

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第6回 第6章 音楽の4要素 6.ハーモニー

6. The Four Elements of Music 




III. ハーモニー 


By comparison with rhythm and melody, harmony is the most sophisticated of the three musical elements. We are so accustomed to thinking of music in terms of harmonic music that we are likely to forget how recent an innovation it is, by comparison with the other elements. Rhythm and melody came naturally to man, but harmony gradually evolved from what was partly an intellectual conception ― no doubt one of the most original conceptions of the human mind.  



Harmony, in the sense that we think of it, was quite unknown in music until about the ninth century. Up until that time, all music of which we have any record consisited of a single melodic line. Among Oriental peoples of today, this is still true, although their single melodies are often combined with complex percussion rhythms. The anonymous composers who first began experimenting with harmonic effects were destined to change all music that came after them, at least among Occidental nations. No wonder we look upon the development of the harmonic sense as one of the most remarkable phenomena of musical history. 




The birth of harmony is generally placed in the ninth century, because it is first mentioned in treatises of that period. As might be expected, the early forms of harmony sound crudely primitive to our ears. There are three principal kinds of early harmonic writing. The earliest form was called “organum.” It is very easy to understand, for whenever we “harmonize” in intervals of thirds or sixths above or below a melody, we produce a kind of organum. The idea in ancient organum was the same, except that the harmonizing was done in intervals of the fourth below or fifth above, thirds and sixths being proscribed. So that organum is simply a single melody, plus that same melody repeated simultaneously at the fourth or fifth interval below or above, respectively. As a method of harmonization it makes a fairly primitive beginning, particularly if you imagine all music being treated in only that way. Here follows an illustration of organum: (score illustrated, TE DEUM) 



The second of these early forms was not developed until another two or three hundred years had passed. It was called “descant” and is attributed to the ingenuity of French composers. In descant, there was no longer merely a single melody moving in parallel motion with itself but two independent melodies, moving in opposite directions. At that time, one of the basic principles of good voice leading was uncovered: When the upper voice moves downward, the lower voice moves upward; and vice versa. This innovation was doubly ingenious, for no intervals between voices, other than the originally permitted fifths, fourths, and octaves of organum, were used. In other words, they kept the rules as to intervals but applied them in a better way. (For the benefit of those who do not know what an “interval” is, the term indicates the distance between two notes. Thus, from the note C to G there are five tones, C-D-E-F-G. C to G is therefore referred to as an interval of the fifth.) Here is an example of descant: 



The last form of earliest counterpoint was called “faux-bourdon” (false bass). This introduced the hitherto forbidden intervals of the third and sixth, which were to form the basis of all later harmonic developments. As long as harmonic intervals were confined to fourths and fifths, the effect remained bare and crudesounding. That is why the introduction of the more mellifluous thirds and sixths added immeasurably to harmonic resource. Credit for this step is given the English, who are said to have “harmonized in thirds” in their popular singing long before faux-bourdon made its more formal entry into art music. Here is an example of a melody harmonized according to faux-bourdon: 

(score illustrated) 



It is not my purpose to plot out a historical survey of harmonic development but only to indicate the tentative beginnings of harmony and to stress its continually evolving nature. Without understanding harmony as a gradual growth and change from primitive beginnings, the reader cannot expect to grasp the implications of harmonic innovation in the twentieth century. 



The sounding together of separate tones produces chords. Harmony, considered as a science, is the study of these chords and their relationship among one another. It takes more than a year for the underlying principles of harmonic science. Needless to say, the lay listener can expect to get only the merest smattering of information from a short chapter of this kind. Still, without cluttering the reader's mind with details, some attempt must be made to relate the harmonic element to the rest of music. To do that, the reader should have some conception, no matter how slight, of how chords are built and what their interrelations are; of the meaning of tonality and modulation; of the importance of the basic harmonic skeleton in the structure of the whole: of the relative significance of consonance and dissonance; and, finally, of the comparatively recent breakdown of the entire harmonic system as it was known in the nineteenth century and some still more recent attempts at reintegration. 








