

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝A Mingled Chime第39章(2/2)音楽活動の休止と再起の糸口








The misguided creatures who had forced the order, and whose claims amounted to no more than a fraction of this mountain of apparent indebtedness, were literally overwhelmed by it and perhaps for the first time realized the fatuity of their action. For the official who presided put the vote to the meeting as to whether there should be bankruptcy or not and inevitably the majority was against. This meant in fact that I stood almost exactly where I had been before these proceedings had been initiated and that none of those who had caused them were a jot the better off. All they had accomplished was to cause an immense amount of trouble and worry to others besides myself, a large expenditure in legal fees, and a widespread publicity that no one could understand. One day an eminent banker meeting me in the street stopped and said: "Tell me, T.B., do you owe or are owed a couple of million, I can’t make out which.” I replied “Both,” which in a way was partly true, but left him more mystified than ever. As for the official receiver whose business it was to call in whatever assets the debtor might have anywhere, the income I was receiving under the scheme of the Court and which had been confirmed to me under a special order was difficult if not impossible of collection; and as everything else was firmly tied up there was nothing for him to do but to sit down like the creditors and wait. As I said at the time, “For what he is about to receive, may the Lord make him truly thankful,” a comment which was considered by the grave and sententious as highly frivolous and unbefitting the seriousness of the occasion.  




The basic cause of this solemn “divertimento” lay in the cumbersome and imperfect machinery of the law. Under its provisions it is possible for one person, who may be irresponsible, ill-tempered, or spiteful to precipitate a course of proceedings which may bring a man near to ruin. No single person should have such power or opportunity. In one European country the official in charge takes the matter into his own hands and without the incidence of a needless publicity, investigates the whole circumstances of the case and nurses the debtor’s assets until the creditors can be paid. Thus both sides are adequately protected by an impartial authority, and only when the case is hopeless and it is clear beyond doubt that the debtor can never pay, is he adjudged bankrupt. But with us every solicitor in London knows that the vilest methods of extortion and blackmail are practiced by a group among them who cause petitions in bankraptcy to be made solely for the purpose of creating legal charges, and then count on being bribed heavily to agree to the repeated adjournment of them in order to avoid receiving orders. This scandalous and notorious racket is universally known in the profession and admitted to be an abuse which stands in need of drastic reform, but nothing is done about it. Truly our English law needs a Hercules to sweep clean its Augean stable.  




By the close of the year the career of the opera company had run its course and for the first time for fifteen years I was without an active interest in music. I gave the whole position the fullest consideration and decided to withdraw from public life until the final determination of my complicated business tangle. There was more reason than one for this. I could not have supported any fresh enterprise, although there was a group of new enthusiasts at hand who would have done so on the condition that I gave my whole time to it. But this I could and would not consent to. I felt strongly that the time had come to take a much more direct share, not only in the control of my own business affairs but of those of the whole estate as well. So far I had left nearly everything in the hands of the executors and their advisers, but after all it was not their property, and it was asking too much that they should show the same zeal and interest in it as the principals. The crux of the whole situation was Covent Garden, and to run it as a commercial enterprise a family company had been formed, on the board of which I was a director. I had never been satisfied even in the days of James White that the most was being made of the potentialities of the estate; they required restudying from beginning to end, and I could see no better way of passing my time than to begin the task. I was also a little out of humor with the musical world. It had somewhat prematurely assumed that my career was at an end, that I could never rise again, and several tearful elegies appeared in the more sympathetic newspapers. From the numerous societies I had worked with or assisted during a period of five and in some cases six years, as well as the hundreds whom I had employed during the same period in the opera house or concert room, I failed to receive a single word of inquiry or condolence. Taking these different things into account, I decided to give the musical world a miss for a while; doubtless some day I would return to it, not again, however, under the old conditions. But to carry out a comprehensive plan for the practical exploitation of the resources of the estate demanded the cooperation of another: a man of ability, technical knowledge, and personal loyalty. I had such a one in mind if he would unite his forces with mine, the Liverpool accountant, Louis Nicholas, our general secretary and adviser, the actual author of the residuary contract, the Chancery scheme, and indeed the whole of my temporary embarrassment.  





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