

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第5回 第5章 音楽の4要素 5.メロディ

5. The Four Elements of Music 






II. メロディ 


Melody is only second importance to rhythm in the musical firmament. As one commentator has pointed out, if the idea of rhythm is connected in our imagination with physical motion, the idea of melody is associated with mental emotion. The effect upon us of both these primary elements is equally mysterious. Why a good melody should have the power to move us has thus far defied all analysis. We cannot even say, with any degree of surety, what constitutes a good melody. 



Still, most people think they know a beautiful melody when they hear one. Therefore, they must be applying certain criteria, even though unconscious ones. Though we may not be able to define what a good melody is in advance, we certainly can make some generalizations about melodies that we already know to be good, and that may help to make clearer characteristics of good melodic writing. 



In writing music, a composer is forever accepting or rejecting melodies that come to him spontaneously. In no other department of composition is he forced to rely to the same extent on his musical instinct for guidance. But if he should attempt to work over a melody, there is every likelihood that he will bring to bear the same criteria that we use in judging it. What are some principles of sound melodic construction? 



A beautiful melody, like a piece of music in its entirety, should be of satisfying proportions. It must give us a sense of completion and of inevitability. To do that, the melodic line will generally be long and flowing. with low and high points of interest and a climactic moment usually near the end. Obviously, such a melody would tend to move about among a variety of notes, avoiding unnecessary repetitions. A sensitivity to rhythmic flow is also important in melodic construction. Many a fine melody has been made by some slight rhythmic change. But, most important of all, its expressive quality must be such as will arouse an emotional response in the listener. That is the most unpredictable attribute of all, for which no guiding rules exist. As far as mere construction goes, every good melody will be found to possess a skeletal frame which can be deduced from essential points in the melodic line after “unessential” notes have been pared away. Only a professional musician is capable of X-raying the melodic spine of a well-constructed melody, but the untutored layman can be depended upon to sense unconsciously the lack of a real melodic backbone. Such an analysis will generally show that melodies, like sentences, often have halfway stopping that places, the equivalent of commas, semicolons, and colons in writing. These temporary resting points, or cadences as they are sometimes called, help to make the melodic line more intelligible, by dividing it into more easily understood phrases. 



From a purely technical standpoint, all melodies exist within the limits of some system. A scale is nothing more than a certain arrangement of a particuar series of notes. Investigation has shown that these “arrangements,” so-called, are not arbitrary ones but have their justification in physical facts. The builders of scales relied on their instinct, and the men of science now back them up with their figures of relative vibrations to the second. 



There have been four main systems of scale building: Oriental, Greek, Ecclesiastical, and Modern. For all practical purposes, we can say that most scale systems are based on a chosen number of notes between a given tone and its octave. In our modern system, this octave span is divided into twelve “equal” tones, called semitones, and together they comprise the chromatic scale. Most of our music is not based on this scale, however, but on seven tones chosen from the twelve chromatic ones, arranged in the following order: two whole tones followed by a half tone, plus three whole tones followed by a half tone. If you want to know what it sounds like, just sing the do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do that you were taught in school. (You may have forgotten it, but when you sang mi to fa, and ti to do, you were singing half tones.) 



This arrangement of seven tones is called the diatonic scale in the major mode. Since there are twelve semitones within the octave span, on each of which the same seven-toned scale may be formed, there are, of course, twelve different, but similarly constructed, diatonic scales in the major mode. There are twelve more in the minor mode, making twenty-four in all. (Further mention of the minor mode is purposely omitted in the following exposition for the sake of greater clarity.) 



As an easy reference method, let us call the seven tones of the scale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, without regard to whether the distance between them is a whole or half tone. As already stated, this scale may be formed on one of twelve different notes. The key to the position of the scale is found by observing the position of tone 1. If tone 1 is on the note B, then the scale is said to be in the key of B (major or minor according to the mode); if on C, C major or minor. Modulation takes place when we move from one key to another. Thus we may modulate from the key of B major to the key of C major, and vice versa. 



The seven degrees of the scale also have definite relationships among themselves. They are ruled over by the first degree, tone 1, known as the tonic. At least, in pre-twentieth-century music, all melodies tend to center around the tonic. Despite heroic efforts to break the hegemony of the tonic, it is still, though not so obviously as in former times, the central point around which other notes tend to gather. 



Next in power of attraction is the fifth degree, or dominant, as it is called; followed in importance by the fourth degree, or subdominant. The seventh degree is named the leading tone because it always tends to lead to the tonic. Here, again, these seemingly arbitrary relationships are all confirmed by vibrational data. 



Let us summarize the scale system as explained thus far, before examining its later evolution. 



Octave span:  C-------C 

Chromatic scale: C-C#-D-D#-E-F-F#-G-G#-A-A#-B-C 

Diatonic scale: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C 

オクターブ間隔:  C-------C 

半音階: C-C#-D-D#-E-F-F#-G-G#-A-A#-B-C 

全音階: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C 


Up to recent times, all Occidental melodies were written within this scale system. It bespeaks an amazinig ingenuity on the part of composers that they should have been capable of so wide a variety of melodic invention within the narrow limits of the seven-toned diatonic scale. Here follow a few typical examples of melodies from different musical periods. 



For purity of line and feeling one can hardly do better than quote from Palestrina's choral works. Part of the unworldly quality of many of Palestrina's melodies is due to the fact that they move conjunctly, that is, stepwise from note to note, with a minimum number of skips. This restraining discipline, which makes so many of Palestrina's melodies seem smooth and imperturbable, has the added advantage of making them easy to sing. Note that in this beautiful melody from a motet for women's voices Ave regina caelorum, there is only one skip of a third. 



