A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 37. THE BRITISH LEGAL SYSTEM 37.英国の法制度 420 During August the English Opera Company broke fresh ground by putting in a month at Blackpool, the Margate of the North, and this was a fortunate additi…
A MINGLED CHIME 36 . THE RETURN OF PEACE 後半 414 About this time I was fortunate in being able to form a small syndicate to take over the opera company, for I had come nearly to the end of my resources and should not have been able to con…
A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 36 . THE RETURN OF PEACE 36.終戦 410 We had now reached the spring of 1918, and our operatic performances began to be disturbed more and more by air raids. During one week a bomb killed the stage-door …
A MINGLED CHIME 35. A UNIVERSAL PROBLEM 後半 403 All of which brings me to the point where I propose to throw a ray of truth upon certain private affairs of mine which have received a good deal of notice in the Press of most countries and …