A MINGLED CHIME 39 . DISASTER 後半 450 The misguided creatures who had forced the order, and whose claims amounted to no more than a fraction of this mountain of apparent indebtedness, were literally overwhelmed by it and perhaps for the f…
A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 39 . DISASTER 39.散々な目に遭う 445 The well-worn adage that it never rains but it pours, was hardly ever better instanced than in my case during 1920. I had lost my manager and my lawyer, who were the…
A MINGLED CHIME 38 . THE '‘WINDS OF COMPLICATION” 後半 436 The major event for me of the winter Covent Garden season was the revival of A Village Romeo and Juliet, after a lapse of ten years. When first given the work had labored under two…
A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 38 . THE '‘WINDS OF COMPLICATION” 38.面倒な風向きに 430 The termination of the war and the return to peace conditions added considerably to the costs of running an opera company. While the struggle con…
A MINGLED CHIME 37. THE BRITISH LEGAL SYSTEM 後半 423 In no quarter is this disdain and ignorance of music and the part it plays in the life and estimation of other peoples so profound as among the otherwise worthy men who adorn the judici…