


英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第26章(2/2):劇場の営業時間/新しい提案書

A MINGLED CHIME 26. A PROVINCIAL ADVENTURE 後半 298 It was not to Sheffield only that we were indebted for a grain of that comic relief which is as welcome to the artist working at top pressure as much as to any man. Another great city in …

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第26章(1/2)地方公演で頑張る:秘儀・集客術

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 26. A PROVINCIAL ADVENTURE 26.地方公演で頑張る 294 For some years past an opera company had been visiting the principal cities of the provinces under the direction of a Swiss-German whose headquarters …

英日対訳:フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music [1911]

https://ia800303.us.archive.org/16/items/sketchofnewesthe00buso/sketchofnewesthe00buso.pdf 本書の原典はこちらからどうぞ SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music 音楽「シン・ビガク」概要 ~新しい審美眼~ BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第25章(2/2)「ボリス・ゴドゥノフ」騒動:ケロッと♪

A MINGLED CHIME 25 . FIRST RUSSIAN OPERA SEASON 後半 291 An extra performance of Boris had been arranged for the dual purpose of enabling the Royal Family to see it and giving the chorus a Benefit; and it was reported that Chaliapin intend…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第25章(1/2)初めてのロシア歌劇公演期間

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 25 . FIRST RUSSIAN OPERA SEASON 25.初めてのロシア歌劇公演期間 285 June came round bringing with it the Russian Opera Company and for the opening performances Drury Lane was by no means full, although t…

英日対訳:F.ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music (5/5) 心の奥/お決まり/ピアノ万歳

SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI 音楽「シン・ビガク」概要 ~新しい審美眼~ フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ著 Translated from the German by Dr. TH. BAKER (Theodore Baker) ドイツ語→英語 訳 セオドア・ベイカー NEW YORK: G. SCHIRMER…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第24章(2/2)ショパンの教え/ペトルーシュカ/町人貴族

A MINGLED CHIME 24. STRAUSS AND STRAVINSKY 後半 280 Many years ago a great musician said to me, “I judge a player mainly by his rubato,” and it is upon the use of this device that most music depends for charm as well as clarity, and of whi…

英日対訳:F.ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music (4/5) 音階の新提案/自由な音楽とは

SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI 音楽「シン・ビガク」概要 ~新しい審美眼~ フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ著 Translated from the German by Dr. TH. BAKER (Theodore Baker) ドイツ語→英語 訳 セオドア・ベイカー NEW YORK: G. SCHIRMER…

英日対訳:F.ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music (4/5) 音階の新提案/自由な音楽とは

SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI 音楽「シン・ビガク」概要 ~新しい審美眼~ フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ著 Translated from the German by Dr. TH. BAKER (Theodore Baker) ドイツ語→英語 訳 セオドア・ベイカー NEW YORK: G. SCHIRMER…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第24章(1/2)バラの騎士/速すぎ?/サン・サーンス

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 24. STRAUSS AND STRAVINSKY 24.シュトラウスとストラヴィンスキー 275 During this time I had lost touch with my friends of the censorship at St. James’s Palace, but upon the announcement of a new Strauss …

英日対訳:F.ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music(3/5)「音楽的」、音符、足枷、長/短調

SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI Translated from the German by Dr. TH. BAKER (Theodore Baker) NEW YORK: G. SCHIRMER 1911 Copyright, 1907 By FERRUCCIO BUSONI Copyright, 1911 By G. SCHIRMER 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2023年) …

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第23章(2/2)いざ、ベルリンへ:大絶賛なのに…

A MINGLED CHIME 23 . A VISIT TO BERLIN 後半 269 During the summer the Russian Ballet reappeared, repeating its spectacular success of the previous year and depreciating even further the already dubious credit of the operatic side of the se…

英日対訳:F.ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music (2/5) 標題音楽、記譜法、音楽表現

SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI Translated from the German by Dr. TH. BAKER (Theodore Baker) NEW YORK: G. SCHIRMER 1911 音楽「シン・ビガク」概要 ~新しい審美眼~ フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ著 ドイツ語→英語 訳 セオドア・ベ…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第23章(1/2)オケ公演奮戦/作曲家達を斬る!

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 23 . A VISIT TO BERLIN 23.いざ、ベルリンへ 264 One advantage of my alliance with the Grand Opera Syndicate was that I became largely free from management responsibilities, as I could leave to their own…

英日対訳:F.ブゾーニ(T.ベイカー英訳)「Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music」(1/5) 「自由」の本来の意味

SKETCH OF A New Esthetic of Music BY FERRUCCIO BUSONI 音楽「シン・ビガク」概要 ~新しい審美眼~ フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ著 Translated from the German by Dr. TH. BAKER (Theodore Baker) ドイツ語→英語 訳 セオドア・ベイカー NEW YORK: G. SCHIRMER…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第22章(2/2)ロシア・バレエ団がやってくる

22. The Coming of the Russian Ballet 後半 258 The London season which was now in full swing was running its normally placid course when, like a visitation from another plane, there burst upon it the Russian Ballet. As rapidly as Byron won …

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第22章(1/2) 「エレクトラ」パリ公演が…

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 22. THE COMING OF THE RUSSIAN BALLET 22.ロシア・バレエ団がやってくる 253 I ended the year 1910 in a very different mood from that in which I had begun it. I had plunged head foremost into the operatic …

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第21章(2/2)苦心の「書き換え」が台無しに!?

