


英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85) 第20回 3部(5/8) バーン兄弟/フィドルの「先住民」

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER MUSIC AND MUSICIANS OF DONEGAL AND TYRONE ALLEN FELDMAN & EAMONN O'DOHERTY 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024) 監修:Tamiko(2024) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこち…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第19回 3部(4/8)カシディ夫妻へのインタビュー

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER MUSIC AND MUSICIANS OF DONEGAL AND TYRONE ALLEN FELDMAN & EAMONN O'DOHERTY OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書…

【本編最終】英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第40章(2/2)「牧歌的」とは/結審~追記

A MINGLED CHIME 40. RECOVERY 後半 462 During the summer of 1923 I spent a few pleasant weeks in the execution of a long cherished design for which I had never before found the time or opportunity. For several years a play-giving society, t…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第40章(1/2)復活に向けて/戦争の爪痕/ディーリアスの死

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 40. RECOVERY 40.復活に向けて 453 Up to this moment I had known very little of Louis Nicholas. Although I had met him on various occasions during the past four or five years, it was always in company wi…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第18回 3部(3/8) コン・カシディ~インタビュー

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ p 127 Con Cassby コン・カシディ -2- The musical traditio…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第39章(2/2)音楽活動の休止と再起の糸口

A MINGLED CHIME 39 . DISASTER 後半 450 The misguided creatures who had forced the order, and whose claims amounted to no more than a fraction of this mountain of apparent indebtedness, were literally overwhelmed by it and perhaps for the f…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第17回 3部(2/8)貧しき田舎、豊かな音楽

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ (3部)KITCHEN MUSIC -1- 後半 At the end of the nineteen…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第39章(1/2)散々な目に遭う(前半)

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 39 . DISASTER 39.散々な目に遭う 445 The well-worn adage that it never rains but it pours, was hardly ever better instanced than in my case during 1920. I had lost my manager and my lawyer, who were the…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第16回 3部(1/8) 「キッチン」家屋と周辺風景

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024年) 監修:Tamiko(2024年) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ p113…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第38章(2/2) 1920年秋・冬公演/プッチーニの我儘/経営難

A MINGLED CHIME 38 . THE '‘WINDS OF COMPLICATION” 後半 436 The major event for me of the winter Covent Garden season was the revival of A Village Romeo and Juliet, after a lapse of ten years. When first given the work had labored under two…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第15回 2部(7/7)ジョン・ドハティの晩年

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024) 監修:Tamiko(2024) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ ON THE ROADS…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第14回 2部(6/7)ジョン・ドハティ インタビュー

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024) 監修:Tamiko(2024) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ ON THE ROAD (J…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第38章(1/2)第1次大戦の傷悪化/「ファルスタッフ」を斬る

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 38 . THE '‘WINDS OF COMPLICATION” 38.面倒な風向きに 430 The termination of the war and the return to peace conditions added considerably to the costs of running an opera company. While the struggle con…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第37章(2/2) 英国の法制度/「片腕」の死/ハレ管弦楽団

A MINGLED CHIME 37. THE BRITISH LEGAL SYSTEM 後半 423 In no quarter is this disdain and ignorance of music and the part it plays in the life and estimation of other peoples so profound as among the otherwise worthy men who adorn the judici…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第13回 2部(5/7)ジョン・ドハティの「礎」

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ ON THE ROAD -3- John Doherty's repertoire reflects the g…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第37章(1/2) 芸術と記憶/卒業生を子供扱いする教師の風土

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 37. THE BRITISH LEGAL SYSTEM 37.英国の法制度 420 During August the English Opera Company broke fresh ground by putting in a month at Blackpool, the Margate of the North, and this was a fortunate additi…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第12回 2部(4/7)ティン・フィドル/楽士の役目

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024) 監修:Tamiko(2024) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ ON THE ROAD …

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第11回 2部(3/7)サイモン・ドハティ(前半)

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024) 監修:Tamiko(2024) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ ON THE ROAD …

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第36章(2/2)平和ゆえの/緑の楽屋/緑のピアノ/緑は嫉妬?

A MINGLED CHIME 36 . THE RETURN OF PEACE 後半 414 About this time I was fortunate in being able to form a small syndicate to take over the opera company, for I had come nearly to the end of my resources and should not have been able to con…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第36章(1/2)第1次大戦終結/劇音楽「マンフレッド」徹夜作業

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 36 . THE RETURN OF PEACE 36.終戦 410 We had now reached the spring of 1918, and our operatic performances began to be disturbed more and more by air raids. During one week a bomb killed the stage-door …

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第10回 2部(2/7)ドハティ家の家系図

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ ON THE ROAD Taped talk with John Doherty -2- 後半 p36 MU…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第35章(2/2)コヴェント・ガーデン契約急展開

A MINGLED CHIME 35. A UNIVERSAL PROBLEM 後半 403 All of which brings me to the point where I propose to throw a ray of truth upon certain private affairs of mine which have received a good deal of notice in the Press of most countries and …

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第9回 2部(1/7)インタビュー:ジョン・ドハティ

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ 2 ON THE ROAD フィドラーは町や村々を巡って Taped talk w…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝 A Mingled Chime 第35回(1/2) 世の中全体の問題:腰抜け政治家/ゴシップライター

A MINGLED CHIME 35. A UNIVERSAL PROBLEM 35.世の中全体の問題 397 Not so long ago an ingenious and learned author brought out a book entitled The Age of Fable. The purpose of the book, which is moderate in tone and franked by a wealth of …

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第8回 1部(4/4)ソロ重視故のフィドルの運命

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 日本語訳:竹中弘幸(2024) 監修:Tamiko(2024) https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ THEFIDDLER A…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第34回(2/2)美しきパースの娘/新聞業界とのせめぎあい

A MINGLED CHIME 34 . MUSIC VERSUS NATIONALITY 後半 393 A quasi-novelty was an English version of Ivan the Terrible, which is by way of being a companion piece to the beautiful La Fiancee du Czar, which I gave many years later. Both of them…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler 北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第7回 1部(3/4) 民にとってフィドルとは?

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ THEFIDDLER AND COLLECTOR -3- The motifs of the tale of t…

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝 A Mingled Chime 第34回(1/2) 父の跡/首相失脚騒動/オケに歌劇に大成功

A MINGLED CHIME 彩華に響くチャイム 34 . MUSIC VERSUS NATIONALITY 34.音楽と国民性・愛国心とのせめぎあい 388 The unexpected death of my father, due to heart weakness, deeply affected me. Out relationship had been a strange one; outwardly …

英日対訳:The Northen Fiddler 北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85) 第6回 1部(2/4) 伝承文化の本質と取材体制

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER OAK PUBLICATIONS London / New York / Sydney / Cologne https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ THEFIDDLER AND COLLECTOR -2- 後半 p18 The collector ente…

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85) 第5回 1部(1/4) 民謡採取は抹殺行為?

THE NORTHERN FIDDLER https://dev.session.nz/wp-content/uploads/tunebooks/The_Northern_Fiddler.pdf 本拙訳の原書はこちらからどうぞ THEFIDDLER AND COLLECTOR フィドラーと、彼らを訪ねる取材者 -1- p.15 The project of recording, interviewing and …