p.51 Creativity in America アメリカにおける創造性 Presented as The Blashfield Address before The American Academy and National Institute of Arts and Letters, May 1952. 1952年5月、全米芸術文化協会 「ブラッシュフィールド講演」にて THE CREATI…
The Pleasure of Music 音楽の愉しみ 【1959年4月 ニューハンプシャー大学特別講義シリーズより】 私は自分のことを作曲家だと思っている。音楽評論家とは思っていない。と、まぁ、こんなことから話を始めようと思う。皆さんにとってはどうでもいいことかも…
The question that wants answering is whether Schonberg's twelve-tone music is the way to the future or whether it is merely a passing phase. Unfortunately it must remain an open question, for there are no guaranteed prognostications in the…
What a contrast it is to turn from the starkness of Beethoven to the very different world of a composer like Palestrina. Palestrina's music is heard more rarely than that of the German master; possibly because of that it seems more special…
If one were asked to name one musician who came closest to composing without human flaw I suppose general consensus would choose Johann Sebastian Bach. Only a very few musical giants have earned the universal admiration that surrounds the …
Thus far I have been dealing with the generalities of musical pleasure. Now I wish to concentrate on the music of a few composers in order to show how musical values are differentiated. The late Serge Koussevitzky, conductor of the Boston …
It is part of my thesis that music, unlike the other arts, with the possible exception of dancing, gives pleasure simultaneously on the lowest and highest levels of apprehension. All of us, for example, can understand and feel the joy of b…
p.23 SECTION ONE 第1節 1. THREE TALKS 第1章 3つのよもやま話 The Pleasure of Music 音楽の愉しみ PERHAPS I HAD BETTER begin by explaining that I think of myself as a composer of music and not as a writer about music. This distinction may not…
p.17 FOREWORD はじめに THIS BOOK CONTAINS a selection of occasional pieces about music and musicians written over a span of more than thirty years. Since many of them appeared in magazines and newspapers that are not easily accessible it i…
今回から、アメリカの作曲家、アーロン・コープランドが1960年に書いた「コープランド・オン・ミュージック」を読んでゆきます。 今年2020年は、コープランド生誕120年であり、また没後30年の年でもあります。そしてこの本の初版から60年目に当たります。 ネ…