Two Worlds of Music
Date of first publication:_ 1946
Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949)
初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー
Creative Age Press, Inc.
The refusal of the soloists to play for the Berlin Philharmonic concerts was a tragic enough symptom of the position, but worse was to come. The orchestra’s organization itself, its freedom of unfettered activity were suddenly endangered, and the orchestra found itself engaged in a desperate fight to preserve its prestige and artistic standards. This struggle which the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra waged for its artistic and material existence was, in essence, the battle between Freedom and Dictatorship.
In March 1933 when the breaking down of the pre-Hitler and the building up of a new world were taking place simultaneously, the orchestra did not know where it stood. However high the receipts might be, it was certain that without the guarantee of a balanced budget the orchestra could not continue to exist, much less keep up its artistic standard.
From the very first days of the Nazi régime there had been a reshuffle in all administrative organizations, and as a result the orchestra found itself in a perilous position. It was suddenly dependent for its financial support upon new men who had come to power and who could withdraw their backing if the orchestra did not toe the line.
At the time of Hitler’s seizure of power, the orchestra was a limited liability company. Dr. Lange, the “Aryan,” Social Democratic First Mayor of Berlin was the chairman.
Since many people coveted the rank of First Mayor, Dr. Lange was relieved of his post early in March 1933. Had he remained, as a Social Democrat he would hardly have been able to protect the orchestra much longer. The Berlin municipal government, until then rather more “red” than “brown,” suddenly seemed to be more Nazi than the Nazis. Those, especially, who managed to stick to the posts they had held in pre-Nazi times could not do enough to denounce their former colleagues and push them out of office.
The orchestra had been built up by selection based on competence. Before being accepted, every single aspirant had to play before Furtwängler and the members of the orchestra. These auditions were held in a critically judicious spirit; often Furtwängler stopped an audition after only a few bars had been played, and in such a case nothing more could be done for the aspirant.
The Berlin Philharmonic in those early Nazi days was caught in the swirl of all the different undercurrents, political and social, that were seething just under the surface. Moreover, there was undoubtedly a certain amount of jealousy of Furtwängler himself, both on the part of disappointed musicians and other orchestras. Musicians rejected at the Philharmonic auditions were bound to have friends in the Party and used them to make their new power felt. Soon accusations against Furtwängler, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, and myself poured in to Ministries and Party offices.
The morale of the orchestra itself was, generally speaking, very high. It was one of the few organizations which did not possess a Nazi “cell.” However, orchestral musicians are an odd lot, especially if they meddle in politics, and even the Berlin Philharmonic was entangled in some political incidents. There was, for instance, a wind player — not too intelligent — whose work had lately deteriorated and whose replacement had even been considered. One day, insignificant as he was, he appeared in an S.A. uniform and tried to make trouble. He got short shrift.
Meanwhile the financial problems of the orchestra continued unsolved. All payments on the part of the city of Berlin and Prussia had stopped, although, pending a new arrangement, the former board was still responsible. But as long as the superior authority was undefined, our work suffered from interference both from the members of the late board of the Orchestra Company and from every one of the new Nazi organizations as well.
Though the Philharmonic question was not the concern of Prussia, Goering, the Prime Minister of Prussia, was very anxious to come to an agreement with Furtwängler. He had offered him the directorship of the Berlin State Opera, thereby creating a double position for him. It was well known that Goering had asked Hitler for the privilege of having the State Opera under his sole authority, thus withdrawing it for all time from the grasp of Goebbels, who eventually made himself the master of all theaters in the Reich. Goering took the office of chief of the State Opera very seriously. He attended the performances whenever possible, especially during the first year. And so it came about that during the initial stages of his opera negotiations Furtwängler found that Goering lent him, if not actual help, at least a willing ear for his Philharmonic troubles.
The question of the administration and budget of the orchestra was one part of the problem, its “aryanization” the other. If the Berlin municipal authorities alone had had the right to decide the matter, all those musicians considered untragbar as civil servants would have been dismissed on the spot. Indeed, an attempt was made to convene a Town Council meeting for that purpose. Berlin was legally entitled to that, since, owing to the delay, the Board of which it was a member still existed in its old form. Furtwängler, however, anticipating trouble, managed to get the meeting canceled by the higher authority of the Reich and thus again averted disaster. Owing to the unsettled state of affairs no radical interference was yet possible, and Furtwängler was able to protect the orchestra for the time being.
The whole Government had been present at the last Philharmonic Concert of the season 1932-33 before the orchestra had left on tour. Dr. Goebbels came into the artists’ room afterwards and informed Furtwängler that in the future the orchestra would be under his authority. Goebbels could be charming if he wished. Often enough he beguiled Furtwängler and on this occasion, too, he completely hoodwinked him. Furtwängler left for his tour reassured.
During the tour, correspondence on Philharmonic matters decided nothing and when we returned in the middle of June there had been not the least progress towards a settlement. The Ministry of Propaganda was a notorious center of doubtful elements, of craving for power, of subordinate officials’ jealousy and envy of promotion. It was, curiously enough, almost a crime in the totalitarian state to deal directly with the Minister. Furtwängler had been spared dealings with bureaucracy in pre-Hitler times, and so he naturally thought that if he went to Goebbels direct everything could be settled. But he forgot to count on the intricate network of petty officialdom that was all too anxious to frustrate not only him, but, if possible, Goebbels too.
