

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler北の大地のフィドラー達('79/'85)第9回 2部(1/7)インタビュー:ジョン・ドハティ




London / New York / Sydney / Cologne 











Taped talk with John Doherty 



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'My father was a great man for horses - for ponies. He would send me out to herd the ponies, that was my job - of course, that was after school hours ... I would give an account of where and how they were - I would take a hand at other little things such as some sort of handicraft. I'd find myself always employed at something. If I were to hear a lot of street musicians coming into town here, I would leave whatever I could be at and I wouldn't care, I'd come the whole way to hear what they were able to play. I would indeed! They were travelling fiddle players and they were very good indeed. They'd hail somehow from those counties Antrin and Derry. When they would come into town to play the fiddle you might ask me to do anything else but to come into town and to listen to them ... 



'In my house then of course there were bagpipes and fiddles. But they never liked the accordion. My father when he played the pipes would go outside and play a few marches and he would step up and down and him playing ... If you heard him play on the Scotch pipes it would bring your heart back. On the fiddle he would play a piece of music arranged on the pipes and would play in the same style as the chanter. In a way of playing a reel, that's when he was in good humor, he could make the point of the bow whistle. Oh lord, he could strike great power into it! Once when he would leave down the pipes, some of the boys would take two fiddles and begin to play. Ah, gracious hour, it was a great time of music. But that was just in one townland and there would be townlands for miles around where there would be no music at all ... I didn't regard myself able to play for a dance or for any public amusement till I was over twenty years of age. Until then I was a bit shy. I was beginning to try the fiddle when I was sixteen - but I had no success that time. If I went wrong my father would chastise me there and then. He would give me a middling sharp condown for not doing the thing right. That would make me a little more keen you know ... I would listen to a tune ... I would get the impression of it in my mind and maybe at three o'clock in the morning I'd wake up and I could go into a good bit. I just only wanted to get the symptoms of the tune and I had it. 



'My grandfather Simon Doherty was a good player, on my mother's side, my grandfather Patrick McConnell and his sons were good fiddlers. All our family played. Michael Gallagher my cousin played the pipes - he would keep the people amused whether he played music or not. He told some funny yarns altogether and it was all about what happened to himself. He would never use nobody else's name. Oh no, no - poor Michael Gallager.' 



(drawing on p32: John Doherty in Given's pub) 





Around about 1895 John Doherty was born into a family of travelling musicians and tinsmiths based in Finntown, Co Donegal. He was heir, through his family, to a musical legacy extending back at least to the eighteenth century, beginning with his great-grandfather Hugh Doherty who played the fiddle as well as the uillean and Highland bagpipes. His great-grandmother, Nannie Rua Mac Sweeney, was a famous singer and lilter, of the same family that produced one of the master uillean pipers of Ireland, Turluogh McSweeney. There exists a strong tradition of fiddling and piping that runs through three generations of the Dohertys. Genealogical material supplied by John Doherty dealing with the period between the late eighteenth and early twentieth century, reveals a total of seventeen instrumentalists and singers in the family tree. Of these musicians, fourteen were fiddlers, eight played the Highland pipes, three played the uillean pipes and two were noted singers and lilters. There were six members of the family who were multi-instrumentalists playing both the fiddle and either uillean or Highland pipes, though John's great-grandfather and his grandfather, Simon, played all three instruments and they can be listed among the first generation of uillean pipers. This incredible concentration of musicians in a single family produced a strong sense of musical continuity that underlies John Doherty's music with a historical authenticity, particularly in terms of his playing sytle and repertoire. The presence of the Highland pipes, which pre-dates both the fiddle and uillean pipes in Irish musical history, implies that the actual family tradition may contain elements that originated in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 



No one knows for sure what the origins of the traveling musicians in Irish rural society were, though there are several historical patterns that can be pieced together to create a reasonable picture. In many cases they may have originated with the court musicians and clan pipers who went in exile to the peasantry when the old Gaelic order disintegrated. The fact that in the Doherty family there was a tradition of playing the Highland pipes might connect them with this theory, as the clan piper was possibly a hereditary position passed from father to son. Many traveling players were evicted farmers. It was also a common practice to train blind or otherwise handicapped children to become professional musicians, though this last reason does not seem to apply in the case of the Doherty family. The presence of the co-occupations of tinsmithing, horsetrading and saddling may indicate an even older clan origin to the family musical tradition. 



From the early nineteenth century to well into the present (twentieth) century four families of traveling musicians, all of whom were related - the Dohertys, MacSweeneys, McConnells and Gallaghers - formed a highly skilled musical subculture which had an incalculable influence on the musical life of rural Donegal. Through their travels they continuously cross-fertilised the various local musical traditions of isolated farming communities in Donegal. They would travel from parish to parish, invited as honoured guests, from house to house supplying the music for big nights, 'house parties,' penny dances and country fairs. The local musicians who were exposed to the music of the travellers were as quick to pick up the new tunes the travellers brought into a region as they were to absorb the cream of the indigenous music they encountered. As well as influencing their repertoire the travellers had an effect on the playing style and standards of the sedentary farmer/fiddlers. The average country fiddler was usually a part-time player, restricting his greatest playing activity to the idle winter months. At other times of the year he would only pick up his fiddler sporadically. His musical activity was tied to agrarian work cycles and often his hands were brutalised by the nature of his work.  



(drawing on p35: Kilcar, Co Donegal) 




The traveling families of the Dohertys, MacSweeneys, McConnells and Gallaghers, in contrast, were professional players involved possibly in relatively light handiwork such as tinsmithing, and their economy was not tied to seasonal cycles. Therefore they had the time and opportunity to develop their music to a high degree of proficiency. They were also in continual contact with other players, whether sedentary players or other traveling musicians like themselves. As a result of these factors the traveling players might often have a wider range of music than the isolated famer/fiddler. The farming communities of Donegal were by no means lacking in musical talent. South-west Donegal in particular was a fertile area for fiddling producing many virtuoso players such as John Mosey McGinley, and John Frank Cassidy. But all these players maintained close relationships with the traveling musicians. 



Rather than constantly frequenting regions where there was a lack of fiddling and a market for their services, the Doherty and McConnell families gravitated to the musical parishes of Kilcar, Glencolumbkille and Ardara in South-west Donegal where they felt their music was more keenly understood and appreciated. The interactions of the traveling families and the local virtuosi developed fiddling in Donegal into a highly complex and exciting art form, with a wide range of tunes and a variety of playing styles. In Teelin, a small fishing village at the foot of Silver League mountain, the visits of the Doherty and the McConnells actually initiated a local tradition of fiddling. No one in Teelin can remember talk of fiddling in the village except for the two or three crude players until the time of the First World War, when half a dozen accomplished fiddlers began to play at the country house dances. These men had learned their fiddling either directly or indirectly from the McConnells or the Dohertys. The repertoire of the Teelin fiddlers mainly consisted of tunes learned from the traveling families as well as some tunes absorbed from the lilting of the preceding generation of Teelin singers. 




John Doherty sings Murlough Mary 
