

英日対訳:ベルタ・ガイスマーTwo Worlds of Music(1946) 第15章(1934)賢者が守る輝きと愚者に守らす独裁

Two Worlds of Music 

Date of first publication:_ 1946 

Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949) 



初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー 


Creative Age Press, Inc. 











Although, later on, a new stratum of society emerged as another disappeared, it took some time (certainly till the beginning or middle of 1934) for the cleavage caused by the Nazi ideology to take full effect. It is true that from the very beginning the encroachment on liberty resulted in immediate and irreparable losses, and was felt in every walk of life—in the universities, in the great hospitals, and in research institutions, as well as in banks and industry. In civic and government administrations, all officials—even if “Aryan”—who were unfortunate enough to displease some Nazi, were pushed out of their jobs. Scholars and professors of world fame were dismissed from the universities. People so affected were cut off from their former life; they withdrew from normal social intercourse and eventually disappeared. 




But in spite of all those drastic changes, life on the surface was not yet completely changed. 




Social life—as distinct from political—in connection with musical activities, for instance, was not noticeably changed. Almost every night concerts were held in the Philharmonie, the Beethovensaal and elsewhere. The social events revolving around the great Philharmonic Concerts continued. After the Sunday morning general rehearsals there was usually an official luncheon, and after the Monday evening concerts a reception or a party. 




The Berlin State Opera continued to be an interesting center. Apart from the fine performances, it was a meeting ground of many interests, and important matters were often settled during the intermissions. The Opernhaus unter den Linden, as it was called, maintained its customary high standards. It satisfied the demands of modern taste and was up-to-date not only with regard to technical stage devices but also in every other respect. It kept up its fine old tradition—there were no new Nazi functionaries working either on the stage or in the administration—it was still mostly run by old and tried officials. Thanks to Goering’s influence, moderation still prevailed! 




How intimate and yet ceremonious were the attendants of the boxes! Two of them outside the boxes of the Generalintendant had held office since the Kaiser’s time and their inimitable dignity was in strange contrast to the scores of S.A. or S.S. guards with which the Nazi Ministers surrounded themselves when visiting the Opera House. 




Enthusiastic attention was focused on the events at the State Opera. Richard Strauss, who spent a great deal of time in Berlin at the beginning of the Nazi régime and nursed his relations with all Opera Houses carefully, was on especially good terms with the Berlin State Opera and its management. In March 1933 Strauss was present at the new production of his opera Elektra under Furtwängler, then only a guest conductor, and that fall he attended all the rehearsals for the Berlin première of his new opera Arabella which Furtwängler also conducted. 




Once during a rehearsal he discovered me at the far end of the stalls and called out: “Ah! There is Fräulein Geissmar. Please come out into the corridor!” While we strolled about he asked me what I thought of his new opera and whether I did not agree that the wind instruments were too loud. “Couldn’t you tell Furtwängler?” he asked. What a situation! The great Richard Strauss was afraid to advise the conductor about a purely technical matter regarding the interpretation of his own music. He knew how sensitive Furtwängler was, and he wanted to keep him in good temper. After the rehearsal I had lunch with Furtwängler and cautiously mentioned Strauss’ comment. Furtwängler was not a little amused that the composer had chosen such a detour to relay his communication. 




There were old ties between Strauss and my family. While my father was still alive Strauss regularly called for a game of Skat with him whenever he came to Mannheim. Once when Strauss was dining at our house, my father said to my mother after dinner: “I think you had better go to bed now, dear, because we are going to play cards.” Strauss, the notoriously henpecked husband of Pauline, exclaimed in amazement, “How on earth do you manage to ask your wife to leave the room, and what is more, get her to do it?” Yet, despite the old acquaintance with my family, when the German Government had nothing more important to do than scheme how to free Furtwängler of his secretary, Strauss failed to take up the cudgels on my behalf. 




Artists from the provinces came to Berlin more frequently than ever in those troubled days. Many came to see Furtwängler, who, by his courage, had assumed almost mythical fame. They often brought news of what was happening underground as well as officially; much of it was distressing and much tragic, and the visits and the correspondence that followed caused me many sleepless nights. 




At that time, Furtwängler was conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Director of the Berlin State Opera, vice-president of the Reichsmusikkammer, and, from July 1933 on, also a Prussian Staatsrat. The world has often reproached Furtwängler for accepting this title. Actually, the whole Prussian State Council, at least as far as its functions were concerned, was one of the meaningless, pompous displays staged by Goering without any legal significance. It was, so to speak, a private affair of Goering’s and hardly met more than twice. 




One Sunday morning while he was on a holiday, Furtwängler, the director of Goering’s Opera House, received a telegram: “Appoint you herewith Prussian Councillor of State. Hermann Goering.” The story goes that Goering, on the point of leaving his office one Saturday, suddenly said, “Quick, let’s make Furtwängler a Councillor of State.” The nomination occurred at a moment when the struggle for the retention of standards was still at its height and was not considered a lost battle. Furtwängler felt it would be a mistake to refuse this sign of confidence and hoped that through the new appointment he would gain authority to enforce his views more easily. The hope was in vain. Later his position of Staatsrat became a source of endless trouble. When he resigned from all his posts including that of Councillor of State, Goering informed him that it was verboten to renounce the pompous title of Staatsrat and so that doubtful distinction remained attached to him. 