In spite of Goebbels’ promise in early April, not a single payment had been made by the Reich by June 1933. The official in the Ministry of Propaganda who handled the matters, a man of the old régime, explained that Goebbels should never have given a promise regarding the orchestra before securing the necessary funds in his budget. The Prussian Minister of Finance simply stopped the budgeted amount due from Prussia. The Reichsrundfunk declared their agreement null and void under the present altered circumstances. Goering, on behalf of Prussia, explained he could do nothing in the matter since, according to the German Official Gazette, Goebbels on behalf of the Reich was responsible. It was a deadlock.
Tension due to the constant insecurity began to rise in the orchestra, and the view gained ground, fostered by Party people, that unless the Jewish members and myself resigned, the Nazis would always find a pretext for avoiding a satisfactory solution of the problem.
That was certainly contrary to all the agreements with the government, which, so far, had declared the orchestra sacrosanct pending further decisions. However, these “terror methods” used parallel to, and independent of, ministerial promises, produced their results.
It all had its effect on the weaker spirits in the orchestra who one day pronounced Höber, long a member of the executive, dismissed, and expressed their intention of moving the office of the orchestra to another address, thus separating it from my rooms. At that Furtwängler lost his patience — it was still possible then to lose patience with the Nazis. He forced Goebbels, who had persistently evaded him, to grant him a personal interview. Their conversation, at least theoretically, straightened matters out. Goebbels reiterated that he was willing to take over the orchestra provided Furtwängler became its leader in every respect, and the board of seventeen directors renounced all their rights in his favor. Goebbels gave his assurance that he would honor his promise. Accordingly Furtwängler reinstituted the status quo ante, and issued a circular to the orchestra explaining the situation.
He informed them that all the rights of the board of directors had been invested in him. He alone would be responsible to the government for everything concerning the orchestra, and any attempt on the part of the members to hold meetings or take arbitrary political steps were prohibited. On the whole, the orchestra was entirely on Furtwängler’s side and this instruction was intended only for the very few agitators among the members who had to be held in check to meet the exigencies of the time.
The leadership devised by Goebbels for Furtwängler was not only impossible, it was utterly inconceivable under a Fascist régime. Actually the projected solution was nothing but a hollow farce. Furtwängler had only been reassured by empty words, and everything dragged on as before. Goebbels himself called a meeting of the former board of directors, but on the appointed day he simply disappeared on a holiday without informing anybody concerned, which meant another adjournment for an indefinite time.
Furtwängler was, of course, very troublesome to the authorities; in spite of their admiration for him, officials avoided him as much as possible.
Hitler had, in principle, assured Furtwängler of any support he might need, and a discussion on concert and opera questions had been planned. But, he, too, vanished to Berchtesgaden and we were casually informed that the Führer would not return to Berlin for some time, but would go on to Bayreuth from Berchtesgaden to attend the Festival.
By July 1933 the orchestra was faced with complete bankruptcy. There was only one way to avoid disaster—a personal appeal to Hitler. We decided to send our Party member Kommissar to Bayreuth. Since he had known him from the early days of the Party, Hitler received him immediately. He expressed his great admiration for Furtwängler, and was most astonished and annoyed that the position of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which he believed to have been settled long ago, was still unsolved. He instantly sent for Goebbels, who was also in Bayreuth, and who, in the position of an official who had sabotaged his chief, felt extremely uncomfortable. He squirmed with embarrassment when his Führer was told in his very presence that the orchestra faced financial ruin. Hitler was furious. The scandal of having Germany’s famous orchestra declare itself bankrupt must be avoided at all costs. He decreed that the matter have immediate attention, and assured our envoy that the funds would be provided at once. He also sent word to Furtwängler to visit him as soon as possible to talk things over.
Furtwängler’s visit to Obersalzberg took place at the beginning of August. He departed from Berlin armed with a huge memorandum concerning the orchestra’s problems and reports on individual cases. Though he always prepared his notes most carefully for these political encounters, one of the shortcomings of his sensitive and complex nature was his inability to adapt himself to the crude, primitive mentality peculiar to the Nazis. He was quickly roused to anger, and thus he often failed to achieve all that he might have, had he used different tactics.
That particular meeting was very stormy. During their discussion of general and political matters, Hitler and Furtwängler almost forgot the main subject — the orchestra. He was so perturbed by the interview that he rang me up from Munich immediately afterwards, saying that he now understood what was at the bottom of Hitler’s stubborn point of view. It was not the Jewish question alone, but his attitude, inimical to all intellectual matters. That telephone conversation — as we soon discovered — was tapped by the Nazis.
Although the encounter with Hitler had occasioned fierce disputes, the future of the orchestra finally seemed assured — Hitler saw to that.
On October 26, 1933, the orchestra was officially taken over by the Reich. The salaries and pensions of the musicians were guaranteed, the ominous “Aryan clause” was not to be applied to the orchestra. The office for the time being was left untouched.
If the orchestra had honestly been permitted to keep its autonomy without new and inexperienced people being allowed to interfere in its affairs, quiet, steady work might have been safeguarded. Further developments, however, proved that such an intention was not compatible with the Third Reich.
Richard Wagner
Parsifal Act 3 (1882)
Alexander Kipnis -- Gurnemanz
Max Lorenz -- Parsifal
Conductor: Richard Strauss
Chor & Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele