

英日対訳:ベルタ・ガイスマーTwo Worlds of Music(1946) 第1部(通し) ヒトラー以前のドイツ(~1933)

Two Worlds of Music  

Date of first publication:_ 1946  

Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949)  



初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー  


The Author in her office at the Royal Opera House, Covent  


著者近影:コヴェント・ガーデン ロイヤル・オペラ・ハウスのオフィスにて  



Berta Geissmar  





Creative Age Press, Inc.  














Germany Before Hitler  





Hitler Germany, 1933—1935  





American Interlude, 1936  





Pre-War England, 1936-1939  





England in War Time, 1939—1945  













This book touches on the musical life of seventy years ago and dwells on it for the last thirty. Music, as every other part of cultural life, is, to a certain extent, connected with the current social and economic conditions, but never before has it been seized and exploited for the purposes of the “absolute state” in which art ceased to be independent.  



The events of this book have actually happened. It is a document of the problems that arose out of the circumstances of an epoch, of men behaving according to their disposition and character. It intends to be an honest record of a period in which tradition, evolution and freedom fought their battle against dictatorship; of music in Germany fettered to Hitler’s huge machine, and music in England, neglected perhaps, but free.  



B. G.  





Hymn to the United Nations (1971)  

Music - Pablo Casals  

Written by - Wystan Hugh Auden  



Germany Before Hitler  

第1部 ヒトラー以前のドイツ  






A town of character bequeathes a rich heritage to its children. I wasborn in Mannheim, a town which since the reign of art-loving ElectorKarl Theodor had endowed its citizens with a love of music and of drama,and had established a great cultural tradition which persisted throughthe years. The young Goethe admired its collections of art andliterature; Mozart’s visit to Mannheim was a milestone in his artisticdevelopment. Charles Burney, Dr. Johnson’s friend, wrote in praise ofMannheim’s Electoral band in 1773: “. . . Indeed, there are more soloplayers and good composers in this, than perhaps any other orchestra inEurope; it is an army of generals, equally fit to plan a battle, as tofight it.” Lessing very nearly became director of Mannheim’s theater,and the beginnings of Richard Wagner’s career were influenced by hisfriend and early enthusiast, Emil Heckel, a citizen of Mannheim, founderof the first Richard Wagner Society in June 1871.  




Mannheim was my native town.  




My mother descended from one of the venerable families which had madeMannheim its home for almost two hundred years. Both my paternalgrandfather and my father, his junior partner, were well-known lawyers.My father, in addition, was extremely musical. Business was nevermentioned at home, but his passionate love for music constantly invadedhis office. The concert society that he founded was run from there, andhe even kept a violin there to play at odd moments.  




My father played the violin and viola extremely well, and was arespected connoisseur of string instruments whose judgment was consultedby people from all over Germany and even from abroad. He carried on awide, fascinating correspondence about instruments. In 1900 thecollector’s dream came true. He was offered the Vieuxtemps Stradivarius.When he consulted Joachim, the famous violinist, about the instrument,he received a post card saying, “This Antonio is not a cardboard saint!”That decided him. He bought the Vieuxtemps, so called because it hadbeen owned by the famous virtuoso.  




The violin was made in 1710 which is considered Stradivarius’ bestperiod. It has always been in careful hands and is still in a fine stateof preservation. The golden-orange color for which it is noted, andwhich most Strads of that time share, is reminiscent of the golden hueof Rembrandt’s best period. The late Alfred Hill, world renowned Londonconnoisseur, considered it among the handsomest Stradivarii that exist.  






The violin was the delight of my father’s life, and he hardly everparted from it. After his death my mother and I kept the instrument, forwe cherished it far beyond all the tempting offers that we got for it.When I had to leave Hitler Germany, the export of such instruments wasnot yet forbidden, so the Strad was tucked under my arm, a symbol of allI had loved and was forced to leave behind. Except for a brief period in1936 when I was in America, I kept it with me, until I placed it in thecare of the Messrs. Hill during the blitz. It was removed from thedanger zone during the blitz to one mysterious place after another.“Don’t you worry,” said Mr. Hill, “your fiddle is in the mostillustrious company.” The roster of other instruments removed to safetywith my Vieuxtemps was indeed impressive, and for a while, by one ofthose strange coincidences of an emergency, the Vieuxtemps Guarneriuswas sheltered with the Stradivarius with which it had formerlyalternated.  




After my father had acquired his Stradivarius, his collecting zealabated. He always kept a floating population of instruments in thehouse, however, at least enough for a quartet; and once a week duringhis entire life, his own quartet which he had organized gathered to playat our house. Nor was his enthusiasm for chamber music satisfied withthose superlative amateur evenings of music. In those days, innumerableconcert societies flourished all over Germany, supported, for the mostpart, by music-loving amateurs, many of whom were competent musiciansthemselves. With a few others, my father had guaranteed the money tofound a concert society which, in the course of its four annual winterconcerts, engaged all the famous quartets.  




Concert days of “our concert society” were always exciting. The artistswere often our guests, so the rehearsals were almost always held at ourhouse, and after the concert we invariably entertained the musicians anda group of friends.  




The life of the family was inextricably bound up with music. We wereconstantly entertaining famous musicians. We loved and respected theworks of the great masters, but at the same time were keenly aware ofthe newest aspects of that brilliant era of German musical development.When Brahms’ works, particularly in chamber music, became more widelyknown, a big Brahms community sprang up in Mannheim. My family knew himpersonally and supported him ardently from the beginning, but theirinherent devotion was to music, not to individuals, and for that reasonthey were able to accept Wagner too. Controversy raged about the work ofthe two men, but my family listened to them both with enjoyment.  






Mother loved to illustrate the degree of that controversy with anaccount of her visit to Karlsruhe to hear Felix Mottl conduct the firstlocal performance of Brahms’ Third Symphony which had had its premiereunder Hans Richter in Vienna in December 1883. Mottl was frankly aBayreuth man, a champion of Wagner, which in those days logicallyimplied a sworn enemy of Brahms. After the Karlsruhe performance of theThird Symphony, Mottl burst into the artist’s room quite out of breath,exclaiming, “Thank God! We made short work of that!” He had falsifiedBrahms’ tempi to spoil the effect of the symphony.  




Even Brahms himself was not a good interpreter of his work. When heplayed his concerto in B flat in the historic Rokokosaalof theMannheim Theater, his clumsy fingers often hit the wrong notes, but inspite of it, the concert left a deep impression on the audience.  




Mother went to Bayreuth, too. In 1889, when she was seventeen, she madethe long, tiring journey to a Bayreuth far different from the one I wasto know later. That year, royalty, musicians and people from all overthe world flocked to hear Felix Mottl conduct Tristanwith Alvary andRosa Sucher, Hans Richter conduct Die Meistersingerand Hermann Levi,Parsifalwith the incomparable Van Dyck in the title role and AmalieMaterna and Therese Malten alternating as Kundry. And afterward theycongregated in the restaurant to give further acclaim to the singers asthey entered.  




My childhood was full of such stories, people and the music that wasbehind them. As I quietly sat and listened to my father and his friendsplaying quartets, I got to know a great deal of chamber music by heart,and one of my greatest delights was to sit with him at the Societyconcerts, following his score with him while he pointed out the passageshe loved and told me how they should sound. I became so involved in hiscorrespondence about instruments, that I gained a considerable knowledgeof the subject. I can never be grateful enough for that heritage. It makes a person strong in himself, gives him a kind of armor against allmishap, something which no circumstances can ever take away.  




There was a perfect companionship between my father and myself. He wouldhave preferred that I stuck to music as I grew up, and was not really infavor of a university career for me. But he was as responsible for mylove of philosophy as for my love of music, and when I was 18 I overcame his protests and entered Heidelberg.  






Heidelberg in 1910 was a wonderful place for a young and ardent student.The great scholars teaching there inspired a feeling of raptdiscipleship, and the romantic surroundings of the old university townencouraged lasting friendships. I was the only woman at the Universitymajoring in philosophy, and at father’s insistence concentrated first onthe Greek. From the beginning, my family was concerned lest I neglect myviolin, and lose my interest in the outside world in my concentration onphilosophy and everything concerned with it. At first father simplyselected my courses with care, but when I seemed to be growingoverstudious, he interrupted my studies and sent me to England.  




I adored England from the first. As a paying guest in a family inHarrow, I explored the world. I learned for the first time what it meantto live in a really free country, and my months of contact withunself-conscious Englishmen helped me overcome much of my shyness andquick embarrassment. I visited museums in London, waited in the pitqueues of the theaters, saw all the Shakespeare I could, and for thefirst time in my life saw a ballet.And what a ballet! The Pavlova Seasonat the Palace Theatre—the season during which Pavlova slapped herpartner Mordkin’s face when he dropped her during Glazunof’sBachanale, the climax, I learned years later, of jealousies because awoman mad about Mordkin had called for him after every number toPavlova’s great irritation. Little did I think as I sat there, thrilledby that new world, that I would be working for the man who was to bringthe Russian Ballet to England and be largely responsible for makingLondon ballet conscious.  




When I returned to the University, my time was divided between mystudies and music. Then came the war. Mother was soon busy in one of themilitary hospitals, and I worked in an emergency hospital at the hugeHeinrich Lanz plant. The ranks of Heidelberg were depleted, and since Icould not go often, I confined myself to a private course at the home ofmy venerable teacher, Wilhelm Windelband, who read Kant’s Prolegomenaand The Critique of Pure Reasonwith his eight students.  




During those four war years, cultural and artistic life was kept up inGermany. Those really indispensable for the maintainance of culturallife, of opera, drama and concerts, were exempt from full-time war work.People met frequently for simple pleasures. An opera or a good playseemed even more enjoyable than in normal times. At home we played morechamber music than ever. Whether the news was good or bad, life wasalways stimulating.  






L' Automne Bacchanal  

Alexander Glazunov  







After the first year of the war, Bodanzky, the Hofkapellmeisterof Mannheim, was appointed to the New York Metropolitan Opera. The choice of a successor in the great musical tradition of the town would have been difficult enough without the limitations imposed by the war. But the Theater Commission which was responsible for all questions concerning the Mannheim Theater and orchestra, selected a few likely candidates, and sent a small committee accompanied by Bodanzky to Lübeck to hear one of them. The young conductor was barely 28. He conducted Fidelio. Without further hearings, he was unanimously chosen. The Theater Commission had recognized his genius. He was Wilhelm Furtwängler.  




In September 1915, Furtwängler took up his duties as first conductor of the opera and Musikalische Akademienconcerts that date back to 1779. His first performance was Der Freischütz, conducted in the presence of his predecessor, who sat in the center box with my mother. It was full of promise of what was to come, and his first concert, which included Brahms’ First Symphony, gave Mannheimers the satisfactory feeling that in spite of his youth the new man in charge of their musical life was well able to carry on the fame of their old tradition.  




For a young man as painfully shy as Furtwängler, it was disconcerting to discover that the Mannheim public looked on its Hofkapellmeisteras a kind of demi-god; he was common property and everything he did and said was the talk of the day. Fortunately, Oskar Grohé, the intimate friend of lieder composer Hugo Wolf, was a member of the Theater Commission, was sympathetic to the young conductor’s position, and was well able to look after him and offer him the protection of a broad back behind which to hide.  




One afternoon shortly after the Freischützperformance, our bell rang. Mother called down to the maid, “I am not in,” but was too late. Furtwängler stood in the hall—a very tall young man in an enormous black hat and a Lodencape.  




It was not his first visit to our house. As a little boy he had spent his holidays with his grandmother who had lived in Mannheim, and who had been a friend of our family for years. Even then he had begun to compose, and when he was a boy of fifteen, my father and his friends played his first quartet. The parts were hardly readable and Furtwängler, with his head of golden curls, went from one stand to the other to explain what he meant. Now the youth returned as a man and the old friendship was renewed. My father took him under his wing, and soonhe was at home with us, and found a sympathetic hearing for all the problems of his new life.  




Furtwängler was tall, slim and fair. The most arresting features of his fine artist’s head were the high and noble forehead and the eyes. His were the eyes of a visionary, large, blue and expressive: when he conducted or played the piano, they were usually veiled and half closed, but they were capable of widening and emitting a tremendous vitality when he entered into an argument or a conversation which interested him, and they could grow tender and radiant when he was in a softened and happy mood.  




His character was involved. He had a logical and persistent mind, direct and forceful: at the same time, particularly in his youth, he was shy to the point of extreme sensitiveness. Sometimes it seemed that he was only completely at ease with his enormous dog “Lord,” which followed him everywhere, even occupying his room at the theater during rehearsals, with the result that nobody else could ever get in.  




