

英日対訳:ベルタ・ガイスマーTwo Worlds of Music(1946) 第13章(1933) バイオリン奏者からの魂の手紙

Two Worlds of Music 

Date of first publication:_ 1946 

Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949) 



初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー 


Creative Age Press, Inc. 











Even in the early days of Nazidom the falsification of values was already evident. “Right” and “wrong,” “good” and “bad” had lost their meaning. 




If only the outside world had taken a firmer attitude from the beginning, things might not have come to such a pass, and the surprisingly few courageous men in Germany who openly disagreed with the Nazis might have been better supported in their effort to stem the tide. Germany was still very dependent on foreign opinion, and everything connected with foreign countries was at first handled gingerly by the Government, not because of timidity, but as part of the whole political maneuver, a tactful camouflage for relentlessness. 




Though Furtwängler was desperately disturbed by the course things were taking, he still did not think it irreparable. Furtwängler sometimes returned quite hopeful from his numerous interviews with Goebbels, Hitler, and lesser authorities, in which he tried to explain the fatal consequences of racial and party policies on Germany’s cultural life. He underrated the tenacity and ruthlessness of the Nazis. He did not realize that they only pretended to agree with him to keep him quiet, and that they put him off with empty promises while in fact they did only what they wanted. Because he was treated and listened to with respect, he imagined that he had authority, and continued to adhere to his belief that all could be righted and that musical life would, after all, be able to function free from the “Aryan clause.” 




Many prominent musicians had fallen prey to the first “purifying” waves set in motion by the Nazis. No “law” in this connection had yet been passed, but there was hardly a concert institute or opera house that had not given “indefinite leave” to a conductor, director, or manager. Others had simply retired of their own accord. The same thing applied to the universities and all similar institutions. While a great number of people disappeared from public life, others profited by the vacancies. Corruption flourished, and actions against prominent people of Jewish descent sprang up like mushrooms. New “stars,” hitherto allegedly “suppressed” by the Jews, appeared. Soloists, composers, conductors, and teachers, who by pre-Hitler standards had not been considered worthy of public notice, now rose in the glory of their Party membership and demanded their due. One day, for instance, it was intimated to Furtwängler that the Minister of Propaganda would like to see a certain musical work performed. It was a work that Furtwängler had declined to accept many years before. The composer was one of those nonentities who exist in all aspects of life: now his opus reappeared, dedicated to Goebbels, and the composer revealed himself as a full-fledged member of the Party. In spite of this, however, the work remained banned from Furtwängler’s programs. 




Gradually the outside world became aware of what was going on, and raised its voice in protest. Prominent artists such as Bodanzky, Gabrilowitsch, Kreisler, and others sent a joint telegram to Hitler supporting their colleagues. Toscanini canceled his participation in the Bayreuth Festival. The fact that Hitler wrote a personal letter to him urging him to revoke his decision offended many Germans, because while Hitler was courting the Italian anti-Fascist, he was expelling many men of worth from Germany. 




Personal interest in music and musicians has always been deep and strong in Germany and Austria. It was an essential part of life. No wonder that in all sections of the public there was a growing unrest, much of which surged up to Furtwängler. He still clung to the belief that the upheaval in the musical life of Germany could not go on indefinitely, and felt it to be his sacred mission to use his prominent position to fight for the return to normal conditions. With special care, therefore, he attended to his program for the 1934 season. 




Preparations for the Berlin Philharmonic concerts always began a year ahead. Nobody was ever allowed to book the Philharmonie before the ten Sundays and Mondays for the Philharmonic general rehearsals and concerts had been fixed. Then invitations were issued to the soloists. The same procedure was followed in 1933. Everybody was fully aware that the choice of the soloists for the Berlin Philharmonic concerts in the first season under the Nazi régime would be a test case. Furtwängler, naturally, always chose his soloists to suit his programs, and was determined to keep these famous concerts free from interference. 




