


Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第10回 第10章 音楽の基本の形式 I.◯◯部形式

10. Fundamental Forms 10.基本の音楽形式 I. SECTIONAL FORM I. ◯◯部形式 Two Part; Three Part; Rondo; Free Sectional Arrangement 2部形式; 3部形式; ロンド形式; 自由な順序の部形式 The easiest form for the listener to grasp is that built…

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第9回 第9章 音楽のストラクチャー(構造)

9. Musical Structure 9.音楽の構造 Almost anyone can more readily distinguish melodies and rhythms, or even harmonies, than the structural background of a lengthy piece of music. That is why our main emphasis, from here on, must be put up…

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第8回 第8章 音楽のテクスチャ(仕組み)

8. Musical Texture 8.音楽の仕組み In order better to understand what to listen for in music, the layman should, in a general way, be able to distinguish three different kinds of musical texture. There are three species of texture; monoph…

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第7回 第7章 音楽の4要素 7.音色

7. The Four Elements of Music IV. TONE COLOR 7.音楽の4つの要素 IV. 音色 After rhythm, melody, and harmony, comes timbre, or tone color. Just as it is impossible to hear speech without hearing some specific timbre, so music can exist onl…

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第6回 第6章 音楽の4要素 6.ハーモニー

6. The Four Elements of Music 6.音楽の4つの要素 III. HARMONY III. ハーモニー By comparison with rhythm and melody, harmony is the most sophisticated of the three musical elements. We are so accustomed to thinking of music in terms of ha…