A MINGLED CHIME 21. THE EPISODE OF SALOME 後半 247 The day arriving when our aim was accomplished and we had successfully metamorphosed a lurid tale of love and revenge into a comforting sermon that could have been safely preached from any…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第21章(1/2)「サロメ」上演のエピソード

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 21. THE EPISODE OF SALOME 21.「サロメ」上演のエピソード 239 To the foreigner the principal charm of England is its odd mixture of sprightly modern resource and stately mediaeval lumber. In most countri…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第20章(2/2)フランスオペラ嫌い/主演女優失踪!

A MINGLED CHIME 20 . COVENT GARDEN AGAIN 後半 235 Then followed two French works, the Hamlet of Ambroise Thomas and Le Chemineau of Leroux. Of the former it is enough to say that it pleased no one, and of the latter that every one who did …

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第20章(1/2)「コヴェント・ガーデン」いま、ふたたび

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 20 . COVENT GARDEN AGAIN 20.「コヴェント・ガーデン」いま、ふたたび 229 While the season of which I have just written was still running, I had begun to make preparations for another in the autumn at Cov…

【改訂全文通し掲載】英日対訳:R.V.ウィリアムズ「National Music」地域社会を意識した音楽のあり方について

National Music 地域社会を意識した音楽のあり方について Date of first publication: 1934 Author: Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) 初版:1934年 著者:レイフ・ヴォーン・ウィリアムズ(1872~1958) 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2023年9月27日全面改訂) こ…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第19章(2/2) ソプラノ歌手の誤解/英訳の難しさ

A MINGLED CHIME 19. OPERA COMIQUE AND HIS MAJESTY’S THEATER 後半 215 History cannot be unwritten, and it is therefore idle to lament that the music of the nineteenth century has followed a course, especially toward the end of it, which has…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第19章(1/2)ロンドンでの「オペラ・コミック」上演

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 19. OPERA COMIQUE AND HIS MAJESTY’S THEATER 19.ロンドン・ヒズ・マジェスティー劇場での「オペラ・コミック」上演 207 In the season just concluded, my contingent of native singers had acquitted itself with…

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第18章(2/2)R.シュトラウスのリハ/クレーマー対策

18. FIRST COVENT GARDEN SEASON 後半 194 With the production of Elektra in London, the reputation of its composer reached its zenith. Excepting the death of King Edward, which occurred in the following spring, it was the most discussed even…

英日対訳:行進曲「星条旗よ永遠なれ」作曲経緯(歌詞全訳付) J.P.スーザ自叙伝「Marching Along」Ⅷより

John Philip Sousa MARCHING ALONG - recollections of men, women, and music - by John Philip Sousa (1928) 日本語訳:竹中弘幸 from Chapter 8 At the close of the 1896 Manhattan Beach engagement, I needed a rest, and so Mrs. Sousa and I sailed …

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第18章(1/2)「コヴェント・ガーデン」シーズン1

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 18. FIRST COVENT GARDEN SEASON 18.「コヴェント・ガーデン」シーズン1 188 To anyone unacquainted with the character of the British public it would have seemed beyond question that what it was craving mo…

英日対訳:シドニー・ベシェ(Sax)「演奏」について 自叙伝「Treat It Gentle」(1960)より抜粋

サキソフォン奏者のシドニー・ベシェが、「演奏」について記したものです。 1960年の彼の自叙伝「Treat It Gentle」(優しくして)からの抜粋を、拙訳ですが御覧ください。「ミュージシャンが演奏する」という言葉を、色々な言葉に置き換えてみてください。 …

英日対訳:P.A.グレンジャーThe Impress of Personality in Unwritten Music(1915年)全文

The Impress of Personality in Unwritten Music Percy Grainger 口承音楽の持つ、魅力や個性の特徴について パーシー・グレンジャー著 The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Jul., 1915), pp. 416-435 (22 pages) The Musical Quarterly(季刊誌「音楽」…

英日対訳:パーシー・A・グレンジャー The Impress of Personality in Unwritten Music (1915) 第5回(全6回)

The Impress of Personality in Unwritten Music Percy Grainger The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Jul., 1915), pp. 416-435 (22 pages) 口承音楽の持つ、魅力や個性の特徴について パーシー・グレンジャー著 The Musical Quarterly(季刊誌「音楽」…