In spite of all the growing difficulties there was a fine community spirit among the musicians in Berlin. Perfect comradeship reigned among the section leaders of the orchestra who had formed a chamber music association. They frequently came to my home and played quartets. Occasionally Furtwängler, himself a wonderful chamber music player, joined us and sometimes Hindemith came to delight everybody with his glorious viola tone. I shall never forget the time that we played Brahms’ Piano Quintet with Furtwängler at the piano, Goldberg first violin, myself second, Hindemith the viola and Graudan, then first soloist of the orchestra, the cello. 




Actually at this period the government’s measures reflected little of the “opinion of the people.” 




Since things had remained unchanged for the time being in the orchestra, Brahms’ Double Concerto was put on the programs of one of the weekly popular concerts with the much discussed first violin and first cello, Goldberg and Graudan, as soloists. Hundreds of people had to be turned away; the applause was jubilant. The genuine vox populi was quite sound! And since that was the case, the Nazis often had to manufacture “providence” to impose their will. Unfortunately, on one occasion, “providence” and the “voice of the people” by mistake interrupted one of the Bach concerts given by Edwin Fischer—they had gone to the wrong hall! What they had been supposed to do was to disturb a Jewish singer next door! 




Foreign artists had always been among Berlin’s regular visitors; the type changed only gradually. The refusals of great international soloists to take part in the Berlin Philharmonic Concerts in 1933-34 were the first indications that international musical life was undergoing a radical change in its relation to Germany. The Nazi régime was more keen on the display of foreigners than any preceding German government, and nothing was left undone to facilitate visits of artists from abroad. Viscount Konoye, brother of the Japanese Premier, arrived in Berlin in 1933 to conduct a concert with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. He was quite a good musician, brought up on German music. 




And though Italy was then by no means friendly to the Nazi régime, Italian artists came to Germany in great numbers. Respighi arrived in the early autumn, Casella, Mainardi, Cassadó—more Spanish than Italian—and others. 




The atmosphere at foreign embassies, quite understandably, was the last to degenerate. There one sensed little of the sinister spirit that had crept into life. 




The Italian Embassy was the liveliest, especially since Cerruti had become its Ambassador. His wife, Donna Elisabetha Cerruti, was indefatigable. Hungarian, well educated, enthusiastic, and free from snobbishness, she worked as ceaselessly for the interests of the Embassy as if she were herself the Ambassador. She was a handsome and stately woman with a finely-poised head. Under the circumstances, the Italian Embassy was the most important one for the Nazis to conciliate, and was in high favor with them. 




Whenever an Italian artist came to Berlin, a function was arranged for him at the Embassy. If for some time no Italian name appeared on the program, Signora Cerruti saw to it that it did. Nothing was too much trouble for her; if I was unable to leave my office, she came to discuss her plans with me. She arranged a series of concerts, mainly of Italian works and Italian artists in the great music hall of the Embassy. The concerts, despite their length, were very popular, and the guests used to stay on at that hospitable house till late at night. 




There were festivities at the other embassies too—French, British, American and Dutch—but most of them were more restrained than those at the Italian. 




The German Foreign Office still, and for some time to come, embodied the hopes of many and was continually inundated with complaints. At first it concentrated entirely on undoing Nazi blunders, by no means a pleasant task for the disciplined officials. Rumors regarding its position were rife: the Foreign Office and the Army would lead the country in the right direction; the Foreign Office and the great banking concerns would combine efforts. While the old and the new powers were endeavoring to assert themselves against each other, the Nazis pursued their aims unfalteringly, if recklessly, unhampered by any regard for traditions. 




Every aspect of art in need of official support, such as the position of artists in foreign countries, exhibitions abroad, artistic activities in frontier districts, was under the control of Department VII of the Foreign Office. In pre-Hitler times the officials in the art division had always been highly educated and cultured men carefully chosen for their duties. One could hardly imagine that the “New Germany” would dispense with their services. 




The Berlin Philharmonic was generally independent of any diplomatic support, but when needed, it came promptly and discreetly from Department VII. For as long as possible they assisted us—until one day they disappeared from the Wilhelmstrasse. 




Department VII was considered immensely important by Goebbels, since one of his principal aims was to gain control of all cultural activities within Germany and, as far as they concerned Germans, abroad. It was hardly astonishing under the circumstances that Goebbels by Machiavellian policy managed to transfer the centers of cultural questions to the authority of the Ministry of Propaganda. The old officials were ousted and their duties were taken over by an entirely different set of people, uncouth, inefficient, knowing little or nothing of their subject, full of the bullying assertiveness of the typical Nazi, a sorry contrast to those gentlemen of the old school who were so well versed in the subtle intricacies of the work. From then on the carefully built edifice gradually disintegrated. 




Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody no.2 

Berliner Philharmoniker / Hidemaro Konoye