Harmonic theory is based on the assumption that all chords are built from the lowest note upward in a series of intervals of a third. For example, take the note A as the bottom tone, or root, of a chord to be constructed. We are able, by building series of thirds on this root, to get the chord A-C-E-G-B-D-F. If we continued, we should simply be repeating notes that are already included in the chord. If, instead of taking the note A, we take the numeral 1 to symbolize any root, we get the following picture of any series of thirds: 1-3-5-7-9-11-13. 



Theoretically, this seven-toned chord 1-3-5-7-9-11-13 is possible, but practically most of the music we know is based on only 1-3-5, which is the ordinary three-toned chord known as the triad. (A full chord is always made up of three tones or more; two-toned “chords” are too ambiguous to be counted as anything more than intervals.) Besides the triad, the other chords are named as follows: 

seventh chord:1-3-5-7 

ninth chord:1-3-5-7-9 

eleventh chord:1-3-5-7-9-11 

thirteenth chord:1-3-5-7-9-11-13 







These four chords only gradually fought their way into the musical sun, and, each time, a minor revolution had to take place before they were admitted. Since it is the triad 1-3-5 that accounts for most of familiar music, let us concentrate attention on that. If you wish to know how a triad sounds, sing “do-mi-sol.” Now sing “do-mi-sol-do,” with the second “do” an octave higher than the first one. That is still a triad, though there are four tones in the chord. In other words, nothing is changed, as far as theory goes, by doubling any tone in any chord any number of times. As a matter of fact, most of our harmonic writing is done in four-part harmony, with one tone doubled. 



Furthermore, chords need not remain in their root position, that is, with tone 1 as the bottom note of the chord. For example, 1-3-5 might be inverted so as to have 3 or 5 as the bass note of the triad. In that case, the chord would look like this: 

(original: chord illustrated) 












The same is true of the other chords mentioned above. The reader can already appreciate that with the possibilities of doublings and inversions, not to mention all kinds of alterations too complicated to go into here, the basic chords, though few in number, are open to wide possibilities of variation. 



So far, we have been considering chords in the ab- 

stract. Now let us pin them down ― always confining  

ourselves to the triad for simplicity's sake ― to the 

seven tones of one specific scale. By taking the scale, for 

instance, of C major and building a 1-3-5 chord on 

each of the degrees of the scale, we get our first series of 

chords, which are related both to each other and to 

similar chords in other tonalities than that of C major. 

This is the moment to review what was said about scale 

in the previous chapter. For anything that was stated as  

true about the seven tones of the diatonic scale will hold true of chords constructed on those seven tones. In other words, it is the root of the chord that is the determining factor. Chords built on the tonic, dominant, and subdominant degrees bear the same relative attraction to one another as the tonic, dominant, and subdominant tones taken alone. In the same way, it is sufficient to find the tonic chord in order to determine the tonality of a series of chords; and chords, like single tones, are said to modulate when they move out of one key into another. 



Insomuch as they are chords and not single tones, they do have one further connection. If we construct a triad on the first three degrees of the scale, we get:  

(original: chord illustrated) 

(in C-major scale tones) 











This shows that the first and third chords have tones 3 and 5 in common. This factor, that chords of the same or different tonalities possess common tones, is one reason for the strong feeling we have of the relationship of chords among themselves. 



This brief summary of the construction of chords and their interrelationships must suffice. Now let us see how these harmonic factor are applied. 



Just as a skyscraper has a steel frame below the outer covering of stone and brick, so every well-made piece of music has a solid framework underlying the outer appearance of the musical materials. To extract and analyze that implied harmonic skeleton is the work of a technician, but the sensitive listener will undoubtedly know when there is something harmonically lacking, even though he may not be able to give the reason for it. The reader, perhaps, will be interested to see how, in one tiny example, the harmonic frame of a few bars of music is abstracted. Take, for instance, the first four measures of Ach! du liever Augstin. 