The fugue subject from Bach's E-flat minor Fugue (Well Tempered Clavichord, Book 1) is a remarkable example of a completely rounded thought in a single, short musical phrase. To analyze why this theme, consisting of only a few notes, should be so expressive is impossible. Structurally it is based on the three essential notes of the scale-tones 1, 5, and 4; E flat, B flat, and A flat. Something in the way the theme rises bravely from 1 to 5 and then, after turning about tone 5, rises again from 1 to 4, only to fall back slowly on 1 ― something also about the shortened rhythmic sense of the second part of the phrase ― creates an extraordinary feeling of quiet but profound resignation. 



Another example, too long for quotation here, of an entirely different type of melody in Bach is the long lined instrumental phrase to be found in the slow movement of the Italian Concerto. It is archetypical of a kind of florid melody, which Bach himself treated many times and with consummate mastery. Over a regularly recurring bass, the melody takes flight; built on large and generous lines, its beauty is one of proportion rather than detail. 



An admirable example of pure melodic invention, which has been quoted many times, is the second theme from the first movement of Schubert's “Unfinished” Symphony. The “rules” of melodic construction will be of no help to anyone in analyzing this phrase. It has a curious way of seeming to fall back upon itself (or, more exactly the G and D), which is all the more noticeable because of the momentary 

reaching for a higher interval in the sixth measure. Despite its great simplicity, it makes a unique impression, 

reminding us of no other theme in musical literature. 



I cannot resist quoting from memory a little-known Mexican-Indian folk tune, used by Carlos Chavez in his Sinfonia India. It uses repeated notes and unconventional intervals, with entirely refreshing effect. 



Since the beginning of the present century, composers have considerably broadened their conception of what constitutes a good melody. Richard Strauss, continuing along Wagnerian lines, produced a freer and more sinuous melodic line, of daring leaps and generally broader scope. Debussy created his music out of a much more elusive and fragmentary melodic material. Stravinsky's melodies, taken by themselves, are comparatively unimportant. They are in the manner of Russian folk song in the earlier works and patterned after classical and romantic models in the 

later ones. 



The real melodic experimenters of the century were Arnold Schoenberg and his pupils. They are the only contemporaries who write melodies that have no tonal center of any kind. Instead, they choose the twelve tones of the chromatic scale, giving equal rights to each one of the semitones. Self-imposed rules forbid the repetition of any one of twelve tones until the other eleven notes have been sounded. This larger tone gamut, plus an increased use of wider and wider skips between single notes, has left many listeners confused, if not exasperated. Schoenberg's melodies prove that the farther from the ordinary norm we go the more willingness there must be to make a conscious effort toward assimilation of the new and unfamiliar. 



The American composer Roy Harris writes melodies within a middle ground. Although they are more than likely to move through all tones of the chromatic scale, they almost always turn about one central tone, giving his music a more normal tonal feeling. He possesses a fine, robust melodic gift. Here is an example of the cello melody from the conclusion of the slow movement of his Trio for violin, cello, and piano (reprinted from New Music (Vol.9, No.3, April, 1936), quarterly publication of the New Music Society of California. Used by permission of Roy Harris). 

アメリカ人作曲家のロイ・ハリスのメロディの書き方は、中道的だ。半音階に出てくる半音をすべて使い切るものの、1つ音を決めてそこを軸にする。こうすることで、彼の音楽は比較的耳慣れた、調整を有する音楽だと感じさせる。彼のメロディ作りの才能は確固たる素晴らしさがある。例として、ピアノ三重奏曲(バイオリン・チェロ・ピアノ)より、緩徐楽章の締めくくりの部分に出てくる、チェロのメロディの譜例をご覧に入れる(新音楽協会(カリフォルニア)発行の季刊誌「新しい音楽」(1936年4月発行 第9巻第3号)より、ロイ・ハリスの許可を得て転載使用)。 


The reader probably realizes by now that, along with composers, he must broaden his ideas as to what a melody may be. He must not expect the same kind of melody from all composers. Palestrina's melodies are more closely patterned after known models of his own time than those of Carl Maria von Weber's, for instance. It would be foolish to expect a similar melodic inspiration from both men. 



Moreover, composers are far from equally gifted as melodists. Nor should their music by valued solely according to the richness of their melodic gifts. Serge Prokofiev works a seemingly inexhaustible melodic mine as compared with Stravinsky's, yet few would claim him to be the more profound musical creator. 



Whatever the quality of the melodic line considered alone, the listener must never lose sight of its function in a composition. It should be followed like a continuous thread which leads the listener through a piece from the very beginning to the very end. Always remember that in listening to a piece of music you must hang on to the melodic line. It may disappear momentarily, withdrawn by the composer, in order to make its presence more powerfully felt when it reappears. But reappear it surely will, for it is imposssible, except by rarest exception, to imagine a music, old or new, conservative or modern, without melody. 



Most melodies are accompanied by more or less elaborate material of secondary interest. Don't allow the melody to become submerged by that accompanying material. Separate it in your mind from everything which surrounds it. You must be able to hear it. It is up to composer and interpreter to help you hear it that way. 



As for the ability to recognize a beautiful melody when you hear one or distinguishing between a banal and a freshly inspired line, only increased experience as listener ― plus the assimilation of hundreds of melodies of all kinds ― can accomplish that for you. 



Schubert ― Symphony No. 8 (Unfinished) 

Carlos Kleiber, Vienna Philharmonic (Deutsche Grammophon) 


Wagner ― Tristan und Isolde 

Kirsten Flagstad, Wilhelm Furtwangler (Angel-EMI) 


Debussy ― Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun 

Esa-Pekka Salonen, Los Angeles Philharmonic (Sony) 



カルロス・クライバー指揮 ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 








エサ=ペッカ・サロネン指揮 ロサンゼルス・フィルハーモニック(ソニー