In addition, he felt sure that if the great international “non-Aryan” artists played in Berlin, the provinces, like the Leipzig Gewandhaus and others, would be supported in their endeavors to uphold the tradition. He was also convinced that once prominent “non-Aryan” artists appeared again, the lesser ones would also have a chance to survive the crisis. 




After an understanding and moderate authority closely connected with the Reich Chancellery had agreed to his suggestions, Furtwängler personally wrote his invitations to Casals, Cortot, Josef Hofmann, Huberman, Kreisler, Menuhin, Piatigorsky (former principal cello of the orchestra), Thibaud, and Arthur Schnabel. The replies he received from these great artists were not only highly interesting, but also profoundly moving. Menuhin, then still a minor, immediately refused by cable and his father explained this refusal in a long letter. Kreisler, Piatigorsky, and Thibaud also declined. Casals, a man of heroic character, wrote a letter of great dignity full of strong, personal friendship and understanding for the desperate struggle in which Furtwängler was engaged. But he said that he would not enter Germany until its musical life was normal again. Cortot refused on the spur of the moment, but later changed his mind and accepted. 




In his invitations Furtwängler argued that art and politics were separate things, but in their replies, the soloists unanimously stressed the point that in spite of Furtwängler’s personal efforts, politics had intruded into German musical life, and all of them—“Aryans” and others—refused to accept privileges solely on account of their prominence. They would not play in Germany as long as equal rights were not accorded to everyone. 




They doubted that Furtwängler could win his battle. They were right. 




Furtwängler had been particularly insistent in his correspondence with Bronislaw Huberman, whom he had known through many years of mutual work in Berlin and in Vienna. Huberman was extremely popular in Berlin and was one of the few whose recitals could fill the Philharmonie several times in a season. However, he flatly refused to return to Germany. Furtwängler wrote him again a detailed, friendly letter asking him to consider their correspondence and exchange of viewpoints as purely private. In his opinion, he added, the mission of art was to bridge all gulfs; he wished Huberman could see his way to help him to make a start toward that end. 




Furtwängler had written Huberman in a strong and sincere conviction. Fighting a brave and lonely battle, he fervently hoped that with the help of those who shared his feeling, he might overcome the unnatural measures threatening to strangle Germany’s artistic life. In all their measures the Nazis always referred to the “Voice of the People,” and he was sure that the people would warmly welcome the artists whom they had applauded for many years. He hoped that the great soloists with whom he was linked by so many unforgettable memories would help him to convince the new régime of what the people really wanted. What he did not realize was that the new régime did not want to be convinced. 




Huberman replied to Furtwängler and simultaneously gave his reply to the press. This reply has a message for the whole civilized world and deserves to be quoted fully. Huberman, like Furtwängler, wrote with passionate conviction: 



318                                                             Vienna,                                                 August 31, 1933 

Dear friend, 

Permit me first of all to express my admiration for the    fearlessness, determination, tenacity, and sense of    responsibility with which you have conducted your campaign begun in April for rescuing the concert stage from threatening destruction by racial “purifiers.” 







When I place your action—the only one, by the way, that has led to a positive result in the Germany of today—alongside that of Toscanini, Paderewski, and the Busch brothers, all of which sprang from the same feeling of solidarity and concern for the continuation of our culture, I am seized with a feeling of pride that I, too, may call myself a musician. 




Precisely these models of a high sense of duty, however, must prevent all our colleagues from accepting any compromise that might endanger the final goal. 




Although the Government’s declarations, which owe their origin to you, may represent the maximum of what may presently be attained, yet, unfortunately, I cannot accept them as sufficient for my re-participation in German concert life. My attitude is based on the following fundamental objective human and ethical considerations: 




The Government deems it necessary to emphasise the selective principle of highest achievement as the decisive one for music, as for every other form of art. This underscoring of something that ought to be self-evident would be meaningless if it did not imply a determination to apply the principle of selection on a racial basis—a principle that it is impossible to understand—to all other realms of culture. 