He was not then, nor did he ever become, an homme du monde; but he brought to bear on life not only his musical genius but his other fine mental equipment. He had been carefully brought up by parents both of whom came from scholarly and musical families. From them he inherited, among other things, his love of beauty and his appreciation of art. His mother was a gifted painter, who painted charming portraits of her four children; his father was the well-known archaeologist, Adolf Furtwängler, a great authority on Greek vases and coins, Director of the Munich Glyptothek and Professor at the Munich University, where he was adored almost as much by his students as by his children, of whom Wilhelm was the eldest. During his youth he travelled with his father to Greece and Italy, opening his eyes to the glories of ancient Greece and Rome and the Renaissance, which meant so much to him during his whole life. On tour, his first excursion in any town was to its museum. On our first visit to London we went to look at the Elgin Marbles and the unique collection of Greek vases in the British Museum, which represented for him the world in which he had grown up.  




This love of art provided him with one of his favorite pastimes, one in which he often indulged as a relaxation from his strenuous and busy life. Reproductions of famous paintings were spread out on a table and covered up except for some small detail, from which one person who had been sent out of the room was called upon to identify the picture. Furtwängler himself never missed. His knowledge was uncanny.  




Furtwängler’s father was one of the first German skiing enthusiasts, and he often took his young sons on tours in the Bavarian Alps. Furtwängler attained almost professional skill at the sport, and he still tries to take a winter holiday where he can ski. Almost every sport appealed to him; he loved tennis, sailing and swimming. The family’s country house on the beautiful Tegernsee was a paradise for the children. He was a good horseman, but too dramatic a driver when he acquired a car. His passion for passing everything on the road occasionally landed him in serious trouble. Hardly had he obtained his driver’s license and a wonderful Daimler-Benz, when he offered to drive Richard Strauss to the Adlon Hotel. As they drove through the Linden after a rehearsal at the State Opera, the two famous musicians were so deep in conversation, they ran straight into a brand-new white car and entirely smashed it. Furtwängler and Strauss were unhurt, and escaped with a shock, but not without considerable trouble.  




His love of sport, and the training he received from his father has stood Furtwängler in good stead all his life. By no means a faddist, he is careful of his health, and no day is too busy to interrupt his routine of two walks and an “air bath” before he goes to bed. Because of this, perhaps, he hardly ever has had a cold.  




He maintains the same discipline over food. He is practically a vegetarian, never smokes and never drinks. Before a concert his meal is always especially light—a couple of eggs, a little fruit, or some biscuits perhaps, though during the interval of long operas, like DieGötterdämmerung, he eats sandwiches, nuts and fruit, and drinks quantities of fruit juice.  




This, then, was the young man who came into my mother’s hall in his long cape, and around whom my life was to center for so many years: the genius compounded of intellectual directness and an almost excessive shyness, whose timidity made him efface himself in any gathering, but who had so great an attraction for women that, if they did not fall victim to his musical genius, they were fascinated by his personality. It used to be said that there was something of the Parsifal about him, with his limpid blue gaze and his voice that could be so caressing thatthe most ordinary sentence could sound like a passionate declaration of love.  




Yet nobody, not even the most beloved woman, could ever deflect him from his work. His music always came first. When he was going to be married, he wrote to me expressing his anxiety as to whether his future wife, whom he dearly loved, would understand it.  




When Furtwängler came to Mannheim in 1915, I was a young student. Little wonder that I was fascinated by his personality, found his music a revelation, and discovered sympathetic understanding in his sincerity and modesty. But I was so impressed by his wide knowledge on all subjects that it took me a long time to bridge the gulf which my respect for him created. Furtwängler himself, always simple and natural, was in no way responsible for adding to my constraint; it was entirely in my own mind.  




One day, however, my shyness was overcome. We had met by chance at a party at a Heidelberg professor’s house and went home together. It was early summer, and when we came to the ancient bridge near the Neckar facing the castle ruin, a little shriveled old woman sat selling thefirst cherries of the season. Furtwängler bought a bagful and said, “Now let’s see who can spit the stones farthest.” So we stood there spitting our stones into the Neckar, and suddenly I was on common ground, and our lifelong friendship was sealed. For the sake of that friendship it was perhaps just as well that his stones went farthest as we leaned on the parapet of the Neckar bridge. I learned afterwards that such competitions were a favorite sport of the Furtwängler family, and that father and sons were all addicts. Among them, Wilhelm considered himself a champion!  




Soon we shared many interests. Furtwängler was at home in university circles and often came to Heidelberg while I was there for a walk along the Neckar or on the Königstuhl. Or we spent the evening with one of the professors—the Geist von Heidelberg—Ludwig Curtius, the famous archaeologist who had assisted the elder Furtwängler and tutored the younger; Rickert and Jaspers, the philosophers; Max Weber, the famous economist; and Friedrich Gundolf, the young romantic friend of the poet, Stefan George. And when he came to dine with my family, he often came an hour earlier to talk about my studies, about music, and about books in my little sitting-room. There too, he began to tell me about his own work and troubles, and soon I was on the way to becoming a kind ofconfidential secretary.  




In Mannheim, the theater became the center of attraction for me. From the box which my family had occupied since the time of my great-grandparents, I heard all the operas for the first time. I went to Furtwängler’s rehearsals whenever possible, and life, already rich, was enhanced by his friendship and our mutual interests.  




Yet it was a grave time, and in spite of our full life, the war weighed heavily upon us. My private life was also shadowed; my father had begun to show signs of a serious illness from which he was not to recover. My parents had been very happily married, and I had been devoted to my father. When he died in July 1918, both mother and I felt that life had stopped, and sought the seclusion of the Black Forest.  




Furtwängler was on holiday when my father died. I knew he was my friend, of course, but it seemed to me that his interest focused in my father and I was not at all sure that our friendship would not be greatly limited by his death. But one day he wrote to me. He was back in Mannheim and wanted to discuss various things with me. Could I come? I could. We met in our house—our house which seemed dead and deprived of its real spirit. That evening Furtwängler put me on my feet. His confidence that I would face anything in life bravely inspired me with courage which I had entirely lost. He drew me into a discussion of his own problems, and in sharing them I felt that I was needed. It was a new mainspring of my life.  




Soon another problem arose. My father had been the soul of his own concert society; who could take his place? I was recommended to succeed him on the committee but I hesitated. In those days few women served on committees. Again Furtwängler encouraged me. He declared that I was the only possible successor to my father, little guessing how much the knowledge and experience I was to gain in the post would eventually mean to him.  




Meanwhile the fateful month of November 1918 had come, and with it the Armistice. The relief was so tremendous that few realized the implications of the peace.  





Richard Strauß - Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28  

Berlin Titania Palast, 1950  

Orchestra: Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra   

Conductor: Wilhelm Furtwängler  







When Furtwängler came to Mannheim there was no doubt that he was unusually talented, but he himself was the first to realize that he still lacked experience. Yet every performance he gave was so outstanding, it was no wonder that more and more invitations from other towns were extended to him.  




Unlike many gifted young conductors, however, he remained aloof from all these tempting offers. He had the self-control to wait, and was determined to continue to work towards the ripening of his own musical experience. However, during the two last years of his Mannheim contract, he found it difficult to adhere to this determination.  




The first year after the war, rail travel was so complicated that Willem Mengelberg felt unable to keep up his work with the Frankfurt Museum concerts, which he conducted in addition to his traditional Concertgebouwconcerts in Amsterdam. Nothing was more logical than that Furtwängler be asked to combine the Frankfurt concerts with his work in Mannheim. However, although he occasionally went there as a guest conductor, he considered that his work in Mannheim excluded him from assuming further permanent responsibilities.  




To refuse a similar offer from Vienna was far more difficult. As an entirely unknown conductor he had gone there in December 1918 for a concert with the Wiener Symphonie Orchester, at which he performed Brahms’ Third Symphony, and had been immediately acclaimed by theViennese press and public as the greatest and most interesting conductor of the younger generation. From that moment Vienna sought him whenever possible. The first invitation for a cycle of concerts with the Symphonie Orchester — the Tonkünstlercyclus—he accepted in 1919 and annually thereafter. He was fascinated by Vienna. He was thrilled by the understanding of Vienna’s musical public; he made friends who had known Bruckner, Brahms, and Mahler; he basked in the atmosphere of tradition and sympathy. With iron self-control, however, he kept to his decision of sticking to the Mannheim work as the necessary basis of preparation for his future activities. He went to Vienna from time to time, but travel made the few visits he permitted himself more and more difficult, and he wrote me resignedly, during an unexpected breakdown on one of these journeys, that he was afraid he would not be able to keep them up.  




Meanwhile, his career went its meteoric way. He had given some concerts in Berlin, and, like the Viennese, the Berliners acclaimed him. When Richard Strauss left the Berlin State Opera concerts in 1920 to settle in Vienna, Furtwängler was invited to conduct, as a possible successor. He was unanimously elected by the orchestra, in the interval of the first rehearsal, and was appointed for the coming season (1920-21) . Nothing stood in the way. His Mannheim contract expired in June 1920, and the Berlin contract in October.  






While Furtwängler was having his triumphant success with the Berlin Staatskapelle, I submitted my thesis in philosophy: “Art and Science as Concepts of the Universe.” As was the custom, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Heidelberg knew my subject, but I had never discussed what I was writing with him, and had worked quite on my own. He rejected my thesis as being too independent, and proposed that I re-edit it under his supervision for another year. I was utterly defeated. I felt as if I would never be able to complete my Ph.D., so many obstacles always arose.  




However, I took courage. There were many schools of philosophy in Germany, and it was quite possible that one philosopher might welcome what another rejected. I went to Frankfurt. My thesis was accepted, and I got my degree.  




The move to Frankfurt had another advantage. Furtwängler had decided to accept the Directorship of the Frankfurt Museum concerts, in addition to the State Opera concerts, and travelled regularly between Berlin, Frankfurt, and Vienna, where he had also agreed to do some conducting. When he came to Frankfurt we always had a great deal to discuss. I shared his general work as much as possible, and in January 1921 he asked me to consider coming to Berlin, the center of Germany’s musical life and, for Furtwängler, the most exciting place of all. I accepted.  




That summer my mother and I went to the Engadine for the first time after the Great War. My parents and grandparents had gone there every summer, and had regularly met the same group of friends, for manywell-known people went to the Engadine to enjoy the clear air and the wonderful sun. Among them, in my mother’s day and during the time of the Brahms controversy, were Simrock, the famous Brahms publisher, and Hanslick, his great supporter and the enemy of Wagner, made immortal by Wagner as Beckmesser in Die Meistersinger.  




Furtwängler joined us that year. For once he gave himself a holiday of three weeks without work. He fell under the spell of the beautiful landscape. He was a marvellous mountaineer, trained to it from childhood by his father. He loved nature, and soon knew every summit of the area. He liked to climb the mountains without using the better-known paths, and on our many trips together we frequently took our food with us and spent the day on some mountain top. On real climbs through snow and ice, we observed a kind of ritual. We climbed in silence, almost grimly, till we had reached our objective—then we relaxed. Furtwängler threw off his coat and breathed deeply in the crystalline air, and then, sitting in solitude and peace, with the chain of snow-peaked mountains and glaciers facing us, we discussed and planned much of our future work.  




We spent many holidays in the Engadine after that, and a few years later, in 1924, he bought his own house there. Situated on a lovely and lonely slope between St. Moritz and Pontresina, the house had every comfort. It had been a painter’s chalet, and the studio made a wonderful music room. Later Furtwängler’s first wife, with her Scandinavian hospitality, never counted the heads of those who sat down to meals, nor did she care how many slept, tucked away somehow in that house. Furtwängler was usually invisible and “not to be disturbed” while working, but at meals he always sat at the head of his table.  




In the autumn of 1921, I went to Berlin. The political situation was desperate, but the city was full of life. Old friends were kind, and I quickly made new ones. I attended many concerts, and, of course, all the Staatsoperconcerts. They were given on Thursdays and, like the concerts of the Vienna Philharmonic, were purely the concern of the orchestra, which was the Opera Orchestra as well. This series had been in charge of such noted conductors as Muck, then Weingartner from1891-1908, and finally Richard Strauss from 1908-20. Though there washardly ever a seat to be had, I was lucky enough to get into one of the boxes above the orchestra where the famous Berlin painter, Max Liebermann, was regularly to be found making sketches of the orchestra and its conductor.  




Berlin was exciting. There was a flood of concerts to which everybody came, and there was an enormous competition between the various conductors. Each concert was a new battle for maintaining a reputation. The political depression of the nation was grave, but it is significant,in considering the cultural situation of pre-Hitler Germany, that whatever the material misery, there was a free intellectual and spiritual life.  




