change that.
Yeah, racism isn't and wasn't a small thing, not something you just get over. Even now, I'm forty-six and I'm still affected by it. Because it was everywhere and had so much impact ― on all the old people you knew, on your own family, on the way TV showed you the world, how the teachers treated you, how the kids related to one another. It could be something as basic as noticing that the white people's streets were paved and yours weren't. And it would go on and on, from that level to everything. Like when we played little league football, there were three black teams and eight or nine white teams. The white teams had every advantage: two coaches, water on the sidelines, hash marks on their fields, practice facilities, parents in the stands. We had uniforms from the fifties, no parents in the stands, one coach, no extra kids to play defense ― and still the referees would cheat us. I got thrown out of a game once for telling a ref, “We're going to lose. You don't have to cheat us.” You didn't blame all white folks, but the whole system made you angry.
そうです。人種差別は、今も昔も小さなことではありません。個人で何とかなるような代物ではないのです。今もなお、46歳になっても僕はこれに苦しんでいます。生活のあらゆる場面に存在し、影響は重くのしかかります - 自分の知り合いの上の世代の人達に、自分の家族に、「世の中はこうだ」とテレビが示すそのやり方に、教師たちが自分に働きかけるやり方に、子供たち同士の人間関係の在り方に、ね。白人の住むコミュニティの道路は舗装されているけれど、黒人のはされていない、誰でも知っている基本的なことですが、これと同じ位、誰でも知っていることかもしれませんね。そのレベルから始まって、およそ考えられることは全てに亘っているのでしょう。例えば僕が子供の頃、フットボールの子供達のリーグ戦の話。黒人のチームが3つ、白人のチームが8つか9つありました。白人の方には何だってありました:コーチは2人、両側のサイドラインに飲み水、ホームグラウンドにはハッシュラインが引いてあり、練習用設備も色々整っているし、親達もスタンドに見に来ていました。一方僕達の方は、ユニフォームは10年前くらいから使っているもの、親達はスタンドに姿はなく、コーチは1人、ディフェンスにエキストラバックを当てられない。これで更に、審判達は僕達に不利な判定をするのです。僕はかつて、審判に暴言を吐いて退場になったことがありました。「どうせウチら負けるんだから、判定まで不利にしなくてもいいじゃんか」白人全員が悪いわけではなく、世の中の全体の仕組みに腹が立ったのです。
That anger can make a fool of you. The first actual modern jazz gig I played was at Tyler's Beer Garden in New Orleans. It was an all-white rhythm section ― Mike Pellera, Ricky Sebastian, and Alvin Young. Alvin was the leader. I was fifteen and they looked out for me, helped me develop my ability, and encouraged me to play. But in an early interview I said something about white people being unable to play and hurt their feelings. It was a stupid thing to say. It didn't take them into account. And it wasn't true. A lot of times your anger at what society runs you through blots out your memory of other experiences that counter state those wrongs. If you have some pride or sense of justice, that anger is hard to overcome. It's profound and it's real.
腹を立てると、自分がかえって物笑いの種になってしまうこともあります。僕のモダンジャズ演奏の初仕事は、ニューオーリンズのタイラーズ・ビアガーデンでのステージでした。バンドのリズムセクションは全員白人 - マイク・ペレーラ、リッキー・セバスチャン、そしてアルヴィン・ヤング。アルヴィンがリーダーです。当時僕は15歳。メンバー皆が僕の面倒を見てくれて、力をつける後押しと、励ましをくれたのです。それなのに僕は、最初の頃に受けたインタビューで、白人はロクな演奏が出来ない、といったようなことを言って、彼らの心を傷つけてしまったのです。ありもしないことを、彼らの気持ちを考えず口にした僕は、本当に愚かでした。こういう正しくないことを、恨みがましく言ってしまった経験の記憶と言うものは、世の中が自分に対して思い知らせてくることに対する怒りの気持ちを抱えていると、つい忘れてしまいがちです。プライドや正義感みたいなものが、怒りの気持ちを抑えなくしてしまうのです。根深い人間の性ですし、これが現実なのです。
I remember telling the great bass player Ray Brown about some of my experiences growing up, and he said, “Damn, I thought all of that shit ended in the sixties.” I said, “Man, I'm not even telling you the worst stuff.”
After I started getting deeper into the music, I realized that anger gives you a certain power. It's fuel. But it's costly fuel. It burns quickly and destroy everything around it, and as you get older, if you don't let it go, it burns you up.
After I reached high school my family moved to New Orleans, and Branford and I eventually started attending the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, a new arts magnet school where my father was the jazz instructor. In the morning I took academic classes at Benjamin Franklin High School. Those were two great public schools.
