


英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第28章(2/2) 音楽興隆に奔走/イシドール・デ・ララ

A MINGLED CHIME 28. WAR TIME 後半 323 Here was a situation that should be met without delay. The organization was the center and chief of an imposing number of lesser or satellite bodies who looked to it for example and guidance; and its e…


When I was beginning to play jazz around the world, critics and older musicians came out of the woodwork to say that my playing was inauthentic, lacked soul and feeling, and was too technical . In my young lie, I had not paid enough dues t…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第28章(1/2)戦時下:第1次世界大戦

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 28. WAR TIME 28.戦時下:第1次世界大戦 316 Since my first visit to Germany, I had followed with keen interest the progress of its imperialistic ambitions. At that time it possessed no navy; a few years…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第27章(2/2)「金鶏」の魅力/再会を誓うも…

A MINGLED CHIME 27. SECOND RUSSIAN OPERA SEASON 後半 309 Of the other operas that were wholly new to us Le Coq d'Or was in every way the most interesting. Rimsky-Korsakov is with Tschaikowsky the greatest of craftsmen among the Russian mas…

【全文通し】英日対訳:W.マルサリス To a Young Jazz Musician : Letters from the Road (2003)

To all the parents who take their kids to concerts that they don't necessarily like and then wait for the kids to get autograghs, lessons and whatever else. 我が子を音楽会に連れて行っても、肝心の子供たちが大して喜んでくれず、出演者のサイン…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第27章(1/2)クレア・ドゥクス登場!/「イーゴリ公」

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 27. SECOND RUSSIAN OPERA SEASON 27.2度目のロシア歌劇公演期間 303 The striking success of the first Russian season made inevitable the return of the company for the summer of 1914, and it was the joint…