Looking back on Germany’s musical life in those years, it is amazing how much went on in spite of the adverse times. In the spring of 1921 the first Brahmsfestafter the war was held in Wiesbaden. These Brahms festivals had been founded by the Deutsche Brahms Gesellschaftin 1909, and attracted their own special community, a community of real music lovers from all parts of Germany and from abroad. The artists considered it a great privilege to be invited to participate, for these occasions had become a traditional feature of German musical life. I remember at Wiesbaden in 1921 and at Hamburg in 1922 meeting old friends of the Schumann-Brahms Kreis, Professor Julius Röntgen, born in 1855, and Fräulein Engelmann, from Holland; Eugenie Schumann, born in 1851, daughter of Robert and Clara, and the nonagenarian Alwin von Beckerath, who had been an intimate friend of Brahms 




The Brahms festivals were not the only music festivals held after the war. There were the famous Schlesische Musikfeste, there were the Handel festivals, and there were the festivals of small groups for the International Society for Contemporary Music. Somehow they all managed to get financial support from admirers and from the towns where they were held, and the festival spirit was always such as to make everybody temporarily forget that the outside world existed.  




In Berlin I looked after Furtwängler and worked for the Artists’ League, a league run on an honorary basis, formed by the musicians themselves for the protection of artists’ interests. It gave advice and ran a concert department which took less than the professional agency fee, and gave me much valuable experience.  




Furtwängler became more and more popular in Vienna during this time, and in 1921 after a performance of the Brahms Requiem, which he conducted there, he was appointed a director of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreundefounded in 1812. He traveled a lot, but in those days I did not always accompany him; I sat in Berlin and held the fort.  




During that winter, 1921-22, it was definitely necessary to hold the fort. There was a boom in musical life and a first-rate phalanx of conductors—Busch, Furtwängler, Klemperer, Nikisch, Strauss, Bruno Walter, Weingartner, and others. I went to every possible concert and reported daily to Furtwängler when he was absent.  




Furtwängler was then director of the Berlin Staatskapelle, a magnificent orchestra with a splendid tradition. Yet an Opera House is not always suitable for concert purposes, and although Furtwängler highly appreciated the orchestra, he was often depressed after a concert because he had been unable to realize his artistic intentions—theacoustics in the Opera House, with the orchestra sitting on the stage, damped the sound of a big heroic symphony. He considered this fact in the choice of his programs but once could not resist including one of the big Bruckner symphonies. The performance left him unsatisfied, andas we walked down the Linden afterwards, he poured out his despair over the impossibility of achieving what he wanted.  




While Furtwängler was worrying about the problem of the StaatskapelleConcerts, things moved unexpectedly to an exciting climax. On January 9, 1922, Arthur Nikisch conducted a Berlin Philharmonic concert for thelast time. He had been permanent conductor of these concerts since 1895, of the Hamburg concerts with the Berlin Philharmonic since 1897, and had been in charge of the Leipzig Gewandhaussince 1895 as well. OnJanuary 23, Max Fiedler conducted in place of Nikisch, who was ill with influenza. Nikisch was still advertised on the program at the general rehearsal on February 5th, but on February 6th Wilhelm Furtwänglerconducted the concert: In Memoriam Arthur Nikisch. A great artist had passed away.  




The Leipzig Gewandhauswas immediately offered to Furtwängler. It was alleged to be Nikisch’s last wish. The decision about the Berlin post was not taken immediately. Furtwängler fully realized that this was the opportunity of his life, and that only if, in addition to the Gewandhaus, he could obtain the direction of the Berlin Philharmonic concerts with their acoustically perfect hall, could he fully live up to his artistic ideals.  




Shortly afterwards, in spite of several competing conductors of rank, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra unanimously voted for Furtwängler, and he became successor to Nikisch in both Leipzig and Berlin. His talent,the instinct of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, and a kindly fate, had made his dream come true.  




Furtwängler was thirty-six. Within a short time he had attained some of the highest musical positions that Europe had to offer.  




In life and in his relation to the world, Furtwängler may have seemed to have had a wavering and mutable attitude—but this is not so where music is concerned; here he knows exactly what he wants. Even in the days whenhis name on a bill was sufficient to sell out the house at once, Furtwängler was always striving to improve his technique, and was keenly interested in that of other conductors.  




In his work Furtwängler was a curious mixture of artistic instinct and intuition, and deliberating intellect. These two main qualities can be traced all through his development, until they achieved a balance in his more mature years. He was always so obsessed by, and intent on, his music that everything else was pushed into the background. Even as conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, he used to rush to the platform for his rehearsal, raising his baton aloft, as if he could hardly wait to begin. I well remember how the famous orchestra resented it at first, and complained to me that he never even said “Good morning.” When I cautiously tried to explain this to him he was completely surprised and full of consternation; and from then on he always remembered to begin his rehearsals with a friendly word.  




The incident, trivial in itself, is symbolic of an ever-varying and inexhaustible problem: the relation between conductor and orchestra. From the very beginning Furtwängler had the respect of the orchestras he conducted; there could never be any doubt about his sincere and earnest musicianship; but until the ideal stage of things was reached, until he knew his job not only musically but also psychologically, there were many phases in his relationship to orchestras which are perhaps typical of any conductor’s relation to his orchestra, even if his authority is not supported by world-wide fame.  




While Furtwängler was learning he was often handicapped by conflicts between technique and vision. With his relentless self-criticism he was perfectly aware of his shortcomings, and tried to overcome them. During this phase his conducting was restless and unbalanced, and was not easy for the orchestra to follow. One thing, however, was all right from the beginning—the expressive directing movements of his wonderful hands, which seemed to paint the music on an invisible screen or form it out of an unseen piece of clay. But apart from this, he gesticulated in all directions, shook his head constantly, walked about on his rostrum, made faces when something went wrong, stamped, sang, shouted, and even spat (so that a joke came into being that the first desks must be armed with umbrellas). Furtwängler worried deeply when occasional difficulties arose with the players who complained that they could not understand his indications. All his life he has worked on his beat, and has neverceased to try to improve it. I remember him coming off the platform in some European capital one evening during the applause and saying to me that he had “just found out the beat” for a certain passage. Furtwängler’s beat—as orchestras all over the world know—is an absolute nightmare to all players until they get used to it. A member of the London Philharmonic Orchestra once declared that it is “only after the thirteenth preliminary wiggle” that Furtwängler’s baton descends. It has always been a riddle for the outsider how, with his peculiar beat,he gets results of exactitude as well as of richness in sound.  




Furtwängler realized that he had two different things to watch—his own technique and his relationship with the orchestra as an understanding medium and friend. He fully appreciated that there is nothing more delicate and sensitive, more relentless and clear-sighted than an orchestra, and that its handling requires the greatest skill, subtlety, human kindness and an undisputed authority. In the course of time he mastered the approach. His orchestras worshipped him though he often asked the impossible, seldom praised them, hardly ever said a word of thanks; his players got to know that a nod given half in a trance during the performance was a greater acknowledgment from him than any spoken word of praise.  




While he is preparing to conduct a work, Furtwängler clearly and distinctly identifies himself with it: he absorbs it, and, deeply concentrating on it, he re-creates it as the composer intended. This he does again and again, even if he has performed the work a thousand times before. Nothing disturbs him while he works, that is, while he iswalking up and down the room, his hands beating time and his lips silently singing. He fixes the piece before his spiritual eye with intense concentration. An infinite painstaking is always behind every performance that Furtwängler gives, and even in later years he has never taken advantage of his famous name to save himself trouble. He would never risk skimping the conscientious preparation of any concert, and in this may perhaps be found the clue to his artistic fascination. No unrest of the day ever touches him while he works; nothing on earth caninduce him to speed up his working time in order to be finished an hour earlier to be free for something else. His whole organism is attuned to this exact conscientiousness, and never would he allow himself to be forced out of it by some exterior pressure. He needs time to live through a great masterpiece again and again in all tranquillity. Only in this way can he feel himself ready, and sure of himself. When he finally arrives at a rehearsal his main work is already done, and he has only to transmit his intentions to the orchestra. When the concert begins, he seems to leave all earthly things behind: he is conscious neither of audience nor of score. With half-closed eyes he seems to mesmerize the orchestra, and owing to his deep musical feelings he relives the creative process of the composer, while the orchestra hangs on his movements.  




If the audience leaves such a concert with a feeling of having lived through an extraordinary experience, it is because it has been made to feel the tension and the thrill of a truly visionary process of re-creation. Only if his vision of how a work should sound has been realized does Furtwängler relax after the strain of the concert; otherwise, he is nearly demented, and most difficult for those nearest to him, even if the public has acclaimed the performance with fanatical applause.  




Even on the piano, Furtwängler had the gift of calling music to life in a monumental yet plastic way. His velvety touch was envied by many professionals, and to hear him play one of the great Beethoven sonatas, the “Moonlight” or the HammerklavierSonata, was a real experience. Never will I forget the first time he demonstrated to me from beginning to end the true spirit and inner meaning of the Choral Symphony. He knew the whole repertoire of piano and chamber music, and it was through him that I got to know the true inwardness of the late Beethoven quartets which he played magnificently—volcanic and lucid at the same time.  




Johannes Brahms : Symphony No.2 

London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler  

Decca studio recording, Kingsway Hall London, 20-25 March 1948  







Since its foundation in the days of the monarchy, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra[1] has been a little republican island. It is thechild of a spiritual revolution, a revolution in the presentation ofmusical masterpieces, a revolution connected with a man with whom thehistory of modern concert life really begins: Hans von Bülow.  




In January 1882 Bülow had come to Berlin with his MeiningerHofkapelle. He conducted in the Sing-Akademiethe music of Beethoven,Mendelssohn, and Brahms. First Brahms himself played his Second PianoConcerto under Bülow’s direction; then Bülow played the First Concertowith Brahms conducting. Berlin was overwhelmed. They did not recognize“their” Beethoven and Mendelssohn and for the first time realized thegreatness of Brahms 




Twelve years after the second Reich had been founded, its young capitalhad neither a competent symphony orchestra nor an adequate concert hall.Ever since 1868, however, there had existed among the different musicalorganizations the Bilse’sche Kapelle, a collection of excellentmusicians, especially of wind and strings, who gave concerts and made little tours under the worthy Benjamin Bilse, a former municipalmusician from Liegnitz.  




Early in 1882 there was a disagreement between the players and thepatriarchal, despotic Bilse, and overnight the orchestra of fifty-fourmembers found that they were left to themselves. Under the leadership ofthe second horn and a second violin, they constituted their ownrepublic, and drew up their own constitution. From the beginning theorchestra was an independent creation of its own members, who held theshares of their limited company, and appointed the conductor and newplayers by popular vote. By legal deed they pledged themselves to remaininviolably together. This first constitution was enlarged in 1895, butit has never been greatly changed.  




On May 5, 1882, they played their first concert as an independent body,and during that summer their concerts in Berlin and the provinces metwith great success but little material profit. During that summer of1882 this first self-governing orchestra in Germany got its name: TheBerlin Philharmonic Orchestra.  




In the same year an adequate hall was found for it. The old skatingrink, which till then had been devoted to roller-skating, was taken overto be devoted to music. Its name was changed to “Philharmonie” and theugly, but acoustically perfect, hall remained the home of the Berlin Philharmonic till it was destroyed by a bomb.  




The orchestra began by giving three or four popular concerts a week inits new hall. Soon the great choirs gave concerts with them, andsoloists began to engage them and finally on October 23, 1882, the firstof the great Berlin Philharmonic concerts took place. They combinedtradition and a progressive outlook, and were enlivened by thecooperation of famous soloists.  




Several conductors officiated that first winter, among them JosephJoachim. From the beginning he was the patron and friend of theorchestra. He sent them his best pupils, and in 1883 he procured somesummer engagements for them, the first of which he conducted himself. Hecontrived their presence at official functions, and conducted sixconcerts of a series of twelve. When a financial crisis threatened, he got support from the Mendelssohn and Siemens families. It was exactlyfifty years before the Berlin Philharmonic could count on a regularsubsidy from Berlin and the Reich, and after both had turned a deaf earto its early needs, it was Joachim who suggested a Society of Friends ofthe Orchestra to contribute to its maintenance.  




The first five years of the orchestra’s activities had proved thenecessity of its existence, but what it lacked was a leadingpersonality. Hans von Bülow filled the need. On March 4, 1884, Bülow,who had left Meiningen in 1882, had conducted one of the great BerlinPhilharmonic concerts. Subsequently he had conducted a series ofconcerts in Hamburg and Bremen, but had not been satisfied. He came tothe Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. The first great trainer of a greatorchestra in the history of conducting, he was the real founder of theBerlin Philharmonic Orchestra, for it was he who prepared the ground forits tradition.  