Moreover, there is a wide gap between the announcement of the principle of achievement arbitrarily limited to art and its practical application—a gap that simply cannot be bridged. For included in the general concept of the advancement of art are, first and foremost, the institutions of learning and art collections. 




As far as the special realm of the furtherance of the art of    music is concerned, municipal and State Opera houses are an essential factor; yet no case has come to my attention of the intended reinstatement of those museum directors, orchestra conductors, and music teachers who were dismissed on account of their Jewish origin, their different political views, or even their lack of interest in politics. 




In other words, the intention of “re-establishing the principle of achievement in art” by no means embraces art in general, or even the entire field of music. Merely the relatively narrow and special field of the concert or recital is to be restored to the free competition of those “real artists” who are to fill the concert hall. 




And as every concert of importance is connected with extensive international publicity, while the research specialist or teacher can only on rare occasions appear before the public with the results of his work, it is quite conceivable that the few foreign or Jewish artists who have been asked to assist at such concerts might be used as arguments that everything is well culturally in Germany. 




In reality, German thoroughness would continue to find ever-new definitions for racial purity and apply them to the still immature student of art in the schools, laboratories, and so forth. 




I am confident, of course, that you, honoured friend, would regret such a result quite as much as would the majority of German concert-goers. 




There is, however, also a human-ethical side to the problem. I should like a definite rendering of music as a sort of artistic projection of the best and most valuable in man. 




Can you expect this process of sublimation, which presupposes complete abandonment of one’s self to one’s art, of the musician who feels his human dignity trodden upon and who is officially degraded to the rank of a pariah? Can you expect it of the musician to whom the guardians of German culture deny, because of his race, the ability to understand “pure German music”? 




At the same time they deliberately keep silent, on the one hand, concerning the half-Jewish origin of Richard Wagner, which has now been proved beyond peradventure of doubt, and on the other hand, concerning the historic rôle played by Mendelssohn, Anton Rubinstein, Hermann Levi, Joseph Joachim, and so forth. 




You try to convince me by writing, “Someone must make a beginning to break down the wall that keeps us apart.” Yes, if it were only a wall in the concert hall! But the question of more or less than authoritative interpretation of a violin concerto is but one of numerous aspects—and, God knows, not the most important one—behind which the real problem is hidden. 




In reality it is not a question of violin concertos nor even merely of the Jews; the issue is the retention of those things that our fathers achieved by blood and sacrifice, of the elementary pre-conditions of our European culture, the freedom of personality and its unconditional self-responsibility unhampered by fetters of caste or race. 




Whether these achievements shall again be recognised depends not upon the readiness of the individual who is “the first to break through the wall that separates,” but, as in the past, upon the urge of the conscience of artists collectively, which, once aroused, will crash through sources of resistance with the impulse of a force of nature, breaking them as it would a paper wall. 




I cannot close this letter without expressing to you my deep regret at the conditions that have resulted in my being separated for the moment from Germany. I am especially grieved and pained in my relationship as a friend of my German friends and as an interpreter of German music who very much misses the echo awakened in his German hearers. And nothing could make me happier than to observe a change also outside the realm of concert life which would liberate me from the compulsion of conscience, striking at my very heartstrings, to renounce Germany. With warm greetings, Sincerely yours. 






Huberman did not give up the struggle at this point, as is shown in the following letter to the Manchester Guardian, published on March 7, 1936, on the Nuremberg legislation and the destruction of intellectual freedom: 





—I shall be glad if you will print the following “open letter” which I have addressed to the German intellectuals: 





Since the publication of the ordinances regulating the application of the Nuremberg legislation—this document of barbarism—I have been waiting to hear from you one word of consternation or to observe one act of liberation. Some few of you at least, certainly must have some comment to make upon what has happened, if your avowals of the past are to endure. But I have been waiting in vain. In the face of this silence I must no longer stand mute. It is two and a half years since my exchange of correspondence with Dr. Wilhelm Furtwängler, one of the most representative leaders of spiritual Germany. It will be recalled that Dr. Furtwängler endeavoured to prevent me from publishing my refusal of his invitation to play with his orchestra in Germany. His astonishing argument was that such a publication would close Germany to me for many years, and perhaps forever. My answer on August 31, 1933, stated among other things: 




