

巻末付録III「ワルトシュタイン・ソナタ」分析Copland「What to Listen for Music」を読む




Analysis of Beethoven's “Waldstein” Sonata, Op. 53 

ベートーヴェン作曲ワルトシュタインソナタ作品53 分析 


An analysis such as I shall attempt here must always be unsatisfactory, since we lack the sound of the notes themselves. I shall proceed on the assumption, possibly unwarranted, that the reader can secure either the printed score or the recording. 



One of the advantages of using this particular sonata as illustration of the form is the utter contrast between the first and second thematic groups. If you think only in terms of melody, the first theme is hardly a theme at all. It is made up of three separate tiny parts, producing an atmosphere of suspense and mysteriousness. It is the underlying rhythm in repeated eighth notes which is responsible for this and may be accounted the first element. The second element is harmless enough: 【one dotted quarter note - ♬ - ♪】. No one could possibly suspect the role it is to play later in the development section. The same is true of the third tiny fragment, which is as follows: 【one quarter note - ♬♬ - one quarter note】 

ソナタ形式を理解する上で、特にこの曲を引き合いに出すにはわけがある。第1主題と第2主題が、くっきり対照的だからだ。第1主題は、もし「メロディ」として考えた場合、「主題」とは言い難い。小さな部品が3つ合わさって出来ていて、不安で不思議な雰囲気を醸し出す。それに一役買うのが、8分音符で繰り返されるリズムだ。「小さな部品」その1である。「その2」は当たり障りない【付点四分音符 ― ♬ ― ♪】。後で展開部に出てきたとしても、その役割を疑問視する方はいないだろう。「その3」も同じ【四分音符 ― ♬♬ ― 四分音符】 


The first four measures are immediately repeated a tone below and without stopping rush forward to a complete pause on the note G (measure 13). Now, once again, everything is repeated from the start, with the important difference that the repeated eighth notes of the beginning are broken up into sixteenth (figurated) and slightly changed in tonality. These repetitions serve the important purpose of placing essential thematic material firmly in the listener's consciousness. This time there is no pause; the music, through a series of elongations, imperceptibly moves into the bridge section (measure 23, see page 151 for the explanation of this term). What one finds here is not melody but runs and argeggios ― so-called passage work. Even if you never heard this sonata before, it would be clear from the nature of the material that the piece was moving on from a first to a second grouping of elements. 



The transition in this case is really brilliantly accomplished! The music seems to slow itself up, in order to begin a second theme (measure 35) of a completely opposed nature. The slowly moving, sustained chords produce a chorale-like, almost religious feeling of calm and ease. These sustained chords are repeated immediately (measure 43), with the addition of a single florid melodic line above. (It is characteristic that despite the amount of repetition, so usual in all music, there is seldom literal repetition but repeated sections varied.) 



That extra florid melody, woven above the sustained chords, acts as an “excuse” for returning to the more figurated character of the first transition section (measure 50). Here we have one of those tantalizing moments when the analyst is torn between different interpretations of the form. Obviously, this new passage work is one of two things: either it is a second part of b, which one is reluctant to admit, because it is so very different in nature from the first part of b; or it is a second bridge leading to c, which is rather unlikely because of its overelaborate nature. That is where the composer is fortunate ― he never need give conscious reasons to himself for the form that he creates, if he wishes to explain the form, cannot very well do so without making up his mind. Therefore, I elect the first of these alternatives, preferring to consider this long passage-work section as a kind of b-2 which leads to the closing theme. 



The c, or closing, section (measure 74) , shorter than the others, has more affinity with the songlike second theme than with the agitated first theme. It serves to bring the mood back to a feeling of quietude, thereby emphasizing the sense of conclusion and at the same time preparing the way for the renewed entrance of the first material at the head of the development section. 



That is exactly what happens. The first thing that the composer does is to remind you of where he began ― to give you a point of reference, as it were. This is hardly done, before Beethoven is off! As a matter of fact, this particular development section is neither very long nor very elaborate. For development, it chooses only the two fragments quoted on the previous page and the section I elected to call b-2. No reference is made to the chorale-like theme or the closing theme or the opening repeated eighth notes. But there is a general feeling of movement and inner excitement, which pervades most of the whole first movement. 



The development section is divided into two parts. First the composer juxtaposes the two fragments of the first theme quoted above (measure 92). Then he concentrates on the first of the two fragments, developing what was originally only a tiny phrase into a swiftly lyrical little part. This leads directly to the development of the next material ― the opening measures of the b-2 passage work. On that basis, the music works itself out sequentially in such a way that a great many foreign tonalities are passed through before the dominant note G is reached. On this dominant (measure 142), Beethoven returns to the mysterious feeling of the very beginning in order to prepare psychologically for the return of the first theme. This retransition is quite remarkable, if only because it would be impossible to find anything comparable to it in the music of Haydn or Mozart. The misterioso rumblings in the bass and the gradual piling up of climax is typical Beethoven's touch. 



With a sudden return to pianissimo, the recapitulation starts (measure 156). The repetition in this case is almost literal, except for a few very minor changes, mostly of tonalities. A two-and-a-half-page coda follows (measure 249). After beginning almost like the first development section, it goes on to a further development of the same two fragments used there but now juxtaposed in somewhat different fashion. This leads back, after two held chords, to the chorale-like theme, made newly expressive by the addition of a new bass (measure 284). The seeming reluctance to leave this new-found quietude is broken off by an impetuous rush to the end. The sonata-allegro is completed. 