(score illustrated) 




There are, in these four measures, only two underlying chords, I and V, the tonic and dominant. Of course, the basic chords are not so plainly there as they would be in a harmony exercise. Music would be dull indeed if composers were not able to disguise, vary, and adorn the bare harmonic frame. 



You shoud realize, however, that composers apply this same principle not for four measures only but for four movements of a symphony. That may give you some inkling of the problem involved. In the early days, the harmonic progressions of a piece were fairly well established in advance, by virtue of common practice. But long after the conventions were abandoned, the principle was retained, for whatever the harmonic style of the music may be, the underlying chordal structure must have its own logic. Without it, a work is likely to lack a sense of movement. A well-knit harmonic framework will be neither too static nor over elaborate; it provides a steady foundation which is always firmly there no matter what the decorative complexities may be. 



The harmonic principles outlined above are, of course, a greatly simplified version of harmonic facts as they existed up to the end of the last century. The breakup of the old system, which occurred around 1900, was no sudden decision on the part of certain revolutionaries in music. The entire history of harmonic development shows us a continually changing picture; very slowly, but inevitably, our ears are enabled to assimilate chords of greater complexity and modulations to farther off keys. Almost every epoch has its harmonic pioneers: Claudio Monteverdi and Gesualdo in the seventeenth century introduced chords that shocked their contemporaries in much the same way that Moussorgsky and Wagner shocked theirs. Still, they all had this in common: Their new chords and modulations were arrived at through a broader conception of the same harmonic theory. The reason our own period has been so remarkable in harmonic experimentation is that the entire former theory of harmony was thrown overboard, for a time at least. It was no longer a question of broadening an old system but of creating something entirely new. 



The line of demarcation comes soon after Wagner. Debussy, Schoenberg, and Stravinsky were the main pathfinders in this uncharted harmonic territory. Wagner had begun the destruction of the older harmonic language because of his chromaticism. I have already explained that our system, as practiced without question up to the end of the nineteenth century, admitted the hegemony of one main tonic note in the scale and, therefore, one main tonality in a piece of music. Modulation to other tonalities were looked upon as only temporary. Inevitably, a return to the tonic key was implied. Since there are twelve different diatonic scales, modulation may be represented by the face of a clock, with XII symbolizing the tonic key. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century composers did not venture far in their modulatory schemes. They would go from XII to I to XI and back to XII. Later composers were bolder, but the returns to XII was still imperative. Wagner, however, moved about from one tonality to another to such an extent that the feeling of a central key or tonality began to lost. He modulated daringly from XII to VI to IX to III, etc, and one could not be sure when, if ever, the return to the central tonality would be made. 



Schoenberg drew the logical conclusions of this har- 

monic ambiguity, abandoning the principle of tonality 

altogether. His type of harmony is generally referred to 

as “atonality,” to distinguish it from music of tonality. 

(Schoenberg did not approve of the term “atonality.” The word continues to be used nonetheless, more out of convenience than because of its exactitude.)  

What was left was the series of twelve “equal” semi- 

tones of the chromatic scale. Schoenberg himself found 

this remainder somewhat anarchical in later years and 

began the construction of a new system for handling 

these twelve equal semitones which he named the  

twelve-tone system. I shall do no more than mention it, 

for an adequate explanation would take us too far 




Debussy, though less radical harmonically than Schoenberg, preceded him in starting the breakdown of the old system. Debussy, one of the most instinctive musicians who ever lived, was the first composer of our time who dared to make his ear the sole judge of what was good harmonically. With Debussy, analysts found chords that could no longer be explained according to the old harmony. If one had asked Debussy why he used such chords, I am sure he would have given the only possible answer. “I like it that way!” It is as if one composer finally had confidence in his ear. I exaggerate a little, for, after all, composers have never had to wait for theoreticians to tell them what or what not to do. On the contrary, it has always been the other way about -theoreticians have explained the logic of the composer's thought after he has instinctively put it down. 



