


「Copland on Music を読む」第4回の5.ピアニスト ウィリアム・カペルpp100-104

p.100 The Pianist: William Kapell ピアニスト:ウィリアム・カペル DEAR ANNA LOU: When a dear friend is lost to us we try to bring some solace to the nearest of kin by writing a letter. Many thousands of music-lovers in many parts of the wor…

「Copland on Musicを読む」第4回の4.ポール・ローゼンフェルドpp97-100

p.97 The Critic:Paul Rosenfeld 音楽評論家:ポール・ローゼンフェルド IT ISN'T OFTEN that a composer wants to talk to people about a man who wrote music criticism. Critics and composers are usually considered, by definition, to be incompatib…

「Copland on Musicを読む」第4回の3.イーゴル・ストラヴィンスキーpp92-96

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「Copland on Music を読む」第4回の3.イーゴル・ストラヴィンスキーpp92-96

p.23 SECTION ONE 第1節 2. FIVE PERSONALITIES 第2章 私の大切な5人 p.92 The Composer:Igor Stravinsky 作曲家:イーゴル・ストラヴィンスキー HIS PERSONALITY 彼の人となり For a long time I have wondered about the exact nature of the personality …

「Coplland on Musicを読む」第2回の2.ナディア・ブーランジェpp83-91

p.83 The Teacher: Nadia Boulanger 指導者:ナディア・ブーランジェ IT IS ALMOST FORTY YEARS since first I rang the bell at Nadia Boulanger's Paris apartment and asked her to accept me as her composition pupil. Any young musician may do the s…

「Copland On Music」を読む 第4回 pp.78-83

He has explained his point of view at some length in a recent interview: “Every great, or less great, or even little, composer brings something to the art of music which makes the art great in its entirety. Each one brings his portion. In …

「Copland On Music」を読む 第4回 pp.73-78

2. FIVE PERSONALITIES 第2章 私の大切な5人 p.73 The Conductor: Serge Koussevitzky 指揮者:セルゲイ・クーセヴィツキー This article, written in 1944, during Serge Koussevitzky's lifetime, was published in the Musical Quarterly. In order to re…

「Copland On Music」を読む 3.Music as an Aspect of the Human Spirit (Radio Address, 1954)

p.23 SECTION ONE 第1節 1. THREE TALKS 第1章 3つのよもやま話 p.60 Music as an Aspect of the Human Spirit 人間の精神とは何か、を考える上での音楽 Read as a Radio Address in celebration of Columbia University' two hundredth anniversary in 1954…

「Copland On Music」を読む 第3回 pp.66-72

Then the unexpected happened. These resultant chords or harmonics, when properly organized, began to lead a self-sufficient life of their own. The skeletal harmonic progression became more and more significant as a generating force, until …

「Copland On Music」を読む 第3回 pp.60-66

SECTION ONE 第1節 1. THREE TALKS 第1章 3つのよもやま話 p.60 Music as an Aspect of the Human Spirit 人間の精神とは何か、を考える上での音楽 Read as a Radio Address in celebration of Columbia University' two hundredth anniversary in 1954. コ…