“. . . In spite of this I would perhaps have hesitated with this publication if the chasm between Germany and the cultural world had not been rendered even more impassable by recent events. Nothing discloses more dreadfully the brutalization of large sections of the German population than the threats which have been published for weeks in the newspapers that German girls will be placed in the pillory if found in the company of Jews at coffee-houses or on excursions, or if they carry on love affairs with them. This kind of baiting could not fail to result in such bestialities of the darkest Middle Ages as described in The Times.” 




The description referred to was in the London Times of August 23, 1933, and told the story of a gentle Aryan girl who in punishment of her alleged commerce with a Jew was dragged in a pillory through the principal streets of Nuremberg amid the howls of the mob. As a consequence she suffered a stroke of insanity and was put in the asylum of Erlangen. 




Dr. Furtwängler was profoundly revolted not only at the Nuremberg incidents, which he assured me he and all “real Germans” condemned as indignantly as I, but also against me because of my reference to the brutalization of large sections of the German population. He felt himself compelled to regard this as a “monstrous generalization which had nothing to do with reality.” 




In the meantime two and a half years have passed. Countless people have been thrown into gaols and concentration camps, exiled, killed, and driven to suicide. Catholic and Protestant ministers, Jews, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, army generals became the victims of a like fate. I am not familiar with Dr. Furtwängler’s attitude to these happenings, but he expressed clearly enough his own opinion of all “real Germans” concerning the shamefulness of the so-called race-ravishing pillories; and I have not the slightest doubt of the genuineness of his consternation, and believe firmly that many, perhaps the majority of Germans, share his feelings. 




Well then, what have you, the “real Germans,” done to rid conscience and Germany and humanity of this ignominy since these make-believe Germans, born in the Argentine, in Bohemia, in Egypt, and in Latvia, have changed my alleged “monstrous generalization” to legal reality? Where are the German Zolas, Clemenceaus, Painlevés, Picquarts, in this monster Dreyfus case against an entire defenceless minority; where are the Masaryks in this super-dimensional Polna case? Where has the voice of blood, if not the voice of justice and common sense, been raised against the even more inhuman persecution of those born of mixed marriages between Aryans and Jews, and of pure Aryans who have the misfortune to be the spouses of Jews? 




Before the whole world I accuse you, German intellectuals, you non-Nazis, as those truly guilty of all these Nazi crimes, all this lamentable breakdown of a great people—a destruction which shames the whole white race. It is not the first time in history that the gutter has reached out for power, but it remained for the German intellectuals to assist the gutter to achieve success. It is a horrifying drama which an astonished world is invited to witness; German spiritual leaders with world citizenship who until but yesterday represented German conscience and German genius, men called to lead their nation by their precept and example, seemed incapable from the beginning of any other reaction to this assault upon the most sacred possessions of mankind than to coquet, cooperate, and condone. And when, to cap it all, demagogical usurpation and ignorance rob them of their innermost conceptions from their own spiritual workshop, in order thereby to disguise the embodiment of terror, cowardice, immorality, falsification of history in a mantle of freedom, heroism, ethics, German intellectuals reach the pinnacle of their treachery: they bow down and remain silent. 




Must, then, the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church in Germany battle alone in their truly heroic struggle for Germany’s honour, tradition, and future? 




Germany, you people of poets and thinkers, the whole world—not only the world of your enemies, but the world of your friends—waits in amazed anxiety for your word of liberation. Yours, etc.—BRONISLAW HUBERMAN. 






recorded in 1933 on Columbia LB 8. 

Note that Vladimir Horowitz followed to perform this particular Waltz opus of Chopin in many of his own recitals in his own Jewry. 

Bronisław Huberman plays Frédéric François Chopin Waltz C Sharp Minor, Opus 64 no.2 (1933, Columbia)