The New Orleans Center for Creative Arts was an experiment that was just beginning when I was a freshman. The faculty was unbelievable. Every teacher loved the arts and cherished the opportunity to teach young people. Just the conversations they had with one another made you want to learn things. The foundation of my knowledge and love of the arts comes from the education in classical music, jazz, and vocal music that I got there. I still look back on that experience with gratitude.
When we were in Kenner I'd peeped out that the prejudiced white folks we had to deal with had more in common with poor black folks than either side would admit, but only when I got to Franklin did I start to perceive that there were different kinds of white people. You don't know that if you don't live with them. Everybody's just “white.”
I'd gone to primary school with mostly poor or lower-middle-class Italian-American kids. They would fight one another. They would fight you. But in high school a lot of the kids were Jewish. I do not remember any black person I knew ever referring to a person as a Jew. Just white. But I began to notice the Jewish kids didn't fight one another. They had much more of an intellectual tradition. That was interesting to me. I never got called a nigger at that school. You didn't have to fight all the time. It was a much more civil environment. I could hear what the other students were saying. And many times they would want to know what I was doing and thinking ― truly a novel experience for me at that time. At Benjamin Franklin, kids seemed smarter, and I learned a lot. Some of the kids, girls and boys, would come to Tyler's for the jazz set and want to talk about it in school on Monday. How many high school kids who weren't musicians would go to a jazz gig today? It was a unique situation, although I didn't know it at the time.
In eleventh grade we were getting ready to study The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and my teacher, Mr. Keith, stood up and said, “Everybody in this class say 'nigger.'” Everybody began to say it, giggling. This did not go down well with me. Now, Mr. Keith was a reformed hippie and he loved me. I was one of his best students from the year before. He said, “I don't want to embarrass my man, but for us to study this book we have got to be able to use the word 'nigger,' because it's central to understanding what Mark Twain is trying to say.”
I said to myself, “I don't like this shit.”
After class, Mr. Keith took me aside and said, “Man, if you can't handle this, if you don't even want to come to class, it won't affect your grade. But I'm going to teach this book this way because that's what it is. It's not that white people don't call people niggers. They do. I just wanted to let you know, I'm not gonna half-teach this material, and I hope you stay.”
It went down hard, but I said, “Okay, I can deal with it.”
I've always been glad that I stayed in that class because the book and the way Mr. Keith chose to teach it were revelatory. He dealt with it. And I have always felt that that's what our country needs. We need to deal with all the pain and conflict and absurdity of race. Not dealing with it is like not telling somebody he has cancer because he'll be upset. Tell him. Then he can choose with clarity.
That's how I feel about it.
White and black folks can never understand who they are and what kind of country they can make together until they understand that they are inextricably bound to one another. It's like you have the car keys in your hand but you are looking all over for them ― man, you will never find those keys. Look in your hand! It's with you, not outside of you. That's black and white folks. Of course, with so many other groups coming into the country, it seems as if everybody has become a “minority.” We talk about “minority issues,” but black folks are not a separate minority in America; we are central to its identity.
Jazz calls us to engage with our national identity. It gives expression to the beauty of democracy and of personal freedom and of choosing to embrace the humanity of all types of people. It really is what American democracy is supposed to be.
As I said at the beginning of this chapter, the fact that jazz is our national art created an uncomfortable situation. The definitive art of the culture directly contradicted the national myth of racial separation and its justification of slavery. Well, what are we going to do, erase from national memory the three-hundred-year-old belief that dark-skinned people were less than human and somehow deserving of the degradation that defined their experience as Americans? No. It was much easier to push jazz away ― and, with it, all the sophistication, virtuosity, and power of communication it brought.
It was easier to forget that only during the Depression were Americans so troubled they were willing to embrace the profound content of this music, like a politician who discovers both his wife and his religion after he's caught doing something wrong. It was easier to overlook the entire 1930s generation of great white musicians because they were inseparable from jazz. It was easier to accept pop music that exploited teenagers than to embrace any notion of national significance coming from the Negro. It was easier to accept groups like the Rolling Stones, who imitated black Americans and came from England ― the country we fought for our own independence ― than to accept our own people. It was easier to watch swing, the national dance, slip away, to watch as the minstrel show returned through hip-hop, to watch our musical culture devalued and exported around the world as a backdrop for ass-shaking, wealth-celebrating videos. It was so much easier to define musical innovation in terms of technology, record sales, and street-level pathology.
