Two Worlds of Music
Date of first publication:_ 1946
Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949)
初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー
Creative Age Press, Inc.
The conflicts which dominated our lives played havoc with our nerves. Instead of being able to devote ourselves to our work, we had to cope with new troubles every day and had to live in constant uncertainty about what would happen next.
At the beginning of the spring tour I went ahead to Paris in order to be there a few days before the orchestra arrived. I sighed with relief at the breath of fresh air, for by this time the difference in the atmosphere of Germany and that of foreign countries was noticeable as soon as one crossed the frontier.
Barthou was then French Foreign Minister. I had frequently met him before. A highly cultured man, he owned a magnificent library, loved music, and had written a preface to a book on Hector Berlioz, as well as a book on Wagner, of whom he was an enthusiastic admirer. He was a well-known figure at Bayreuth. Greatly interested in art and artists he had, at a previous meeting, asked me many questions about my professional work and had told me to let him know immediately when I was next in Paris.
When I arrived in Paris, exhausted and depressed, I was longing for an understanding soul, and, although I had many good friends there, it was Barthou whom I most wanted to see. I sent him a petit bleu to the Quai d’Orsay. Later during the same morning he rang me up and I immediately went to see him. He sat in his sumptuous room, the small man with a typical French face; his most arresting feature was his eyes, full of vivacity, humor, intelligence, and scintillating with kindness. He received me with great warmth and sympathy and asked me questions about my own present life; and I attempted to describe to him how Furtwängler was fighting to uphold the old tradition. He must have felt how deeply troubled I was, for he asked me, “Est-ce qu’on vous persécute?” He avoided saying anything hostile about Germany, just as I would never have openly complained; but in his tactful, subtle question was real understanding of our problems. Barthou said that he had been the first to buy tickets for our concerts, he would attend, and he hoped we would meet again.
Meanwhile I followed my usual routine in Paris. But for the first time the deepening rift between those Germans who had emigrated and those who continued their life in the Reich took active form. Some took exception to my work with Furtwängler and the Berlin Philharmonic and soon after my arrival an article in the refugee newspaper, Pariser Tageblatt, called me a “Hitler-Jewess.” I was greatly upset. We fought unending battles at home, only to have to fight adversaries abroad.
さて私の方ですが、パリでは通常業務をいつも通りこなしていました。ところがこの時初めて、関係悪化による深い溝を感じたことがあります。それは、本国を逃れてきたドイツ人と、国内にとどまるドイツ人との間のものです。これについて実際に行動が起こされたのです。フルトヴェングラーとベルリン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団に関する私の業務に、意義や不服が発信されたのです。私がパリに到着するとすぐに、本国から逃れてきたドイツ人が発行する新聞「Pariser Tageblatt」に掲載されたのが、私のことを「ヒトラーに飼われたユダヤ人」私は大いに憤慨しました。本国で終わりの見えない闘いを繰り広げた結果、国外でも敵と戦う羽目になるとは、というわけです。
Dr. Koester, a non-Nazi and decent man of the old school, had succeeded Hoesch as German Ambassador. When I called on him to pour out my heart to him, he refused to be excited. “First let us have tea,” he proposed. He made the tea himself, got some English marmalade out of his cupboard, and then comforted me. “Don’t be upset,” he said, “you are in good company! Look at the back page of the paper!” I did and there was a fierce attack on the German Ambassador himself. But even such good company made the situation no easier to bear.
The Paris concerts took place as usual. The President of the Republic was present and received Furtwängler during the intermission. We saw the French composers, Milhaud, Honegger, Roussel, our Bayreuth friend, Guy de Pourtalès, and many others.
Barthou’s presence at the first concert on the eve of his departure for Poland was a sensation. That journey was the focus of interest, and after I walked through the foyer of L’Opéra with him and he had gone backstage to talk to Furtwängler for a while, I was bombarded by questions. Had he said anything about his mission? I shook my head. How could I admit that he had told me he would pass through Berlin without seeing anybody? In spite of everything the concerts ended with great demonstrative applause, inspired solely by the wonderful performance which overcame all political differences. When Barthou said good-bye to me after it, he held both my hands and said, “Etes-vous heureuse?”
I saw him only once after that, at the end of May 1934 at a Toscanini concert. On October 13, 1934, he was assassinated in Marseilles.
In the middle of February, when the next spring tour had long been settled, the Italian Ambassador in Berlin, Cerruti, rang me up just after midnight and said he had been urgently requested to invite the Philharmonic and Furtwängler to a tour in Italy in April. I told him that his request came too late. But he was so insistent that I finally promised to do my best, provided that the change of schedule could be arranged, and that after upsetting our plans he would at least arrange an audience for Furtwängler with Mussolini in Rome. I did my work, Cerruti did his. The Italian tour was tacked on to the French. In Paris I got a telegram indicating that Il Capo del Governo would expect Furtwängler at five P.M. on the free day between the two concerts in the Palazzo Venezia. The telegram almost cost me my head.
