

「Copland on Music を読む」第4回の3.イーゴル・ストラヴィンスキーpp92-96





第2章 私の大切な5人 



The Composer:Igor Stravinsky 






For a long time I have wondered about the exact nature of the personality of Stravinsky. Everyone agrees that Stravinsky possesses one of the most individual natures of our time. But to get at the essence of it is another matter. 



Certain great composers are literally drenched in their own personal atmosphere. One thinks immediately of Chopin, or the later Beethoven, or the mature Wagner. On the other hand, if you don't listen closely, there are times when you might mistake Mozart for Haydn, or Bach for Handel, or even Ravel for Debussy. I cannot ever rememer being fooled by the music of Stravinsky. It invariably sounds like music that only he could have written. 



Why? I'm sure I don't know... but I keep wondering about it. Musicians will tell you that you must take the music apart, see how it is made, then put it together again, and you will have the answer. I've tried it, but it doesn't really work. Knowing Stravinsky the man helps a little, but not enough. At home he is a charming host, a man with clearly defined ideas and a sharp tongue ... but the music seems to exist on a supra-personal plane, in an aural world of its own. 



It is his work of the last few years that holds the mystery tightest. One thinks of the Mass, the Canticum Sacrum, or of Threni... these works, in some curious way, seem strangely removed from everyday “events,” and yet they remain for the most part profoundly human. Sobriety is the keynote ー it seems hardly possible to create a music of less sensuous appeal. Nevertheless there are moments of an enriched textureー all the more rare and precious because they seem measured out so carefully. In these works thought and instinct are inextricably wedded, as they should be. 



Perhaps it is just because the secret cannot be extracted that fascination of Stravinsky's personality continues to hold us. 






A close examination of the Russian master's textural fabric, especially his harmonic textures, makes it clear that we are dealing with a mind that doesn't hear “straight,” in the usual sense. It is the rightness of his “wrong” solutions that fascinates one. Marcel Proust must have had something of the same notion in mind when, in considering Flaubert's prose style, he talked about “great writers who do not know how to write.” One might say that Stravinsky doesn't know how to compose in the sense of Hindemith or Milhaud. He lacks their facility or virtuosity, a kind of facility and virtuosity that allows the notes to run to their predetermined places ー almost, one might say, without more than an assist from their composers. With Stravinsky one senses that the place of each note in each melody and chord has been found for it only after a process of meticulous elimination, and the place found is usually so unexpected and original that one can imagine the notes themselves being surprised at finding themselves situated where they are ー “out of place,” so to speak. Facility, in Stravinsky's case, would have been ruinous. And yet, by virtue of living long enough, and adding a work year after year to his output, he has in the end amassed a considerable oeuvre. 






If we can gauge the vitality of a composer's work by the extent of his influence, then Stravinsky's record is an enviable one. For almost half a century his music has exercised a continuing hold that is without parallel since Wagner's day. In the twentieth century only Debussy cast a comparable spell, and that was of a limited nature and of a single style. It is one of the curiosities of contemporary musical history that Stravinsky has been able to influence two succeeding generations in ways diametrically opposed. 



Because of Stravinsky the period 1917-27 was the decade of the displaced accent and the polytonal chord. Few escaped the impact of his personality. The frenetic dynamism and harmonic daring of Le Sacre were reflected in other ballets, Prokofieff's Age of Steel, Chavez's H.P.(Horse Power), Carpenter's Skyscrapers. Antheil's Ballet Mecanique was a reducitio ad absurdum of Stravinsky's emphasis on furious rhythms and pitiless dissonances. 



Then suddenly, with almost no warning, Stravinsky executed an about-face that startled an confused everyone. Everyone but the composers, that is. For despite repeated critical accusations of sterility and an apathetic public response, many composers rallied to the new cause of neoclassicism. Once more Stravinsky had called the tune. 



In America one can trace a straight line from Roger Session's Symphony NO.1 (1927) to Harold Shaper's “Symphony for Classical Orchestra (1947). Among the generation of the mid-forties it was easy to identify a Stravinsky school: Shaper, Halide, Berger, Lesser, Smit, Foss, Fine. 



Looking ahead, one can foresee still a third type of Stravinsky influence, based upon his recent commerce with Central European serialism. Nothing in Stravinsky's past had suggested the possibility of his becoming immersed in the seminal scores of Anton Webern. Here we have the most surprising twist of all. How long this interest will last no one can say. But one result is predictable: there are certain to be younger composers who will plot their own lines in accordance with Stravinsky's latest absorptions. 



Isn't it surprising that, in his eighth decade, Stravinsky is still writing problem music? All the other composers over fifty ー the famous ones, I mean ー are turning out more or less what is expected of them. It seems a long time since we got a jolt from Hindemith, Schonberg's last works were problematical certainly, but in the same way they had been for the preceding thirty years. Milhaud, Britten, Piston are all sticking close to form. Only Stravinsky manages to mix his elements, including even the familiar ones, in such a way that no one can predict just where he will be taking us next. 



But perhaps the most impressive point of all is that over and beyond the question of influence there remains in Stravinsky's music an irreducible core that defies imitaion. The essence of the man ー his special “tone,” his very personal brand of seriousness, the non-academic texture of his music ー in short, the sum total of his extraordinary individuality, has never to my knowledge been adequately described, let alone imitated. Despite the wide-spread influence of his music Stravinsky as a composer remains a singularly remote and removed figure, a composer whose passport to the future needs no signature other than his own. 