At any rate, what Debussy accomplished was the sweeping aside of all previously held theories of harmonic science. His work inaugurated a period of complete harmonic freedom, which has been a stumbling block for innumerable listeners ever since. They complain that this new music is full of “dissonances” and that all past musical history proves that there must always be a sensible mixture of consonance and dissonance. 



This question of consonance and dissonance deserves a paragraph to itself, if we are to remove the stumbling block. The whole problem, as has been pointed out many times, is a purely relative one. To say that a consonance is a pleasant-sounding chord, and a dissonance unpleasant, is making the case much too simple. For a chord is more or less dissonant to you according to the period in which you live, according to your listening experience, and according to whether the chord is played fortissimo in the brass instruments or caressed pianissimo in the strings. So that a dissonance is only relative - relative to you, your epoch, and the place that it holds in the piece as a whole. This does not deny the existence of dissonance, as some commentators seem to do, but merely that the proper mixture of consonance and dissonance is a matter to be left to the composer's discretion. If all new music sounds continually and unrelievedly dissonant to you, then it is a safe guess that your listening experience is insufficient as regards music of your own time - which is not so strange in the majority of cases, when we realize the small proportion of new music heard by the average listener compared with what he hears of the music of former times. 



One other important harmonic innovation was introduced before World War I. At first, it was confused with atonality because of its similarly revolutionary sound. But actually, it was the exact opposite of atonality, in that it reaffirmed the principle of tonality and reaffirmed it doubly. That is to say, not content with one tonality, it introduced the idea of sounding two or more separate tonalities simultaneously. This process, which Darius Milhaud has used most effectively at times, became known as “polytonality.” A clear example of it is to be found in Corcovado, one of Milhaud's pieces on Brazilian themes, Saudades do Brazil, in which the right hand plays in the key of D major while the left hand essays G major. Here, again, if you are inclined to be disturbed by the polytonalities of new music, one can only advise you to listen until they become as familiar to you as the music of Schumann or Chopin. If you do that, you may not find the music any the more to your liking (for, needless to add, not all polytonal music is good  

music), but it will no longer be the “dissonances” produced by the clash of harmonies that disturb you.  



The harmonic revolution of the first half of the twentieth century is now definitely at an end. Polytonality and atonality have both become a normal part of current musical usage. One unexpected development should be noted: the recrudescence of interest, at the end of World War II, in the twelve-tone method of Arnold Schoenberg, especially in countries like Italy, France, and Switzerland, where there had previously been little or no sign of influence. Composers like the Italian Luigi Dallapiccola or the Swiss Frank Martin have not hesitated to extract tonal implications fromthe dodecaphonic (twelve-tone) method, thereby removing some of its panchromatic sting. Younger composers, adherents of Schoenberg's more radical pupil Anton Webern, have persisted in writing a music more rigorously athematic and atonal than that of the Viennese master himself. 




Despite harmonic innovations, a large part of contemporary music remains basically diatonic and tonal. But it is no longer the diatonic, tonal harmony of the period before the turn of the century. Like most revolutions, this one has left its mark on our harmonic language. As a result, music written nowadays may often be said to be tonally centered even though it may have no tonality analyzable in the old sense. This tendency toward harmonic conservatism is certain to help bridge the gap between the contemporary composer and his audience. With the familiarity bred of phonograph disk, radio, and film track the daring harmonies of the day before yesterday are gradually and painlessly being assimilated into the musical language of our time. 




Monteverdi - “Hor che'l ciel e la terra” 

John Eliot Gardiner (Philips) 


Schoenberg - Five Pieces for Orchestra 

Pierre Boulez, BBC Symphony (Sony) 






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