While the orchestra traveled south in stages, I went straight from Paris to Rome. Soon I discovered that - quite contrary to former times - the feeling in Italy towards the Berlin Philharmonic was definitely hostile. Advance booking was bad, everything was complicated, nothing was quite as it had been before. As soon as I arrived I received a message from Count Ciano asking me to call on him at the Palazzo Chigi. I went there straightaway, and after being led through innumerable resplendent anterooms by luxuriously attired footmen, I found myself in the presence of Il Duce’s elegant son-in-law who inquired into my wishes and placed his office at my disposal for anything I might need. He asked if I had time to spare for anything besides the tour, and when I answered in the affirmative, he gave orders that I should be shown how artistic matters were handled in the “Fascio.”
Meanwhile, the orchestra had arrived and a rehearsal took place in the Augusteo. Austrian journalists appeared at the rehearsal in great numbers and were most vociferous. Suddenly during the rehearsal the problem arose whether we had better be prepared to play the Horst Wessel song in case the Giovinezza was requested. While the Nazi journalists sat passively about in the hall, an overzealous Austrian journalist offered to get us the score from the Party—as if he were on the most intimate terms with the Nazis.
そうこうしているうちに、楽団がローマへ到着しました。事前練習が行われたのは、音楽ホールとして使用されているアウグストゥス廟でした。オーストリアからの記者達がリハーサルに大挙して詰めかけ、盛んに質問をぶつけてきたのです。リハーサル中、急に問題が一つ発生しました。もしイタリアファシスト党賛歌「Giovinezza(若さ)」の演奏要請があった場合、ナチス党賛歌「Horst Wessel(旗を髙く掲げよ)」を用意した方がいいかどうか、ということです。記者達の中でナチス関係者達は、ホール内で座して静観していました。そんな中、あるオーストリアの記者がむきになって、ナチス党の賛歌のスコアを党から取り寄せるべきだと、まるで自分が党と密接な関係にあると言わんばかりにまくし立てていたのです。
All these paradoxical happenings were then still possible in Italy. Italy had not yet become a vassal of Nazi Germany. The Austrians still felt secure under the protection of Il Duce and greatly profited by Italian anti-Nazi feeling. (It was 1934 and not yet 1938!)
We had received no information about any member of the Italian Government attending the first concert, and since Furtwängler disliked playing the Horst Wessel song, he simply began by conducting his Haydn symphony. No sooner had the concert started - I was sitting on a drum behind the stage - when a member of the Fascist secret police pounced on me furiously. Members of the government were expected to attend; Furtwängler had to be interrupted to play the Giovinezza. The man was raving, a second Toscanini incident was in the making. I knew all too well that when Toscanini had refused a request for the Giovinezza in the middle of a concert the Fascists attacked him bodily and he had never conducted in Italy again. Accordingly, I said guardedly, “Dr. Furtwängler has been explicitly informed that the national anthems are not required this evening. Don’t you think the Duce, who is so musical, would disapprove of an interruption in the middle of a Haydn symphony?” The man calmed down and, with the promise that he would see to it that we were notified in time for the second concert, disappeared.
賛歌のことについては、初日の公演に参加したイタリア政府関係者からは、誰からも私達は情報をもらえていませんでした。そしてフルトヴェングラーが「Horst Wessel(旗を髙く掲げよ)」の演奏を嫌っていたので、彼は普通にハイドンの交響曲から、その日の演奏の指揮を始めたのです。私は舞台裏の、ドラムの形をした円柱状のものに腰を下ろしていました。開宴と同時に、ファシストの秘密警察の一人が、私に対してものすごい勢いで責め立て始めたのです。政府関係者達がこの演奏会には来ているのだから、フルトヴェングラーは演奏を中断して「Giovinezza(若さ)」を演奏するべきだ、と言うのです。この秘密警察の一人は熱くなってまくし立てていました。このままだと、トスカニーニの二の舞だぞ、というのです。私もトスカニーニの件はよく知っていました。コンサートの途中で「Giovinezza(若さ)」の演奏要請を断り、ファシスト党関係者達に身体的攻撃を受け、以来二度とイタリア国内での指揮をしなくなったのです。そんな経緯があったので、私は言葉を選びつつこう言いました「フルトヴェングラーは、今夜は国歌関係は演奏する必要はないと、はっきり伝えられています。今演奏しているハイドンの交響曲を途中で止でもしてご覧なさい。音楽が大好きな国家元首殿が、ご納得されると思いますか?」この男性は落ち着きを取り戻し、2回目の公演の際にはどうするか、必ず伝えると言って、その場を立ち去りました。
At the first concert the hall was half empty. In the gallery, usually crowded by the clergy, were rows of unoccupied seats - obviously a protest by the Catholic church. Only a few dress-circle boxes were occupied. The artistic success of the concert was complete, but otherwise it was a situation such as the orchestra had never experienced before. I telephoned Count Ciano the next day and asked him point blank, “What is the point of especially inviting our orchestra to appear in Italy at great cost, if the concert is boycotted?” He replied cautiously that Mussolini would attend the second concert. The day after the first concert Furtwängler had an audience with Il Duce who slyly began the conversation with the words, “I am coming to your concert tomorrow.” Next he asked, “What do you think of Adolf Hitler?”
