Two Worlds of Music
Date of first publication:_ 1946
Author:_ Berta Geissmar (1892-1949)
初版:1946年 著者:ベルタ・ガイスマー
Creative Age Press, Inc.
The next few days passed in a nightmare. Furtwängler’s resignation was published by the government on December 5, 1934. That night, Erich Kleiber, first conductor of the Berlin State Opera, rang me up to read his own letter of resignation which he had just placed on Tietjen’s desk. He declared that since Hitler had let Furtwängler go for purely political reasons, he would no longer retain his post either.
Great confusion reigned around us. The subscribers to the Philharmonic concerts stormed the office demanding their money back. Subscription tickets to the value of about 180,000 RM ($70,000.00) were returned the day after Furtwängler’s resignation. The Ministry of Propaganda at first decided that the money was not to be refunded, but legal counsel ruled that since the tickets bore Furtwängler’s name, the purchasers should be reimbursed.
Meanwhile, Furtwängler’s courageous resignation had made a world sensation. Offers from all over the world were showered on him, from the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera, and others. Alma Mahler, widow of the Vienna State Opera’s most famous director, strongly supported that institution’s invitation, and telephoned me in Berlin at midnight urging me to persuade Furtwängler to accept it. His flat overflowed with flowers sent from all parts of Germany, with piles of telegrams, and all sorts of letters. The wife of a prominent diplomat sent roses with the message, “Long live liberty!”
Furtwängler wanted neither offers nor flowers. All he wanted was to be left alone and to be away from it all. He telegraphed to English friends, who for many years had invited him to come to Egypt, and proposed to visit them.
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra was desperate, and resolved to exert further effort. Nothing was heard from the State Opera. Clemens Krauss, who had been hanging about in Berlin, was immediately engaged to replace Furtwängler as director of the opera. This, we were informed, was by Hitler’s special request.
Furtwängler thought innocently that his resignation would end the controversy. He intended to divide his future activities between Austria and America, and made no secret of his plans. The Nazis, however, had their ears to the ground, and we soon learned that the German frontier was closed to Furtwängler, Kleiber, and myself.
Kleiber was Austrian, and for him the ban later had to be lifted.
In retrospect, errors of judgment seem incomprehensible. Furtwängler and I obviously should have left Berlin separately immediately after his resignation. That would have avoided undue official attention, and we might have been unmolested. As it was, we both remained in Berlin. I had been “allowed” to wind up Furtwängler’s office unhampered. The sifting of correspondence and files accumulated during twenty years required time and consultation on which I spent much time with Furtwängler in his flat. Instead of listening to friends who advised us to leave Germany as quickly as possible, we took our daily walk in the Tiergarten. Of course, we were both constantly shadowed although, at the time, we were fools enough not to realize it. The porter of Furtwängler’s house later told me that he had been ordered to keep his eyes on all visitors.
[Illustration: WILHELM FURTWÄNGLER rehearsing the _Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra_.]
(写真:ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ベルリン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団のリハーサル風景)
On December 6th, the anniversary of the foundation of the Reichskulturkammer was celebrated, and Goebbels delivered the oration which was broadcast. He referred to the Furtwängler affair, and shamelessly attacked Hindemith and, indirectly, Furtwängler, without mentioning names. Finally, he read a congratulatory telegram from Richard Strauss, in Holland. By implication Strauss supported Goebbels’ policy. Later on, Strauss disclaimed all knowledge of the telegram. It appeared that his son had sent it on his own responsibility, presumably with the text prescribed by the Ministry of Information.
I listened to the broadcast while sorting papers in my office, seething with indignation. I could no longer bear even to wind up Furtwängler’s affairs in an office under the authority of such people. So during the night I took all the documents and papers up to the private flat I shared with my mother on the second floor in the same building as the office, and left a note asking my secretary, who was allowed to work with me until January 1st, to come up in the morning.
Such was my exit from the office of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, until sixteen months later I crossed its threshold again as a manager of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and general secretary to Sir Thomas Beecham!
Meanwhile the Nazis were by no means inactive. Since they had definitely lost Furtwängler, they no longer had any reason to handle me with kid gloves. Their main idea at the time was to prevent Furtwängler at all costs from continuing to use me as a business connection.
All sorts of changes were made in the Philharmonic office. Collaborators of Furtwängler were immediately dismissed. The Italian radio, incidentally, broadcast a full report of the whole matter and of the changes in the Philharmonic management.
The immense public demand for such a great and popular figure as Furtwängler could not, however, be overlooked by the Nazis, and the pressure of public opinion had a sobering effect on the authorities. The public gave them no respite, and started a campaign against the government. Even the Nazis became worried over the affair, although for other reasons. They maintained that, but for me, Furtwängler would have acted differently. I was the cause of the whole trouble! — of the loss of prestige to Germany! − of the despair of the orchestra!
