

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第6章(1/2)「オックスフォード:学生生活と指揮者への扉




6 . OXFORD  

第6章 オックスフォード:大学生活と指揮者への扉 



The closing phase of my school life was not unlike that which I had known five years earlier before leaving home. Once more the itch for change began to torment and divert my mind constantly to other places and other pursuits; I had outlasted my time at Rossall and was moving away daily from all that was in its capacity to give me. It was inevitable in those days that to any young person whose main concern was music England could not be expected to compare favorably with the Continent. For there it was that all those semi-legendary figures from Palestrina to Wagner had lived and labored, and my own country in point of musical prestige was as nothing compared with Italy, Germany, Austria, or even Russia. But unquestionably it was Germany  above all which attracted and influenced the youth of my generation. After 1871 it had become the political leader of Europe, its population had increased almost as rapidly as that of the United States, and its commercial expansion was beginning to be a bogey to those who for half a century had been indulging in the dream that Great Britain had been chosen by a kindly Providence to remain for all time the workshop of the world. The numerous travel agencies, the uniformity of currency, and the non-existence of passports made access to every part of the Continent, except Russia, cheap and easy: and I had already seen something of it owing to the rather exceptional circumstances of my home life. My mother had become an almost chronic invalid, my father spent much of his time abroad during my summer holidays, and my only brother was nine years younger than myself. I was allowed therefore to go off, with friends generally, but by myself occasionally, to neighboring lands such as France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Scandinavia, where I had the chance of viewing some of those famous cities whose riper culture contrasted pleasingly with that of our own in the North and Midlands. 




With few roots in the past and of comparatively mushroom growth, Lancashire had been almost the last county in England to be touched by civilization, its history until the beginning of the nineteenth century being almost a blank. Prior to the great Industrial Revolution it had played an inconspicuous part in national affairs, and it would be hard to name more than two or three of its sons who had won celebrity in any line of public activity. Even at the close of the century it presented an oddly mixed picture of modernity and feudalism, a genial equalitarianism in the middle and lower classes being set off by a profound reverence for the old county families. The true Lancastrian delighted to remember that the head of the House of Stanley had once been King in Man and had held his court in the beautiful medieval city of Chester. Having tea one day at the house of a leading lawyer of the district, I noticed a singular object which occupied the central position on the main wall of his library, a small cigarette in a largish frame, and learned that this had been offered to my host during some public celebration by one of the most venerated notabilities of the county. Instead of lighting he had preserved it in this way as a choice family heirloom to be handed down to future generations; and if regarded as a manifestation of the higher Toryism I find it even more affecting than that historic exploit eighty years earlier, of the author of Waverly, who, after a banquet in Edinburgh, carried off in his pocket the wine glass from which the Regent had been drinking, and arrived at Abbotsford only to find that during the ride he had sat on and broken it to pieces.  




But it was not only upon the musicians among us that Germany exercised a powerful spell. For half a century the reputation of its schools and universities had been spreading far and wide; young Englishmen started going to Heidelberg and Gottingen instead of to Oxford and Cambridge, and towns like Dresden and Munich contained literally scores of institutions at which our girls scratched the surface of those alien arts and elegancies which guileless parents had been led to believe were vitally essential to the making of the perfect English lady. The study of Italian literature, which had been fashionable in the days of Hazlitt and Peacock, had given way to that of German, and the bolder speculations of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were ousting from favor the harmless ruminations of Huxley and Spencer. It is hardly surprising then how compelling for me was the lure of such a land, with its century of opera houses playing the year round, its dozens of symphony orchestras, and an artistic life generally that seemed to exist in like degree nowhere else. There was my goal, and I must reach it somehow or other. 




But in my calculations I had reckoned without the rigid conservatism of my environment. My father, outside the conduct of his own business, was a man of pathetic simplicity and uncertain judgment. When any matter arose in connection with his family which demanded careful consideration or firm decision, he would call into consultation either his lawyer or the clergyman whose church he attended, more often the latter, who was his most intimate friend. This worthy man was quite aghast at the idea that any member of his congregation should wish to pursue his studies abroad and marshaled all the forces of argument,  social, instructional, and religious, against the horrid plan. Of course I must go to an English university and tread the safe path of orthodoxy: any other course would lead surely and speedily to disaster and damnation. My father, who knew as little of the realities of the case as his spiritual adviser, was impressed and alarmed by the stream of warning poured into his ear, and resolutely set his face against any such dangerous departure. I was given the choice of Oxford or Cambridge, and as some of my closest school friends were going there that term I chose Oxford.  




There are three or four ancient spots which in their combination of urban and rural charm are among the greater glories of England, and of these the most wholly delightful is this home of lost causes. It is also one of the half dozen small cities left unspoiled in the world, where an artist, a philosopher, or a scholar might care to pass his declining days; and I trust that none of my friends in the place will doubt my affection for it, if I say that my brief residence there was so much lost time for me.  The main trouble was that I could not bring myself to understand why I had been sent there at all. For my father had often intimated how much he looked forward to my succeeding him in our family business, and in that case the scholastic routine of Oxford seemed to provide the least useful preparation thinkable for such a career. Had I been intended for Politics, the Bar, or the Church, with London as my probable base of activity, there might have been social advantages as well as a specific course of training for any of these professions. But my future lay elsewhere, nor did it add to my content that the town musically was a backwater if compared with any of the centers I had visited abroad.  




It is not out of place, I feel, to vent here a few casual reflections upon our higher system of education which have been passing through my mind for some years. Three and four centuries ago Englishmen were entering universities at an age when nowadays we should expect to find them still tied to their mother’s apron strings. There may be pious devotees of modern learning who will fail to be impressed by this admitted precocity, but it is unlikely that any unprejudiced critic can be found anywhere to allege that Tudor or Stuart scholarship was inferior to our own. As I see it, a boy now is sent to some preparatory institution at seven or eight, remains there until he is twelve or thirteen, passes on to a public school, where he continues the self-same curriculum, reaches the University when he is eighteen or so, and gives up three or four years more to a course of study which differs only in minor detail from that of the two earlier periods. Something like fourteen or fifteen years out of a lifetime spent in one unvaried groove of instruction. To my way of thinking this is excessive and prompts the feeling that the average Englishman remains in tutelage far too long. Formerly the gifted section of our youth was to the front in political life, dedicated to the task of empire-building in distant lands or writing dramatic masterpieces, at a stage when its descendants have hardly begun to think seriously about such matters. I have frequently wondered why so many of my countrymen carry on even into middle life the appearance as well as the mentality of the schoolboy, an unchanging immaturity which separates them sharply from the males of most other nations, and if the cause of it is not to be traced to the absorption in a monotonous scheme of work and play, which to judge by results must proceed at an incredibly slow rate of progress. It may be that the general decline of genius and talent among our people is due partly to an educational stagnation that has debilitated its intellectual life and fostered that spiritual sterility which for nearly a generation has been slowly creeping over every part of the Empire, and which even the most superficial observer cannot fail to note and lament.  
