

第13章ソナタ形式(後半)「What to Listen for In Music」を読む




The present-day status of the symphony is such that it is impossible to pass it by without further discussion, even though it does not constitute an independent form, different from the sonata. It is practically impossible to hear an orchestral program in the concert hall or on the air without being confronted with one or another of the symphonies of the regular repertoire. It should be remembered, however, that these present no specific problems other than those outlined above. 



The symphony had its origin not in instrumental forms like the concerto grosso, as one might have expected, but in the overture of early Italian opera. The overture, or sinfonia, as it was called, as perfected by Alessandro Scarlatti consisted of three parts: fast-slow-fast, thus presaging the three movements of the classical symphony. The sinfonia, around 1750, became detached from the opera which gave it birth and led an independent life in the concert hall. Karl Nef, in his Outline of the History of Music, describes what happened. “After the theater symphony had been transferred to the concert hall, the musical world was seized by a veritable mania to play symphonies. The composers never published less than half a dozen at a time. Many of them wrote a hundred and more; the sum total mounted to many thousands. Under these circumstances it would be idle to attempt to discover the man who founded the new style. Numerous composers collaborated in the new movement, in the earliest period Italians, Frenchmen, and Germans.” (reprinted by permisson from Karl Nef, An Outline of the History of Music, translated by Carl F. Pfatteicher, Columbia University Press, 1935.) 

交響曲は元々どこから派生したものか。コンチェルト・グロッソのような器楽曲?と予想した方もいると思うが、実は初期のイタリア・オペラで開幕に先立って演奏された楽曲に起源があるのだ。これは「序曲」とか「シンフォニア」と呼ばれたもので、アレッサンドロ・スカルラッティが完成させた。「速い―遅い-速い」の3つの部分から構成され、3つの楽章から構成される古典的な交響曲の原型である。1750年頃のこと、シンフォニアは、生みの親たるオペラから切り離され、コンサートホールでは独立した立場を得る。「音楽史概要」の著者カール・ネフは、当時のことを次のように記している「それまで歌劇場のものだった交響曲がコンサートホールに居場所を移してからというもの、音楽の世界を牛耳ったのは、交響曲ばかり演奏する筋金入りのマニアな連中だった。作曲家達が一度の出版で売りに出すのは、5・6曲を下ることはない。彼らの多くが100、あるいはそれ以上と、合計が数千曲にも及んだ。こんな状況では、この新しい音楽のスタイルを作ったのは誰かを探しだそうとすることは、意味のないことだ。イタリア、フランス、ドイツで膨大な数の作曲家達が、この新しい動きに加わっていった。」(転載許可:カール・ネフ「音楽史概要」 カール・F・ペッファテイヒャー訳 コロンビア大学出版局) 


The best orchestra of the day was maintained from 1743 to 1777 in Mannheim. Here the precursors of Haydn and Mozart originated many of the features of the later symphony, such as the orchestral crescendo and diminuendo and a greater flexibility in the orchestral fabric. The general texture was more homophonic, borrowing from the lighter, singing quality of operatic style, rather than the heavier contrapuntal manner of the concerto grosso.  



It was on this foundation that Haydn gradually perfected symphonic style. We must not forget that some of his greatest achievements in this medium were created after the death of Mozart and after a long period of gestation and maturity. He left the symphony a rounded art form, capable of further development but not of greater perfection within the limits of his own style. 



The way was paved for Beethoven's famous Nine. The symphony lost all connection with its operatic origins. The form was enlarged, the emotional scope broadened, the orchestra stamped and thundered in a completely new and unheard-of fashion. Beethoven singlehandedly created a colossus which he alone seemed able to control. 



For the nineteenth-century composers who followed him - Schumann and Mendelssohn - wrote a less titanic symphony. By the middle of the century, the symphony was in danger of losing its hegemony in the orchestral field. The “modernists” Liszt, Berlioz, and Wagner apparently considered the symphony “old hat” unless it was combined with some programmatic idea or incorporated in essence into the body of a music drama. It was “conservatives” like Brahms, Bruckner, and Tschaikovsky who defended what began to look very much like a lost cause. 



One important innovation was introduced during this period as regards symphonic form, namely, the so-called symphony. Cesar Franck was especially fond of this device. It was an attempt to bind the different parts of the entire work by unifying the thematic materials. Sometimes a “motto” theme is heard at unexpected moments in different movements of the symphony, giving an impression of a single unifying thought. At other times - and this is more truly cyclic form - all thematic material in an entire symphony may be derived from only a few primal themes, which are completely metamorphosed as the work progresses, so that what was first given out as a sober introductory theme is transformed into the principal melody of the scherzo, and similarly in slow movement and finale. 