Furtwängler and I gradually became aware of how the wind was blowing, and we decided at last that the time had come to part. He engaged a new secretary who, as a “pure Aryan,” could represent him before the official world. For the rest, he assumed that where necessary I would assist him in the background. I agreed to everything that could help this harassed man—my oldest friend, beloved chief of so many years’ standing. After all, what else mattered now?
As it happened, Furtwängler had accepted no commitments from December until April other than his engagements at the Berlin State Opera and with the Berlin Philharmonic, which were now canceled. He had to be in Vienna only towards the middle of the following April, so it was possible for him to have a complete rest during the next few months.
The orchestra had asked Furtwängler, as a favor, to conduct the English tour arranged for January 1935, but it was out of the question. The Ministry of Propaganda, in blissful ignorance of the feeling of the musical world, decreed that the tour was to take place in any case; they wanted to prove that it could be carried out without Furtwängler. In this, however, they were mistaken. Our English agent, Mr. Harold Holt, did not seem willing to accept a substitute for the great conductor who was so well known to the English public. Sir Thomas Beecham flatly refused an invitation to conduct the Berlin Orchestra on its English tour in place of Furtwängler. The Nazis, who considered me to blame for everything that happened abroad concerning Furtwängler, immediately declared that Sir Thomas’s refusal was due to my influence, and I received a bullying letter from the Nazi business manager of the orchestra, in which he threatened to take steps to protect the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra from my sabotage. How fantastic to suggest that I, of all people, should want to damage the orchestra! I should have realized before that the Nazis would attribute their own mentality to others. I could not leave it at that, however. I therefore went to the Wilhelmstrasse declaring that I would not submit to such calumny, and would ask Sir Eric Phipps, the British Ambassador, to inform Sir Thomas of the accusation. Sir Thomas would surely back me up. This was most awkward for the Foreign Office, and I was given to understand that I had better abstain from my intention. What did my honor matter to them! When, much later, I told the story to Sir Thomas, he asked me in surprise, “Did anybody seriously imagine that I would have taken the place of a colleague under such circumstances?” The tour to England had to be dropped.
There was nothing to prevent Furtwängler from having a real holiday, and so he prepared for his departure to Egypt. To all attempts to reopen negotiations with the authorities he turned a deaf ear. He spent much of his time with me.
Suddenly one afternoon two Nazis appeared in my flat, declaring that if I did not leave Berlin immediately without informing Furtwängler, I would be arrested. This time I had no choice. It was icy cold. A frost after a fog had made the streets almost impassable. But delay was out of the question, and under cover of night I left in a friend’s car for Leipzig. There I caught the express to Munich, where I had relatives and friends.
Furtwängler, of course, was highly indignant at my forced departure, and asked me to return, and so after a week in Munich, spent in a dull stupor, I took the risk and went back to Berlin.
I arrived on December 19th. Furtwängler was to leave for Egypt on the 24th. During the few days left to us we hoped to clear up everything, and on the evening of the 23rd we met to discuss final arrangements. It was late. Suddenly the telephone rang and a high Government official asked Furtwängler to see him immediately. Furtwängler explained that that was impossible — he was leaving for Egypt early the next morning. But the gentleman insisted, and when Furtwängler would not give in, revealed that he had a message from the Führer. Furtwängler had, of course, to go out to see him. Full of apprehension, I said, “I am convinced that they won’t let you leave Germany.”
For hours I waited in suspense. Late at night Furtwängler returned. I was right. The Führer had asked him to wait “a little” before taking his journey, until the excitement of his resignation had somewhat abated. He thought that it would not be desirable for Furtwängler to be made the object of demonstrations abroad. Furtwängler had consented to the delay, and gained the impression that there would be no objection to his departure about a fortnight later. His passport, contrary to all rumors, had not been detained. Nevertheless, he was not able to leave as he had hoped and expected. It was to be a long time before he was free to move again at will.
I had counted on his departure on December 24th. Until then I was prepared to stand the strain that had now lasted for so many months. Any prolongation would have been utterly unbearable. I begged Furtwängler to leave Berlin, to go away—to the mountains, to the country, anywhere — as long as it were away from Berlin, and away from myself. He understood, and left on Christmas day.
The day after Christmas an official from the Gestapo came and confiscated my passport.
The old battle was at an end. A new battle had begun.
• Schubert: Symphony No. 5 B-Dur, D.458
Berliner Philharmoniker, Clemens Krauss
Recorded in Berlin, 24 November 1944
• Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 e-moll op. 64 (incomplete)
Berliner Philharmoniker, Clemens Krauss
Recorded in Berlin, 3 October 1939
• Strauss: Drei Lieder
Viorica Ursuleac, Soprano
Clemens Krauss, piano
Recorded June 1940