「あっさり記憶から消えたこと」は、他にもありました。1929年に始まった世界大恐慌の際、アメリカ人はこの音楽の持つ奥深い内容を、こぞって味わい、傷ついた心を癒しました。それは政治家が不正を犯して拘束されると、奥さんや宗教に救いを求めるのと同じです。このことは、今やアメリカ人の記憶からは消えてしまっています。良く見落とされがちなのは、1930年代の白人の凄腕ミュージシャン達の世代丸ごとです。ジャズにどっぷりハマってしまっていたためです。安易に受け入れられたものもあります。10代の子達を食いものにした歌謡曲の数々です。折角我が国の価値が持つ全ての概念を黒人が音楽芸術に仕上げたものがあるにも拘らずに、ね。もう一つは海外のバンドやグループの数々。ローリングストーンズなどは、ブラックアメリカンの「真似事」をするイギリスのバンド - イギリスと言えば、かって独立戦争で戦った相手です ― 我が国にだってバンドやグループがあるにも拘らずにね。もっと多くの人々の目に留まったことと言えば、。スウィングという国民的ダンスが人知れず消え去ってみたり、かつて黒人をコケにしたミンストレルショーが、ヒップホップにその内容が復活してみたり、我が国の音楽文化が、世界中に安っぽい姿で輸出されていった、猥雑でお金さえ儲かればいいと言わんばかりのビデオで使われているBGMの数々など、です。全ては、音楽面でのイノベーションを、テクノロジーやCDの売り上げ、病的な庶民感覚といった視点で定義していった、安直さの結果です。
But then, the unexpected happened: Those tawdry videos started showing black men and white women together in romantic situations unimaginable as recently as the seventies. Those minstrel rappers started making millions of dollars selling ghetto dreams to the suburbs. Negro athletes became unbelievably popular national figures. Black men and women became CEOs of major corporations. And on top of that, DNA research showed that all people came from Africa and that in many instances there were bigger differences between individuals inside of a race than outside of it.
The hypocrisy, the absurdity, the shame of it all: That was the deepest truth in jazz. And for all the smiling and grinning and yassahing that Louis Armstrong did onstage, that truth is in every angry, exultant, burnished, blood-soaked note he played or sang. Early Miles Davis ― the same. Dizzy. And you know what? It's in the sound of white musicians, too. They knew some bullshit was destroying the core of our national life. They recognized the lies that worked in their favor, allowing them to make money and be known as the “king” of this and the “number one” of that, while their black counterparts were ignored. That injustice hurt the white musicians, too, because the music they wanted to play made them want to be a part of one America. It let them know how beautiful that would feel. If you doubt what I'm saying, just ask Dave Brubeck.
人種問題がもたらす、あらゆる偽善、不条理、恥辱:それはジャズが表現する最も深遠な真実です。そして、ルイ・アームストロングが舞台で笑顔を見せ、ニカニカと歯をむき出しにして、「ヨッシャ!」(訳注:yassah : yes, sir)と言ってみたりする中で、彼がトランペットとボーカルの両方で届けた、一つ一つの怒りの音、得意げな音、磨き抜かれた音、血まみれの音に込められているものこそ、この「真実」なのです。デビュー当初のマイルス・デイビスや、ディジー・ガレスピーも同じこと。そして皆さんご存知でょうか、白人ミュージシャン達のサウンドも、同じことなのです。白人ミュージシャン達も、人種問題がもたらす弊害が、アメリカ人の生活の根本を蝕んでいたことを、知っていました。人種問題がもたらす誤った認識が、彼ら白人にとって有利に働き、おかげでお金は稼げるし、「〇〇王」だの「No.1の〇〇」だのと呼ばれるようになり、その一方で黒人は注目してもらえなくなった、ということを、白人ミュージシャン達は認識していたのです。彼らの心は傷つきました。それはそうでしょう。彼らが演奏したいと思った音楽は、アメリカを一つにまとめ上げ、そして彼らは、その「一つになったアメリカ」の一員になりたいんだ、と望んでいたのですから。そうなれば、どんなに素晴らしいだろう、と思っていたのですから。信じ難いですか?でしたらデイブ・ブルーベックに訊いてみてください。
Jimmy McPartland, Pee Wee Russel, Dave Tough, Gene Krupa, Bud Freeman, Art Hodes, Woody Herman, Gil Evans, Zoot Sims ― all serious white musicians ― tried to reconcile the reality of this country with what they learned about this country's potential through the music, which was misnamed “race music,” “black music,” “Afro-American music,” and “black classical music” because of the old confusion about physiology and culture. It placed them in cultural limbo. They had to deal with disrespect from some whites and less than genuine acceptance to outright hostility from some blacks, had to live with the nagging charge that they were trying to “steal” music that was as free as air. How was Benny Goodman going to “steal” an arrangement he paid Fletcher Henderson to write? Meanwhile, the great black musicians tried to reconcile what they knew about the possibilities of this country through this music, with the reality of the lies used to maintain and justify racism. On top of that, they had to digest the reality that black American had little or no interest in the art of jazz ― or any art at all, for that matter. Damn, it'll give you a headache.