If the cyclic form has not been adopted more widely, it is probably because it does not solve the need for musical logic within each separate movement. That is, the unification of all the thematic material is no more than a device, more or less interesting depending upon the ingenuity with which it is carried out by the composer, but the symphony itself must still be written! The same problems of form and substance must be grappled with, compared to which the derivation of all the material from a single source is only a detail. After Franck, his pupil and disciple Vincent d'Indy made use of cyclic form, and more recently Ernest Bloch has utilized it in more than one work. 



Not so very long ago, the impression was current that modern composers had abandoned the form of the symphony. No doubt there was a lull in interest on the part of leading men of the first twenty years of the present century. Debussy, Ravel, Schoenberg, and Bela Bartok in their mature years did not write symphonies. Symphonies have been written again, if we can judge by the works of Frenchmen like Milhaud and Honegger; Russians like Miaskovsky (with twenty-seven to his credit), Prokofieff and Shostakovitch; Englishmen like Bax, Vaughan Williams, and Walton; Americans like Harris, Sessions, and Piston. We should not forget the further fact that even during the period of its supposed decline, the symphonic form was being practiced by stalwarts such as Mahler and Sibelius. Perhaps it is indicative of a renewed interest in the form that only in the present day have their works begun to find a place in the regular repertoire of symphonic organizations. 



Mahler and Sibelius have been more adventurous in their treatment of the form than some of the later men. Mahler wanted desperately to make the symphony bigger that it was. He enlarged the size of the orchestra to gargantuan proportions, increased the number of movements, introduced the choral body in the Second and Eighth, and in general took it upon himself to carry on the traditions of the Beethoven symphony. Mahler has been bitterly attacked as a poseur, as having been hopelessly misled in his pretensions. But if one can pick and choose among the separate movements of his nine symphonies, I for one am certain that his eventual position will be equivalent to that of Berlioz. At any rate, we can find the derivation of new contrapuntal textures and new orchestral colors in his work, without which the modern symphony would be inconceivable. 



Sibelius has handled the form freely, especially in his Fourth and Seventh symphonies. The latter belongs with the rather rare species of one-movement symphonies. Much has been written of Sibelius' masterly development of symphonic form. But it is a question whether his departure from the usual norm have not been so great as to be almost disconnected from the nineteenth-century model. My own guess is that the Seventh is closer in form, despite its name, to the symphonic poem than it is to the symphony. At any rate, from the lay listener's point of view, it must be remembered that Sibelius' movements are not conventionally constructed and depend more on the gradual organic growth of one theme with another. At its best, the music seems to flower, often from unpromising beginnings. 



If any generalizations may be made as to the handling of the form by more recent composers, one can safely say that the symphony as a collection of three or more separate movements is still as firmly established as ever. There is still nothing puny or casual about the form. It is still the form in which the composer tries to come to grips with big emotions. If any fundamental changes may be discerned, they are likely to be changes of the inner structural setup of an individual movement. In that restricted sense, the form is freer - the materials are introduced in a more relaxed way - the divisions into first, second, and closing groups are much less clear if they are present at all; no one can predict the nature of the development section or the extent of the recapitulation, if any. That's why the modern symphony is more difficult to listen to than the older, to us more fully digested, examples of the form. 



Clearly, the symphony, and with it the sonata-allegro form, is not finished yet. Unless all signs are misleading, the both will have a healthy progeny. 



Beethoven - “Waldstein” Sonata (see listing under Chapter Three) 


Mahler - Symphony No. 2 in C minor 

Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic (Sony) 


Brahms - Symphony No. 4 in E minor 

Carlos Kleiber, Vienna Philharmonic (Deutche Grammophon) 


Schumann - Symphony No. 4 in D minor 

John Eliot Gardiner (Deutche Grammophon) 


Sibelius - Symphony No. 4 in A minor 

James Levine, Berlin Philharmonic (Deutche Grammophon) 






レナード・バーンスタイン指揮 ニューヨーク・フィルハーモニックソニー 



カルロス・クライバー指揮 ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団ドイツ・グラモフォン 






ジェームス・レヴァイン指揮 ベルリン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団ドイツ・グラモフォン