Bülow was the initiator of the great age of conductors which has lastedfor eighty years. Through him the technique and position of a conductorgained their importance and became independent and influential. It wasonly, in fact, from Bülow’s day that the work of a conductor was takenseriously. He is the founder of modern orchestral culture.  




The first of the ten Philharmonic concerts planned under Bülow tookplace on October 21, 1887. By November, the idea of admitting the publicto the final rehearsal was adopted. It was an important innovation, thebeginning of a lasting tradition. In the season 1890-91 Bülow conductedthe first concert for the newly organized Pension Fund of the orchestrato found another permanent institution, the Pension Fund concert. Heconducted in all fifty-one Berlin Philharmonic concerts. At thefiftieth, March 28, 1892, he made a famous speech after a performance ofthe Eroica, dedicating it to Bismarck; the speech and the dedicationwere intended as a protest of Bismarck’s brusque dismissal as the FirstChancellor of the Reich by the young Kaiser.  




In the winter of 1892-93, Bülow was already so ill that he could conductonly the last Philharmonic concert of the season, at which he made aspeech praising the artistry of the orchestra. Hans Richter, RaphaelMaszkowski, Felix Mottl, and Hermann Levi had conducted the previousconcerts of that winter.  




The winter of 1894-95 saw a memorable combination of conductors at thePhilharmonic desk: Richard Strauss and Gustav Mahler. Strauss conductedthe ten Berlin, Mahler the eight Hamburg concerts. But the winter couldonly be an interregnum, for Strauss, the creative artist, could never submerge himself entirely in the direction of an orchestra. Meanwhile,the right man was found: Arthur Nikisch.  




Some people consider it wrong to identify the history of an orchestrawith its great conductors. But it seems to me that only in combinationwith dynamic leadership and a vital personality can the artistry of anorchestra be molded into truly inspired creative performances.  




There was no doubt that Arthur Nikisch had that leadership andpersonality, and the ten Philharmonic concerts under his direction werethe highlights of the enormous activity which the orchestra now assumed.He was, in his art, the extreme opposite of Bülow; he gave theorchestra, in addition to Bülow’s discipline, what he himself had togive as a conductor—a great elasticity and a most sensitiveadaptability. The orchestra was increased to ninety.  




Until January 9, 1922—a full twenty-seven years—Nikisch conducted theBerlin Philharmonic concerts without interruption. He must haveconducted about three hundred and fifty great concerts in Berlin,concerts which gave him an even greater prestige than the famousGewandhausconcerts, which he conducted over the same period. Hisprograms included a constant succession of new works and great soloists.  




On January 9, 1922, Nikisch conducted the Berliners for the last time,and a new epoch began with their new chief, the young and idealisticWilhelm Furtwängler.  





[1] I am indebted to Dr. Alfred Einstein’s brochure, 50 Jahre BerlinerPhilharmonisches Orchester, for much of the information about theBerlin Philharmonic’s history. Though he quotes me as a source, I couldnot have written what I have without his booklet, which he wrote on theoccasion of the Orchestra’s fiftieth anniversary in 1932.  




Brahms: Piano Concerto No.2  

Mao Fujita: Pf.   Sebastian Weigle: Cond.  

Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra  2024/3/21 TV on air  







At Furtwängler’s first Philharmonic Concert in October 1922, I sat in a box with Marie von Bülow, the widow of the former conductor of these concerts. It was she, his second wife (his first was Cosima Liszt), who had edited his letters and writings to provide nine valuable volumes of great musical history. She seemed deeply moved on this occasion, and said to me, “Not since Bülow’s day has music been so conducted to give me that thrill down the spine.”  




Furtwängler’s appointment as the successor to Arthur Nikisch was also the turning point in my own work. He had given up the State Opera concerts and the direction of the Frankfurt concerts, but he had to move about continuously between Berlin, Leipzig, and Vienna. Each of the musical organizations of those towns had its own management, but the core of Furtwängler’s whole work, the arrangement of his year’s activity, the coordination of his concerts and programs were worked out with me. The amount of work Furtwängler had to cope with was considerable. Although the war was just over, the Berlin Philharmonic and Gewandhausconcerts played an important part in European musical life. There was an endless number of soloists, composers, publishers, music agents, and other visitors from all over the world who had continually to be dealt with. Life was fascinating and full to overflowing. The young successor to Nikisch was, of course, of interest to the international musical world, and so negotiations soon began to develop with concert institutions abroad.  




Except for a series of concerts in Stockholm, the first venture of this kind was a visit to the Concertgebouwin Amsterdam, an engagement which, in a way, was decisive to my whole career. The Berlin Philharmonic concerts had been founded by Hermann Wolff, the director of the noted concert agency, Wolff und Sachs. Wolff had not only been an impresario but also a friend of his artists and had been intimately connected with Hans von Bülow, Anton Rubinstein, and others. After his death his widow, Louise Wolff, carried on the business with her daughters until Hitler’s day. Louise Wolff was an exceedingly capable woman and a dynamic personality. She was a most popular figure in Berlin’s social life, and was to be found in every salon, political or artistic. She was equally at home with ReichspräsidentEbert as with the Hohenzollerns, and every Embassy was open to her. There were innumerable tales of the strings she pulled, and the people with whom she had her regular telephone conversations early in the morning before she went to her office.  






Yet, in spite of all her cleverness, she failed to see in which  

direction the tide was turning. The firm and the family came first with her, and her consideration of everything solely from the point of view of Wolff und Sachswas gradually becoming incompatible with public interests. It was impossible that a private enterprise should pocket seventy-five per cent of the profit of an orchestra like the Berlin Philharmonic which had to count on public support.  




Not only the orchestra but also its new conductor had to face this situation of monopoly. The Wolffs of course had had their say in Furtwängler’s election as Nikisch’s successor, but the orchestra had cast their vote too. Yet, in the beginning, Furtwängler was considered as a kind of private property of the Wolffs and was expected to do allhis business through them. The first important outside offer, however, these Concertgebouwconcerts, came through me, as executive of the Artists’ League. Furtwängler expressed a doubt as to whether he would befree to sign the contract through the League. He had no “sole right” contract with the Wolffs but felt that it was taken for granted. I, of course, objected. I had gotten the engagement, I wanted to sign it, and I declared that if things were going to be like that I did not care to work in Berlin at all. Furtwängler, probably secretly amused andpossibly wishing to dampen my ambitious ardor, said he was going to think it over, and next morning told me over the telephone that perhaps I was right, but he did not sound wholly convinced. I had thought it over too, and said, “Please leave the matter to me and wait.”  




Frau Wolff had always been extremely kind to me, and when I telephoned her, she agreed to see me immediately. I remember that she produced some marvellous Russian cherry brandy, an unheard-of luxury in post-war Germany. I sipped a little of the lovely golden-red stuff and then plunged in medias res. “I want to ask you something, Frau Wolff,” I said, and then proceeded to recite the case without mentioning names. “But there’s no question at all about this,” she declared, “the person who made the offer must conclude the business.” “That’s just what I thought,” I replied, and told her that it was she, Furtwängler, and myself, who were involved. At first her consternation was evident. But she was a superior woman, remarkable in many ways, and at the moment may have felt that she could not maintain her privileged policy forever and that I represented a young generation and a new era. She put her arm round my shoulders and said, “You are a wonder! I am going to tell Furtwängler about this conversation myself.” She did, next day. Furtwängler never referred to the incident, but he casually instructed me to sign the Concertgebouwcontract. Although my heart leapt, I behaved as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and from then until Hitler parted us, almost always acted as Furtwängler’s intermediary. I was dubbed “Louise II.” It was an important step to break this monopoly, and later, the monopoly on the Philharmoniehall itself, which was shared by its proprietor Landecker and Wolff und Sachs, and excluded the orchestra from direct transactions.  




But a powerful new monopoly was in the making—that of Hitler and the Third Reich.  






I accompanied Furtwängler on this first tour abroad, and on a subsequent one which I had arranged in Switzerland with the GewandhausOrchestra.  




He was to marry at the end of May. His future wife was Scandinavian and was only to arrive from Copenhagen on the day before the wedding, so I helped him to prepare his home, and even went along to buy the wedding rings. The salesman, naturally assuming that I was the bride, proceeded to try the ring on my hand, to the utter dismay of Furtwängler!  




I then left for Mannheim, and Furtwängler was married. Directly after the wedding, he had to attend a Congress of the Allgemeine Deutsche Musik Vereinat Kassel. A few days later at 3 A.M. my telephone rang. It was Furtwängler, who had arrived in Mannheim from Kassel, and informed me that he was on his way to our house. He had to leave for Italy the next day to conduct there for the first time. I had always gone with him on important journeys, but this trip to Italy was a kind of honeymoon, and I certainly had not anticipated accompanying him. However, he had taken it for granted that I would, so I had to get ready quickly. We left for Stuttgart, where we were joined by his wife.  




The visit to Milan proved most interesting, for among other things, I met Arturo Toscanini. Toscanini was then director at La Scala, and lived in Italy surrounded by the veneration and love of the Italian people. His operatic performances were famous all over the world, and people from everywhere, especially musicians, flocked to attend them.  




My visit to Toscanini was arranged by his right hand and secretary, Anita Colombo, who later on became director of the famous Opera House. While I waited for him in Signorina Colombo’s office at La Scalaall sorts of people went in and out, and I—still a greenhorn—noted with envy the respect with which they talked to her.  




Quick steps outside, the door opened, Colombo introduced me, “La signorina, Maestro,” and the great Italian led me in to the adjoining room. Nobody who has talked to Toscanini can ever forget the extreme intensity of expression in his strikingly handsome face. His brilliant, flashing eyes are full of fire and temperamental intentness, of vitality mixed with a strange obsessed wistfulness. He has an intense manner of speaking and he accompanies his words with quick and decisive gestures. The conversation did not last long, and centered round musical matters. Toscanini seemed interested to hear about the different conductors working in Germany at the time—but he did not discuss Furtwängler.  




Toscanini’s memory is famous: since his vision is poor, he conducts and rehearses without a score, relying entirely on his knowledge of the piece. Apparently his memory for other things is just as acute, because when I met him again at Bayreuth during the great season of 1931 when he and Furtwängler both conducted, the first thing he did was to remind me of what must have been to him a trivial incident—my visit to La Scalaso many years ago.  




Toscanini, when not speaking Italian, generally spoke English, hardly ever German. That summer in Bayreuth while rehearsing the orchestra, he used to convey his wishes by gestures rather than by words, and when a passage was not yet as he intended it to be, made hypnotic movements with his hands, accompanied by repeated exclamations of “No! No! No!” The orchestra called him “Toscanono.”  




The first concerts of Furtwängler’s in Italy provided the initial meeting of the two conductors. During one of the innumerable rehearsals that Furtwängler, according to the Italian custom, had to conduct, Toscanini, who had been sitting unnoticed at the back, suddenly rushed forward and shook him warmly by the hand. Throughout the entire visit Toscanini and his family were extremely friendly, and the following year, Furtwängler visited La Scalato attend some of Toscanini’s own operatic productions.  




In the winter of 1924, Furtwängler made his English debut conducting the Royal Philharmonic Society. From his first performance, the English public took him to their hearts, and only Ernest Newman, the dean of British musical criticism, raised a dissenting voice. His unfavorable review in the Sunday Timeswas delivered to me on our way to the train, and knowing how amazingly touchy Furtwängler was about press criticism, I sat on it throughout most of the journey just to keep peace. After that first success, Furtwängler appeared regularly in England until the gulf between Germany and the rest of the world grew too wide.  




Times were difficult as far as finances were concerned, and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra did not know how they were going to get through that summer of 1924. “Let’s try a tour,” said Furtwängler, and we forthwith sent telegrams to several towns in Germany and Switzerland. They all accepted. Everywhere we went the orchestra was asked to repeat its visit, and so began the Berlin Philharmonic tours with Furtwängler.  




At the end of June, Furtwängler went to Mannheim. It had become his custom to conclude the season with some concerts there, combined with a visit at my mother’s house. During that time we finished up his remaining correspondence and went over the scores sent to him for approval. Then he proceeded to his house in Switzerland.  




I was to go to the Engadine with him that year to help plan for the coming year, as was our habit on our tramps through the mountains. Just as we were leaving for the station I received a letter from Otto Müller, charter member and chairman of the Berlin Philharmonic. In his sprawling hand, he wrote that the orchestra had decided to entrust the management of its tours to my “proven hands”; he hoped I would be willing to accept the task. I was indeed. Not only was this token of confidence a source of tremendous personal pride, but working as I would be with both Furtwängler and the orchestra would permit me to unify my activities as well.  