The second concert was sold out. Mussolini and his daughter Edda occupied a box above the platform. Il Duce had the reputation of being a great music lover, and there he sat with his favorite daughter, his energetic, brutal face turned in fascination towards the orchestra. Long before the concert started the hall was filled with secret police who only reluctantly permitted me to go back to the box-office once I had been in the hall.
Furtwängler was given an Italian decoration of the highest order the country could bestow on an artist. German Nazis in Rome, as is often the case of adherents of political movements situated farthest from the storm-center, were extreme: the district leader, greatly disturbed that the Berlin Philharmonic had not been “aryanized,” sent a report on the Italian tour intended to inflame Party headquarters against the orchestra and its conductor, complaining about the “non-Aryan” members of the orchestra. The extraordinary musical success he did not find worth mentioning. The German Ambassador, von Hassell, on the other hand, reported to the German Foreign Office, emphasizing the great success of the tour, particularly in view of the obviously hostile feeling of the Italians towards the Nazis.
While I was unsuspectingly performing my various duties in Rome darker thunderclouds were gathering, in addition to the constant shadow that lay over me. One would have thought that the successful concerts and the great honors bestowed upon Furtwängler would have satisfied authorities at home. At any rate, the German Foreign Office counted the Rome concerts and Mussolini’s attendance there as an asset. Not so the Nazis! While still in Rome, I received a telephone call from Berlin in the middle of the night. I was told to behave as unobtrusively as possible; the rest I was to hear on my return.
The torment of suspense, often worse than the actuality itself, brought about by mysterious telephone calls, veiled hints, and whispered advice was one of the Nazis’ most demoralizing methods. I had to wait till I was back in Berlin.
From Rome we went to Florence, where we gave two concerts. The old Contessa Gravina, Cosima’s second daughter, lived there, and we spent an afternoon with her. Furtwängler had not returned to Bayreuth after 1931, but Cosima’s daughters were always on friendly terms with him. Toscanini, the idol of the older Wagner generation, had also left Bayreuth in 1931, and since the outset of the Nazi régime had refused every engagement in Germany. As far as Bayreuth was concerned, therefore, Furtwängler and Toscanini were in the same position, if for different reasons.
The “old ladies,” Contessa Gravina, Frau Thode, and Frau Eva Chamberlain, had a fanatical devotion for Toscanini and followed him whenever possible to Salzburg and to Lucerne.
That afternoon Contessa Gravina spoke of her ardent desire to bring about a reconciliation between Toscanini and Mussolini, to re-establish the great musician in Italy and in its famous opera house. After the Bologna incident, Toscanini never conducted in Italy again, although he continued to live there until 1939. Until his conflict with Toscanini rocked him on his pedestal, Mussolini had been considered a pillar of support for many intellectuals persecuted by the Nazis. He was never able to bridge the gap, and a great Italian was lost to his country.
Who would have thought then that Mussolini would disappear overnight, and that the Italian people would seize the occasion immediately to renew their claim for Toscanini’s return; their love and veneration for him were unimpaired by the long years of Mussolini’s régime.
Ever since 1924, when they had visited Switzerland for the first time, Furtwängler and the Berlin Philharmonic had had a following there. The Zurich concert, which followed the Florence and Milan concerts, was splendid, and the hall was more than full. Afterwards, the civic authorities gave a reception in honor of Furtwängler and Richard Strauss, who was in Zurich for his opera performances. For some reason on that evening the thought that I no longer belonged to that world was clearer than ever to me. Although I had no inkling that this tour was to be my last with Furtwängler and the Berlin Philharmonic, I returned to Germany with a heavy heart.
Each return to Berlin was more disconcerting than the last, and I re-entered the capital full of apprehension about what was behind the mysterious message I had received in Rome. I was told that my arranging the Furtwängler-Mussolini meeting merely with the help of the Italian Ambassador and without the knowledge of the German Embassy or the Nazi authorities was a crime of the first magnitude. How proud the Nazi Government would have been, had they arranged the meeting themselves. That their ultimate end had been accomplished did not matter: they had not accomplished it themselves. Goebbels was furious that I had been the one to pull the strings he would have liked to boast of pulling himself and, enraged at his lost opportunity, he reportedly rushed to Hitler and demanded my immediate dismissal.