ジミー・マクパートランド、ピー・ウィー・ラッセル、デイブ・タフ、ジーン・クルーパ、バド・フリーマン、アート・ホーディス、ウッディ・ハーマン、ギル・エヴァンス、ズート・シムズといった、真摯な白人ミュージシャン達が皆、調和を試みたもの、それは、この国の現実の姿と、彼らがジャズを通して知ったこの国の底力。しかしジャズは、誤った呼び方をされてしまったのです。「黒人と言う人種に特有の音楽」「黒人音楽」「アフリカ系アメリカ人の音楽」などといったものは、生理学や文化人類学をきちんと理解していないからこそ、出てきた悪名です。そのせいで彼らは、文化の「天国と地獄の狭間」に立たされました。一部の白人達からはバカにされる。一部の黒人達からは強い敵意のせいで心からは受け入れてもらえない。そんな状況に手を焼きました。ネチネチとした攻撃にも耐えました。それは、黒人の音楽を「横取り」している、というものです。ジャズは空気と同じ、誰のモノでもあるのに、です。ベニー・グッドマンはお金を払って、フレッチャー・ヘンダーソンにアレンジをしてもらったのです。それを「横取り」などと、訳が分かりません。白人ミュージシャン達が、こうして手を焼き耐える中、黒人ミュージシャン達の大御所達も調和を試みたものがありました。それは、ジャズを通して彼らが知った、この国の可能性と、人種差別を維持し正当化する為のウソが作り出してしまったこの国の現実の姿。黒人ミュージシャン達が、更に味わうことを余儀なくされた現実。それは、自分達の社会集団は、ジャズと言う芸術活動に殆ど関心が無かった - そういう意味では芸術活動全般にほどんど関心が無かった - 全く頭痛の種は尽きません。
Still, that's what all those musicians want you to understand: how to express the love of a thing (a country, a concept, a person) that's been corrupted into what you hate; love it with such intensity that you love it back to good health. That's what Miles Davis meant when he asked me at nineteen, “How did you figure this shit out?” He wasn't talking about the music. He could hear that I didn't know anything about the music. What I knew about was this shit, the tangled web of lies and deceptions ― malicious and well meaning ― that keep you from achieving your potential and realizing your identity as a human being and keep all of us from realizing true greatness of our nation. But when we get past it, when we finally address it seriously and overcome it, there will be a renaissance the likes of which this country has never imagined. There will be the great coming-together foretold in the works of Duke Ellington and Gil Evans and Charles Mingus and George Gershwin and so many other insightful musicians whose strivings for a more honest democracy were never-ending. Because jazz, when played by a group, means “Come together. Be together. Stay together” ― at least for the duration of the song.
さて、これこそが、黒人も白人も全てのミュージシャン達が皆さんの心に届けたいと願うこと:嫌悪の対象に堕したこと(国家、思想、人)への愛しさを表現する方法、それは、それが嫌悪の対象から、もう一度愛すべきものへと戻ってゆくくらい、熱い気持ちでそれを愛し抜け、というものです。僕は19歳の時、マイルス・デイビスからこのことを問われました。「何を考えて、そんなクソみてぇな演奏しやがった!」演奏の表面的なことを言っているのではありません。彼は見抜いていたのです。僕がジャズのことを、まるで分っていなかったことを。僕が理解していたジャズと言う音楽は、「クソみてぇな」もの、ウソと欺きの混沌、悪意も善意もいっしょくた。こんなことでは、自分の潜在能力を引き出すこともできない、自分はどういう人間なのかを気付くこともできない、ひいては、自分も皆も、アメリカの真の偉大さに気付くこともできない、というわけです。でもそれを乗り越えた時、それに真剣に取り組んだ結果克服した時、アメリカがかつて想像すらしたことの無いような、文化と芸術の興隆が実現することでしょう。どこまでも公正な民主主義の世の中を実現しようと、たゆまぬ努力を続けたデューク・エリントン、ギル・エヴァンス、チャールス・ミンガス、ジョージ・ガーシュウィンといった、多くの、先見の明を持つミュージシャン達の作品の中で、予言されている「仲良きことは美しき哉」が、実現することでしょう。なぜなら、ジャズとは、アンサンブルで演奏される時、それは「共に行こう、共に在ろう、共に居よう」と歌っているモノだからです。 - 少なくとも演奏が始まってから終わるまではね。
And in music the duration of a tune represents a lifetime.