For many years following there was uninterrupted activity. With our unique team we all served the cause with zest. Times were hard but we were free to work as we liked and with whom we liked. In those days orchestras had not started their extensive tours of Europe. Beyond an occasional visit to a neighboring town there was no large-scale traveling at home or abroad. The idea came to me as a sort of inspiration and I sat down and thought it all out. But it was only gradually that I developed my technique for an orchestral tour. It was like the invention of a new battle strategy, and as the years went by I made more and more improvements which added to its smooth running.  




I always began work on a tour a year ahead. First I listed towns to be visited. Then the sequence was planned. The first draft of programs—often for thirty to fifty concerts — had to be made by Furtwängler. That was always a complicated task because, although an orchestra on tour has little time for rehearsing, Furtwängler disliked repeating a work too often; nor could he always play just what he wanted for various cities had various requests, and local taste was always a major consideration. To simplify it, from 1924 on I kept a program book for reference.  




Besides the business and musical sides of the tours there were other considerations. The itinerary had to be planned in detail. I was hopeless at looking up trains but Lorenz Höber, a viola player and also one of the executives, was a genius with a timetable. I may have invented and organized the tours, but without Höber I could never havecarried them out successfully. For not only did we have to plan railroad transportation for the personnel of the orchestra, but we had to arrange for the transportation of their luggage and instruments as well — seventy-seven cases which required a van all their own. Often it could not be coupled to the express on which we traveled and had to be sent on in advance immediately after the concert. Lists of the contents of the well-designed instrument cases and the huge specially constructed wardrobe trunks full of the numbered dress suits of the players had to be forwarded to the customs with an indication of when we should pass their frontier. Two members of the orchestra were responsible for the luggage, assisted by Franz Jastrau, the attendant, who managed to make friends wherever he went even if he occasionally did not understand the language. It was a strenuous job for it was of vital  importance that each player find his clothes with his instruments on arrival.  




There were fairly good halls all over the Continent, but the different sizes, and especially the varying acoustics, required different seating arrangements for the orchestra. At first a short “seating rehearsal” was held two hours before each concert. But then one of the players with a special talent for that sort of thing began to make a platform plan for every hall in which we appeared. We kept the diagrams on file and, when the orchestra returned again, the seating could be quickly settled.  




At first the billeting of the orchestra in each town was also a complicated problem, but in that, too, experience led to efficiency. Snorers and non-snorers had to be well separated. It was important to get the players quickly settled when they arrived.  




But it was not I who did all the organizing. The orchestra members themselves became very ingenious. Often they had to travel for weeks in railway carriages, and so they started to organize a seating plan to which each member had to submit. There were the smokers and the non-smokers, there were the skat players and there was the Rummy Club, there were the readers, and there were the talkers. They were all placed according to their various interests. Occasionally I was invited by a particular group, a welcome honor on those long and often tiring journeys.  




The organization and building up of these tours was for me a wonderful combination of friendship and of work. I knew to what Furtwängler aspired, and I knew the orchestra’s ambitions. The relation between the orchestra and their conductor, in whom they had absolute faith, was the basis of my own position with them. From the moment that they had confided to me the management of their tours they gave me their complete confidence. This perfect relationship between Furtwängler, the orchestra, and myself lasted until I had to leave them all and they were forbidden to have any more to do with me — when, under Hitler, I became persona non grata.  




When I first took over, the orchestra had no offices. The three executive members divided their different duties among themselves, and dealt with them at their respective homes. Otto Müller, the chairman, always carried everything in his wallet, in which he fumbled as soon as a question arose. I had no office either, merely a combination bedroom sitting-room and a typewriter. Eventually I was given a typist on three afternoons a week—the beginning of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra’s office.  




Step by step the orchestra organization was built up, and one of the first milestones of its road to glory was a special agreement between Furtwängler and the orchestra—they would always give each other the first option on their time. This “marriage” of orchestra and principal conductor was for many years the core of the orchestra’s life, and around this they grouped their engagements under other conductors, and with soloists, and their popular concerts.  




Meanwhile, Furtwängler had received several invitations to visit America. Tied up between Berlin, Leipzig, and Vienna, he had little time to spare, yet finally it was agreed that he should accept four weeks as a guest conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra at the end of December 1924. We went on a Hamburg-Amerika liner, and nothing was left undone in Furtwängler’s honor.  




Germany was poor in those days, while the United States was flourishing. The hospitality of the Americans was indescribable. From the moment we landed, when an unknown person packed us into a magnificent car to sweep us away to our hotel, until we left, and could hardly enter our cabins for presents, this first American visit was a unique experience. How interesting it was to hear the magnificent American orchestras—the Boston and Philadelphia Orchestras, as well as the New York Philharmonic; or to sit in the Golden Horseshoe of th e Metropolitan and hear the performances of that famous Opera House.  




Furtwängler was conducting exclusively for the New York Philharmonic. His first appearance was one of the great successes which are milestones in an artist’s life, and after it there was not a single ticket to be had for his New York concerts. The orchestra took to him, and so did the public. Furtwängler was immediately offered the directorship for the whole season of the following year, but because of his European commitments he could not undertake more than two months’ activities in America. Many of the great international artists were in the United States at that time, and we saw them frequently. At the house of Frederick Steinway, the venerated chief of the famous music firm, such a galaxy of musical genius and brilliance used to assemble as I have never seen elsewhere. I remember a dinner where Casals, Furtwängler, Gabrilowitsch, Landowska, Kreisler, Rachmaninoff, Stokowsky and other famous people were present. Mr. Steinway’s hock was memorable too! Our stay in New York was exciting and strenuous but rushed past us like a dream, and on a quiet and peaceful English boat, where we were treated as “ordinary folk,” we slept our way back to Europe.  




For the next two years Furtwängler worked intensely hard. There was an annual visit to America, and the Berlin Philharmonic made several successful tours on which I accompanied them.  






Then in the winter of 1927 the Berlin Philharmonic went to England for the first time. The orchestra and I had frequently discussed our aspirations and desires, and once I suggested, “Why don’t we go to England?” They all laughed at me, and said that I might as well propose a visit to the moon. That was challenge enough, my determination stiffened, and in due course I arranged the tour. We had two concerts in London, and between them went to Manchester. The enthusiasm of the British public was enormous; there was no feeling against the orchestra of their former enemies. Long paragraphs appeared about the wonderful Berlin Philharmonic and great interest was shown in the organization of the tour. For the second London concert Albert Hall was filled to the last seat. I think that except for the Paris success one year later, it was the orchestra’s greatest triumph. After that they went to England every year, their English tours becoming more and more extensive, until Hitler at last estranged the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra from its British public.  




Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber (1786-1826)  

Der Freischütz; Overture, Op. 77  

Wilhelm Furtwängler (1886-1954), Conductor  

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra  

Rec. 16 October 1926  





It is astonishing to me even now to look back and remember how rich was the musical life in cities like Berlin and Vienna in the years after 1918, and how culture flourished in Germany and Austria. While in France and England the capitals were more or less the principal centers of all cultural and social life, in Germany, towns like Dresden, Leipzig, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, and Breslau all had their own individual life. The musical field was full of men of outstanding merit, and there was ample opportunity for all of them.  




While his activities were actually centered in Berlin and Leipzig, Furtwängler had for many years been a favorite in Vienna. The romantic Viennese worshipped the passionate young conductor, and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra always found a way to arrange an “extraordinary Philharmonic Concert” or “Furtwängler Concert” when he came to conduct his choral concerts with the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. The first performance with the Vienna Philharmonic in 1922—a Brahms Concert, a memorial on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Brahms’ death—had established a lifelong artistic relationship. In Berlin and Leipzig he was the successor to Arthur Nikisch. Now Vienna, too, claimed him for the post of first conductor of its orchestra, founded in 1842. The Vienna Philharmonic knew that in offering Furtwängler the position, it fulfilled the ardent wish of the Viennese.  




Furtwängler could not resist the dream of every conductor on the Continent. The 1927-28 season found him in charge of the Berlin Philharmonic, the Leipzig Gewandhaus, and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, besides his other commitments.  




In retrospect Furtwängler’s great success in Vienna can only be appreciated in the light of Vienna’s musical life at that period. He had come there in 1919, at a moment when its musical life had reached a new climax. The Vienna Opera, after years under the direction of Gustav Mahler, was now under the joint direction of Richard Strauss and Franz Schalk, and was considered one of the most distinguished Opera Houses in Europe. The Vienna Philharmonic, which was at the same time the OperaOrchestra, gave performances thrilling to any musician. Puccini had been moved to tears when he heard the orchestra play at the first Toscaperformance in Vienna, November 20, 1907. The new great Strauss operas from Rosenkavalierto Ariadne auf Naxoshad been first given there as “festival performances” during that period.  




The Vienna Philharmonic, which, since Gustav Mahler’s day had played under the batons of Nikisch, Mottl, Muck, and Schuch, had for the last nineteen years been under the direction of Felix Weingartner. Weingartner had been a pupil of Liszt. When he conducted Brahms’ Second Symphony in the presence of the composer, he had been kissed in enthusiasm by Brahms, and he gave to the Vienna Philharmonic that great “everything” which only a classical conductor of his caliber could give. While he was their permanent chief, they had played under otherconductors: Furtwängler, Kleiber, Krauss, Mengelberg, Nikisch, Schalk, Strauss, and Bruno Walter.  




No wonder that this orchestra, with its outstanding artistry and unique tradition, enthralled a young conductor like Furtwängler. With enthusiasm he began his first Philharmonic Concert in the autumn of 1927 with the Freischutz Ouverture, and he felt keenly the historic atmosphere of the Musikvereinssaalwhere Brahms and Bruckner had so often attended concerts. This period, during which he occupied, besides his other commitments, two prominent positions in Vienna, was certainly a milestone in Furtwängler’s career, and definitely influenced his musical development.  




Furtwängler’s activities in Vienna began another phase in my work with him. Of course the Vienna Philharmonic had its own office andmanagement, but there was a large correspondence with Furtwängler when he was in Berlin. There were countless things to attend to, and a new world opened for me when dealing with the famous orchestra on his behalf.  




The Rosé Quartet, a group of prominent members of the orchestra, whom I had known in Mannheim, were a link between me and the other players, and I soon became devoted to the chairman, the oboist Aleseander Wunderer, one of the most “Viennese” and lovable musicians imaginable.  






Frequently Furtwängler required me to accompany him to Vienna, and I was always delighted to go. We usually had to leave Berlin the morning after a Philharmonic Concert, on an 8 A.M. train. It was a peculiar old train with one old-fashioned Austrian carriage containing a half coupé, a one-sided compartment of three seats only. Since it was essential for Furtwängler to work undisturbed on these journeys, he always coveted that special compartment, and since by a bureaucratic decision it could not be reserved in advance, I used to get up early to be on the platform when the train pulled in to secure those seats.  




Later on Furtwängler always went by plane, but for years we used that 8 o’clock train. The day of such a long journey was always methodically planned. First we had breakfast, then there was “silence.” Furtwängler either read a new book or studied his program, taking advantage of the remoteness from the world for concentration. I remember that he read Spengler’s Decline of the West, which had just been published and stirred intellectual circles, and that he learned Stravinsky’s Sacre du Printempson such a journey, while I—though a welcome guest in his compartment—was not allowed to break the spell of silence until he gave the sign. Lunch was always a happy interruption; usually we waited until we had passed the Czech frontier because the Czech diner gave such excellent fare. After lunch we relapsed again into silence until, towards evening, Furtwängler declared himself ready for talk 




The train, due in Vienna at 11 P.M., was often late, but never too late for some enthusiastic friend to be waiting for us on the station in Vienna, and by the time all news had been discussed it was certainly past midnight. Departures from Vienna, on the other hand, were frequently subject to all sorts of surprises. Once we left Vienna for Paris, and I was relieved at last to have Furtwängler to myself for a load of work when, at the last express stop for many hours to come, the door opened, and a radiant-faced Viennese admirer entered, informing Furtwängler that he had decided to travel with him. For a secretary, this kind of enthusiasm is not very welcome, and I was often upset by similar demonstrations by the effusive Viennese whom I otherwise loved dearly. The most trying experience of all, I remember, was having one of the Committee members of the Gesellschaftregularly appear when Furtwängler was at breakfast. In Vienna Furtwängler used to breakfast in his hotel sitting-room, and took the opportunity to give me the communications for Berlin and the general instructions for the day. The telephone operator was always instructed to put no calls through; the hall porter was always told that Furtwängler was still asleep. Nevertheless, to our surprise every morning without fail Herr X entered triumphantly with the breakfast tray. What was I to do? I did some diligent detective work to discover how he knew when Furtwängler had his breakfast and found that by some mysterious means he got the information from the floor waiter. Needless to say I managed to get the waiter on my side!  