Hitler had promised Furtwängler that I would remain unmolested - in other words, that I would officially and formally retain my post. What did such a promise mean to Nazis? They had many ways of eliminating an undesirable person. While I was in Italy, I had already been discarded in Berlin, and would have remained so had it not been for Goering’s intervention. Tietjen, in his position as head of all the Prussian State Theaters, as usual had heard about the whole affair as soon as it happened. He disapproved of Goebbels’ action - especially since he was not entirely disinterested in the outcome and feared its effect on the sensitive Furtwängler who was indispensable to the State Opera. He therefore immediately informed Goering, who was always ready to listen to him, and Goering, most likely delighting to spoil Goebbels’ game, went to see Hitler. God knows what he told him, but the Führer is said to have given Dr. Funk, under whose control the Philharmonic affairs were at that period, the order to stop the action against me. Thus, I was given a breathing space—but not for long.
The short time we spent in Germany passed very quickly. There were a number of opera performances, lots of work and lots of trouble. My case was brought up again. Again Furtwängler battled with all the ministers and with Hitler. Once more things were settled for the moment, and without any obstacles I proceeded to Paris where, as usual, the Summer Wagner Festivals (Meistersinger and Tristan) were to take place under Furtwängler’s direction.
German “Aryan” artists were still free to appear in foreign countries. Gradually, however, limitations were imposed. Soon the Reichsmusikkammer had to receive notice of and sanction every engagement abroad. By granting exit permits in one case and refusing them in another the Nazis could launch their own people and suppress the work of others. Control of performances abroad soon followed and German opera singers, entirely dependent on the German stage for engagements, grew shy of commitments abroad at which Jews and other Untragbare took part. Many of them were afraid to go to places like Salzburg, where before the Anschluss Toscanini and Bruno Walter conducted.
Nazi Germany began to exert pressure on everything within its reach. Italy was the most fruitful ground for these machinations; but wherever possible, in Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland this same influence was exerted. Immediately after the Anschluss in 1938, the Italian Government was coerced into canceling agreements with Bruno Walter and Lothar Wallerstein, the former stage director of the Vienna State Opera, now at the Metropolitan, New York, who had been engaged for the Maggio Musicale in Florence. Even “Aryan” Charles Ebert, the excellent producer, who had left Germany immediately after Hitler’s advent, and who has done so much to further Glyndebourne, was informed that his services, previously so coveted, were no longer required in Italy.
The Nazi Stage Agency under the authority of the Ministry of Propaganda controlled all foreign engagements within their reach. If this department decided to place a singer on a foreign stage he was compelled to accept part of his fee in foreign exchange and the remainder in German marks, which the Germans themselves supplied. Thus his price in the foreign market was lowered. All opera houses naturally welcomed an easing of their finances, and so Nazi Germany was able to worm its way into many important events on the foreign stage.
Not all foreign institutions, however, were party to this practice of making bargains with the Nazi “art” organizations. Neither the Paris Opera nor Covent Garden agreed to their maneuvers. Sir Thomas Beecham, whose sole object was to find the best singers for his international opera seasons, engaged his cast to suit himself. He had no time for other considerations. If everyone in control of opera had acted likewise, the Nazis could never have pushed their policy so far, and the interests of music would have been safeguarded.
Rarely, if ever, was art for art’s sake the primary consideration of the Nazi cultural policy. Not even then were they capable of disregarding the demands of their Weltanschauung. And as they gave their ideas of the world a wider and wider application, the “brown network” of Nazi organizations gradually spread farther and farther like a malignant growth until it covered even the most remote and insignificant activity.
From Paris I went to London on business and went to Covent Garden for the first time. My future chief, Sir Thomas Beecham, the soul of the famous opera house, and a living dynamo, was in the midst of his opera season. He invited me to a rehearsal and took me to luncheon at Boulestin’s. He inquired solicitously how we were faring under Nazi rule - but since his questions were a combination of malice and wit, they did not evoke the fundamental despair that had overcome me during the similar conversation with Barthou. Sir Thomas repeated what he had already said to me in Berlin, “If you ever have any trouble with Hitler, come to me.” Perhaps he did not mean it altogether seriously, but how comforting it was! He suggested that Furtwängler conduct several German operas in Covent Garden in the summer of 1935, and so I went home, well loaded with new plans.
Sir Thomas Beecham - Handel : Musette & Minuet (1934)
The Gods go begging - Musette
Origin of Design, Suite de Ballet - Minuet
London Philharmonic Orchestra