

「Copland on Music を読む」第5回の3(1)先駆者としてのリスト




Liszt as Pioneer 



EVERYBODY THINKS he has the right to an opinion about Franz Liszt and his music. I can only recommend my own opinion tentatively because I admit to being dazzled by the man. As a composer, he has for me something of the same glamour he had for his contemporaries as pianist. His wizardry at the piano so overwhelmed audiences in his own day that they were clearly incapable of judging him soundly as a creator. 



The question is whether anyone can do that even now. To examine his list of compositions, if only superficially, is enough to give one a dizzy feeling. It would be a feat merely to listen consecutively to the prime examples of his production: the symphonies, symphonic poems, concertos, oratorios, the masses, the chamber music, the songs, the piano compositions large and small, not to mention the plethora of fantasies, arrangements, and transcriptions of the works of numerous other major and minor composers. How can anyone be expected to arrive at a balanced, critical estimate of such a man? 



Nevertheless I freely confess to being won over, so to speak, in advance. There is something endlessly diverting about a musician who, like Berlioz, was to such a degree the embodiment of his period. After all, the nineteenth century, especially the Lisztian part of it, was the “juiciest” period in music. One needn't be a composer of the greatest ability in order to mirror the times most truthfully. Quite the contrary. Chopin, for example, was perhaps too elegant, Mendelssohn too polite, and Schumann too sweetly honest to reflect the seamier side of their epoch. It's from Liszt that one gets a sense of the fabulous aspect of that era. 



His composer friends, Chopin and Schumann, despite their appreciation of the Hungarian's genius, thought Liszt a rather shocking figure; they accused him of cheapening their art ー and I suppose the accusation is not without justification. (One must remember, however, that he outlived both of them by more than a quarter of a century, and neither of them could have known the compositions that interest us most.) But the point is that what shocked them in Liszt is the very thing that fascinates us. It fascinates us because the qualities that Liszt had in abundance ー the spectacular style, the sensuosity, the showmanship, the warmth and passion of his many-sided nature ー are exactly those qualities that are least evident in contemporary music. No wonder he intrigues us, and in a way that only one or two other musical figures of the nineteenth century can match. 



There is another aspect of Liszt's personality that endears him to us. I am thinking, of course, of the enthusiasm expended upon the compositions of other composers, many of them young and obscure when first he came to know their work. Genius, as a rule, is too self-concentrated to waste much time on lesser men. But in Liszt we have the rule's exception. With rare perceptivity he was able to sense the mature composer in the embryonic stage. And this interest in the output of his colleagues, which undoubtedly had its origin in a character trait, in the end took on larger significance than Liszt himself may have realized. The French critic G. Jean-Aubry offers a good case for having us believe that it was Liszt who engendered one of the most important of recent historical developments: the rise of nationalism as a musical ideal. “If modern Germany had a profound sense of justice,” writes Jean-Aubry, “she would nourish a vigorous hatred for Liszt, for the destruction of German musical monopoly is in part his work.”  In a period when Brahms and Wagner were at the apogee of their careers, and in spite of Liszt's well-known championship of Wagner, Liszt was clear-headed enough to understand that new music could advance only if the hegemony of German music were weakened. To remember that fact makes one keenly aware of the forward-looking character of Liszt's own music.  



The most advanced aspect of his own music is its harmonic daring. But, leaving this aside for the moment, I would say that the element that strikes one most forcibly, separating his music from that of all other nineteenth-century composers, is its sonorous appeal. A keen ear will detect wide divergencies in “sound-pleasure” in the works of different composers. Laymen tend to take these divergencies for granted. But actually the type of sonorous appeal we take so much for granted ー the sonority chosen instinctively for its sheer beauty of sound ー is partly the invention of Liszt. No other composer before him understood better how to manipulate tones so as to produce the most satisfying sound texture ranging from the comparative simplicity of a beautifully spaced accompanimental figure to the massive fall of a tumbling cascade of shimmering chords. One might legitimately hold that this emphasis upon the sound-appeal of music weakens its spiritual and ethical qualities. Perhaps; but even so one cannot deny Liszt the role of pioneer in this regard, for without his seriously contrived pieces we would not have had the loveliness of Debussy or Ravel's textures or the langorous poems of Alexander Scriabine. 