Vienna had a unique magic of its own. The interest of the population in everything connected with their musical and theatrical life seemed incredible to an outsider. The smallest detail of every performance was of the greatest importance, and everything concerned with their Opera House, their stars, and their orchestras was the passion of every Viennese.  




For many years Furtwängler went to Vienna for concerts only, but he was always on intimate terms with the Staatsoper, and frequently went in during the evening, if he was free, if only for an act or two.  




Then Franz Schalk, who since Strauss’ resignation in 1924 had been in sole charge of the Vienna State Opera, proposed that Furtwängler be invited as guest conductor. His first opera was Rheingold—such an outstanding performance of Rheingoldthat for days it was the sensation of the town. During a rehearsal I paid a visit to Schalk. His face inscrutable, he sat in his princely office. Although he, the bearer of the classical tradition of Hans Richter and Gustav Mahler, had himself invited Furtwängler to conduct at the Vienna Opera, he was obviously jealous of his youthful fame and did not appear at the rehearsals. “How are matters downstairs?” he asked me cautiously. “Don’t ask me,” I replied. “I don’t understand anything about it.” (For once in my life I was trying to be diplomatic.) “No more do I,” he answered.  




But the season 1928-29 was Franz Schalk’s last as Director of the Vienna Opera and a successor had to be chosen. The intrigues growing out of such an occasion are indescribable, and the many official and semi-official people involved had the time of their lives. To cut a long story short—the direction of the Vienna State Opera was ultimately offered to Furtwängler. He was in Berlin at the time. Effusive letters arrived from his adherents, urging him to accept the offer and describing the situation, the attitude of the press, the public, the orchestra, the Ministry, the opera personnel, and the singers. Finally he left to negotiate in Vienna. I remained in Berlin, but promised to come on the next train, should he want me. Hardly had he arrived when he telegraphed me to come at once. The executive of the Berlin Philharmonic, terrified that Furtwängler might accept the offer, saw me off. In Vienna I found him in the Imperial Hotel, absolutely inundated with telephone calls, confidential letters, and visitors who had “important things” to discuss with him alone. Nobody who has not been in Vienna during an opera crisis can have the slightest idea what the Viennese can be like. I took over, to his great relief; but I would not say that my protective energy added to my popularity in Vienna.  




It may seem hard to understand just why a decision of this kind should be so difficult, but for Furtwängler it was a difficult decision. Berlin had been the center of his activities for so many years, he had had sole control over the magnificent Philharmonic, who were free to travel as much as he wanted them to, and he could conduct in all the Berlin Opera Houses as much as he liked. Vienna, on the other hand, had the unique fascination and charm that it has for every musician. Furtwängler was already director of the Vienna Philharmonic and was, as well, a director of the Wiener Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde; the opera performances he had given so far had driven Vienna wild with enthusiasm. Vienna claimed him with equal rights and laid siege to him with all available means.  




The official negotiations were in the hands of Herr Schneiderhan, Generaldirektor der Oesterreichischen Bundestheater, a skilled, sly diplomat of the old school. Furtwängler was pulled in two directions. He longed to accept the position. Every artist sometimes needs a change, and this was indeed a unique opportunity! Yet he had grave misgivings that the Viennese post would eat up all his energy. In any case, he cautiously decided that I was to accompany him to his first official interview.  




Schneiderhan played variations on the whole scale of seduction and temptation. He even tried his best to tempt me. “You will come to our Opera House as Furtwängler’s general secretary, and you will be given the room that formerly belonged to Richard Strauss,” he told me. (All directorial offices were pompous and sumptuous and I loved the “air” of the inside of that famous Opera House.)  




There had never been any question of Furtwängler’s giving up the Berlin Philharmonic entirely, but there was no doubt that once he became Opera Director in Vienna, he would have very little time left for Berlin. But Schneiderhan stressed that even I could easily go to Berlin for at least one week every month. More details were discussed, and finally Furtwängler and I left. He was to decide by next morning at nine o’clock.  




We spent our evening alone weighing all the pros and cons. Neither of us closed an eye that night, and every two hours Furtwängler came to another decision, each of which he fully justified. Although I make up my mind rather quickly, I appreciated that this was a decision that affected his whole life and understood that he had to consider the matter from all angles. When he finally set out next morning for the conference I had not the slightest idea what Furtwängler was going to say. Schneiderhan, with diplomatic skill, opened the conversation. Furtwängler replied, but with a kind of lethargic apathy—as if he expected that the decision would fall from the sky from some deus ex machina. Suddenly Schneiderhan took Furtwängler’s hand, which hung listlessly by his side, and said, “I see that we are d’accord, so let us conclude our pact and sign the agreement.” Somehow I sensed that there was something wrong. Furtwängler was so exhausted that he had no strength left at the moment; he was being unfairly coerced. Certainly he was not ready for a decision of any kind. Instinctively I felt that I must protect him. Necessity gave me strength. I gave Schneiderhan’s hands, which were holding Furtwängler’s, a sharp slap. Both men dropped their hands. Furtwängler immediately got to his feet and we got away. He would make his decision when he was back in Berlin!  




One doesn’t take an Operndirektorout of Vienna’s grasp with impunity. That same evening at a concert, Dr. Dlabac, General Secretary of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, informed me that everybody knew about my unpardonable behavior and, as my friend, he advised me to avoid Vienna for some time to come!  




Next morning we left for Berlin. The station master personally conducted Furtwängler to his compartment. Was he not the future opera chief? The ticket controller confidentially addressed him as “Herr Direktor.” How tempting is this kind of intimate popularity! Vienna seemed to have got him!  




At the moment of departure Furtwängler was, in fact, quite inclined to decide in favor of Vienna. But the farther we moved away, the more the scale tipped, and by the time we arrived in Berlin he knew that only under very special circumstances would he leave his work there—since it was clear that to combine the work in the two cities was out of the question.  




Meanwhile the Berliners had not been asleep. All sorts of articles appeared in the papers, and one especially in the Vossische Zeitung: “Geht Furtwängler nach Wien?” had the effect of a bombshell. The Berlin Oberbürgermeisterwas being attacked, Prussia and the Reich were being attacked—and it was unanimously declared that what Austria could do, Berlin should certainly be able to do too.  




This stirred things up with a vengeance—as soon as we got back, they really began to move. I remember taking a most active part in all the maneuvers behind the scenes and having a telephone conversation as early as 7 A.M. with Berlin’s Lord Mayor who was horrified by the idea that Berlin might lose Furtwängler during his regime. Meanwhile Schneiderhan, just as horrified at the idea that he might fail, arrived on the night train from Vienna in order to be on the spot.  




At last things came to a head.  




Furtwängler declared that if the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra were granted the necessary subsidy, promised for so long by the Prussian authorities, the Berlin municipality, and the Reich, and if he was enabled to issue the players contracts necessary to maintain the standard of the orchestra, he was willing to stay—otherwise he would accept the post in Vienna.  




The ultimatum was accepted. Furtwängler remained in Berlin, and went to Vienna only as a guest conductor. The Reich, Prussia, and Berlin undertook to guarantee the orchestra’s budget, and the Reichsrundfunkpledged itself to engage them for a certain number of broadcasts per annum, thus adding to their solvency. The guarantee required was modest, since the orchestra’s income from the Berlin Philharmonic Concerts alone was considerable, yet the feeling of security after nearly fifty years of struggle gave them a renewed zest for their work.  




From that time on, the activities of each year were more or less regular. Furtwängler traveled between Berlin and Vienna, he went on tours with the Berlin Philharmonic and conducted some operas as a guest, among them the usual German Opera Season in spring in Paris. At the end of the 1927-28 season he had left the Leipzig Gewandhaus. He felt that it needed a man able to devote himself more fully to that particular task than was possible for him with all the growing demands on his time.  




The next milestone in the history of the Berlin Philharmonic was their first visit to Paris in the spring of 1928. It ranked with their first London venture as one of the highlights of their whole career.  




I had met M. Robert Brussel, the director of the Association Française de l’Expansion et d’Echange Artistique, the French cultural propaganda department, when he represented the French Government at the big exposition, “A Summer of Music” at Frankfurt in 1927. We had arranged a visit of the Berlin Philharmonic to Paris for 1928 and soon afterwards he had invited the Orchestra to give their first Paris concert under the auspices of the Association Française, which was a department of the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de l’Instruction Publique et des Beaux Arts.  




My trip for preliminary discussions about all the arrangements for the French tour was my first to Paris. That in itself was an event. In addition the warm friendliness of the French, the excitement of preparing such an important concert on entirely new ground, my admiration of the excellent apparatus of the cultural department of the Ministry at the Palais Royal where all our work was done made it a wonderful experience. And I met the German Ambassador, von Hoesch, for the first time. He invited Furtwängler and me to stay at his Embassy while we were in Paris for the concert. Hoesch was an ideal example of what was done by pre-Hitler Germany for an artistic enterprise. He supported us primarily because he was sincerely interested. Nothing was dictated, there was no “foreign propaganda,” and there were no schemes and intrigues as there were later among the many political groups in Nazi times.  




We had naturally wanted this first Paris concert to take place in the Opéra, but M. Rouche, its director and patron, was a curious man, and wanted to see what the Berlin Philharmonic was like before he gave us a date. So the concert was given at the Salle Pleyel. His caution proved quite unnecessary. The enthusiasm of the French knew no limits, and M. Herriot, then Ministre de l’Instruction Publique, who himself had written a book on Beethoven and who loved music, was so enthusiastic that he rushed onto the platform and shook hands with Furtwängler. From that moment on there was never any difficulty when we wanted a date at the Opéra 




After this Paris concert I had the worst moment in all my work with Furtwängler and the Berlin Philharmonic—the worst, that is, until the advent of Hitler. Gala concerts in Paris began at 9 in the evening, and finished late. A big reception had been held at the Embassy after the concert. We had had only a few hours’ rest before leaving on the eight o’clock train for Strasbourg en route to Freiburg, where the next concert was to take place. Furtwängler settled down to sleep in his reserved compartment, and I was dozing too, comfortably basking in the glow that follows a great success. We may have been traveling for about half an hour, when a member of the orchestra committee came into the corridor outside our compartment, and with all the signs of despair beckoned to me to come out and speak to him. “What shall we do, Fräulein Doktor?” the man exclaimed. “The instrument van is not attached to the train!” The implications were appalling: an instrument van with seventy-seven big cases, required for a concert on the same day, lost and separated from its owners, who have to maneuver it across a frontier where the officials might very well be far less friendly than the Parisians had been. Never had such a thing occurred before. The orchestra, thrilled and intoxicated with their success had, of course, explored Paris night-life after the concert, and our worthy orchestra attendant, Jastrau, had not stayed at home either. He had packed the instruments into the van after the concert and then gone off and enjoyed himself, and, after all, who can blame him!  




For an endless half-hour, until we reached the next stop, from which we hoped to telegraph to Paris, we went through agony. At last the train drew into a station. We got out—Furtwängler still blissfully unaware of the impending tragedy—and while we were trying to explain our appalling dilemma to the station master, a train arrived at the next platform. Our van was there—attached to the wrong train. There are moments in life which one never forgets; that was one of them!  






During the first half of 1930 there was quite an unusual accumulation of touring orchestras on the Continent. The focus of interest was the New York Philharmonic which was to tour Europe under its director, Toscanini. All the big continental cities wanted to have the Americans. Since the traditional Berlin Philharmonic tour was taking place about the same time, Anita Colombo, Toscanini’s former secretary who was in charge of the American tour, and I had conferred at the Hotel Bristol in Vienna to compare notes and arrange that our concerts should not clash. At the end of the tours the two orchestras met in Berlin.  




That same spring, before the tours of the Berlin and New York Philharmonic, the Vienna Philharmonic (to whom I was “graciously lent” by the Berliners to run their tour) went with Furtwängler via Germany to visit England. The visit had been planned for some time for there was always a great Austria-loving public in London.  




The tour proved what that famous orchestra and Furtwängler were able to achieve together. Yet he realized that to take on the two Philharmonics permanently would, in the long run, be unfair to both, and after careful consideration, gave up his position as Director of the Vienna Philharmonic shortly after the tour. However, he did continue to appear with them as guest conductor.  




The resignation of his prominent position in Vienna marked an important point in Furtwängler’s relations with Berlin. More and more Berlin did everything to satisfy and honor the famous artist who was by now in his forties. The Berlin Opera Houses opened their arms to him.  




Work went on steadily for the next few years. The 1931 winter tour with the Berlin Philharmonic was especially successful. It included Germany, Belgium, England, and Holland, and a well-known photographer had offered to accompany us.  




When we left England—after a happy and successful season—on the Hook of Holland train, the platform seemed unusually crowded. I said to myself, “Funny, this time the orchestra seems to have picked up an unusual number of admirers.” The admirers of the orchestra were sometimes an unmitigated nuisance, especially in Paris, where almost every member used to approach me with the demand that some enigmatic female relation of his had, without fail, to be got into the concert which had generally been sold out long ago.  




In London it had never been quite so bad, and I was astonished to see the crowded platform. But I was soon to be enlightened. Charlie Chaplin was in the same train. Of course our photographer was excited, and at once proposed that Furtwängler and Chaplin be photographed together getting on the boat. I was dispatched to arrange the matter with Chaplin’s manager, but when I got to his compartment, he was by no means enthusiastic. Why should Chaplin be photographed with Furtwängler? Who was Furtwängler, after all, in comparison with Chaplin? Did he get four thousand love letters a day? Did he have to employ three secretaries to deal with his fan mail? I felt quite insignificant in face of these overwhelming assets and retreated. On the night boat there was no sign of the great man who had retired to his cabin immediately on coming aboard. However, next morning, at the unearthly hour at which the boat gets in at the Hook, Mr. Chaplin sent a message that he would like to meet Dr. Furtwängler. So the two men met at dawn, and I at first could not believe that the charming, kind-looking man was the Charlie Chaplin we had seen in The Gold Rush. The photo was duly taken. Chaplin left for Berlin, and we went on to the Hague.  




Rosamunde D.797   

Ouvertüre "Die Zauberharfe" D.644 0:00  

Entr'acte n°3 9:43   

Ballettmusik n°2 14:58  

Berliner Philharmoniker      

Wilhelm Furtwängler  

Studio recording, Berlin, 13.VI.1929 (Ballet Music) & 1930 (Overture & Entr'acte)  







It was a time of crisis for Germany, and for the world, yet new tasks continued to arise. Siegfried Wagner had died on August 4, 1930, in the middle of the Bayreuth Festival Season. Toscanini conducted there for the first time that season— Tristanand Siegfried Wagner’s new production of the Paris version of Tannhäuser—and it was rumored that he asked Siegfried on his death bed for the privilege of conducting Parsifalthe following season.  




After the Great War Bayreuth had had difficult times. Siegfried, assisted by his wife, Winifred, had done his utmost to carry on his father’s legacy. Now the young widow was left alone to bring up her four small children, and to bear the responsibility for the future of the Festspielhügel.  




Bayreuth for many reasons had always been a center of intrigue and jealousy, but it had also been a place of the highest artistic idealism and endeavor; the greatest artists had always been proud to serve there. After Siegfried Wagner’s death, however, Karl Muck, the last “knight” of Richard Wagner, ended his services at Bayreuth. Toscanini had promised to conduct in the summer of 1931, but there was still a great need for a man with authority and knowledge who could be put in entire charge of the musical arrangements in Siegfried’s place, and who would be a good conductor as well.  




In December 1930, to his utter surprise, Furtwängler received a letter from Frau Wagner asking him whether Bayreuth might hope to have his services. It was no easy question for him to decide. Since his Mannheim days Furtwängler had been known as a great Wagner conductor; he had conducted Wagner’s works in many big Opera Houses, but he had not been to Bayreuth, which was, naturally, the dream of every conductor. On the other hand he needed rest badly, and so far had always managed to escape any summer commitments.  




He took time to think it over. The offer was kept strictly secret, and finally a meeting in Berlin was arranged with Frau Wagner to discuss the matter fully. To avoid rumors they met at my home.  




At first they talked about everything but the main purpose — but finally they got down to brass tacks, and Furtwängler agreed to go to Bayreuth. Frau Wagner actually burst into tears of relief.  






For 1931 Furtwängler was to take over Tristanwhich Muck had always conducted, and was to be the Musical Director of the Bayreuther Festspiele, with all musical questions subject to his authority.  




This was no small addition to his work, and for me it was another new and fascinating task. One of Furtwängler’s main duties was the assembling of the Bayreuther Festspielorchesterwhich was always chosen out of orchestras from all over Germany. There were special traditions among the players, and the old Bayreuthers knew all about every one of them. Many came year after year and considered it their greatest privilege to spend their summer holiday playing at Bayreuth. Professor Edgar Wollgandt was one of them. Normally the leader of the GewandhausOrchestra and Nikisch’s son-in-law, he could be found year after year at the first desk of the Festspielhaus.  




The fact that Furtwängler, the great German conductor, had taken charge of Bayreuth resulted in an inundation of applications from orchestra players who wanted to join the Festspielorchester, and there was a waiting list for every section. For the first time members of the Berlin Philharmonic applied. They, of course, wanted to play opera under their own conductor. All sorts of young conductors and musicians asked for permission to attend the rehearsals. It fell mainly to me to deal with this correspondence and to report to Frau Wagner about it, in the inviolable tradition of Bayreuth.  




During the Easter of 1931 Furtwängler had to go to Bayreuth for preliminary discussions with some of the collaborators and with Frau Wagner. He took me with him, and we spent a few days as guests at Wahnfried, the famous Wagner home. Guests of the Wagner family were in those days usually lodged in the Siegfried House, a low building tucked away in the garden, which had been Siegfried’s home while Cosima Wagner was still reigning. Frau Wagner had rearranged it for her guests, and it was the most place imaginable—there were even English novels in the sitting-room.  




In Wahnfried itself, Frau Wagner, in spite of the splendor surrounding her, was the most charming and hospitable hostess. One evening Cosima’s daughters came to meet Furtwängler. Countessa Blandine Gravina, her second daughter by Hans von Bülow, lived for the most part in Florence; Frau Isolde Beidler, her third daughter, had died in 1919, and so it was only her eldest daughter, Frau Daniela Thode, and Frau Eva Chamberlain who came to spend the evening and inspect the new Musical Director. Imbued as they were with a religious devotion to Wagner’s and Cosima’s heritage, this meeting was of tremendous significance to them.  




I remembered Frau Thode from my first Heidelberg term when, as wife of the art historian, Professor Henry Thode, she upheld the Wahnfried etiquette in a style that would have been fitting at Court. Outwardly there was little of her mother in her. She was slight and dark and her features were those of her father, Hans von Bülow. Her deep parti-colored eyes had a fanatical expression, and fanatical she was in many ways. She had had many years of close intimacy with her mother, and so possessed a minute and exact knowledge of Wagner’s intentions up to the smallest details of his works; after the death of her brother, Siegfried, she was considered the last living source of the direct Wagner tradition. Never did she refer to him other than as “der Meister”; her devotion to his cause and memory was fervent.  




Frau Thode was impressive in many ways; never did one forget that one was in the presence of a great lady. Like her mother, Cosima, she had regal manners, and sometimes even seemed to over-emphasize the outward forms of life, which occasionally led her to overrate matters of secondary importance. For instance, though Frau Thode was a great admirer of Furtwängler’s Wagner interpretation, she was greatly perturbed by his manner of conducting. The orchestra pit in Bayreuth was covered, and the conductor could not be seen by the audience. Furtwängler, though invisible, was conspicuous in other respects; the stamping with which he unconsciously accompanied his conducting could be heard very distinctly. Shortly after he had begun his first season in Bayreuth, Frau Thode actually suggested the possibility of putting a mat under the feet of the wild man to muffle the noise, as his behavior seemed to her incompatible with the noble tradition of the Festspielhaus!  




In other ways, however, she was a remarkable woman whose deep and wide knowledge enabled her to write and edit many letters and documents connected with the Wagner family. In 1931 when Toscanini conducted  Parsifaland Tannhäuser, Frau Thode designed the Tannhäuser costumes after the beautiful illustrations of the minnesingers, Wolfram von Eschenbach among others, in the Manessesche Liederhandschrift, the famous manuscript of twelfth to fourteenth century love songs in the Heidelberg University Library. Frau Thode also acted as producer, sitting on the stage with her notes throughout the rehearsals, thus serving the cause of Wagner, and of Toscanini, whom she worshipped.  




With the advent of Hitler, and the resignation of Toscanini, she retired more and more from the official life in Bayreuth, where she kept, however, a modest pied à terre.  




It was in 1938 that I heard of her for the last time. I was shown a letter that she had written to an old and intimate friend of hers, which reveals what she was, at the end of her life, full of dignity and resignation, living in her memories which nobody could take from her and without bitterness.  




Her sister, Frau Eva Chamberlain, was born in 1867, the daughter of Cosima von Bülow by Richard Wagner. She was the widow of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, whose book, The Foundations of the 19th Century, has had such a fatal influence through Hitler. Frau Chamberlain was tall and stately and imposing; her distinguished face bore the features of both Cosima and Richard Wagner. Her reputation was that of a clever woman but she was rarely communicative, and on that evening when she came to meet Furtwängler, though obviously interested, she remained slightly aloof and condescending. After the death of her husband she continued to live in the old Chamberlain house, next door to Wahnfried—and yet, how far away. The wall over which she could look into her parental home and garden was in a way symbolic—it was an insurmountable wall between herself and the young generation.  




Cosima’s daughters have actually never bowed to the Nazi régime, which for them meant a new régime at Bayreuth in many respects—not only politically. While their brother Siegfried lived, they had more or less belonged to the reigning generation; now they had to yield to the younger one, which went its own way, and could not always religiously adhere to the letter of the old laws.  




It was this deep chasm between the two generations in the Wagner family that I felt acutely on that strange evening; and a strange evening it was, spent in the unique atmosphere of Wahnfried, with the two old ladies, symbols of past splendor and greatness: Winifred, the young, energetic trustee and heir to it all, the mother of the coming generation, and Furtwängler, the fervent Wagner adherent, filled with holy determination to do his best and live up to his new task.  




Finally everything was well in hand for the summer. Frau Wagner had offered Furtwängler a romantic and secluded abode, an old farmhouse near a mill. The proprietors, the Feustel family, connected with Wahnfried for many years, were willing to move out for the summer and let Furtwängler have the house with its old-fashioned garden. A horse was put at his disposal—he was an enthusiastic rider then—and this horse was for him one of Bayreuth’s greatest attractions.  




I was to accompany him to Bayreuth and was put up in a lovely house on the Festspielhügelbelonging to the former Festspielhausdirektor, Herr Schuler. Frau Schuler, an old friend of Cosima’s, was my warm friend from the first.  




The 1931 spring tour with the Berlin Philharmonic and other engagements had to be limited, as Furtwängler had to be in Bayreuth at the beginning of June.  




The introduction of a new conductor at Bayreuth was always a great occasion—but Furtwängler’s first appearance there was particularly sensational and most dramatic. He had just begun to appreciate flying, and a young airman with a private plane offered to fly him to Bayreuth. They had engine trouble and had to make a forced landing half-way. The machine turned over—and Furtwängler, always athletic, coolly prepared for the crash by doing a handspring. Only thus did he save his life. Bruised and still half dazed from the shock, he arrived in Bayreuth by car shortly after he was to begin rehearsing at 9 A.M. The beginning of the rehearsals at Bayreuth was almost a state ceremony. The musicians sat in their places full of expectancy, the musikalische Assistenz, as all the young coaches and volunteers were called, sat in attendance, thrilled, with their scores in their hands. The Wagner family, especially the older generation, appeared with all the solemn dignity they gave to the cause of the “Meister.”  




But something happened on this occasion, which had never happened before at Bayreuth: the principal figure, the new Musical Director, was not punctually on the spot. This was a crime, in comparison to which the fact that he had nearly lost his life on his way to Bayreuth was insignificant.  




The press, of course, recorded the incident of Furtwängler’s entry to Bayreuth at full length. Soon I was accused of arranging press stunts for Furtwängler, to the detriment of others. It was unfair, I was told, and I was advised not to do it again. I pointed out diffidently that the public was, of course, more interested in incidents connected with Furtwängler than with the ordinary run of folk, but it was of no avail. I was in for trouble, and trouble of this kind never ceased for me that summer.  




That first season without Siegfried Wagner was difficult for everyone, who missed his friendly, welcoming smile at the Festspielhügel. Naturally the new management headed by the young widow had at first to find its way between the necessary innovations and the jealously guarded old tradition.  




The first clash of the season was with Lauritz Melchior, the Tristan of Furtwängler’s first performance in Bayreuth, who declared that he would leave immediately and would never return; the management was apparently his source of irritation. He finally consented to fulfill his contract for that summer, but since then the world’s greatest Wagnerian tenor has never set foot in Bayreuth.  




There was also a Toscanini incident which was reported and distorted all over the world. The Festspiel Direktionhad arranged a memorial concert for Siegfried Wagner on the anniversary of his death, August 4, 1931. This was a novelty in Bayreuth, concerts had never been held in the Festspielhaus. The conductors of that year, Elmendorff, Furtwängler, and Toscanini were to participate. At the general rehearsal in the morning Toscanini furiously broke his baton and stalked off the platform leaving a nonplussed orchestra and audience behind. The maestro, because of the limited time available, had expected to rehearse undisturbed, and was upset to find the house full—the management had granted admittance to relatives of members of the staff, singers, orchestra, and chorus. Toscanini, greatly upset, left the rehearsal, and told Furtwängler, who rushed after him, that he would leave Bayreuth at once and would not conduct the memorial concert in the evening. He made straight for his car and left the Festspielhügel.  

トスカニーニの一件についても、全世界に事実が歪められて伝えられてしまったのです。この音楽祭総監督は、ジークフリートワーグナーの 1周忌に合わせて、1931年8月4日に記念コンサートを組んでいました。バイロイト音楽祭では初の試みです。祝祭歌劇場でオーケストラの演奏会など、前例がありません。その年の指揮者陣は、カール・エルメンドルフ、フルトヴェングラー、そしてトスカニーニ。彼らがこのコンサートに出演する予定でした。午前中の全体練習の際、トスカニーニは怒りに任せて指揮棒を叩き折り、指揮台からつかつかと降りて行き、呆気にとられたオーケストラと、客席でリハーサルを見守る人達を残して、その場を出ていってしまったのです。このマエストロときたら、練習できる時間が限られているのだから、誰にも邪魔されたくないと思っていたようで、客席が人で埋め尽くされているのに、怒り狂ったのです。運営サイドは、事前にスタッフや歌手、オーケストラの奏者、そして合唱団員の親族知人を、リハーサルに際して客席で見学して良いと、知らせてあったのです。トスカニーニの怒り様は凄まじく、リハーサルを放棄してしまいます。後から走って追いかけてきたフルトヴェングラーに対し、「即刻バイロイトから出ていく、今夜の記念コンサートの指揮もやらない」と告げます。トスカニーニは彼の車にそのまま乗り込むと、会場を後にしました。  



Furtwängler, as Musical Director, conducted the rehearsal to the end and meanwhile sent me to inform Frau Wagner of Toscanini’s intention. She declared, “I don’t think that Toscanini will do this to me, he would never desert me on such an occasion.” Nonetheless she immediately sent me and her nephew, Gil Gravina, who spoke Italian fluently and often acted as the maestro’s interpreter, to Wahnfried, where Toscanini was staying as her guest at the Siegfried House. The servants told me that he had just left for Marienbad with his chauffeur and his adored little dog. All his passionate love for pre-Hitler Bayreuth had not sufficed to alter his decision; he left the widow of Siegfried Wagner on the anniversary of her husband’s death. For Toscanini no compromise was ever possible once he had made up his mind. And so, although his personal relations with the Wagner family were not interrupted by this incident, the 1931 season was actually his last on the Festspielhügel. For this, however, there were several other reasons yet to come—last but not least, Adolf Hitler 




Furtwängler himself never felt quite at ease during this, his first Bayreuth Season. He had his own definite ideas about how the legacy of Richard Wagner should be upheld, and the difference of opinion reached such a state that he wanted to resign even before his first performance. He wrote a long letter to Frau Wagner—a letter revealing how earnestly and seriously he took all his responsibilities — explaining his ideas, and that he felt they were incompatible with the way Bayreuth was now conducted. The incident was patched up, but it was the beginning of later conflicts which finally led to his resignation from Bayreuth before the next season, and which he explained in an article published in June 1932 in the Vossische Zeitung: “Um die Zukunft von Bayreuth” (“The Future of Bayreuth”).  




Yet for the international world he became more and more the acknowledged Wagnerian conductor and besides his work in Germany and Austria, he regularly conducted the Wagner Festivals in Paris and Wagner operas at Covent Garden—until this activity, like so many others, was rendered impossible by Hitler.  




Wagner: Tristan und Isolde - Act 1 excerpts (W.Furtwangler - Bayreuth 1931)  


1. Elend im Sterben lag... 3'20"  

2. So reihte sie die Mutter... 4'34"  

3. Mueht euch die ?... 3'20"  


Nanny Larsen-Todsen, Isolde  

Anny Helm, Brangaene  

Gotthelf Pistor, Tristan  

Rudolf Bockelmann, Kurwenal  


Orchester und Chor der Bayreuther Festspiele  

Bayreuth, Festspielhaus, 18 August 1931  






After Furtwängler had resigned from Bayreuth, Berlin became more and more the center of his life and activity, though he regularly went to Vienna as guest conductor. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra received his closest attention, and was improved more and more in every respect. The international tours, now undertaken twice a year in addition to the smaller tours within Germany itself, had become not only artistic but also financial successes. Although the political tide moved in a heavy ebb and flow, artistic life was strong and independent, and in Berlin, as in Vienna, much of the social life revolved around the Philharmonic concerts and the opera. The concerts were always sold out, and besides the great Philharmonic concerts, many other cycles with prominentconductors—Bruno Walter, for instance—had become a regular institution. Foreign conductors were also invited, and a special cycle was arranged for them.  




I took an eager part in all these activities; the day was always too short for all that was to be done. Social life was brilliant, and there was a friendly relationship with many of the diplomats, who regularly came to the concerts. One of the most faithful visitors to the Berlin Philharmonic concerts was the British Ambassador, Sir Horace Rumbold, with his wife and daughters. Little did I realize the night I represented the Berlin Philharmonic at a reception for Sir Thomas Beecham at his British Embassy—before which Furtwängler, Sir Thomas and Sir Horace had been photographed together in the artists’ room—how the turn of events were to rearrange our lives.  




The orchestra kept me busy enough, but Furtwängler required most of my time. He worked at the oddest hours. All clerical or organizing matters he of course considered of secondary importance, and so fitted them in when it suited him. Often he rang me up late at night to ask me to come to his flat “for a moment,” and it became more of a rule than an exception for me to get out of bed to work with him. Having himself concentrated on music as late as midnight, it never occurred to him that ordinary mortals often go to bed before that hour. I nearly always traveled with the orchestra, and I continued to accompany Furtwängler whenever he traveled or to join him somewhere on his journeys. Our friendship and mutual work for the cause of music had forged a wonderful bond between us. It was a relation built on mutual reliance, strengthened by my belief in him as an artist and by his confidence in me as friend and collaborator.  




The year 1932 began with a rush, for we were approaching the culmination of our activities. At the beginning of the year I went to Rome to make arrangements for the Philharmonic spring tour which was to be the first extensive visit to Italy. My visit to Rome was most interesting. When I arrived I was told that Mussolini had expressed the wish to see the woman who was the tour manager of an orchestra. But he was away while I was there, and I had tea with his former secretary and biographer, Margherita Sarfatti, instead.  




As soon as my task was completed I had to rush back to Berlin. No sooner had I arrived when I had to dash over to London to straighten out a difficulty that had arisen through the death of our agent, Lionel Powell, just as our English tour was impending.  




In those days, concerts of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in England sold out soon after the booking had opened, and the advance booking for the 1932 English tour was excellent as usual. Then Lionel Powell died and his firm went bankrupt. It was said that his death at the height of the winter concert season had upset the finances of the firm, and that, had it happened in spring, no difficulty would have arisen. Be that as it may, at the time of Powell’s death all the proceeds were part of the bankrupt estate, and therefore the ready money out of which the expenses of the tour and the salaries of the orchestra were to be paid had vanished. We decided, if possible, not to cancel the tour, for we did not want to disappoint our British public.  




I conferred with the lawyer at the German Embassy, who expounded the facts at length without being able to suggest any practical solution. It seemed hopeless. I did not see how we could get our money in the near future, nor did I see any chance of financing our ten concerts (two in London, eight in the provinces). I had just come to the conclusion that there was nothing left to do but to cancel the tour, when I received a message to go and see Sir Thomas Beecham’s solicitor. I immediately went. The solicitor spoke briefly and to the point. “I am instructed toinform you that Sir Thomas does not like this situation, and intends to see to the matter.” “What do you mean?” I asked. “Sir Thomas does not want the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to have any trouble in England, therefore he is going to guarantee the tour.” “He is what?” I asked. “He is going to back the tour, and I have been instructed to settle the details with you,” the solicitor repeated. The few formalities were uickly settled. My request to be allowed to thank Sir Thomas personally (he, after all, had deposited £3000 for us) was evaded, and towards the evening of the same day on which I had arrived, I took the train back toBerlin.  




A fortnight later the tour began, and there was a full house at every concert. With box-office receipts unavailable, the accounts were complicated. The last concert was at the Albert Hall, and in the morning, during the rehearsal, we received the final statement. It showed a balance on the right side, even excluding the original advance receipts, so that we had no need to call on Sir Thomas’s generous guarantee. Just as we realized this, Sir Thomas appeared unexpectedly. I went on to the platform and told the orchestra what had happened; how Sir Thomas had come to our rescue and that fortunately all had ended well. The orchestra enthusiastically hailed him.  




The financial difficulties of the orchestra were by then almost over. It had become a limited liability company. The orchestra itself, the city of Berlin, Prussia, the Reich, and the Rundfunkwere represented on the board of seventeen directors. The chairman was Dr. Lange, the First Mayor of Berlin, directly in authority after the Lord Mayor. He devoted himself to the affairs of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra with energy and humor, and fought like a lion for its interests against the inevitable intrigues in the meetings of the city councils. During concerts, he liked to sit with the orchestra. He admired Furtwängler, towards whom he had adopted a protective fatherly attitude, gentlysteering him through the obstacles of bureaucracy.  




To me he was the most understanding and kindly chief, always available to smooth away difficulties. And it was he who was largely responsible for the fulfillment of my dream of a real office for the orchestra, organized as I had planned it. I had found a flat near Furtwängler’s home and not far from the Philharmonie, big enough to house my own private apartment as well as the office. But the whole new arrangement had, of course, to be agreed to by the board of directors. For days before the meeting of the board I was distracted. I was quite sure of my supporters, but committees are unpredictable. Finally—late at night—Dr. Lange rang me up: “Go ahead and arrange your office.” How happy I was!  




The office was charming. Except for the one room used as the general office, it did not look like a place of business at all. I furnished it with my old furniture and pictures. There was a music room for auditions (later used for our chamber-music evenings as well). A wonderful Bechstein was given to us for that purpose. My own office gradually assumed a delightful atmosphere, filled as it was with my books and my comfortable easy chairs, in which visitors from all over the world were soon sitting. A young East Prussian maid followed me from my former quarters and looked after me, and after the office as well. She alwayshad lunch ready for anybody who wanted to have a meal in the office. Her cooking was perfect. “Trudchen,” as she was called, was most popular with the orchestra, and efficient with even the most illustrious telephone callers when I was out.  




It was a full and active life, and when we started to make arrangements for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, it was with the grateful feeling that the years of work and devotion had not been in vain, and that Furtwängler had been able to carry on the tradition started by Bülow and Nikisch. The celebration consisted of two festival concerts, and was opened by an inaugural assembly at which all the persons of importance in Berlin’s public life were present. Diplomatic representatives of all countries sat in the front rows with Berlin’s Lord Mayor. Hindenburg sent as his deputy the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Interior, who made a speech and handed the Goethe Medailleto Furtwängler—a new decoration established by the Reichspräsidentfor men of science and art. And at the first concert a new composition of Hindemith’s, the Philharmonisches Konzert, dedicated to the orchestra and its conductor for the occasion, was played.  




The fateful year 1932 went by. We toured Europe. Besides his concerts, Furtwängler conducted opera in Vienna and Paris. On his next birthday we gave a party in our office flat which was eminently suitable for such occasions. Members of the orchestra and famous soloists, dressed aschildren, performed Haydn’s Toy Symphony. Hindemith, who in those days was learning the bassoon, had composed an additional bassoon part and practiced it for weeks ahead to the despair of his wife.  




Spirited musical jokes were in those days a favorite entertainment. Hindemith had composed a parody on the Wagner Fliegende Holländeroverture, which some members of the Philharmonic played, dressed in dirty old-fashioned frock coats, with red handkerchiefs hanging out of their pockets. They were supposed to be village musicians playing the piece for the first time. They missed their cue, and quickly switched over to the safety of a Viennese waltz from which, with great virtuosity, they modulated back to the music expressing the ecstatic reunion of Senta and the Holländer in death.  




Arthur Schnabel, who was one of the guests, told me that only a musician could appreciate the full joke and masterly arrangement of this parody.  




It was a perfect, harmonious evening, a gathering of great artists and leading personalities. The orchestra was to leave for England immediately afterwards. Nobody had an inkling of how near was the thunderstorm—but when I recall those present on that evening, I find that hardly one of them has escaped a tragic change of existence. It was January 25, 1933.  




Paul Hindemith (1895-1963): Philharmonisches Konzert (1932)  

Berliner Philharmoniker  

Paul Hindemith, conductor  

Recorded in Berlin, 1950